Discharge - Deed Book A Page 23
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The barrer Frances Booby a St Domingo Creole during the campaign below New Orleans 1815 belonged to Doques Batalion men of Colour, behaved himself well obtained an honorable discharge and deserves good treatment from all honest people. These are therefore to make known who Francis Booby is so that he may be treated well and protected by all good men so long as he continues to demean himself honestly~
Given under my hand at Millow Bluff this 6 day of October 1817.
Andrew Jackson Major
General Com D of the South
Territory of Missouri
County of St Louis
I Archibald Gamble clerk of the circuit court for said county do certify that the within certificate given by Gen’l Jackson is duly recorded in my office Oct 1st 1819. Given under my hand.
Archibald Gamble
State of Kentucky
Hickman County
I Benjamin Barmer clerk of the county court of the county aforesaid de certify that the within certificates are truly recorded in my office, Given under my hand 15th day of September 1823.
Ben Barmer CHCC