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KYGREENU: Greenup County Discussion List

Rootsweb has setup a discussion list for Greenup County, KY History and Genealogy.

There are two versions of the discussion list available.
Mail Mode -
You receive each posting to the list as a separate email message

Digest Mode -
You receive several postings at one time in the form of a large letter
Follow the steps below for joining the list.
  1. Send email to one of the addresses listed above
  2. Leave the Subject field blank*
  3. In the Body of the message enter:


  4. Send the message

*AOL users should place a . (period) in the subject line to subscribe to the list.

After joining the discussion list a confirmation message will be sent to your email account with instructions for interacting with the list.

If you would like to leave the Greenup County Discussion List, follow the steps above, replacing the word subscribe with unsubscribe.


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