Army of the United States

Certificate of Disability for Discharge

Contributed by Shirley A Tallackson

James Franklin Williamson, a Private of Captain Thornton K Hackleys Company G of the First

Regiment of United States Cavalry KY Volunteers was enlisted by Col. Frank Wolford of the First Regiment of KY Cavalry at Camp Robinson on the 17th day of October 1861 to serve three years; he was born in Jefferson Co. in  the State of Indiana is 22 years of age, 5 ft. 9 ins. high, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair and by occupation when enlisted a Farmer.  During the last two months soldier has been unfit for duty 25 days.  He has received a gun shot wound of the leg involving the knee joint so as to render the whole limb useless.  The wound was caused by an accidental shot while in discharge of his duties June 5, 1862.  Station:  Camp Pulaski, Tenn.  Discharged to return to home in Bryantsville, KY on October 10, 1862.  Signed, A. Strothotte, Surgeon of Post Hospital.