Fain, Mary E.
Mrs. Mary E. Fain, wife of William Fain, died at her home last Saturday morning after an illness of several month, from paralysis and other complications. Her friends and relatives will learn of her death with much regret. She is survived by her husband and several children. Deceased was a member of the Christian church, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. F. N. Tinder at the Buckeye church last Monday afternoon.
Fain, Wesley
“Child killed by a tree”
Wesley, the five-year-old son of Walter M. Fain, of the Stone neighborhood, Garrard county, was suddenly killed Monday morning by a tree which blew over on him.
The Leader, May 8, 1911
Floyd, Dora Burton
Mrs. Tom Floyd who has been a great sufferer for some time from a growth on the leg which puzzled a number of physicians died at her home here Thursday night (Dec. 6, 1917). Mrs. Floyd was Miss Dora Burton. She was twice married; first to Mr. Mosie Masters. She leaves a husband and seven children, mother and a number of brothers and sisters. The deceased left a beautiful testimony of faith for her redemption thru Christ so the bereaved ones can look thru their tears to a hope of a land where there will no suffering and sorrow and prepare to meet their beloved in that Land.
Ford, Stella E.
Mrs. Stella E. Ford, wife of Judge Ford, died at her home in Lancaster Wednesday.
The Leader, August 1, 1907
Fowler, Ada
Adie, the little infant of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Fowle, died of croup last Friday morning. The remains were interred in Gunn’s Chapel Cemetery.
The Central Record, September 14, 1899