Pensioners of the American Revolution in Fleming County Kentucky in 1840

A special census, taken in 1840 listed surviving spouses, who were pensioners as a result of their husbands service during the Revolutionary War, and those surviving veterans pensioners.  The Fleming County list is show below.  The complete pension record of these and any other Revolutionary War veteran, who received a pension may be obtained on microfilm from the National Archives Microfilm Rental Program.  You must know the series and the roll number of the person in whom you are interested.  An index of the pension and bounty land grant files in available online at the National Archives Website.  You have to go through a few links, but you can find the exact roll that you need, on their alphabetized listing. You can then go to the Microfilm Rental Site and print out the order form for the microfilm roll or rolls.  It costs about $4.00 for one roll, and you can use it for a month.  They are liberal with the month, they usually allow for shipping and give you 5 or 6 weeks, but if you don't return it on time they enforce the penalty. You do not have to join their club or buy the index books.  Just know that only the Censuses and the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Grant rolls are available for rental.

1840 Special Census Fleming County

Name of pensioner/Age/Name of head of household where residing

First Division

Burtis Ringo/78/Burtis Ringo

Daniel Ferhune/81/Daniel Ferhune

Zaccheus Cord/64/Zaccheus Cord

Elizabeth Madden/87/Jeremiah Madden


Second Division

Samuel Blackburn/80/Samuel Blackburn

Peter Mauzy/80/Peter Mauzy

Redman Smith/80/Hugh Drennan


Third Division

John McKee/88/John McKee

William Proctor/82/William Proctor

Jesse Davis/76/Matthew Lee

Moses Clark/76/Moses Clark

John Frazure/78/John Frazure

William Davis/83/John Swer

Aley Humphreys/86/Harrison Huphreys

John Page/78/John Page

Patrick McCann/80/Ptrick McCann

Joseph Goddard/79/Joseph Goddard