Fleming County Newspapers
Fleming Shopper
P.O. Box 424
Flemingsburg KY 41041
Phone/Fax: (606) 845-0771
Flemingsburg Gazette
151 E Water St
P.O. Box 32
Flemingsburg KY 41041
Phone: (606) 845-9211
Fax: (606) 845-3299
The Messenger
127 Court Square
Flemingsburg KY 41041
Phone/Fax: (606) 845-8610
...and Kentucky Historical Magazines
Kentucky Explorer
Charles Hayes, Jr
P.O. Box 227
1248 Highway 15-N
Jackson, KY 41339
(606) 666-5060
Subscription is $17 per year (10 issues).
Bluegrass Roots
Quarterly of the Kentucky Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 153, Frankfort, KY 40602
$15 per year
Kentucky Ancestors
Quarterly of the Kentucky Historical Society
P.O. Box 1792, Frankfort, KY 40602-2108
Write for subscription information.
Kentucky Ancestry : A Guide
to Genealogical and Historical Research
by Roseann
Reinemuth Hogan Ph.D.
A must for serious or
beginning KY genealogists.
Published by Salt Lake City, UT : Ancestry, c1992.
Call 1-800-262-3787 to order from Ancestry
Or Order