Roll of the Field And Staff Officers of the Third Regiment Kentucky Foot Volunteers Mexican War
Manlius V. Thompson Colonel
Thos. L. Crittenden Lieut Col.
**John C. Breckenridge Major
Ben. F. Bradley Adjutant
Enos H. Henry 1st Lieut, R. Q. M.
John A. Logan 1st Lieut, R. Com.
William Cromwell Asst. Surgeon
John T. Simmeral Sergeant Major
James Neal Qr. M. Sergt
Thos B. Martin Prinl Musician
Otho P. Simms Prinl Musician
** Later would be elected the youngest Vice President of the United States and become General John C. Breckenridge of Civil War fame.
All were mustered in on October 4, 1847 at Louisville, Ky & unless noted were mustered our 21 Jul 1848 at Louisville, Ky.
This company was organized by Captain L. M. Cox at Flemingsburg, in September 1847 & marched thence to Louisville, Ky. where it arrived on the 3rd of October, a distance of one hundred and thirty five miles.
Leander M. Cox Captain
William T. Walker 1st Lieut, resigned June 3, 1848
Walter J. Lacy 1st Lieut, promoted from 2nd Lieut when Walker resigned, promoted from private 12 Jan 1848
John M. Heddleson 2nd Lieut, resigned 12 Jan 1848
Marshall L. Hone 2nd Lieut
Daniel Runyon 2nd Lieut, promoted from private, 26 Jun 1848
James L. Crain 1st. Sgt
Elias Markswell Sgt
Samuel Sweet Sgt
Alexander R. Andrews Sgt, promoted from private, 10 Jan 1848
John F. Jones Corp
John Wood Corp
Simon P. Carpenter Corp
John M. Evans Corp
Frank C. Morh Musician
Milton Goodwin Musician
All the following are privates unless noted
Henry B. Asberry
Ambrose P. Alexander
James W. Atchison
William Beckner
William Bridges
Robert W. Bradley
Edward Barnaby
John B. Bullion
Alexander Byers
William P. Clary
Alfred Clary
Edmund Cary
Thomas Cole
Moses Coleman
Joseph S. Clark
James Cary
William A. Craine
William P. Cox
John Crinzer
Hiram P. Crair
Samuel Davis
Darius Dixon
John Donaldson
William Donaldson
William Fowler
Jefferson Fondry
Joshua Foster
Samuel Gorman
Andrew Glass
Wallace Gale
Alfred Graham
Henry Helvertine
Joseph W. Henderson
Rolan T. Hedrick
James Hedrick
Barnabas Hayden
Samuel Hawes
Thomas Harper
William Jones
Ferdinand Kirkham
William Kelly
Hezekiah Linthicum
Robert G. Lewis
Elijah Mahan
Robert W. Morrison
James McCracken
George W. McIntyre
James Nealis
James L. Nealis
William Obannon
Parker W. Prater
Robert Ringo
William M. Ringo
Thomas L. Ringo
James D. Ringo
Jackson Roe
John Ricketts
Nicholas Sutton
Hoblay Stockton
William Sullivan
Richard Schenck
John W. Schenck
James D. Taylor
Greenberry Traylor
John P. Umstedholt
Mordecai Wells
Joseph M. Williams
William E. Welch
Eli. C. Wilson
Dillard Zimmerman
DISCHARGED all on surgeons certificate of disability
John Balbs? at Vera Cruz, 25 Nov 1847
William O. Piper at Pueblo, 12 Dec 1847
George W, Markewell at City of Mexico, 15 Jan 1847 (NOTE: this should be 1848)
Wilson T. Kirk at Vera Cruz, 3 Jan 1848
John T. Farris at Vera Cruz, 10 Jan 1848
John B. Rock Sgt Vera Cruz, 10 Jan 1848
John D. Combs at New Orleans, 17 Jan 1848
John T. Sumerall - private transferred to Staff & promoted to Sgt Major Nov. 11, 1848 (?1847)
St. Clair Emmons at Jalapa 10 Dec 1847
Henry B. Dudley at Jalapa 12 Dec 1847 - musician
Thomas Beatman at Jalapa 12 Dec 1847
Alvin Markwell at Pueblo 12 Dec 1847
John Goddard at Pueblo 13 Dec 1847
Washington Fondray at Pueblo 13 Dec 1847
John Bradley at Pueblo 14 Dec 1847
George Main at Pueblo 25 Dec 1847
Alfred Cline at Pueblo 28 Dec 1847
Silas Morgan at City of Mexico 24 Dec 1847
John Lawson at City of Mexico 27 Jan 1848
John T. Gross at Pueblo 26 Jan 1848
James D. Allonder at Pueblo 29 Jan 1848
Elijah Reed at Pueblo 3 Feb 1848
John P. J. Helvestine at City of Mexico 4 Mar 1848
William Hughes at City of Mexico 7 Apr 1848
Mordecai Preston at City of Mexico 25 Apr 1848
James Cassidy at City of Mexico 24 May 1848
William Collins at City of Perote 9 Jun 1848
Thomas Snim on the Gulf of Mexico - 2 Jul 1848