Dickens/Mays Deed

Submitted by Margaret Mays Hasson

S. M. Dickens & wife                                                This Indenture made and entered into this 14th day

To . . . . . DEED                                               March, 1906 between S. M. Dickens and his wife Mary

Peter Mays.                                                   Dickens of Fleming County Ky. Party of the first part and


Peter Mays of same County and State party of the second part Witnesseth:- that in consideration of One Hundred Dollars cash, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the party of the first part does hereby  sell and convey unto the party of the second part his heirs and assigns, the following described real property to wit- A certain tract or parcel of land in Fleming County Ky. on the waters of Fox Creek  and bounded as follows – Beginning at a stake in the line of Wm. Hinten about 18 feet from E. J. Knapps line  Thence N. 72 ½ E 26 2/3 poles to a stone in a road of Peter Mays.  Thence  with this road S. 20 E. 34 poles to a point 12 feet from a red oak and former corner of Mays.  Thence S. 10 E. 11 1/3 poles to a clump of small Sycamores, Thence S. 15 N. 22 4/5 poles to a small hickory and thorn bush on a ridge.  Thence N. 22 W. 29 ½ poles to a double elm.  Thence N. 27 ½ W. 33 7/8 poles to a small red oak.  Thence N. 38 ½ W. 8 72/100 poles to the beginning.  And containing 8 acres and 125 poles.  And being a portion of a tract of land purchased by the father (John Dickens decd) of first named party Jan. 31 1871 from James Lansdown and wife and recorden in D.B. 39 page 103 of Fleming County records, and heired by first named party at the death of his father.  To have and to hold said property with all the improvements thereunto belonging unto the party of the second part heirs and assigns forever, with covenant of General Warranty.  In testimony whereof, the party of the first part hereunto set their hands the year and day first above written.


                                                                                    S. M. Dickens.


                                                                               Mary A. Kickens.


State of Kentucky                      I, J. F. McGregor Notary Public in and for the County and State        

Sct.             Aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing deed of Conveyance from         Stephen M. Dickens and Mary A. Dickens his wife to Peter Mays was

On the 16 day of  Mch. 1906 produced  to me in said County by Stephen M. Dickens and Mary A. Dickens his wife party grantors thereto to their free act and deed for all the purposes therein contained.  Whereupon the same together with certificate has been forwarded to the proper office for record.


Given under my hand and seasl this the 16” day of Mch. 1906.

  My com expires Feb. 1st 1910                        Seal                              J. F. McGragor Notary Public



State of Ky.                                           I, Chas M. Lee, Clerk of the Fleming County Court do hereby certify that the foregoing deed was on this day lodged for record.

County of Fleming .                               Whereupon the same with the foregoing and this certificate have been recorded in my office.  Witness my hand this Sept. 24” 1906.

                                                                        Chas. M. Lee             Clerk.
