A copy of this Will may be obtained from the Kentucky Room in the Lexington [KY] Public Library .  Asterisks are used to hold the place of a word when it was indecipherable.

In the name of God amen  I William Grant of the County of Fayette, and Commonwealth of Kentucky being infirm and full of years but of sound mind and disposing memory for which I thank God, and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with 

1st I give the same in manner following that is to say.  I desire that all my Just debts should be paid together with my Funeral expenses 

2nd I desire that my dear and beloved wife Elizabeth Grant have one third part of my estate both real and personal after my debts paid out of it and *** legacies which are to be hereafter mentioned taken therefrom.  and for that third part to include two negro Girls, Jenny and Fanny.  which two girls my desire is that they shall be my wife forever to do with them what she pleases. 

3rd  no my desire that a certain negro lad is now hired to James Lemmon named Frank to be left in the hands of my wife Elizabeth and trustees hereafter mentioned for the use of my Daughter Rebecca Lemmon the said Negro Frank to be so left in the hands of my wife and the Trustees that he shall not be taken to pay James Lemmons debts and is not be considered the property of James Lemmons at all.

4th  I give to my son, Grandson William Grant son of John a negro boy named Jesse but he is not to have possession of the boy till after my wife’s death unless my wife *** *** the boy up sooner if she does not my desire is that my wife have the said boy as long as she lives. 

5th  I give all the rest of my estate both real and personal to be divided amongst my children and Grand children hereafter mentioned that is to say my sons John, William, and Squire, my Daughters, Mary Mitchell, Sarah Sanders, Elizabeth Mosby, and Rebecca Lemmon, likewise one moiety with my above mentioned Children to be Equally divided amongst my Grand children the sons and daughters of my deceased son Israel Grant, likewise one equal moiety as above mentioned to be equally divided between my two grand Children Elijah and Betsy Grant, son and daughter to my deceased son Samuel Grant.  my desire is that all my estate mentioned in the 3rd article be sold by my executors to the highest bidder and the moneys arising therefrom to be equally divided amongst my Children above mentioned, the Children of Israel Grant deceased, and the children of Samuel Grant deceased to have each of the families of grand Children above mentioned one equal moiety divided amongst them. 

6th  But as my son William is security for my son John to the executors of William Fry deceased for a Considerable amounts, now my desire is if my son John pays of the above mentioned debt himself and my son William suffers none by it, then my desire is that my son John have his equal moiety as a ***  ***  *** ***  case she should not and my son William should suffer thereby, then and in that case my will and desire is that my son William have the part intended for my son John or so much thereof as will make him whole  

7th  I appoint my son William Grant and John C Richardson Trustees in this my Will  

8th  I appoint my wife Elizabeth Executrix and my son William & John C Richardson executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others and former wills or testaments by me heretofore made.  In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 18th day of August in the year of Lord Eighteen hundred and three.                                                                                                                                         William Grant “seal”

The words “named Frank” in the second line
of the third article *** before signed
Signed sealed published and delivered as the
last will and testament of the alive named
William Grant in the presence of us
Frances Browning
William ***
***        ***

A Codicil to this my last will and testament and it is desire that it may be made apart thereof, Whereas I gave to my son Israel Grant Deceased in his lifetime One thousand acres of land in Clarke County on the waters of Stoner and never made any deed for the same, and whereas my said son Israel by his last will and testament did dispose of the same Reference being thereunto had will more fully appear I do herby notify and Confirm the same Witness my hand and seal this              day of               1804

                                                                                           William Grant

Interpreted by
John P. Graff

October 24, 2004

This copy donated to the Fayette County KYGenWeb