A copy of this will may be obtained from the Kentucky Room in the Lexington [KY] Public Library .    Asterisks are used to hold the place of a word when it is indecipherable.

In the name of God amen.  I William Grant of the county of Fayette & State of Kentucky, being in perfect health and of sound mind and disposing memory for which I thank God & calling to mind the uncertainty of life and wishing to dispose of such worldly estate as God had blessed me with, I make and ordain this my last Will & Testament revoking all others in manner and forms as follows:  first that after my body is decently buried and all my Just debts is paid out of my *** *** *** if there is enough if not out of any part of the real estate, then my will & desire, is that my real & personal estate be divided in manner form as follows. 

1st   I give to my son in law John Moore 126 acres of Land including where he now lives 116 as laid of to him & ten that I am to have from fields out of early Survey him paying two hundred and eighty two dollars, as will be hereafter mentioned also one equal proportion of my personal estate after deducting out four hundred dollars for what he has already received. 

2nd  I give to my daughter Keturah Grant 100 acres of land in the n west corner of my land where Causey now lives to be 90 poles wide of the west end Running with the Cynthiana road from the said N West Corner eastly so for as will make the quantity of 100 acres with its appurtenances also one equal share of all my personal estate.

3rd  I give to my daughter Eliza Grant one hundred acres of land adjoining the above on the south  Running with the above mentioned road 90 poles thence on eastwardly course so far as will include one hundred acres to be the same width at each end also one equal part of my personal property.

4th  I give my son James M. Grant one hundred acres of land lying in north East corner of my survey to begin at said corner & to run so far with my line and Conrad Sidenors south & East as will make one hundred acres by running at right angles to John Moores line thence with his line south & East to corner line and with the said corner line  *** *** *** *** *** Beginning with one equal part of all my personal estate, and two hundred dollars at the above mentioned 200 & Eighty two to be paid by John Moore. 

5th  I give to my son William Grant one hundred acres of land out of my survey to by adjoining John Moore and Samuel M. Grant on the west & Sidenors on the south & Ennis on the north to by in as good form as the value of the case will admit of, so as to divide the timbered land between him, Keturah, Eliza, and Squire  also one equal part of all my personal estate & the eighty two dollars that is to be paid by John Moore *** what is to be paid to Sam’l M Grant as above divided 

6th  I give my Youngest son Sam’l Grant the plantation on which I now live be the same more or less which is *** above with its appurtenance reserving to my Mother Elizabeth her full support of the said plantation with the use of as much stock as will supply her wants as long as she lives also Susana Cave who now lives with me.  she is to have her home and support with as much of the stock as she may need as long as she lives on the plantation and the house in which she and my Mother lives is Reserved for them as long as one or both shall choose to live on it   

7th  It is my will that the negroes shall be so divided amongst all my six above named Children as shall be thought just & Right by honest men chosen for that purpose  

8th  & if any part of the above mentioned lots of Land should be lost by a better little then who shall have him shall each boy his Just proportion in making up said loss                                                                                                           Fayette County *** April Court 1814

This last will & Testament of William Grant deceased was produced in Court and proved by the oaths of John C Richardson Sr and Charles Smith to be wholly in the hand writing of said William Grant deceased and on motion of John Moore one of the Sequesters.  It is ordered that the recording of said Will be suspended until next court

                                                                                    Mr John D Loring Clerk

                                                                                    Fayette County *** May Court 1814

This last will & Testament of William Grant deceased was again produced in court and after fully hearing the testimony & agreements of council the court are of opinion and it order that the will be recorded

                                                                                    Mr John D Loring Clerk

Interpreted by
John P. Graff
October 24, 2004

This copy donated to the Fayette County KYGenWeb