Littleton Jeter
Pension Number W 9077   Virginia


STATE OF KENTUCKY: FAYETTE COUNTY.  June 17-1818, states he enlisted in the Revolutionary War September 1776 under Captain William Talliaferro, near Fredericksburg in Spottsylvania Co, Va in the 2nd Regiment of the Continental Line commanded by Col Woodford, served in said company and regiment one year and was discharged at Williamsburg, Va in September 1777, that he was in the Battle of the Long Bridge, near Norfolk in Va and others. That he is about age 64 years of age, in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support and that he has no other evidence now in his power of said service and that he has never received a pension.


     Affidavit of John Ficklin and made oath that he served with Littleton Jeter, as a fellow soldier for one year and believes his declaration to be true and that he is in reduced circumstances. This affidavit was made in Fayette Co.


     Affidavit of Fielding Jeter, made oath in Fayette County, June 23rd 1821 that he is acquainted with the above named Littleton Jeter and has been ever since his infancy being a relation, and well knows that the said Littleton Jeter did enlist n the year 1776 in the company commanded by Captain William Talifaro near Fredericksburg, in Spotsylvania Co, Va in the 2nd Regiment of the Continental Line, commanded by Major Spotswood and Col Woodford and that he enlisted for one year and served in said company and regiment for one year and was discharged at Williamsburg Va, in September 1777 as stated in Littleton Jeters declaration.


     Affidavit of W.B. Wallace, Anderson Co, Lawrenceburg, Ky, late a lieutenant in the 5th regiment of the U.S. in the Revolutionary War, states that Littleton Jeter who now resides in Fayette Co, near Lexington, Ky in September 1775 did enlist in the 2nd Va Reg. of the Revolutionary War, commanded by Col. Woodford, and having completed his term of service, was honorably discharged. It was at that time of the same regiment and know he was esteemed to be by his officers a valuable soldier, being then separated from him and etc.


     He lived on a rented farm belonging to Joseph Beard and has a wife and five children to support, two daughters and three sons, my oldest son is about 18 years old. This 1821 Fayette County, Ky.


     Declaration made in Fayette Co, Ky May 4-1843 by Mrs. Jane Jeter, widow of Littleton Jeter, decd, late an officer, states that she was married to this soldier Feb 18-1789 and that he died May 20th 1842.


     Fielding Jeter of Fayette Co, Lexington, Ky made affidavit that he is a younger brother of the late Littleton Jeter, who was a pensioner and that Mrs. Jane Jeter is his widow to whom she was married about February 17-1789 and that he this affiant was personally present at their marriage ceremony and an eye witness thereto, which took place in Caroline County Virginia, and she continues the widow of his brother Littleton Jeter.


     The certified copy of the marriage record from Caroline Co, Va is filed with the record as follows, showing Littleton Jeter and Jane Alsop were married by John Shackleford minister of the gospel in September 7th 1786.   Signed John S Pendleton, clerk, Bowling Green, Caroline Co. Va, 1843 is when the clerk sent the certificate to James S. Hickman, Lexington, Ky.


Hugh Jeter of Fayette Co, Ky 1853, a son and heir at law of John Jeter, decd, was a pensioner of the U.S. and who died in Lexington, Ky Nov 11 1843, appointed J J Coombs, as his lawful attorney.


Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936