Daniel and Jane Hickey
Pension Number W7744   Pennsylvania


District of Kentucky. On August 25th personally appeared the above named soldier, aged 63, resident of Fayette County, states that he enlisted in Pennsylvania in 1777 for three years in a company commanded by Captain  Moses McClain of the 7th regiment, commanded by Col Wm. Ewingfield and Thomas Barkley, Lt. Col., in the Continental Establishment and continued to serve 3 years when he was discharged at Millstone Creek in New Jersey; that he was in the Battle of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth.


     Aug 25-1818  - This day William Barker made oath, that he was acquainted with Daniel Hickey in the Revolutionary War. That said Daniel was a soldier and he believes he served his term of 3 years and he also knows of his reduced circumstances.  Signed Benjamin Johnson, Circuit Judge.


     The name of Daniel Hickey not being found on the roll of the troops who served in the Pennsylvania line, for the period stated in the declaration – he will have to procure the testimony of two individual witnesses to whose credibility the judge can certify in the corroboration of his own statement and second the certificate of the judge, that he is in need of the assistance of his country.


     He states in a declaration of 1820, that he enlisted in Little York, Pennsylvania for one year in Captain Moses McClane’s company in the 6th Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by Col William Irvin, that he served out the year and then enlisted again for 3 years, in the same regiment in Captain William Miller’s company; that he served out 3 years and was discharged at Mill Gline Creek in New Jersey; that he was drafted for 2 years, in Captain John McDowell’s company in Virginia, went to the south under General Green and was discharged in South Carolina at Camden. That he draws a pension and the number of his certificate is 15342, and I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the U.S. on the 18th March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby to so diminish it as to bring within the provision of an Act of Congress entitled An Act to Provide Certain Persons Engaged in the Land and Naval Service of the U.S. Revolutionary War and etc.   His family consisted of his wife, about age __.


  Know all men by these presents, that I Daniel Hickey of Bourbon Co, Ky, revolutionary pensioner of the U.S. do hereby constitute and appoint Jane Hickey, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name to receive from the agent of the U.S. for paying pensions in Lexington, Kentucky, pension from the 4th day of March 1831 to the 4th September 1831.  Witness my hand this 9-5-1831  - Daniel Hickey.


     State of Indiana, Jefferson County. On the 21st September 1847 personally appeared before the probate court of the county aforesaid Hickey, a resident of Saluda Township in the county and state aforesaid aged 78, states that in the winter of 1785 at the age of 15 years, she entered marriage with Benjamin Rankin of Fayette Co, Ky; that her maiden name was Jane McCalister, that she moved from North Carolina to Kentucky in the early settlements of the country; that the said Benjamin Rankin, a soldier in the service of the U.S. in the Revolutionary War; that as best as she can recollect, her said husband had previously been a resident of King George Co, Va and served about 7 years, in the Revolutionary War part of the time in the cavalry, and part in the infantry. She is not due to the great length of time which has elapsed unable to state the company regiment and corps in which he served. She further declares that her said husband died in Fayette Co, Ky in the fall of 1807. That during her husband’s life they had a family Bible in which was recorded dates of her births and marriages and the births and marriages of her children and that said Bible has been lost or destroyed. She also declares that she has often heard her said husband state the particular service he performed but cannot now state them and if the proof of which she  mainly relies on the records of the War Department and the muster rolls, she having no documentary evidence in her possession in support of her claim. She further declares, that after the death of said Benjamin Rankin she intermarried with one Presley Jones, her second husband to wit: in the month of November 1809 in Fayette Co, Ky and that he died on the __ day of January 1811. She further declares that after the death of her said second husband she then married her third and last husband Daniel Hickey in Fayette Co, Ky in the winter of 1815 and that said Hickey was a revolutionary soldier and drew for his services a pension of $96 per annum and he died in Fayette Co, Ky on the 8th day  of February 18__ . That she was not married to the said Benjamin Rankin her first husband prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January 1794, viz, at the time before stated and that she is now a widow. Signed Jane Hickey.


     In 1819 April 23rd, he made a declaration in Fayette Co, Ky as follows: that he enlisted about 1776 by Captain Moses McClara, for one year and was attached to the 6th regiment of the Pennsylvania Line, commanded by Col William Irvine, formerly of Carolisle, Thomas Hartley and Lt Col Major Samuel Hayes, he was then attached to the brigade commanded by William Thompson and went on the expedition toward Quebec and the regiment was defeated at the 3 rivers about 45 miles from said place, was honorably discharged, by Lt. Col. Hartley. – Again enlisted 1777 for the term of 3 years, under Capt Wm Miller, residing at Carlisle, then at Philadelphia, Penn, that he was then attached to the 7th regiment of the Pennsylvania Line commanded by the same Col Irvine as the 6th regiment had been _____ broken and was then united with the 7th – also the same Lt. Col Hartley belonged then to the 7th regiment, as well as Major Hays, then continued to serve out the three years, was honorable discharged Millstone Creek, within 12 miles of Brunswick in New Jersey, by a discharge handed to him by Captain Miller, signed by Col Hartley, which discharge he kept a long time and etc. He had a family to support and stood in need of aid of the country. Affidavit of William Barker, said he was acquainted with said Daniel Hickey when he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, in the Pennsylvania Line; that he continued in the army aforesaid while he knew him as a private soldier, as this deponent believed for fully the time of 3 years, but to what regiment in the Pennsylvania Line he was attached this deponent cannot tell. And that said Hickey is his neighbor. 


Affidavit: District of Kentucky. John McDowell states that he was a lieutenant in the 8th Va Regiment, commanded by Col James Wood and that in the year 1780 in the state of South Carolina, he commanded a detachment of Va troops on Continental Establishment under the command of Colonel Abraham Buford, as the Virginia regiment was so _____ to spies and taken by the enemy at Charlestown, he does not know what regiment, he was at that time attached to but that in the summer 1780 in the state of South Carolina, the within named Daniel Hickey was enlisted in the detachment or in the service of the U.S. until the year 1781 in August or September, making twelve months or upwards. This October 6-1819.  Signed John McDowell.


     Affidavit, Clark Co, Ky, before the undersigned, J.P. Francis F. Jackson states that he was well acquainted with Benjamin Rankin. The deponent states that Benj. Rankin was reputed to have been the soldier of the Revolutionary War and often heard Benj. Rankin speak of being in the said war in the cavalry. Deponent states that Benj. Rankin moved a neighbor to him when he lived at or near the Ky River at Holder’s Boat Yard, and remained there two years. This took place in the year 1789 or 1790. The deponent states he knew of Benjamin Rankin and Jane Hickey widow of Daniel decd. Living together as man and wife from 12 to 15 years and part of the time lived on the deponent’s father’s farm and worked with the deponent and at that time had several children, with whom the deponent was acquainted as follows:  Sarah, William, Frances, John, James and Thomas, Sarah, the oldest of said family married with one Charles Hall and lived in Bourbon Co, Ky, for a short time, - the deponent states that Benjamin Rankin’s family consisted of more children than the above statement but the deponent was not acquainted with them and that the said Jane Hickey as deponent believes now resides in the state of Indiana.  Signed this 21st day of February Frances F. Jackson.


STATE OF KENTUCKY: CLARK COUNTY.  Personally appeared Benjamin Rankins who states that about the year 1785 or 1786 lived on the farm of John Rankin’s father the deponent, that the said Benj. Rankins was reputed and generally believed to be a soldier in the Revolutionary War, that deponent often heard said Benj. Rankins speak of his having been in the U.S. service of the Revolutionary War. The deponent says that he is acquainted with Jane Hickey now the widow of Daniel Hickey, decd. And that he verily believes that Benj. Rankins and Jane his wife were lawfully married and knows that when said Benj. Rankins lived on the farm belonging to the father of the deponent in Fayette Co, in the year 1785 or 1786, the said Jane now widow of Daniel Hickey and the said Benj. Rankins lived together as man and wife and raised several children, with whom the deponent was acquainted, Sarah and William – Sarah the oldest of said children was born on the farm of deponent’s father, that said Sarah Rankin was married to one Charles Hall and moved to the state of Indiana many years ago. Deponent further says that the said Benjamin Rankins died in Fayette Co, Ky many years ago and after his death the said Jane, his widow married one Presley Jones and after the death of Jones, married one Daniel Hickey who is also dead and that the said Jane now resides in the state of Indiana. Deponent further states that said Benjamin Rankins resided when he entered the service of the U.S. in King George Co, Va. The deponent further states that in the year 1784, that his father and Benj, Rankins moved from Fauquire Co, Va, and took up their residence in Fayette Co, Ky.  This Feb. 1849.  Signed John Rankins.


     She made another affidavit in Indiana, Jefferson County, July 1853 saying she is the widow of Daniel Hickey, who lately died in Bourbon Co, Ky – she states she was married to him in Fayette Co, KY about Dec 1-1816 by Rev. Thomas Smith; that her name before said marriage was Jane Jones, she being at that time the widow of Presley Jones.


     Affidavit of Francis Rice and Joshua Rose, both state that they were at the marriage in Fayette Co, Ky of Jane Jones and Daniel Hickey that said marriage took place to the best of their recollection about the first of ___ 1816 and that they were intimately acquainted with each other.


      A certified copy of the marriage record is enclosed. Fayette Co, Ky – Daniel Hickey to Jane Jones, by J.S. Shackelford 1816, Jan 9?


     Sufficient proof of the Revolutionary War service of Benjamin Rankin is filed with the papers as follows: May 17-1781. Benj. Rankin, soldier in the Third Regiment of Light Dragoons, having served faithfully 3 years, is hereby discharged – signed W. Washington, Lt. C L D          Cha Jones clerk.


     I Benj. Rankin of the county of Loudon do hereby assign and make over unto Francis Peyton of said county and singular all right title and etc.   Signed Benj Rankins.


     Sir, please order and land?  Faquire Co, Va  1783

Warrant to enter in the name of Francis Peyton for the amount of my claim as a soldier in the army of the U.S. for the term of 3 years and etc.   Signed Benjamin Rankins.


     Mrs. Sarah Hall, the oldest child of Mrs. Jane Hickey, by her first husband, Benj. Rankins has a small paper book in which is registered the date of Mrs. Hall’s birth – that of her husband Charles Hall, and of their children which can if desired be transmitted to your office. By that register it appears that Mrs. Hall, daughter by Benj. Rankin was born Jan 15-1780. From G. Armstrong to the Pension Dept.


     State of Ky, Fayette Co. Affidavit of Rhoda Vaughn Feb 24-1849. Says that she knew Jane Rankin, wife of Benj. Rankin, widow of Daniel Hickey, etc.  They lives together for the period of 18 years and verily believed they were fully married and never heard anything about them to the contrary. And part of the time said Benj. Rankin and Jane his wife lived on  Col John Holder’s farm, the father of this deponent, which is well known as Col John Holder’s boat yard at or near the Kentucky River, - the deponent states that she was acquainted with some of Benjamin Rankins children, Sarah, William, Frances, John, James and Thomas, the deponent states that Benj. Rankin and Jane Hickey widow of Daniel Hickey, decd. Lived on my father’s farm the year 1789 or 1790.




Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936