John and Lydia Graves
W 3014
Bounty Land Warrant  26,574-160-55      Virginia


Fayette Co, Ky. September 1-1832, appeared the above soldier, said he was born in Louisa Co, Va 1757, in December that he has kept all the original records of his age from the one which his father kept.  He resided in Spotsylvania and then in Orange Co, Va where he entered the service. When the war was over, he removed to Kentucky where he has resided for the last 43 or 44 years. His first term he served as a volunteer, his next two as a draft. He has entered the service as a volunteer in Captain John Craig’s company from Spotsylvania in 1776 and marched to Williamsburg. It remained in its vicinity and during that tour, he presumes that tour was two months as he served it out although he is not positive it was not longer. His next service was a similar tour in the company of Captain Lindsey from Orange County when Lord Cornwallis was marching from the south and General LaFayette commanded in Virginia and during the retreat ____ the later. His tour expired and he was drafted and marched under Capt _____ to the siege of York where he served until the surrender when he aided in guarding the prisoners up Winchester where he was discharged and returned home. He served in all six months or more in his 3 tours. He was occasionally under command of several field officers, Major Duvall commanded the detachment in which he marched to James River where he aided in unloading several vessels containing the military stores which were intended for the siege, he saw and knew several officers in the regular militia, he saw General Washington, Col Nicholas, General LaFayette, Col Winslow of the militia and many others whom he has forgotten. He was in no battle, nor wounded, and knows of no living witness to prove his services except that of James Graves, his brother, which is hereto annexed. He refers to Daniel Bradford, Capt John Fowler, James Devers, Gen. Robert S. Russell, and Thomas A. Russell to testify as to his character. 


      Affidavit of his brother James Graves, states that he knew his brother John Graves was in the said war, having served as a volunteer in Captain Craig’s company, which marched to Williamsburg in the year ____ as he believes. He also believes from information he relies on that said John Graves served in the Virginia militia at the capture of Cornwallis said deponent was himself at the siege, but was in a different part of the army and did not see him, said John, and he has always understood from John that he served one other tour during the war.


     Declaration 27th March 1844, personally Lydia Graves, resident of Fayette Co, Ky aged 74, on the 2nd day of October last, made petition for a widow’s pension, that she is the widow of John Graves, she declares she was married to said John Graves on Dec 23 1784 that her husband John Graves of Oct 3-1843 that she was not married to him prior to leaving the service, but the marriage took place previous to the first January 1794.


     An old leaf that contains family records is filed as 

John Graves born 12-18-1757

Lydia Graves born 10-2-1769

John Graves and Lydia were married 12-23-1784

Nancy was born 8-5-1786

Betsy was 4-23-1789

Sally born 10-11-1790

William born 4-27-1792

Asa born 11-____

Zacariah 7-11-1795

John  4-22-1798

Nicholas born 7-11-1799

Lyseay Graves born 12-11-179?

Polly born 5-8-1801

Jefferson born 8-6-1803

     An affidavit of John Graves, Jr. states that his father John Graves Sr. was a pensioner of the U.S. This affidavit was made 1844-Apr 8- and that he drew twenty dollars per annum, that the said John Graves died 13th of October 1843. Said Lydia Graves appeared in the Scott Co Kentucky before justice of peace aged 80, resident of Scott County at the time. She and John Graves were married in Spottsylvania County, Va. The declaration for the purpose of securing land warrant. She states her said husband died in Fayette County, Kentucky. This who acknowledged as witnesses to her last application in Scott County, Ky.  That Cazwell I Graves, Asa Payne and Albert West, Jefferson Graves and ___ West made affidavits in 1855 in Scott Co, Ky. [line illegible]. 


     Benj F. Graves made affidavit in 1855 Fayette Co, Ky, state that they had known John and his widow Lydia Graves over 30 years.


     Lydia Graves made another affidavit June 15-1855 in Scott Co, Ky and she appointed Benj F Graves of Lexington Kentucky as her true and lawful attorney. Witnessed by Cazwell and Jefferson Graves.


Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936