Michal Feshel, Lieutenant
Invalid Pensioner of the 1812 War  No. 8477


     The above soldier states in August 1812 he formed a troop of cavalry in Kentucky – was commissioned as First Lieutenant of said troops fir six months, in the regiment commanded by Col James Tunrall? Attached to the N. Western army commanded by General Harrison, that the regiment to which he belonged with others were attached under the command of Col Campbell against the Indian towns of Massissaniwa? and participated in the battle of that place. On his way out he had the misfortune to be wounded by a ball passing through it in consequence if which together with the exposure he was unnecessarily subjected to (illegible) he has been so far disabled as to be entirely unable to earn a subsistence. The facts stated by this petitioner are substantially proven by the documents examining the papers?


     Be it known that John Dishman, late a cornet in the troop of cavalry commanded by Capt. Geo. Trotter, Jr. in the regiment commanded by Col James Simrall, attached to the army of the N.W. commanded by Major General Harrison in the late war to which said troop Michael Fishel was attached as First Lieut makes the following statement on oath.


     That the said Fishel discharged his duties of First Lt. Aforesaid with great faithfulness and advantage to the cause in which he was engaged, that the deponent was present and very near him when he received the wound in the right hand, which has disabled that member and from which he suffered severely and that he firmly believes that from the hardships and suffering that the cold was the cause of his being attacked by the rheumatism and from which he has never since been free and which has rendered him unable entirely to support himself by labor. The deponent is well acquainted by Fishel having been his neighbor many years previous to the reception of the wound and ever since. No man has a character for honesty and etc more highly and etc than Lt. Feshel.


     He joined the troop raised in and about Lexington. Ky commanded by Geo Trotter Jr as captain. He was a copper smith by trade. He was a resident of Fayette Co, Ky. This 1827, Oct. 10th.


     Affidavit of Col James McDowell of Fleming Co, KY appeared in the Fayette Co, KY and made affidavit and states that he was a major in the North Western Army under General Harrison in the late war; that he has for many years been well acquainted with Michael Fishel who was Lt. In the troop of horse, under Major Gereral Harrison; that the deponent was near him when he received the wound in his right hand, which ha disabled that member and that he has lived a near neighbor to him until the year 1823.


AFFIDAVIT: FAYETTE CO. KY. This day Captain Patterson Bain of Lexington, Ky personally appeared before me a justice of peace for said county and state; states that he was captain of spies in the Northwestern Army under General Harrison in the late war; that he has been for many years well acquainted with Major Michal Fishel who went out as Lt. In the tour of horse commanded by Capt. Geo. Trotter, Jr. and etc.




Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936