Obadiah and Judith Carter
Pension Number W8585    Continental Virginia


STATE OF KENTUCKY, FAYETTE COUNTY. On the 16th day of June 1818, personally appeared Obadiah Carter, age 63, residing in the town of Lexington; that he entered the service 1775; that Captain Samuel Haines in the 2nd Virginia regiment, served out his time except abut eight days and then enlisted in Col Baylor's regiment of horse called light dragoons for 3 years, served out that time and he being discharged at the Catawba River, at the Old Nation Ford returned home to Virginia and in a short time, was called out again in the militia service and not again discharged until after the capture of Cornwallis at Little York. After the defeat of Col Baylor in the Jersey - I was under the command of Col William Washington, Col Baylor, being disabled, a wound in his groins, making his whole term of service about five years; that he was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, Stone, and Red House, in the south besides many other similar engagements, skirmishes, etc. He was with Col Washington at the taking of Ridgeley's Mills, when the enemy were alarmed with pine logs in the shape of cannon over the Santee. Took some prisoners after some sharp skirmishes and that he was one of the few who escaped from Col Buford defeat, having been attached from his company with a few others sometime previous and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support and that he has no other evidence now in his possession of his services within the accompanying affidavit.


     Affidavit of Reuben Stivers, Sr, states that he is well acquainted with said Carter and knew him while he was in the service in 1775-6-7 & 8. I knew or belonged to the Light Horse, the last two or three years that I was acquainted with him. This May 29-1818.


     STATE OF KENTUCKY: SCOTT COUNTY. On the 30th day of August, 1838, personally appeared before me, Robert McCalla, JP. Judge Carter, aged over 85. That she is the widow of Obadiah Carter, she states that she can neither read nor write and knows nothing of the battles in which he fought but remembers well he was over five years in said war and served to the end of the war; that she was married to the said O.C. March 13-1781 and that he died 28th July 1820, all of which is taken from the family Bible. She lives at least ten miles from the Scott County court house. That the undersigned neighbors have known Judge Christian from her infancy - signed John and Philip Hudson.


Spencer, Alsop, was born 6-12-1785.
Judith Alsop born  1-22-1789
Eloisa Ann Alsop  10-26-1809
Emily Watts Alsop  7-31-1811
Geo. Obadiah Alsop  4-21-1813
Sarah Jane Alsop  2-21-1816
James Elliott Alsop  born 2-19-1817
Elizabeth D Alsop   1-27-1819
Spencer Washington Alsop   7-3-1821
Judith Carter Sergmeont?   born 11-18-1755
Sarah A Miller  born 10-28-1820

Spencer Alsop and Judith Carter, were married 22 Jan 1809
John Hudson and Betty Carter  11-28-1820
Willard H Smith and Emily W Walsop  12-27-1831
Obadiah Carter was married to Judah Carter 3-13-1781 by Rev Mathis
Geo. C Alsop and Catharine Greenup  2-26-1833
William R Shirley and Elizabeth D Alsop 2-11-1835
James E Alsop and Sarah A Miller 8-4? -2? 1838

David H Hudson  born 1-28-1821
Judith A Hudson  born 9-5-1822
John Obadiah Hudson  born 4-27-1824
Elizabeth C Hudson  11-30-1834
Elizabeth Carter, was born 10-7-1800
children's ages above of B-H

Eloisa Ann Alsop, died 2-15-1813 with croup
Sarah Jane Alsop  died 3-6-1816
Spencer Alsop died  9-13-1827
Obadiah Carter died  7-28-1820 with T.B.
Elizabeth Hudson wife of John Hudson died  11-30-1834

     Judith Carter states in a declaration made in Scott County 1838 that she was born 22 Jan 1789, Elizabeth Carter daughter of Obadiah C and Judah C was born 10-7-1800. She states that the above mentioned Bible records were written by her husband in a small Bible and when they got able to buy a large Bible they were transferred to the large Bible as the small Bible had become mutilated, and that her grand son Geo Obadiah also transcribed the above from the old Bible and he also recorded the death of her husband O.C. which took place July 28-1820.


     One James B. Black clergyman residing in the town on Stamping Ground made affidavit. 


She states in 1839 Scott Co, Ky that she was married in March 13-1781 by Parson Mathews of Essex Co, Va and that her husband aforesaid O Carter died July 28-1820 and that she was married to him two months prior to his leaving the service.


Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936