Abraham and Sarah Bowman
Pension Number W396
Bounty Land Warrant Number 1566-500
Issued October 30-1829   Virginia


     I, Abraham Bowman, aged 79, and 10 months and 20 days, declare, that in the winter of 1775, or spring of 1776, I was appointed by the legislature of Virginia, Lieutenant Colonel of the Virginia State Regiment and Peter Muhlenbrg Colonel of the same, that in the month of May or June 1776, the said regiment was taken into continental establishment; that upon the promotion of Colonel Muhlenberg, to a brigadier general. I was promoted to the command of said regiment and that I continued to service in the said regiment from the time of my appointment until after the Battle of Monmouth in June 1778 when a consolidation of regiments took place and many of the junior officers became supernumerary. At that time I was ordered by Brigadier General Scott to return to Virginia and call upon the Governor of Virginia for many to recruit the regiment and having called upon him, he told me that the state's quota had been given out before I had made the application and certified it upon my order. I then remained an officer during the war without being again called into service. I further declare that I have never at any time received a warrant from the U.S. for the bounty land due me as an officer aforesaid nor have I ever at any time transferred or sold the same to any person. Therefore, know all men by these presence, that I, Abraham Bowman do hereby constitute and appoint Geo. H Bowman, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name to ask, demand and receive from the Secretary of War of the U.S. a warrant for the quantity of land due me as aforesaid. My said attorney is authorized and empowered to do and perform all things necessary to be done in and about the business and to constitute and appoint one or more substitutes or attorneys under whom for the special purpose above named and the same to revoke at will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th September 1829.   Signed Abraham Bowman.  Witness H. Clay


 In the same county, appeared Colonel Abraham Buford, Col. John McDowell, and Captain John Nelson, revolutionary war officers, say that they are personally acquainted with Col Abraham Bowman who is making application for pension. George H. Bowman was the attorney therein named.


     A letter from the general land office at Richmond, Va 1829, Oct - It appears from the list of warrants issued by the register that Bowman Abraham is stated to have been a colonel for six years and ten months and has such warrants to the amount of 7591 & 2/3 acres of land have been issued.


     In a letter dated as follows: Washington, D.C. Oct 29-1829
To Hon. Samuel D. Ingman, Secy of Treasury, - Sir.  I enclose you the affidavit of my father Col. Abraham Bowman, for the benefit of the act of Congress, of the 15th May 1828, I am sir, very respectfully, - George H. Bowman


State of Kentucky, Fayette County. On the 19th day of March 1839, personally appeared before me, one of the commonwealth's justices of the peace, aforesaid, Mrs. Sarah Bowman, a resident of said county, aged 81 last September, who being duly sworn, according to law, makes the following declaration.


     States that she is the widow of Col Abraham Bowman, who was a colonel in the army of the revolution, the evidence of which will be found on the files of the War Department, he having been a pensioner of the U.S.  She declares she was married to the said Abraham Bowman in 1782, that her husband, the said Abraham Bowman died 11-9-1837; that she was not married to him, prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January 1794. 
Witness George H. Bowman.  Signed Sarah (x) Bowman.
She resided six miles from the court house of Lexington KY  March 19-1839


Affidavit of Elijah Foley: Fayette Co, Kentucky. States before the undersigned a justice of peace, personally appeared Elijah Foley, a resident of said county, states he was present at the marriage of Colonel Abraham Bowman and Sarah Bryon, in the then county of Lincoln (now Mercer County, Kentucky) on he thinks in the summer of 1782. He was not in the room however, at the time the marriage ceremony was performed but was present a few moments afterwards and before they had taken their seats and believes they were legally married; that he lived a neighbor to them from the time of his marriage until his death; that his widow Mrs. Sarah Bowman is the same woman above named and etc.

                                     This 1839 April 6th.


     In 1863 March 14, Abraham Bowman, aged 78, a resident of Fayette Co Kentucky made declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress, passed November 24th 1778 and 1784 granting one year pay to deranged and supernumerary officers who served in the Continental Line of the Revolutionary War states that he is the son and executor of Col. Abraham Bowman who was Lieutenant Colonel appointed by the legislature of Virginia and etc.


     That his father died Nov 3 1837 leaving a widow Mrs. Sarah Bowman who also was a pensioner and she died Dec 8-1845. That Col Abraham Bowman left the following named children: Mrs. Polly Keen? or Keon? wife of John Keen or Keon decd, Abraham Bowman Jr, John Bowman, George H Bowman, William Bowman, who has since died, leaving the following children: viz: Robert Bowman, the only living child of William Bowman, decd, whom is not of lawful age, Mrs. Sarah Woolfolk, wife of Saulgel? Woolfolk, Mrs. Elizabeth Bowman a daughter who died prior to her father, leaving the following named children: viz: Abraham B Bowman, who has since died; Mrs. Nancy Stanhope, wife of William Stanhope, Canaran? Dalney? wife of Richard Dalney?  That he the said Abraham Bowman, executor of Abraham Bowman decd makes this his declaration for the purpose of obtaining the one year pay that was due his father, the said Col Abraham Bowman, decd; that interest from the time it was due under act of Congress, June 3 1784 he refers to the decision of Dr. Alsolom Beard's heirs, interest was paid. 


     James W. Sullivan and William Bryan who say they knew them for many years, state that the names of their children were Mrs. Polly Keen, wife of John Keen, decd, Abraham Bowman, the executor, John Bowman, George H Bowman, Mrs. Sarah Woolfolk, wife of Sawyer? Woolfolk, Wm Bowman, who is since died leaving children namely; John and Robert Bowman and Mrs Elizabeth Bowman, decd, wife of Joseph Bowman, decd, who dies prior to her father Col Abraham Bowman, leaving children named Isaac, Sarah, Abraham B, Nancy, Mary Ann, and Catherine Bowman all of whom are of lawful ages. 


Bible Records

Abraham Bowman, born 10-16-1749
Sarah Bowman  born 9-8-1757
David Bryan Bowman  born 4-30-1779
Mary Bowman, born 3-11-1783
Abraham Bowman, Jr  born 2-27-1785
John Bowman born 1-31-1787, 12 o'clock in the day
William Bowman, born 11-18-1789, about ten o'clock p.m.
George Bowman, born 9-21-1792 between 9 & 10 a.m.
Aaron (colored)  born 12-21-1793
Bobb (colored)  4-7-1796
Sarah Bowman, born 7-8-1796  about 9 a.m.
Elizabeth Bowman, born 8-?-1798 between sun set and dark
Jerry (colored)  born 10-26-1798 in the morning
Anthony (colored)  2-3-1800
Lize (colored) 11-13-1801
Nancy Keen born 9-3-1803  (did not say colored opposite the name)
Nathan (col) 11-1805
Easter (colored) 8-29-1811
Dafney (colored) 1812
Reuben (colored) 1812
Levi 1813
Absolom  1815
Sam (colored)  1818
Charles (colored) 1819
Fanny's child James 9-22-____?
This was copied from an old Bible leaf. Jan 25-1871 by county court clerk of Fayette County.






Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936