Boone, Samuel

Pension Number S 168 North Carolina & South Carolina


STATE OF KENTUCKY: CLARK COUNTY. Sept. 29-1832. Personally appeared in open court Samuel Boone a resident of Clark County age 74, on the 21st day of March last, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain a pension.


That he was born March 21-1758 on Yadkin River, North Carolina; that he has a record of his age, being a transcript of his father's entry in a book which he kept for purposes of registering the ages of his children, but does not know where the book is, though he still has the paper on which the transcript entry of his own age from his father's book aforesaid. That he was living in South Carolina in Camden District on Congoree River when he first entered the service as a militiaman for a tour and three months and upwards, that he served said tour under John Cook as Captain and Malachi Wiston as Lieut in the regiment of Col Robert Goodwin, Col John Russell commanding; that he was drafted about the later part of September, or first part of the year 1775. I was not drafted for this but my father Samuel Boone (who has long since died) had been drafted and I went on the tour as his substitute. We were marched to the upper part of the state to a place called 96 in pursuit of the Tories and had a battle with them and took 300 prisoners. We rendezvoused at the new store on the side Congeree River, about the first of July 1776 I was drafted as a militiaman under William McGuire. We were marched to Charlestown and served at the 3 months tour but we were marched to Beaufort Island when the tour had half expired, but we were not engaged in any battle. We were commanded by Col Robert Goodwin under General Joseph Kenshaw after we arrived at Beaufort Island but while at Charleston our commanding general was Richard Richardson who commanded us on my first tour when I went out as my father's substitute.


     I next entered service as a substitute for my father who had been again drafted for a tour which was early in the fall of the year 1778 said Cook commanded said company during said tour under said Goodwin as colonel and General Lincoln a regular officer commanded the whole of us. We rendezvoused Friday's Ferry on the Congree River, were marched to the quarter house six miles from Charlestown where we lay sometime and British forces about that time landed in Savannah and we were there ordered and accordingly marched to Savannah but did not reach there but reached Purvisburg on the Savannah River and there stayed until we were discharged and on this tour we were not engaged in a battle, Very early in the year 1779 I again entered the service as a militiaman, being drafted for a tour of 3 months in the company of Captain John McLehard in the regiment of Col Robert Goodwin and under General Williamson. We rendezvoused at the place called the New Store. The army marched from there to Augusta but I was left as a part of a detachment to guard New Store where some public stores and property had been deposited and I had served as a militiaman for a period of over one year.  I was residing in Camden District, S.C. on the Congeree River and for the last tour I received a regular discharge from my captain and shortly after in the month of March 1779 I left South Carolina to move to Kentucky where I arrived in the fall of the year 1779 having stopped a while in North Carolina and I have lived in Fayette Co, Ky since the fall of the year 1779 until the month of March 1829 when I moved to Clark Co, Kentucky where I have ever since lived, except that I have lived in Madison Co, KY two years, and then settled in Fayette Co, Ky.  


     I know of no person who can prove my services in the army, except my two sisters, Elizabeth White and Rebecca Jones, whose affidavits are herewith attached. I have two other sisters, Sarah Montgomery and Mary Bradley the former living in the state of Ohio and the latter living in Missouri who could prove my services as above for I could procure their testimony. I am known in my neighborhood to William Morton, Capt John Martin or Morton, Dennis Bradley, William Barkley, John Hampton, Jesse Fishback, and Hubbard Taylor, Sr. who can testify to my character for truth and etc. He signed his name Samuel Boone, - William Martin was a clergyman in Clark County, Ky. 


     Rebecca Jones, of Fayette Co, Ky made affidavit, Says she is the sister of Samuel Boone, who now lives in Clark Co, KY; that she was born April 1768 on Santee River, South Caroline; that she came from South Carolina to Ky with her father Samuel Boone in the year 1779 and that she knows in South Carolina her brother Samuel Boone Jr, when he went on two different tours as a militiaman in the South Carolina troops, but how long he served at either time and whether he served at all, she knows not personally, except that she knows he marched in the service twice as a militiaman and on his return she heard from him and there and others that he had been in those tours, he served and that she then believes and has ever since believed and such was the reputation among his acquaintances and relatives in South Carolina and in this state; that said Samuel Boone her brother served in South Carolina as a militiaman, this 1832 Sept 26th.


     Affidavit of Elizabeth White, Clark Co, Ky states that she now lives in Madison Co, Ky where she has resides for several years; that she is over 80 years of age and the widow of William White, deceased; that I am the sister of Samuel Boone who now resides in Clark County, Ky, who formerly resided in Fayette, and that Rebecca Jones, who now resides in Fayette is also the sister of said Samuel Boone; that Samuel Boone is over 74 years of age; that during the Revolutionary War, said Boone lived on Congaree River, Camden District, S.C. in his said Boone's father's family and that she was there an inmate of said family and she well remembers that during the Revolutionary War he was drafted four different times to serve four distinct tours of duty.


      In November 14-1833 Fayette Co, KY, Samuel Boone made application for increase in pension on account of his having served as a militiaman in the state of Kentucky three years. That he removed to said state from South Carolina fall of 1779 and from spring 1780 he was in the service until the spring of 1783 and that he served under Captains William Hays, Charles Hazelrigg, James Stevenson, John Constant, and was personally employed in guarding the forts alternately at Bryant's Station, Boones, Strode's and McGee's and the Lexington stations and was several times employed in the capacity of spy and engaged in scouring the country on the Licking and Ohio Rivers, for some 30 days each tour, under orders of Col Levi Todd and Daniel Boone, and was in the battle with the Indians near the upper Blue Licks when Col John Holder was defeated, he thinks, on Aug 5-1782 at which time he was under the command of Capt. John Constant.



     Affidavit of Timothy Logan age 74 resident of Garrard Co, Ky states he became acquainted with Samuel Boone in the spring of 1781, at which time Samuel Boone was engaged in the service and continued therein during the spring of 1783. This affiant states that he served a tour with him, the said Boone in the capacity of a spy and knows the above applicant to be the identical person having known him ever since 1781. Again Samuel Boone appeared in the Fayette Circuit Court in open court, 1834 in March, age 76 at that time a resident of Fayette County for increase of pension, he states that he heard his uncle Daniel Boone was raising a volunteer company in North Carolina to go to Kentucky to fight the Indians, he obtained a dismission from the service in South Carolina in March 1779 and went to said North Carolina, joined the company under command of Daniel Boone and marched from thence the 15th Sept in said year arrived at Boonesborough Fort, the last week in October in said year. The next day after our arrival, Col Boone ordered the small detachment of us to go to Bryant's , where some families had settled, in order to defend them, at which place, I was put under the command of Captain William Hays who kept us employed in building a fort at said place. We commenced building in the said fall, but did not complete it until the succeeding spring on the 9th day of March the Indians killed one of our company, stole nearly all of our horses. I remained in said fort under the command of said Hays in order to defend it until October 1780 then Captain Hays received orders from Col Daniel Boone, from Boone's Station to come with all the men that could be spared from that station to aid him in the defense of said Boone's station which orders we obeyed and remained defending said station until 1781, then we were sent down the Kentucky River with Captain Hays to build canoes to take corn to General Clark's army at the Falls of the Ohio River. After an examining which we returned to said station in two weeks where we remained defending the stations until April 1782. In said April Col Daniel Boone sent a small detachment all of us to Strode's Station, which was commanded by Captain John Constant and after our arrival Captain Constant requested some of us to volunteer as spies and Andrew Rule and myself, served as such 30 days, then we were ordered back to Boone's Station where we arrived the 15th day of May and remained there until the middle of June in the defense of the fort, then we were ordered out by Col Levi Todd under the command of Capt James Stevenson as a company of spies and served 30 days ranging the country and from Licking River to Big Bone Lick, after which we returned to Boone's Station and continued in its defense until the 2nd day of August when I was sent our in a company commanded by Major John Holder to retake two white boys that were stolen by the Indians and we overtook the Indians at the Upper Blue Licks at which place we had a battle and being defeated, we returned to Boone's Station. A few days after my arrival there were some sick and wounded brought to the fort from the Battle of Lower Blue Licks and I was ordered to remain and take care of them, which I did until the 16th day of April 1783, making amount of service three years, and 7 months. He states he did not know when he first applied for pension that the act embraced service against the Indians. He said Timothy Logan was now drawing a pension, for like services, also a certain Oswald Townsend is a similar situation.


     It was in Rowan Co, N.C. that Daniel Boone was raising his company in which Samuel went to enlist with him, they marched on the 15th September 1779 and arrived at Boonesboro Oct of the same year. They did not complete Bryant's Station until the spring of 1780. He aided in erecting nearly all the buildings there. He remained there in garrison until Oct. 1780 when orders were received from Col Boone to forward a detachment to reinforce Boone's Station where he marched as one of them and remained in garrison until 1781 in the spring when he was sent with others under the command of Capt. Hays to aid in building canoes for General Clark's army, to convey corn to him then at the Falls of Ohio, after that service which only lasted two weeks, he returned to the fort of Boone's Station where he remained in garrison, defending it until April 1782, in which month, Col Boone sent a detachment to Strode's Station, which they then commanded by Captain John Constant, there at the request of said Constant, he in company with Andrew Rule volunteered as a spy and served 30 days. After that he returned to Boone's Station  where he remained until the middle of June where he served a tour of 30 days as a spy under command of James Stevenson captain, ranging the country from Licking River to Big Bone Lick, after which he returned to the station. He remained in garrison until the 2nd of August when he was again detached under the command of Major John Holder in pursuit of a party of Indians who had taken 2 boys named Jones Hoy? or Hay? and John Calloway, son of Col Richard Calloway. They overtook the Indians at the upper Blue Licks and in the battle which ensued they were defeated and returned to Boone's Station. There he remained and in a few days, several of the wounded who were in the Battle of the lower Blue Locks were brought in and he aided in taking care of them. He remained in garrison doing duty until 1783 the close of the Revolutionary War in April 1783.


     Major Oswald Townsend age 75 resided in Madison Co, Ky, who has been personally acquainted with Samuel Boone since 1779 to the present saw the company that said Boone was in on its march to Kentucky under Col Daniel Boone and in the spring of 1780 I went to Bryant's Station and there found Samuel Boone in the service as a soldier.


Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936