Beatty. John

Kentucky Militia - Seminole War

Old War Invalid

Pension Number 6628


Drawn August 11, 1833 from Old War cards. No Pen. F file

STATE OF TENNESSEE: WHITE COUNTY. This day personally appeared before us, Thomas Whaley and James Davis, two of the acting justices of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, Thomas Paprans to us known, late a Lieut in Captain James Rogers Company of Tennessee mounted gunmen on an expedition against Seminole Indians in the year 1818 and senior officers on command at Hartford, State of Ga. of a detachment of and placed under his command destined to Fort Hawkins and then up to a line on military post to Fort Godson who first being sworn in on form of law sayeth that while on the line of March and passing through the enemies country in East Florida, the detachment aforesaid was joined by John Beatty a private in Captain Isaac Watkins Company and time to when it was deemed highly perilous and that said John Beatty received a wound from a gun discharged by a soldier under the command of this affiant in the aforesaid detachment under the impression that the said Beatty was an Indian, that the ball penetrated near his navel and on the right side of the same ranging towards his backbone spine, that it rendered the said John unfit and unable to perform his duty; that he received said wound on or about the 25th or 26th day of April in 1818 while in the service aforesaid and while on the line of his duty. Signed Thomas Passon.

Late a Lieut in Capt James Rogers Company of T.C.G. M. 1st regiment. this 1819, July 31.


STATE OF TENNESSEE, WHITE COUNTY. This day personally appeared before us, Thomas Ashley and William C. Britain, two of the acting justices of the peace for said county, Dr. William E. Throckmorton, Prof. of medicine and surgery to us known and after being in due form, said that he was requested by John Beatty to examine the wound, which he received in the late war between the U.S. and the Seminole Indians, which wound is on the right side of the naval and etc, and he states he is fully aware that said Beatty is unable to perform military services, signed William E. Throckmorton, M.D., 8-7-1819.

Doctor John Knight Farmer, M.D. also made affidavits to that effect.


William C. Britain and Thomas Whaley made affidavits.

Captain Isaac Watkins made affidavit in Davidson Co, Tenn; that he was in the 2nd regiment of Tenn, volunteers, mounted gun men in the Seminole War that John Beatty a private in his company turned out to go with the boat to Fort Gains which were loaded with corn, upon which volunteers were solicited and during that service received a gun wound, this affidavit made 9-19-1819.


Columbia, Tenn, June 30, 1818 - This is to certify that John Beatty, a private in my company of the 2nd regiment of Tennessee volunteers mounted gunmen has served a tour of five months, as a volunteer and an expedition against the Seminole Indians, he carries with him the thanks and gratitude of his command and officer and merits the approbation of his country and is hereby honorable discharged. Signed Isaac Watkins, Capt. under Capt. Thos. Williams.



To the pension department: in a letter, dated Lexington, Ky, 1-28-1820, as follows: "Dear Sir: I herewith send proof in the behalf of John Beatty, who was wounded in the Seminole War, he applies to be placed on the pension list for the District of Kentucky, he found proof of is discharge and when last paid, when wounded and ?_______ of disability and states that John Beatty has walked 400 miles to get proof of his discharge and etc, and that the soldier was in what was called the "Yellow Star" expedition? by Daniel M.C. Payen?


Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936