Ball, James and Margaret

Pension Number W 8336 Virginia


James Ball, enlisted 1776 in Hampshire Co, Va in Capt William Ross 12th Va regiment commanded by Col James Wood, that he continued in the service of the U.S. until 1779 for 3 years when he was discharged from service in Fredricktown Maryland, that he was in the Battle of Brandywine, Germantown and Stoney Point and received two wounds at the Battle of Brandywine.


     He proved his service by Christopher Ruby, who said he was in the Revolutionary War with James Ball, about the year 1777 in New Jersey at Morristown and that the said Ball was a regular soldier in the army of the U.S. and he knows that he was in the army for at least two years, as he was himself a soldier at the same time.


     In the Owen Circuit Court, State of Kentucky, May 14-1821: James Ball made affidavit, age 70, resident of Owen Co, Ky; that he enlisted in Captain William Ross' Company, in the 12th Va regiment, commanded by Col. James Wood; that he enlisted in Hampshire Co, Va, in 1776 for 3 years; that he served in said regiment , until he was transferred to the 8th Va regiment, under Col Abraham Bowman and his captain was Robert Gamble; that he served near four years on the continental line and was discharged by Col Webb, at Fredericktown and Frederick County, state of Maryland, that he drew pension, which was No. 2525. That he has a wife and three children.


     Margaret Ball made application for a widow's pension in Owen Co, Ky, that she was formerly Margaret Bray, age 83, states that she was married to James Ball in May 1771 or 1772 in Hampshire Co, Va, where they lived at the time her husband entered the service. Said that they were married before the commencement of the Revolutionary War. She will further state she has the original record of birth of her children and the said James Ball. She is confident that the ages of all the children are all correctly there set down. That they had a son born in 1775; that he is now living; that he lives in Jessamine Co, Ky, unless he has lately died and that her husband died March 27-1830 in Owen Co, Ky, and that on account of her age and health is not able to attend open court.


      A leaf filed with which appears births and etc.

Mary Ball, daughter of James Ball and Margaret, his wife, was born 8-23-1792

Margaret Ball, daughter of James Ball and Margaret, his wife, was born 12-1-1795

Susannah Ball, daughter of James Ball and Margaret, his wife, was born 12-15-1797

Milly Ball, daughter of James Ball and Margaret, his wife, was born October 28-1800

Henry Ball, son of James and Margaret born 12-25-1775

James Ball, son of James and Margaret born 10-30-1777

John Ball, son of James and Margaret born 10-19-1779

Abraham Ball, son of James and Margaret born 10-19-1781

Isaac Ball, son of James and Margaret born 10-21-1783

Catharine Ball, dau of James and Margaret born 9-7-1785

Jacob Ball, son of James and Margaret born 8-22-1787


     STATE OF KENTUCKY, OWEN COUNTY - The affidavit of John R. Street, taken in Owen Co Ky on Sept 2-1836. That he is a resident of Owen Co, states that he is age 27; that he was well acquainted with James Ball; that he always heard that the said James Ball was a revolutionary pensioner of the U.S.; that the said James Ball died about the month of March 1830. He will further state that he is well acquainted with Margaret Ball, the widow of said James Ball, that she is well and still living and has not married since the death of James Ball.


     Affidavit of Jacob Ball, taken on Owen Co, Ky Sept 2-1836, that he is the son of James Ball and Margaret Ball; that he has always understood and believes that he was born 1787 and that his father and mother had 3 other children and that one older than himself; that his oldest brother, now lives in Jessamine Co, Ky and James Ball in Nelson Co, Ky and that his father was a revolutionary war pensioner of the U.S. and that he died 3-27-1830.


Richard Yancy made affidavit that he knew Margaret Ball, well, and that she is a lady of truth and etc.


     STATE OF KENTUCKY, CLARK COUNTY - The affidavit of Jane Dewitt, widow of Peter Dewitt, taken in Clark Co, Ky Sept 9-1836 in order to prove at the time that Margaret Bray, now Ball, intermarried with James Ball, this affiant being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on her oath make the following statement; that she is a resident of Clark Co, Ky where she has resided for many years; that she is now age 81 years, that she is the sister of Margaret Ball of Owen Co, Ky, the widow of James Ball, decd, who was a soldier of the revolution; that her sister, Margaret Bray Ball married several years before she did. This affiant will further state that she and her sister were both living at her father's house when her said sister was married to the said James Ball; that she was at home at her father's house and saw her sister Margaret Ball and James Ball married, she will state that her recollections may fail her in many things, but as to the marriage of her sister Margaret Bray, that with the said James Ball, she knows they were married in the year 1771 or 1772; that she was at the wedding and saw the ceremony performed. This affiant will state that she married Peter Dewitt in July in the year 1774 in Hampshire Co, Va. She will state from the age of her children and all other circumstances she feels confident that she was married to the said Peter Dewitt in 1774 and knows her sister married James Ball several years before she was married to Dewitt and that her sister is yet living in Owen Co, Ky.


     The affidavit of Henry Ball taken in Jessamine Co, Ky Sept 8-1836 that he is a resident of Jessamine Co, Nicholasville, where he has resided for the last 24 years; that he is now age 60; that he has always understood he was born in the month of Dec 1775 and that he is the son of James and Margaret Ball and that he was born in the year before the declaration of independence in 1776 and that Jane Dewitt, a sister to his mother is still living in Clark Co, Kentucky and can testify regarding the marriage of James Ball and Margaret Bray Ball.


     A letter from Jacob Ball of Owen Co, Ky dated June 13-1843 says:

Sir: [in re] My mother Margaret Ball, widow of James Ball, says she died 8-29-1842 leaving a large family of children, some of whom lived in this county, some in Nelson Co, Kentucky and others living in other states, scattered, I administered upon her estate in the fall of 1842. He wrote into the pension department as administrator of the estate of his mother for them to send the unpaid portion of her pension direct to him, and that he would then in turn divide it among the children.


Source: Records of Revolutionary War Pensions of Soldiers who Settled in Fayette County Kentucky

Annie Walker Burns, compiler, Washington DC, 1936

Copy held by the Kentucky Room, Lexington Public Library

Call number: R976.947 B4128r KY1936