Fayette County Kentucky Images

postcard, hampton court, lexington, ky postcard, stirrup cup restaurant, lexington ky postcard, light & power plant, lexington, ky postcard, gatling gun, tobacco, lexington ky postcard, stoll field, lexington ky postcard, making burgoo, kentucky postcard, lobby, ben ali theater, lexington ky

The spotlight's on: Kentucky Historical Society Digital Collections

It is amazing how much visitors enjoy this page. It has changed quite a bit, but everything is still available online. Images of postcards that were housed here, along with many others that are being shown for the first time, are now part of BlueGrass Postcards on the Lexington History Museum's site. All links to the other collections as well as some assorted images are below.

Fort in Lexington: 1782
Lexington Light Infantry Uniform 1789
Fayette County Kentucky Trustees' Map
Lexington Police Force 1890s (from D. Coovert)
Negro Draftees - World War I - National Archives and Records Administration image NWDNS-165-WW-127(59)
Downtown Lexington ca. 1944  (from D. Coovert)
Welcome... A guide to Lexington Kentucky (1942)
Cabin Restoration in Progress
Francis Morgan Buck b. 1866 - photos

Collections, Etc. Online

Wonderful images from the Kentucky Digital Library Collections
American Memory - Library of Congress
The Daily Aesthetic - pre-integration photos of Lexington's city parks
Kentucky Postcards
(a KyGenWeb Project)
Historic American Buildings Survey - Lexington KY and vicinity from American Memory  (Library of Congress)

Lexington Public Library Postcards
Kentucky Historical Society Digital Collections

Horse Racing Postcards
Thoroughbred Horse Portraits Online
Kentucky Horse Park by Nostalgiaville
University of Kentucky Building Histories and Photos
USDA Historical Photographs

James Weir Family Album - Builder of "White Hall"
Lexington Photos by Galen R. Frysinger
For candid photos of contemporary Lexington, see The Lexicon Project and
Lexington Ky Photos

NYPL Digital

Copyright 2000 - 2006 Pam Brinegar

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