Selected Fayette County, Kentucky Records
Family History Library Microfilm


Fayette Co., KY – microfilm reels, partially abstracted. Includes only a small selection of items, chosen because they gave names of children, etc and a few because they were families I am researching.  Most of these documents were re-recorded c1804 following a fire, and so not in chronological order.                                       By Mary Lu Nelson Johnson



REEL 0008680, Deed Book A, Section 1. [No index].


P. 92:  I William B. Nunnelly for love and affection... my children William Nunnelly, Bedford Nunnelly, Anderson Nunnelly and Robert Coleman Nunnelly... negro woman Betty... land on Boones creek adjacent William Halsie, Frederick Nichols, Peter Laughlin & Robert Forsythe.  13 Feb 1804


P. 286:  Elizabeth Wilgup [Wilgus/Wilguss] infant orphan of John Wilgup deceased who was two years old the 9th day of July 1803 apprenticed to John Houghton until age 16 to be taught art and mystery of seamster [sic].  13 Feb 1804


P. 287:  Wm Richardson and John Richardson orphans of Robert Richardson deceased bound to David Bryan... until age 21... taught art of gunsmith.  13 Feb 1804


Andrew Wilgup [Wilguss/Wilgus], orphan of John Wilgup deceased who was 10 [or 14] years old 12 June 1803 bound apprentice to James McChord... taught double and single coverlet weaving.  13 Feb 1804


P. 288:  13 Feb 1804, James Carter infant orphan of Charles Carter deceased who was eleven years old the 30th of Sept 1803 apprenticed to Robert Holmes... teach him the wheel and chair making business.


P. 289:  13 Feby 1804... Pursuant to an act... concerning the poor... Samuel Ingram who was 16 years old the 7th day of August last... bound apprentice to... Richard Ashton until ...21... teach him the wood work of carriage making.


p. 352, 14 May 1804:  Mary Wilgup [Wilgus/Wilguss] infant orphan of John Wilgup deceased who was eleven years old 1st day of July 1803 bound to William Hogland to age 16...  taught... seamster.


P. 410.  9 July 1804.  Elenor Richards formerly bound by court order to James Welsh... records destroyed by fire be bound again until 30 April 1807 at which time her apprenticeship will expire [probably age 16 – mlj]... taught sewing and knitting.


#0008680, Deed Book A, Section 2:


P. 16, Feby Court 1803:  Henry Ellis son of John Ellis deceased puts himself by leave of William Ellis his guardian voluntarily apprenticed to Neal McCann [a Hatter] ... to learn the trade... term of four years.  s/s William Ellis, Neal McCann


Pps. 160-166:  Deeds from Martin Sidenor senr of Fayette Co., KY to his children:  Philip Sidenor, Lawrence Sidenor, Henry Sidenor, Fred Sidenor, Conrad Sidenor.  12 May 1803.  Wits on all deeds:  James Lemon, Peter Sidenor, William Grant


P. 168:  Deed of William Grant to my son Squire Grant.  12 May 1803.   Wits: Peter Sidenor,, Conrad Sidenor, James Lemon.


P. 169:  William Grant and Elizabeth his wife to William Grant Jr.... love and affection.  12 May 1803.  Wits:  James Lemon, Peter Sidenor, Conrad Sidenor


P. 326:  Francis Walker about 16 years of age bound apprentice to Peter Paul [Stonecutter]... to the said Peter Paul... taught stone cutting. 


P. 328:  John Wilson... who will be 18 the 15th of August next 1803 bound to Maddox Fisher... bricklayers trade.


P. 329:  Stephen Chipley who will be 18 on 22 July 1803 bound apprentice to Maddox Fisher... Bricklayers trade.  9 April 1804.


Samuel Sullivan who was 16 the 30th Feby 1803 apprenticed to John Fisher... taught bricklayers trade.  7 April 1804.


P. 439:  Fragment of estate settlement mentions Frances Bentley widow of James deceased.  Children to receive $100 each of goods after widow’s death according to James Bentley’s will.  Reuben Bentley has received $52.50; William Million [Perhaps married a d/o of James Bentley, or is a grson; son of deceased daughter?] received $40, Bartley Bentley $39.  Executors Rebecca Keathly one of the heirs received $100 and Athy Epperson received $53.45.



REEL 0008683, Volume B, Section 2:


P. 81:  Liston Houston of Scott Co. KY appoint my brother Joseph Houston of same... collect... belonging to me as just heir with him my said brother of my late father Robert Houston deceased.  10 August 1798.


P. 191:  Ignatius Wheeler of Fayette Co., KY appoint my dear son Aquila Wheeler of the same place... Power of Attorney... land on the north and south branches of the River Powtowmack in the Commonwealth of Virginia.            /s/ Ig. Wheeler

Ack:  State of Kentucky, Lexington Dist.  13 Dec 1798


P. 246:  7 March 1799, Indenture... George Bryan and Elizabeth Bryan his wife of Fayette County, KY... to William, Mary, Jane, Susannah, Margaret and James Smith of Fayette the heirs of William Smith deceased... for five shillings current money paid... tract on waters of ?Cain run.



REEL 0855037 [Reel titled “Early Land Records...”  Transcripts typed by DAR chapters.  These were microfilmed by a library in Lexington.... so have limited the data gleaned.  States original in Treasurer’s Office in Lexington]:


P. 80:  I William Henderson... County of Fayette State of Virginia [Kentucky] unto James Wallace of the County of Rockbridge five lotts in this town of Lexington five lotts in this town of Lexington (viz) two in and three out lotts being the whole of said Hendersons possessions [No date; date above is 23 June 1785 and next deed following is 24 June 1786 – but deed following that is 23 June 1792...


P. 87:  Personally came before me William Thompson... saith that in the year 1784 he went into Virginia and during his absence his mother Jane Thompson sold her out lott in Lexington to John McClure... [Probably to clear title following fire].  March 8, 1806.


P. 106, Richard Masterson of the Co. of Fayette State of Virginia [KY] to Henry Marshall of Cumberland Co., PA... Town of Lexington Lott 41 and one out Lott No 78.  6 March 1790. [Orig. p. 60]


P. 109:  Richard Masterson of Fayette Co., VA to John Cockney Owings of Baltimore Co., Maryland lott in town [Lexington].  18 Feby 1784. 


P. 113:  James Grahams to Robert Campbell of Cecil Co., MD... town of Lexington, Fayette Co., VA.  19 Apr 1784 [orig. p. 68]


Lots 2, 3, 4 in town of Lexington... Thos January to Peter January of City of Philadelphia [No date].






Record of Births and Marriages 1852-1862 Inclusive.

Record of Deaths 1863-1863 gave name of father and in some cases maiden name of mother.



REEL 0008681, Deed Book A, Fayette County Circuit Court:


P. 205:  I Robert Irwin of the Co. of Woodford... KY for divers good trusty friend and brother James Irwin of the Co. of Hamilton...Ohio my true and lawful attorney... division of certain tracts of land with a certain William Bingham which tracts ... were sold and conveyed to the said Wm Bingham and myself by a certain ____ Williams and wife by deed... fifth and sixth days of October 1797... this 23rd November 1803.  s/s Robert Irwin


Same Reel, Section 2 P. 78:  James Brown of Lexington, Fayette Co. [KY] for the sum of $150 to be paid by my late slave Benjamin... emancipated slave Benjamin, his wife Aggy and their son Edmond.  2 June 1803.


REEL 0008688, Book D, 1809-1810:


P. 228:  This indenture made 15 Jan 1810 between John T. Hawkins and Lucy his wife, Co. of Fayette... KY and Joseph Nelson of Scott... KY for $485 current money of Kentucky sell tract in County of Scott on the waters of [blank] containing 99 acres... may more fully appear by plat of survey made by James Johnson... Scott Circuit Court in suit brought by heirs of Benjamin Johnson against Jacob Martin, Jessee Hambrick and the said Joseph Nelson...

s/s John T. Hawkins, Lucy Hawkins [also filmed p. 523 near end of reel – mlj].


P. 232:  Deed 8 Nov 1809, Fayette Co.... between Joseph Perry Samuel Perry and Mary his wife, John Hamilton and Sarah his wife formerly Sarah Perry and Betsy Perry of County of Fayette, Commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and John Bell of Fayette Co., KY ... sell to John Bell land on Town Fork of waters of Elkhorn...


P. 523:  Whereas a marriage is about to be consummated between Robert H. Grayson of the County of Mason, KY and Sophronista Cabell of Co. of Buckingham, State of Virginia... Robert in consideration of affection which he bears said Sophronista relinquishes all claims which may arise... her property... 1000 acres on James River in the State of Virginia... any negroes... Sophronista... her heirs...  2nd Sept. 1809.  s/s Robert H. Grayson

Wits:  Wm G. Orr, Latitia P. Grayson, Mary H. Breckenridge, Mary H. Harrison.



REEL 0855035 [DAR; last set of items on reel.  Copied by Mrs. H. K. McAdams from the original Vital Statistics of Kentucky in Archives Department, Kentucky State Historical Society in Frankfort, KY.


Persons died in Kentucky born in Pennsylvania:  They’re there, give date of birth and names of parents, usually include maiden name of mother.  Again, do not want to violate copyrights.


Persons born Virginia died in Kentucky: They’re there, give date of birth and names of parents, usually include maiden name of mother.  Again, do not want to violate copyrights.


Calloway County Vital Statistics 1852-1859:  They’re there, give date of birth and names of parents, usually include maiden name of mother.  Again, do not want to violate copyrights.



REEL 1490705, Vol. A, December 1782 – 1804 [Note:  Apprenticeships for females was to age 16; for males to age 21.  Required person to whom bound to teach reading, writing and arithmetic “to the rule of three”.   In most cases, required person to whom a child was bound to furnish clothing at end of apprenticeship, and in the case of a few older children, a small sum of money.


P. 67:  13 Aug 1795 [Marital separation agreement].  Alexander Parker of Lexington, Fayette Co., KY and Benjamin Howard and John Breckenridge of Fayette Co.... agreed Alexr Parker and Mary his wife... Mary Parker to receive land and slaves.  Benjamin Howard and John Breckenridge co-trustees for Mary... John Howard father to the said Mary Parker... negro fellow George, woman Hannah and their three children Phillis, George and Daniel... 1000 ac Ohio River about 15-20 miles below mouth of Kentucky being part of 8000 acres patented by John Howard...


P. 287:  13 Feb 1804, Andrew Wilguss age 14 on 12 June 1803, orphan of John Wilguss, bound to Andrew McChord of Fayette Co., KY until age 21... taught the art of double and singule [sic] coverlid [sic]  weaving business, reading writing and arithmetick including the rule of three.


P. 326:  9 April 1804 Francis Walker about age 16 bound to Peter Paul Stonecutter bound to the said Peter Paul to be taught art of stone cutting to age 21.


P. 327:  9 Apr 1804 Henry Dows [or Down] age 16 the 9 day of May last, bound to Maddox Fisher... taught bricklayer trade.


9 Apr 1804 Robert Davis who was 11 years old the 15 Sept last 1802 bound to Maddox Fisher... brick layers trade.


P. 328:  9 Apr 1804 John Wilson who will be 18 the 15 Aug 1803 bound to Maddox Fisher... brick layer trade.


P. 329:  9 April 1804 Stephen Chipley who will be 18 years old the 22 July 1803 bound to Maddox Fisher... bricklayers trade.


9 Apr 1804 Samuel Sullivan who was 16 the 30th day of Feby last 1803 bound to John Fisher... bricklayers trade.


P. 334:  18 Apr 1804... lands belonging to heirs and legatees of the late Revd John Todd deceast of Virginia and still undivided should be disposed of... Andrew Todd, James Moore and Robert Todd who have intermarried with three daughters of said Revd John Todd dcd agreed to make a partition... Levi Todd as agent or attorney for John Todd so[n? – center binding tight, can’t read] of the above decedant and also for David McCalla who married Elizabeth daughter of legatee of Rev. John Todd dcd and Robert Todd acting agent for John Todd Pennington son of Sarah daughter of the said deceased did also agree to a partition... One moiety of 3000 acres lying in the forks of Licking also land on Kentucky River between Silver Creek and Hickman creek.


P. 346:  Deed of Gift.  We David Crews & Anne Crews of Madison County State of Virginia for love and affection we bear our daughter Milley Beall wife of Archibald Beall of Fayette Co., VA... 200 acres... County of Fayette upon the Kentucky river opposite mouth of Jacks creek... 10 June 1788.  Rerecorded [possibly due to fire] 18 May 1804, County of Madison, KY. 

[P. 384:  Deed by Archbd Beall & Milley his wife of Bourbon Co., Co., selling this property to Green Clay.  16 Apr 1804].


P. 390:  Deed of Gift, William Stone of County of Fayette... natural love and affection... my children... namely William Stone, Mary Hollyman, Ann Neale, Catherine Gray and John Stone...

to Wm Stone negro Jane and her children Dennis and Moses.

to Mary Hollyman negroes Toby and ?Emey.

to Catherine Gray [negroes] Soll [or Sall] and Dinah

to John Stone negroes Alice and two of her children namely Amon and Hanson. 

17 Jany 1793.  /s/s William Stone


P. 393:  15 Jan 1793, deed by William Stone of Co. of Fayette and State of Kentucky to Mary Hollyman of Fairfax, Virginia... Wm Stone sold to Mary Hollyman land on the south fork of Elkhorn river in Fayette Co. being part of the preemption obtained by John Vance from State of Virginia... signed, sealed and delivered to her brother William Stone.

s/s/ William Stone

Wits:  Samuel Kelly, Richard Gray, James Ritchy, Charles Neale.  March Court 1793.


P. 395:  Deed by Wm Stone senr of Co. of Fayette and William Stone jun of same county... land... Fayette Co., KY.  14 Jan 1793.  /s/ Wm Stone

Wits:  Richard Gray, John Stone, Samuel Kelly, Charles Neale, James Ritchy


P. 405:  19 July 1796 Shadrack Vaughan of Co. of Goochland, VA sold to Francis Kirtley of Co. of Rockingham, VA land in Co. of Fayette, State of KY on the north fork of Elkhorn creek.


P. 439:  [Fragment].  Appears to be estate settlement.  Frances Bentley, widow of John Bentley deceased.  When any of the children married they were to have $100 of property each.  Children listed as having received property:

Rebecca ______


Reuben Bentley

William Million

Barley Bentley

Mentions that the will of James Bentley states after the death of the widow, remainder of estate to be divided between children.   ____ber 21st 1832.


Section 3, same REEL 1490705, Deed Book Vol. B, March 1786 – November 1807:


P. 450:  Whereas Warren Wheeler and myself entered into an agreement 30 November 1805 whereas the said Wheeler was to make me a deed... land in Fayette Co. on waters of Elkhorn... about 217 acres adjoining Joseph Frazier, Alexander Mahan and William Leavy three years from said date... 19 June 1807.  s/s Adam Weber



REEL 0232705, Order Book 3, October 1811 – May 1817:


P. 160:  Ordered James Nelson be appointed Overseer of Morgans Mill Rd. from the Winchester Rd. to the Clarke County line in the room of Geo G. Boon said Boon to furnish a list of hands to work said road.


P. 489:  December 1816 license is granted to Ambrose Nelson to keep a tavern at his house in the town of Lexington on mulberry street at the uper [sic] end of the new Market house agreeable to law who executed bond with David Fisher his security conditioning as the law directs.



Section 2 [same Reel 0232705], Order Book #4, May 1817 – March 1821


P. 84:  Dec 9, 1817, Court met. 


Sally Nelson aged four years the 23rd September last is bound an apprentice to Joseph Faulkner until she is 16 years of age to learn the trade of spinning sewing and nitting [sic].


[Note:  Orders binding following Nelson children, and exception by Ambrose Nelson are on pps 86, 91, 109, 111, 199, 470, 486:


Indenture of Apprenticeship binding Sally Nelson to Joseph Faulkner produced in court acknowledged by Rodes A. Faulkner and ordered to be recorded.


Lewis Nelson aged two years 21st January last is bound apprenticed to Joseph Faulkner until he is 21 to learn the trade of farming.


Indenture of apprenticeship binding Lewis Nelson to Joseph Faulkner is produced in court and acknowledged by James C. Rodes and Joseph Faulkner and ordered to be recorded.


Martha Ann Nelson [no age] is bound to Joseph Faulkner until age 16 to be taught spinning sewing and nitting [sic].  Indenture of apprenticeship ordered to be recorded.


The foregoing orders of the Court... Ambrose Nelson the Farther [sic] of the above bound children Excepts and files the following bill of Exceptions to wit:  Faulkner vs Nelson.  Be it remembered that after the Court had upon the Testimony of Faulkner himself deemed that the children of Nelson should be bound out as poor children.  Nelson himself appeared in court and _____ Reconsideration of the decision upon the ground that he was able and willing to support the children himself and was unwilling they should be bound out and also because no summons had been issued against him directing him to show cause why said children should not be bound out but the court Refused to Review said order directing the said children to be bound out to which opinion of the court said Nelson excepts and prays this his bill of Exceptions to be signed and sealed by the Court.  It is admitted that the Mother of said children was present and consented to the binding out of said children.  /s/ O. Keen, A. Young


P. 88:  Appeared Elizabeth Dunnahoo... court concurs that Archimedes Smith is Farther [sic] of her bastard child... said A. Smith ordered to make bond... $640 with Samuel Elliott his security.


P. 109-110:  On motion of Joseph Faulkner it is ordered that the order binding Ambrose Nelson’s children to him be confirmed by the consent of the parties.


P. 111:  An article of agreement from Ambrose Nelson to Joseph Faulkner was produced in open court and proved by the oath of Thomas Nelson and ordered to be recorded. 


November 1815:


P. 199:  Ordered that Saml Blair pay the widow Nelson eleven dollars out of any fine money in his hands said widow being a poor woman and at this moment sick.


P. 470:  On motion of Ambrose Nelson for a Tavern License at his house in Lexington.  It is ordered that the same be continued there not being a majority of all the Justices present as required.


P. 486:  On motion of Ambrose Nelson license is granted to keep a Tavern at his house in the town of Lexington agreeable to law who executed bond with Lewis Pigg his security conditioned as the law directs.