Fayette County Kentucky
 1860 and 1870 Mortality Schedules

Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1880
(formerly in the custody of the Daughters of the American Revolution), and Related Indexes, 1850-1880;
United States National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T655, roll 28.

1860 Schedule

On June 5, 1860, the Kentucky Statesman announced
"Ben F. Watts and A. G. Talbot of Boyle named to take census of this County [Fayette]."  Ben F. Watts, a 33 year old Fayette County farmer, served as assistant marshall by completing the 1860 survey for District One. Wm. P. Talbott, age 25 and also of Fayette County (not A.G. Talbot of Boyle), completed District Two, enumerating himself on the population schedules as a "farmer and assistant marshall."


District No. 1, page 1
District No. 1, page 2
District No. 1, page 3
District No. 1, page 4
District No. 1, page 5
District No. 1, page 6

District No. 2, page 1
District No. 2, page 2
District No. 2, page 3
District No. 2, page 4
District No. 2, page 5
District No. 2, page 6



1870 Schedule

For the 1870 census, Llewellyn P. Tarlton, Jr, a 24 year old lawyer and Edw. E. Smith, a 21 year old teacher, both of Fayette county, completed the schedules. Llew P. Tarlton Jr. surveyed wards 1 & 4 as well as the fourth, fifth and sixth precincts. E.E. Smith handled districts 1, 2, 3 & 4 and Wards 2 & 3. 

District No. 1
District No. 2
District No. 3
District No. 4

Fourth Precinct
Fifth Precinct
Sixth Precinct

South Lexington
Ward No. 1, page 1
Ward No. 1, page 2
Ward No. 1, page 3
Ward No. 4, page 1
Ward No. 4, page 2

North Lexington
Ward No. 2, page 1
Ward No. 2, page2
Ward No. 2, page 3
Ward No. 2, page 4
Ward No. 2, page 5
Ward. No. 3, page 1
Ward No. 3, page 2
Ward No. 3, page 3


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