Miscellaneous Advertisements in early
Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky Newspapers
(and a few other places)

To be Let, on Saturday the 6th of July, 1789, The Building of a Meeting-House, in Lexington, 50 feet long, 40 wide, and 22 feet high, with a gallery 15 feet wide, round three squares of the house; all to be framed work, with necessary doors and window frames; the whole to be constructed of strong and durable timbers, and done in a workman like manner. Any person inclining to undertake said building may communicate their terms to Robert Patterson, or Mr. Robert M’Gowan in Lexington, before the abovementioned day.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 27 June 1789

Fayette County, sc. To all Head Boroughs and Constables within this Colony, to whom these presents shall come:
Whereas it has been this day proven on oath, before me James Trotter, one of the justices of the Commonwealth, for the county aforesaid, that THOMAS M’MILLIN of the said county, did, on the evening of the 24th instant, feloniously stab with a knife, and mortally wound a certain WILLIAM ACKLES, in said county, so that said Ackles is since dead of said wounds, and said Thomas M’Millin is since fled for the same and not yet apprehended. Therefore in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I charge and command you and every of you, in your several precincts, to search diligently for the said Thomas M’Millin, and to make hue and cry after him, from town to town, and from county to county, as well by horseman as footmen, and if you shall find him, that you apprehend and bring him before a justice of the peace of the county where he shall be taken, to be dealt with as the law directs.
Given under my hand and seal, this 27th day of December, 1789.  James Trotter, L.S.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 09 January 1790

Scheme of a Lottery, For Disposing of 29 In-Lots in the Town of Lexington, it being within the square bounded by Mulberry street, or Limestone road, Short street, Upper street and Second street. As this ground corners on the public square or Court-house lot, and as the sale thereof will be of infinite advantage to the population of the Town, I have no doubt but the tickets will sell in a very short time—There will be 261 tickets, 232 blanks and 29 prizes; just 8 blanks to a prize. The Lottery will be drawn on the 14th day of May next (if the tickets are all sold by that time) otherwise the drawing will be advertised in the Kentucky Gazette—Col. Greenup will superintend the drawing,—sufficient security will be given for the  conveyance of the Lots to the fortunate—Tickets to be had of Messrs. Alexander  and James Parker, or the subscriber at 21s each. FRANCIS M’DERMED. Lexington, Feb. 23, 1791.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 19 March 1791

At a meeting of the Trustees of Lexington, June the 7th 1791. Resolved that no wooden chimney be suffered to stand within the bounds of the in lots of this Town, after the first day of September next.
Resolved that all Butcher’s shops within the in lots of this Town, be removed within one month from this date, and that no slaughter house of any kind be erected within the limits thereof, in such manner as to be nuisances to the same.
Resolved that all other nuisances of whatever denomination be removed within one month, and that no obstruction be made or caused to be made in the streets of this town.
And that all persons failing to remove such nuisances or obstructions, as have or shall be made by them, or by their orders, within the limits of this town, within one month after notice given them by the board of Trustees or their officer, shall be subject to such penalties as the board shall inflict.
Resolved that no hogs within the limits of this Town be suffered to run at large within the same, and that all such as are found running at large, from and after the sixth day of July next, shall be taken up by the authority of the Trustees, and sold for the benefit of the Town, and that the money arising from such sale after deducting the costs of sale, to be appropriated to the lessening the tax next ensuing such forfeiture and sale.
Resolved that the four preceding resolutions be published in the Kentucky Gazette. By order of the Board, John Bradford.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 18 June 1791

Twenty Dollars Reward. Was lost or embezzled between Limestone and this place, a keg containing Allspice, Nutmegs, Cinnamon and Cloves; and person who will give information to the subscribers, so that they may obtain the same again, shall receive the above reward, or forty dollars shall be paid to and person or persons who shall prosecute the person that may have embezzled the same.  SEITZ & LAUMAN. Lexington. Dec. 1792
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 05 January 1793

The trustees of the town of Lexington, feeling the dangers and inconveniences which are occasioned by the practice (but too common) of racing through the streets of the inn and our lotts of the town, and convinced that they are not invested with sufficient authority to put a stop to such practices, recommend it to the people of the town, to call a public meeting, to consider of the means which ought to be adopted for applying a remedy to this growing evil. John Bradford, ch.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 02 November 1793

Fayette County sct. To all sheriffs and constables in the Commonwealth of Kentucky: Whereas Innis B. Brent keeper of the public jail of this Commonwealth hath this day made oath before me James Trotter one of the justices of peace for said county, That JOHN SMITH alias JESSE WALDRHYN, who was under sentence of death, WILLIAM COX, JOSHUA POWELL, JOHN COLBERT, JOHN LAD, and DANIEL BOYD, criminals in said jail, did on the night of the 24th instant, break and made their escape out of said jail and are now going at large.
These are therefore in the name of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to require you and each of you in your several counties or districts, to make diligent search for them by way of hue and cry, with foot and horse men; and they or either of them so taken to commit to the jail of the county where taken, and the keeper of such jails are hereby required to receive such prisoner or prisoners into their jail and custody and them safely keep until they can be from thence conveyed to the public jail from whence they escaped. Given under my hand and seal at Lexington, this 25th day of October 1794, and of the Commonwealth the Third. JAMES TROTTER
John Smith alias Jesse Waldrhyn, is about 6 feet high, about 30 years of age, dark complexion and short dark hair, of Fayette County.
William Cox, more fully described by the name of devil Cox or Devil Will Cox, of Madison county.
Joshua Powell is about 6 feet high, of a yellow complexion and hair, very stout made, of about 30 years old, of Hardin County.
John Colbert, about 5 feet nine inches high, light complexion and sandy hair, an impudent look, the middle finger of his right hand is off, about 25 years old, of Madison county.
John Lad, about 5 feet 6 inches high, thin visage remarkable large mouth and nose, grey hair, about 45 years old, of Mason County.
Daniel Boyd, about 5 feet 7 inches high, dark complexion and hair, a down look, about 28 years old, he lives in Scott County.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 08 November, 1794

Yesterday, DANIEL BOYD was executed, in this town for murder, agreeably to the sentence of the court of Oyer and Terminer at their last session.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 30 May 1795

Notice. At a meeting of the trustees of the town of Lexington, the third day of August, 1795:
Whereas it is represented to this board, the public springs in this town are much injured by the practice of washing at them.
Resolved, that the proper steps shall be taken to punish all those who shall hereafter be found washing at or around any of the public springs in this town. The board will consider the heads of families accountable for the conduct of their servants, and will take the proper steps to recover the penalties imposed by law for nuisances. By order of the board, J. HUGHES, Ch.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 08 August 1795

Ten dollars reward, for apprehending and securing in any jail in the United States, RICHARD WHITE, a native of York County, Pennsylvania, served as apprentice to Mr. M’cord, joiner in Baltimore, who took him to Lexington, Kentucky, from thence the said villain stole my horse on the 10th of August last, and sold him in Washington county, Virginia to Mr. Lytle of Kentucky. White is about twenty three years old, short brown curly hair, his looks entitles him to a turn in the sheriff’s cuntry dance. I suppose him in Maryland or Pennsylvania, but probably will return for more horses to Kentucky. The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid by Mr. William Leavy, Mr. John Kay Lexington, or Dennis M’Carthy, Abingdon, Virginia, October 8.
N.B. Mr. Lytle is required to deliver the above horse to Mr. William Leavy or Mr. John Kay as above.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 07 November 1795

THE WILDERNESS ROAD from the Cumberland Gap to the settlements in Kentucky, is now compleated. Waggons loaded with a ton weight may pass with ease. with four good horses.—Travellers will find no difficulty in procuring such necessaries as they may stand in need of on the road; and the abundant crop now growing in Kentucky will afford the emigrants a certainty of being supplied with every necessary of life on the most reasonable terms.
The Printers in the different States are requested to publish this notice. 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 08 October 1796  

All persons having demands against JOHN MAY deceased, either for money due to them, or for contracts payable in lands, are requested to transmit to the subscriber a copy of their demands or contracts. All who are indebted to said John May, either for money due to him, or contracts for land purchased from him, or for locating lands in the state of Kentucky, are requested to make payment, and to perform their specific contracts immediately. The said deceased has by his last will and testament, subjected his lands to the payment of his debts, and the subscriber will make it the first object of his administration to provide for the same, with as much dispatch as the nature and circumstances of the estate will admit of. And whereas the said John May met with a premature death, by the hands of the Indians on his passage down the river Ohio, many papers and much information perished with him, ‘tis probable the subscriber may need the information of others in some matters relative to the negotiation of the deceased, in the western country, and he will thankfully receive any communications which gentlemen acquainted with the concerns of the deceased may think proper to make.
I have appointed Mr. Thomas Carneal my agent in Kentucky to receive and forward all communications in that state, alluded to above. As the want of a legal representative since the death of mr. May, has obstructed all operations relative to his transactions and no doubt to the injury of many, I now intreat that all persons concerned may bring forward their business immediately. DAVID ROSS administrator, Richmond, January 22, 1796.
P.S. Letters directed to me in Lexington upon the aforesaid business (postage paid) shall be duly attended to by THO. CARNEAL. 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 22 February 1797  

Owners of Stills Take Notice.  The law directs that stills shall be entered between the last day of May and the first day of July in every year. My office will be opened at my house on South Elkhorn in Fayette county where the inhabitants of Fayette, Clarke and Montgomery may find due attendance. T. STHRESHLY, C.H. May 24, 1797
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 03 June 1797

Thirty Dollars Reward Will be given for apprehending a man who calls himself WILLIAM JAMES, of a middle size, fair hair, queued with an Eel-skin, dark skin—had on when I saw him, a coarse blue cloth coat, nankin breeches and jacket, the breeches tied at the knee with white tape. The said James, yesterday sold me a saddle, and received payment, which afterwards proved to be the property of Mr. Burrowes. FRANCIS BARRET. (see below ad in re Mr. Barret)
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 16 August 1797 

One Hundred Dollars Reward
Whereas a certain FRANCIS BARRET has, at sundry times, stolen several articles of merchandize from the several stores in this town, many of which have this day been found concealed at his house—the inhabitants of Lexington have raised by subscription the above reward and offer it to any person who will apprehend him, in order so that he may be tried and punished for his villainous practices.
The said Barrett is a Baptist Preacher of some eminence in his profession and has long imposed himself upon the world as a man of sanctity and good morals. His person is about the common size, rather corpulent, and his countenance serious and prepossessing—his dress, when last in this town, was indicative of his profession, and it is probable that he may still continue to preach in order to impose upon those who may be strangers to his real character.
It is hoped that every good citizen will use his best exertions to bring so notorious and hypocritical offender to justice. He resided in the neighborhood of Nathaniel Ashby, and may probably still be lurking about that place.
[signed]: William Leavy, Alijah & John W. Hunt, Nathan Burrowes, Reid & M’Ilvain, James B. January, James Weir, Robert Bradley, Andrew Holmes, P.M’Cullough, M. Bell, Samuel Price & Co., Charles Humphreys, John Satterwhite, Baird & Owen, James H. Stewart, John Calhoun, C. Beaty, Thomas Botts jun., Seitz & Lauman, Robert Barr & Co., John M. Boggs, James Trotter, Andrew Hare, P. January jun., West & Guthrie, Thomas C. Howard, Trotter & Scott, Joseph Oliver, George Poyzer, George Anderson, James M’Coun, J. Hudson, Downing & Moody, David Humphreys. Lexington, August 16, 1797.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 19 August 1797

For SALE. The Subscriber, who is about to remove his old Rope Walk, will lay out the land on which it stands, in six lots, sixty-six and two thirds feet in front, and one hundred and forty back, he will also lay out a lot on the street he lives on, the same size including his black smith’s shop, on three of the other lots will be three small brick houses, which will accommodate as many families; all of which will be sold on reasonable terms by THOMAS HART.

Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 23 September 1797

On Monday evening last M. Lassellard, a French gentleman, raised an AIR BALLOON in this town; it was about ten feet in diameter, it ascended about 6 o’clock in the evening from M. Sangrain’s house on High Street, passed over the town and after going about a mile unfortunately took fire and intirely consumed.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 27 September 1797

The injury sustained by the Citizens of this State on account of the stoppage of the Ohio Mail last season, for ten or eleven weeks by the frost, rendered it highly necessary that some arrangements should be made to prevent similar injuries—and as that mail has now stopped for two weeks past, there is reason to fear that proper arrangements have not yet been made for carrying it by land. It has therefore been thought expedient to request a meeting of the Citizens of Lexington, at the Post-Office this evening at four o’clock, to take the subject under consideration, and adopt such measures in the premises as shall be tho’t most adviseable.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 20 December 1797

For Sale, Four OUT LOTS adjoining each other, situate in Lexington, on which is my brick yard, which is equal if not superior to any in this place. Also a commodious brick dwelling house: the walls and work of which is superior to any in this place—with a never failing spring, convenient to the house, the water of which is of an excellent quality. I have also 8 acres of WOODLAND, adjoining the above lots.—For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 07 February 1798

NOTICE. The subscribers having contracted for erecting a machine for the purpose of moulding bricks, in the town of Lexington, do hereby give notice, that if any person or persons having a patent or other legal right for the invention and sole building of said machine, will come forward and make his or their right apparent, all just and legal premiums shall be discharged by us.  WALK’R BAYLOR, JOHN BOB. THOS. HART, THOS. BRIGGS
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 14 February 1798

TEN DOLLARS REWARD For apprehending and securing JAMES M’INTIRE who deserted from a detachment of recruits, of the 4th regiment, under my order, on the 9th instant, from this place. He is abut five feet six inches high, thirty-three years old, ruddy complexion and sandy lair—he was born in Ireland, speaks quick, his cloathing consists of a home made short and overalls.  JOHN TAYLOR, Lieut. 4th U.S. Regt. Winchester, Kentucky.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 03 October 1798

A SUNDAY SCHOOL is now open at Col. Patterson’s old house on High Street, for the use of the people of Color. Those who wish to have their servants taught, will please to send a line, as none will be received without. N.B. There is no expenses attending those who send.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 17 October 1798

LOTTERY for the purpose of inclosing and ornamenting the COURT-HOUSE YARD in Lexington; Under the Direction of the County Court of Fayette. ….. 326 Prizes amounting to $4,000, 674 blanks. 1000 tickets only, at $5 each. ---- Managers, James Morrison, Charles Wilkins, Abner LeGrand, Alexander Park, William Pritchart, James Coleman, Thomas Bodley, John H. Morton, Nath. G.S. Hart, David Castleman.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 07 January 1812

Fire! Fire! Fire!  On yesterday about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, this town was again alarmed by this dreadful cry: which is ever alarming to the feelings of man, and more so of late from the many, and dreadful visitations which we have of late experienced.
The superb tavern of Mr. Keen (late Postlethwait’s) had taken fire in the upper story of its corner, on Limestone street; and had so far progressed, that every effort to quell it, was useless, until the greater part of that valuable building was consumed. Fortunately a part has been preserved by the activity of many citizens, and the aid of two or three of our Fire Companies. Thus, in the course of a few hours, the prospects of a large family have, for a time, been blasted; and an Hotel distinguished for the comforts which it afforded to the way-worn traveller, is in ashes. We hope, however, it may soon rise, like the Phoenix from its ashes, and that this misfortune will be but the commencement of an æra of good fortune to its proprietor.
It is not known whether the fire was produced by accident or not.
Source: Lexington (KY) Public Advertiser, 04 March 1820

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the town of Lexington, March 28, 1820, Resolved, That it is the opinion of the Trustees of the town, that the practice of blowing horns and making a noise in the streets of Lexington during watch hours, is contrary to the laws of the town, and that they do hereby instruct their watchmen, to apprehend all such disorderly persons, and in cases of inability, to call on the citizens for aid, and confine such disorderly person, or persons, in the guard house, for any time not exceeding two hours. By order of the Board, Attest, H.B. Smith, Cl’k.
Source: Lexington (KY) Public Advertiser, 01 April 1820

Fowler’s Garden, Where Ladies and Gentlemen may, at the shortest notice, be accommodated with dinners or other refreshments, on moderate terms. And in order to render comfortable the situation of Ladies who may be inclined to visit those gardens, Mrs. Usher has removed to this delightful spot, where she will use her best endeavors to make their visits pleasant and entertaining. And from the assiduous attention which will be paid at all times to his guests at the Gardens, he hopes to give general satisfaction to all who may honor him with their company.
Source: The Lexington (KY) Public Advertiser, 22 April 1820

new on this site CITY OF SANDUSKY [Ohio], JAN. 23, 1823.
We have seen a SLEIGH, made by JOHN TANNER, in two forms, to run on ice, and propelled by wind or steam, as stated by said Tanner, which we think likely as to steam, and certain as to wind, having seen it in motion and running with great facility, considering the situation of the ice; it being partly covered with snow, and very rough. Some of us have been on the machine, and find it will answer every purpose of sailing, and by being properly improved, which can be done, will be one of the most beautiful improvements for high northern or southern climes, ever invented. This machine, as stated by Tanner, is the production and ingenious invention of Mr. Samuel Trotter  of Lexington, Kentucky. Here follow the names of 27 signers  [not listed in article]
Source: The Clarion, Sandusky [Ohio], 05 February 1823

$150 reward. Will be given for apprehending and delivering to me in Frankfort BENJAMIN B. HARRIS, SHARON MOOSELANDER & WILLIAM PULASKY, Three convicts who escaped from the penitentiary on the  morning of the 15th of this instant, or fifty dollars for each one.
Harris is about thirty four years old, five feet six inches high, weighs about one hundred and thirty five pounds, black hair and eyes, the left eye crossed, dark skin, raised in Shenandoah county, Virginia, the two smallest fingers on the left hand cut off, a remarkable scar on the left arm. occasioned by a burn below the elbow.
Sharon Mosslander is a man about twenty eight years old, weighs about one hundred and seventy five pounds, blue eyes, fair hair and complexion, born and raised in Philadelphia, blacksmith by profession, has served four years in the Ohio Penitentiary; he is about five feet eight inches high.
Pulasky is about five feet eight inches high, about thirty years old, dark hair and black eyes weighs about one hundred and sixty five pounds, large strait nose, the top of the left ear off, his parents living in Tennessee.
Printers throughout the United States who are disposed to suppress theft and robbery will do well to give the above a few insertions in their respective.  HARDIN Keeper Kentucky Penitentiary
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 13 January 1825

Mustard seed wanted. Apply to N. Burrowes, For sale at the above named place, Mustard, Oil of Mustard, Essence of Mustard, Cayenne Pepper, Oil of Pepper—All of the cheaper and not inferior to any imported.
To guard against the charge of imposition, which some exotic spirits are apt to bring against every person presenting to public notice, any new otic production, I here announce that, if any person, on purchasing either of the above named articles should not like their qualities on trial, that the privilege of returning the same is hereby granted them if done directly and without damage.  N. BURROWES
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 13 January 1825

For sale. The house and lot situated at the corner of Short and High streets, opposite to the court-house and at present occupied by Nathan Burrowes. For terms apply to Walter Warfield.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 17 February 1825

Midwifery. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that she has removed to the city of Lexington, and intends to practice her profession, having been engaged in the practice of midwifery for eight years. She has read the best practical writers and studied under Elizabeth Walker, her mother, lately deceased, and from the success which has attended her labours, she hopes she will be able to give ample satisfaction to all ladies who may think proper to patronize her. Place of residence opposite Messrs. Todd & Skillman’s Printing Office, on Main street. HELEN HERRING
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 31 August 1833

Military Notice. The subscribers to the Military School for instruction in the Infantry Drill &c. for a company, and the Exercise of the Swords, with the principles of attack and defence, are respectfully notified that the first meeting for organizing the School and instruction, will take place on Wednesday evening next, 18th inst., at 7 o’clock p.m. at Mr. Taylor’s Ball Room near the Post Office. Punctual attendance is solicited. Regular hours of Instruction will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7 o’clock in the evening; this hour has been selected as gentlemen are generally disengaged from business.
The terms have been altered for the purpose of giving those disposed to learn the Infantry alone or Swords alone an opportunity, and are as follows:
The Session of 5 weeks for both, $10.00
Separately—either $5.50
Room, &c. a contingent charge equally divided between the members.
N.B. Such gentlemen as may be disposed to patronize the School and join the class, will please to attend early on Wednesday evening the 18th.  R.I. DUNN
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 12 October 1833

A line of stages is now in full operation three times a week from Lexington, Kentucky, by the way of Mountsterling, Owingsville and Catlettsburgh, to Guyandotte, Va. Leaves Lexington Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s at one o’clock A.M. and arrives at Guyandotte the next day at two o’clock P.M.  Leaves Guyandotte on the same days at ten o’clock A.M., and arrives at Lexington the next day. The accommodations are good, the Stages are new, the teams are in good plight, the drivers are sober and accommodating. Passengers will find themselves amused, and highly entertained with the romantic mountain scenery, through which the Line passes.  The PROPRIETOR.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 03 August 1833

For sale, The book of prices of the Association of Master Carpenters of the City of Lexington, at A.T. Skillman’s Book store, Main street, and Matthew Kennedy’s Book store, Cheapside.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 30 November 1833

Murder. On Tuesday afternoon last, a young man by the name of  HARRIS, of the Medical Class of Morrison College, went to the room of Mr. JUNIUS P. FENNER, another young man of the same class, and commenced an altercation with him about some previous affair,—after exchanging a few words, Harris drew from his pocket a piston and fired it, and in a few seconds another, one of the bullets of which took effect, and Fenner expired immediately. He was taken into custody, and underwent an examination before the mayor, who came to the conclusion to admit him to bail in the sum of $5,000, which he has not yet procured.
The deceased was one of the most estimable and promising youths of the class, as all his classmates testified with becoming sorrow and regret.
Whenever our hands shall be untied, the public may confidently expect to hear unfolded all the circumstances attending this fatal business.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 21 December 1833

Midwifery. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that she has removed to the city of Lexington, and intends to practice her profession, having been engaged in the practice of midwifery for fifteen years. She has read the best practical writers and studied under Dr. P.P. Major, and from the success which has attended her labours, she hopes she will be able to give ample satisfaction to all ladies who may think proper to patronize her. Place of residence two doors above Mr. Pilkington, on Mill street.  NANCY WHITE
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 25 January 1834

Dentistry. JAMES CHALLEN, resident dentist, second house from the corner of Main and Spring streets, nearly opposite the Masonic Hall. If required he will attend on Ladies at their residences who may desire his services. He promises to perform all operations in Dentistry, upon approved scientific principles.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 01 February 1834

new on this site
Columbus Coffee House, Main street, Lexington, opposite the Library, GREEN L. PRYOR, Proprietor of the above refectory, takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public, that he has just completed a new arrangement of the entire Establishment, from the Culinary Department to the private Drawing Rooms of the visitors. This has been done at very considerable expense, and he depends upon a patronage from the public to sustain his efforts, which shall ever be directed towards the accommodations of his patrons. His Bar has been refashioned in a tasteful and neat style, and filled with Spirits, Wines &c., the best our dealers import. Reputation allows that his Cookery is not surpassed (if equalled) in either East or West and for the purpose of continuing this opinion, he asks a call from the followers of Epicurus, who may be served with the most delicious BIRDS, STEAKS, TRIPE, OMOLETS, and every variety that our market or country affords, in the most speedy possible manner. He has just received a lot of SUPERIOR BLUE POINT OYSTERS. His Eating Rooms are retired from the Sitting Room, and a bottle of sparkling Champaigne or Burgundy might be enjoyed without the participators having to undergo the usual ordeal of every inquisitive eye. He feels now assured that by his strict attention and individual superintendance, to please every gentleman who may seek enjoyment at the “Columbus Coffee House.”
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 10 January 1835

MEDICAL NOTICE.  Dr. Saml. C. Trotter has been appointed by the Mayor and Council of this City, to vaccinate the poor in Ward No. 3, gratis.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 18 April 1835

MEDICAL NOTICE. I have on hand some fresh vaccine matter, which I have lately taken from the arms of healthy persons. Those who are desirous of having their families vaccinated either in the City or county, will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity. Prompt attention will be paid to all calls on the slightest notice.  SAML. C. TROTTER.
Those persons whom I vaccinated some time since are informed, that if the desired effect has not been produced, to call and try it again free of expense. S.C.T.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 09 May 1835

Lexington, Ky., Aug. 4.—The election to-day was orderly, and resulted in a Democratic majority of 1,221 for Sheriff. At the Court House a dispute arose between George Stewart, Democrat, and J.J. Geers, Republican, and resulted in Geers shooting Stewart through the head, killing him instantly. Another row occurred between Jack Cleary and Dick Murphy, in which Cleary was disemboweled and has since died. This resulted from an old difficulty, and was in no way connected with the election. The parties were drunk.
Source: The New York Times, 05 August 1884

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