With Some Notice of Many Prominent Citizens and Its
Institutions of Education and Religion

Written for my own satisfaction and domestic use only

A Table of the Principal Contents of This Volume
The table of contents makes reference to all the articles appearing in the series. The table and pages 1-23 are below, memoir pages 24 - 37 are in
Part Two, pages 38 - 62 in Part Three, pages 63-82 in Part Four, pages 83-113 in Part Five, pages 114-123 in Part Six, pages 124-163 in Part Seven, and pages 164-208 in Part Eight.

Source: Register, Kentucky State Historical Society, Volume 40, Number 131, April 1942, pages 107-131. This is the first of eight Register articles containing a transcription of a photocopy of the original William Leavy manuscript located in Special Collections, Transylvania University, Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky. An online finding aid to the William A. Leavy (1796-1877?) papers housed at Transylvania is available through the Kentucky Virtual Library.

These Memoirs are typed from Photostatic Copy of the Original Manuscript, now in possession of Miss Elsie Leavy of Austin, Texas, grand-daughter of the writer. Copied verbatim by Nina M. Visscher, Librarian, Kentucky State Historical Society, and published with the consent of her friend, Miss Elsie Leavy.

Page numbers and headings of the manuscript appear in parentheses as in original copy.

Notice of Ranck's History
Review of Ranck's Chapter on "Ancient Lexington,"
. and the fabulous account of Ashe of the Ancient
. Catacomb 1 & 2
Notice of the most early settlers, Isaac Shelby,
. John Todd, & others 2
The four McConnells and four Lindsays 3
John Maxwell & John Campbell 4
Robt. Patterson 3--Jas Masterson 3-4
Ashe's Catacomb &c refuted
. Review of his travels from the Port Folio--1809 15
. His account of Lexington 1806 6
Lexington's conspicuous citizens then
. Col. John Campbell, 8
Amb.Bowman 8-101
Peter January Senr. & Thos. January 9
Jas. B. January 10
Col. John Todd 10
Col. Robt. Patterson 12
Jas. Masterson 13
Block House $ Fort Public Spring 13-14
John McKinney 14
First Inn Keeper & Early Inn Keepers--
. Jas Bray 1785 Robt. Megowan 15
Megowan, Hunt, Marshall, Young, McNair & Collins 16
Capt. John Postlethwait & Joshua Wilson 17
Kentucky Hotel, R. Bradley, W. Satterwhite & others 17
Broadway Hotels, Lanphear, Ayers &c. 17
John Bradford 17
Daniel Bradford 18
Genl. Jas. Wilkinson 18-19
Capt. John Fowler 19
Judge John Coburn 20
William Leavy & J.P.S. 20-21
George Teagarden & D.W.H. Teagarden 22
Patrick McCullough 22
Robert Barr, & sons, Thos. T. & Robt. R. 23
Dr. Elisha Warfield 23
William Morton 24
Col. James Morrison 24
Alexr. Parker, Thos. James 25
George Anderson & John M. Boggs 26
Thos. & Jas. Anderson 26
Robert Parker & his older brother John 27
Peyton Short Esqr. 27
Charles Wilkins 28
Andrew Holmes 28
John W. Hunt 29
Col. Thomas Hart 31
Thos. Hart Junr. & Nathanl. G.,
Hart & John C. Bartlett 32-33
Genl. Thomas Bodley 34
John Jordan Jr. 35
George Nicholas 36
John Breckinridge 36
Henry Clay 37
William Macbean 38
Lewis Sanders, Fayette Cotton Factory Sandersville 38-40
James Hughes Esq. -- Chas. Humphreys Esqr. 40
Willm. T. Barry 41
James Brown, Jos. H. Daviess, John Pope 42
Jas. Haggin 43
Robt. Wickliffe & Transa Inste 44
Saml. Downing & Sons, Dr.
Richard W. Downing 45 & 46
Andrew McCalla & family--son Genl. John 46 & 7
John D. Clifford, A. Legrand, B. Borland & others 48
Cornelius Coyle 49
John Brand 49
J.P. Schatzeil 50
James Weir & his Woodford Cotton Factory 50
John S. Snead, Robt. & Alex Frazer 51 & 52
Population at different periods 53
Original establishment of Lexington by State of Va. 54
Original Deeds of lots to Settlers by the Trustees 54
Lots F & E Their Deed to Col. Christopher Greenup 55
In Lot No. 44 (1789) Wm. Leavy's 54-55
Lexington first laid off in In & out lots 1782 55
Lexington 1803 & 1804 & best new buildings 56
N.E. Corner Mill & Short Streets, J. Pope,
. Jos. Fishback 57
Col. Morrison's & Dr. Walter Warfield's 57
First stone street pavements 56
Public Square & Presbyterian Meeting Lot 58
Rankin's Presb'n Meeting 59
First Presbyterian Church, 1st preachers & Rev.
. Nathan H. Hall 60
Contractors--Sheriffs 61
Lexington White Lead Manf. Co, 61-130-204
Transylvania University, Its first endowment by Virginia
. Legislature through exertions of Col. Todd 63
Edward West 62
John Todd 63,65
Professors of Transylvania University 65
Dr. Blythe 66-198
Dr. Bishop 65, 67, 68-197
E. Sharpe 68-199
Bertrand Guerin 69-201
University Lot & Buildings 64-5
Students of Transa. University, Academical
. Department--1803 --to 1811 70-76
Kentucky Insurance Company, 1802-1818 77
Cost & payment S. Trotter's Dwelling, residence 78,79
Early Lexington Merchants besides those mentioned--
.  Hugh McIlvaine, Wm. West 79-80
.  John & Saml. Postlethwait, John Tilford 80
.  Elisha I. Winter, Jas. McCoun & E.W. Craig 81,82
.  Luther Stephens & Hallet M. Winslow 83
. David Williamson & W.B. & Hugh Todd 85
Wm. & Jas. Holloway, Morrison O'Rear, Robt. A.
. Gatewood, Smith & Todd 86
A.F. Hawkins, & Hawkins Morrison, A. Hunter 86
Joseph Hudson, Jos. H. Hervey 86
Wm. H. Rainey & Rainey & Ferguson 86
Jos. & Bushrod Boswell, Morrison Boswell & Sutton 87
B. & Thos. E. Boswell & Co. Jas & Geo Boswell,
. Dr. Jos Boswell 87
Gist Metcalf & Co. Ro G Dudley & Co. 87
Thomas Wallace, Saml. Thompson & Co. Jas.
. Campbell 87
Jas. & R.M. Johnson & Sebree & Johnson 88
Saml. Pilkington, Thos. Huggins 88
Edwd. Crutchfield & Crutchfield & Tilford 88
Dudley & Carty, John Carty 88
J.B. Wilgus & Co. & J.B.W. 88
John McCauley & Co. & J.B.W. 88
Wm. Swift, Stephen Swift 88
David Castleman 89
George Trotter Senr. 89
Wm. Smith & Smith & Von Phael 90
Henry Bell 90
G.W. Hale, Jas. M. Elliott 90
Col. Geo. Trotter, Jr. 90 1/2
ard W. Wheeler 90 1/2
Dr. Frederick Ridgely 91
Dr. Samuel Brown 91
Dr. Benjamin W. Dudley 91
Dr. James Fishback, Dr. B.W. Dudley 92
Dr. C.W. Short, Dr. Lunsford P. Yandell 93Dr. Charles Caldwell 92
Dr. Daniel Drake, & W.W. Richardson 93
Dr. John Esten Cooke, Jas. Conquest & Cross 94
Re-organization of the College attempted by the Board
. of Trustees in 1815--
. Dr. Horace Holley, then first appointed Presidt..
. Nov. 11th 1815 94
. Re-elected 1818 & accepts the appointment 94
. Prof. John Everett, Mrs. Holley 96
. Dr. Holley his high estimate by the young men 96
. His talents & character 96
. Extracts from Pierpoint's Discourse 97
. His intellectual character, and as an orator 97
. Short Biographical sketch, N. Orleans
. His death at Sea, 31 July 1827 98
. My estimation of his Lectures &c. 100
Chaumiere and Co. Meade, Graaf Von Phul,
. Landscape Gardening 116,118
Rev. Stephen Theodore Baden and the Catholic
. Church in Lexn. 1793-1850 120
Periods, Incidents & Events, Indians 122
Early Farmers &c. 122-127
St. Clair, Harmar & Wayne 128
Years 1811, 1812 & '14, '15 128-131
Rise of the Book Business, Book Stores 132,133
Wm. Essex 133,135
Salaries of Clerks 158
Lexington as recollected its buildings and people in 1801 36-158
Wholesale rates of Goods 1792 to 1830 159
W. Leavy's purchase of John Duncan, Jan. 1792 159
Schools & Academies, Female Academies 160-162
Teachers of Music 163
Revivals in 1834-35 169
Orphan Childrens Asylum 170
Theatricals in Lexington 163-171
1811, My closing year at the University 190
College premiums, Judges Underwood & Marshall and John
. Maccalla 190 & 191
My first entrance in the store 192
Matthew H. Jouett, from 1804 to 1828 193
Transylvania University 1803-1811 197-201
B. Guerin, Henry Kirke White
Prices paid dift. times for Land &c. 203-5, 77 to 79s
Subjects referd. to in Ranck's History blank pages before 1
Davis Sutton & Geoe. W. Sutton 206 & 7
M.A.A. Giraud & Mor' Desforges 206
Givin R. Tompkins 208
Vault & Grounds visited &c 1877 Augt. 7th 195-6

A Memoir of Lexington and Its Vicinity


Septr. 10t 1873

Under the persuasion that I know much of the History of Lexington and its vicinity that may be gratifying to few others as it is interesting to myself I have undertaken at an advanced age and in some debility of body to commit to writing in a somewhat desultory manner as it may occur to me the substance of my knowledge and recollections. And first I deem it but a matter of justice to Mr. Ranck the author of a History of Lexington published in Cincinnati 1872 to say that he has executed his work, considering the difficulty of the undertaking, and the haste of its publication, in a most admirable manner, redeeming from oblivion many interesting facts, and collecting together in a small compass from a variety of the most authentic sources matter of the deepest historical interest. It need not be wondered at that many errors most of them but little moment should be found in such a history. As these occur to me I shall take the liberty of correcting them that in any future edition of this work they may be corrected.

In Mr. Ranck's first chapter which is dedicated to "Ancient Lexington," there seems to be a most cardinal error, or blunder, which to me is quite wonderful that he should give the least countenance to by the sanction of his name; for there having been a previous history of Lexington, and having abundant access to authentic sources of information, it would surely be a reasonable expectation of his readers, that he would scout all statements that are fabulous inventions, or untrue, or that carry the lie on their face; and such I have no hesitation in pronouncing the

account taken from Ashe's Travels of a Subterranean Cavern or Catacomb hewed out of solid rock--the account reads "In 1776 three years before the first permanent white settlement was made at Lexington, some venturesome hunters had their curiosity excited by the strange appearance of some stones they saw in the woods where the City now stands. They removed these stones, and came to others of peculiar workmanship which upon examination they found had been placed there to conceal the entrance to an ancient catacomb, formed in the solid rock, fifteen feet below the surface of the earth &c.--For six years succeeding this discovery, the region in which the Catacomb was located, was visited by bands of raging Indians and avenging whites; and during this period of blood and passion the Catacombs was despoiled, and its ancient mummies, probably the rarest remains of a forgotten era, that man has ever seen, were well nigh swept out of existence. But not entirely. Some years after the red men and the settlers had ceased hostilities, the old Sepulchre was again visited and inspected. It was found to be three hundred feet long, one hundred feet wide and eighteen feet high. __ The floor was covered with rubbish and fine dust, from which was extracted several sound fragments of human limbs--Ranck's History of Lexn. p. 2 & 3. If we turn to the first and early settlers of Lexn. and vicinity & their successors whom we know, it will be enough to silence forever such a fiction.

Col. John Todd in 1775 or 1776, according to Robt. Wickliffe's Memoir of him published in the Appendix of J.T. Morehead's Boonesborough Address, located and surveyed his large tracts of Land in and near Lexington, and probably his brothers Levi and Robert Todd--the whole probably more than 3000 acres and extending from Lexington to the neighborhood of Walnut Hill on the Richmond Road.

Col. Isaac Shelby was here in 1775 or 1776 (according to the excellent and full Obituary of him in Collin's History by his son-in-law Charles S. Todd.) to make location of lands which he did for himself, and probably for his father Evan Shelby Senr,--Of his own over 2000 acres were settled by his sons James and Thomas H. and his father's the Deed from Evan Shelby Senr. & Catey Shelby and Moses Shelby--this tract containing over 2,000 acres was sold for eleven hundred pounds, the thousand acre survey of that period contained 1,400 acres, and cost these excellent citizens not exceeding one dollar & sixty five cents per acre and perhaps not more than one dollar and eighteen cents. Thomas Lewis and Henry Payne brothers in law in 1784, commencing in less then three miles of town on the west, and calls to adjoin Joseph Lindsey's settlement & preemption tract of

four hundred acres on the North east. Cols. Lewis and Payne and Edward Payne his brother were eminent citizens active influential and public men with large families with whom I was well acquainted. Col. Shelby had another tract of three or four hundred acres S.W. of Lexington 7 or 8 miles from town which he gave to his daughter Susan, on headwaters of Shannon's Run.--See 1 below & after Col. Patterson--Then McConnells--

The McConnells and Lindsays were four brothers each, prominent according to the historians Marshall and Butler in aiding Col. Robert Patterson in building the fort in April 1779, as were also John Maxwell and James Masterson.

The farms of the McConnells swept from South east to North west around Lexington.--

Alexr. McConnell's Settlement and pre-emption a mile and a half from town represented to me by a respectable citizen as originally 1000 acres a part of it containing 285 acres bought by my father of the hon. John Brown in the year 1801 was a portion of it on the S. east side of Curd's on Harrodsburgh Road but the greater part on the west side of the road and adjoining the Campbell's Maxwell's and Patterson's Surveys, William McConnell, next, and a small part of his tract in town, James McConnell adjoining him; and the two having a mill or 2 mills within a mile or 1/2 mile of town on the Town Fork of Elkhorn, the farm of Francis McConnell extended eastward across Henry's Mill road and near to Russell's Road.

The farms of Joseph, James, Harry and William Lindsay consisting altogether of 1600 or 2000 acres land: Joseph's in part occupied at present by Robt. Logan (from Saml. Laird) James mostly the farm residence &c of Patrick Dolan, Harry that owned lately in part by Ephriam Heriott Senr. near the R. Road 8 miles from town now by Angus Payne; and William's at present in part by Chas. B. Lewis. Joseph and Harry married sisters of Mr. John Kinkead of Woodford father of Judge Wm. B. & Geo. B. & Frank K.

I know several of these Lindseys, customers of my father. They were plain clever men.

Six of the descendents of the McConnells I knew well, Dr. Robert McConnell & his brother Wm. were fellow students of mine at College, sons I think of James, were respectable gentlemen. Mrs. Wm. Williams daughter of Francis, I think, owned the farm binding on Georgetown Road in town limits including the Lexington Cemetery. She, her brother Frank & her daughter Mrs. West removed to a farm in Arkansas. I knew very well Wm. McConnell's daughter Mrs. George Robinson, who owned the farm a Stone dwelling house on it 1 mile from town on north Eastern side of the Rail road, afterwards owned by Benijah Bosworth and his widow. Wm. McConnell was one of the first Trustees of Lexington.

Col. Robert Patterson from Pennsylvania in Lexington 1779 to 1804, whom I remember perfectly well, was not only a distinguished hero-pioneer in Kentucky but a most valuable and important citizen of Lexington from its first settlement to his removal to Dayton, Ohio in 1804. He was long a Trustee of the town, and its first surveyor in laying it off. His residence & settlement & pre-emption of 400 acres was on High street running South and West, J. Maxwell on the East, the McConnells on the S & W. Most thrilling incidents of Col. Patterson's life his wounds suffering &c on his expedition with six others from Fort McClellan (Royal Spring at Georgetown) & up the Ohio River in October 1776 for supplies for that Fort are recorded in

Collin's History of Kentucky in a biographical Sketch p. 509. So grievously wounded in this encounter he was unable to return to Ky. till 1777, and was soon engaged in settling at Lexington and building the Fort.

Col. John Campbell, for whom Campbell Co. was named, bought a large tract of land believed to be in all 3,000 acres at Pittsburgh whilst as Col. commanding the fort there, from a Virginia Col. who had just surveyed and located on in 1775 at the rate of Fifty pounds Virginia money per thousand acres, as I was informed by Col. Abraham Bowman in the year 1835; he resided within 1/2 mile of Lexington a part of the time from his removal to Ky. in 1779 to his death in 1799. The surveyors of all these tracts and those who assisted and accompanied them, together with the twelve names mentioned on 18th page of Mr. Ranck from McAfee's History and Bradford's Notes as being sent out from the fort at Harrodsburgh and taking possession &c of the land N. side of Kentucky River, 1775, with the probability of others who are not named,--all form a collection of discoverers, hunters, surveyors, and Settlers, officers and men, of a sort and description 1775-79-80 that forbid such a wonder of the Western world as Ashe's reputed discovery of certain hunters having ever been really made, and concealed for years of busy settlement and discovery of an enterprising Community. Before those six years mentioned by Mr. Ranck were out Lexington had been laid out & settled town & country yet for precaution & defense from possible attack resorted to the Fort. I remember the venerable John Maxwell who was here at the building of the fort, very well, and all his family three sons James & John & Dr. Joseph Livingston & two daughters Mrs. Hallet M. Winslow, and Mrs. Luther Stephens, and their families.

James Masterson, here also at the erection of the Block House and fort, with his hunter's costume and his wife, who with Mrs. Stephen Collins ran out of their homes in the Fort to the rescue of the Schoolmaster McKinney attacked in his school house by a wild cat in 1781. I knew perfectly well, in their long residence near Lexington with the members of their family. Beside the character of the first settlers and residents so well known ever since the first location of Lexington, which are only a small part enumerated, which are sufficient to give the lie to this tale of the Catacomb.--to show the light in which Ashe's Travels

were viewed by contemporary publications of the most respectable standing. I give extracts from a Review of these Travels inserted in the Portfolio a monthly periodical published in Philadelphia and edited by Joseph Dennie, Esqr. New Series, monthly 1809 page 150. "Travels in America performed in 1806 for the purpose of exploring the Rivers Allegheny, Ohio & Mississippi, and ascertaining the produce and condition of their banks, and vicinity, in a series of Letters" by Thos. Ashe, Esqr. London printed, Newburyport, reprinted for Wm. Sawyer & Co. 1808.--Of the City of Carlisle and its renowned Dickinson College he made none but contemptuous notice, at that time I think and for some years before had for its president the distinguished classical scholar and divine the Rev. Dr. Charles Nesbitt, from Scotland, who was a correspondent of the celebrated Dr. James Beattie, and the preceptor of Rev. James Moore an early President of Transylvania and first minister of the Episcopal Church, in Lexington, ,and of Dr. Saml. Brown the eminent Professor of the Medical Department of T.U.--The reviewer says he visited Carlisle "which was a college, and the reputation of a place of learning. This may be so "he observes, "but I have the misfortune to dispute it. For though indeed I saw an old brick building, called the University, in which the scholars had not left a whole pane of glass. I did not meet a man of decent literature in the town. I found a few who had learning enough to be pedantic and impudent in the society of the vulgar, but none who had arrived at that degree of science which could delight and instruct the intelligent." The Reviewer says, Dispersed throughout the Western States, and particularly in Kentucky, he traced, he says with exactness the remains of "Fortified Camps" which bear evidence of being constructed with the skill and science of a Vauban or a Carnot; and of their remote antiquity, he alleges there can be no doubt, as trees of an enormous size, some exceeding sixteen feet in circumference, have since grown up within them. Near to Lexington he also found the "Vestiges of an old Indian town, which must have been of great extent, and magnificence as is fully evinced by the wide range of its circum vallatory walls, &c. We wish for the sake of

those of our readers whose "gloomy habits of soul," might relish those sepulchral Tales, that our limits would allow us to extract the description of this deep and ample repository of the dead." In the whole state of Kentucky there is only one Catacomb to be seen. But mounds, barrows, Mausolea, and tumili, all of the olden times, and of the same matured style of Architecture, he finds in every direction: Thick as the autumnal leaves that strew the brooks of Vallambrosa. We cannot take leave of Mr. Ashe without expressing our entire contempt both of himself and his book, &c., The work contains nothing to instruct, and little to amuse any description of readers, and that little is produced at the expense of the author's candour and veracity." p. 140 & 162. Lexington he tells us is well built, even having some pretensions to European elegance. The churches however which are four in number and were never finished "have all the glass struck out by boys in the day, and the inside torn up by rogues and prostitutes who frequent them by night." The prevailing amusements of the citizens are drinking and gambling at billiards and cards. The women are represented as vastly superior to the men, but still they are but rude beauties having none of the chaste and elegant form of person and countenance which distinguished those of England. This is ascribed to their distance from improved society, and the savage taste and vulgarity of the men." p. 158. Of the Indian mounds and what are called by the fanciful and visionary Dr. C.S. Rafinesque Circumvallatory Walls and Fortifications we know but little, and of their builders nothing whatever but matter of remote conjecture.

Of the large subterranean Vault and Catacomb spoken of at second hand by Ashe--it is wholly invention, or Munchausen tale, without the least shadow of foundation--inserted probably to help the sale of the book. It is not made mention of by Filson, or Boon, or Marshall or Butler, or by the venerable John Bradford in his Ky. Gazette or Notes which he commenced in 1789, nor, more, by any of that enterprising and common sense class of men who first settled in Lexington and its vicinity, or their contemporaries, or the first generation of men

who succeeded them.

The year 1806 when Mr. Ashe alleges he was in Lexington the following prominent citizens Professional men and active men of business were in Lexington among many others--The Hon. Henry Clay, & the Hon. John Breckinridge, Hon. James Brown, and his brothers Dr. & Profr., Saml., Dr. Benj. W. Dudley, Drs. Walter & Elisha Warfield, Dr. James Blythe Presidt. of Transa. University & Professors Robt. H. Bishop and Ebenezer Sharpe, Col. James Trotter (1781-2) his brother George Trotter, Senr. from 1794, and his sons Saml. & Geoe. Trotter and Robt. Barr, a prominent citizen from 1784 to his death and his sons Thomas T. & Robt. R. Barr. The Hon. Fielding L. Turner then a lawyer here before removing to N. Orleans. Col. Jas. Morrison (about 1790-1830) William Leavy from 1788 to 1831, and Robert A. Gatewood 1796-1810, James Maccoun, John Tilford, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Sanders, John Maxwell and his sons in law Luther Stephens & H.M. Winslow, Thoms. & Jas. B. January, whose father was one of the first lot holders in 1781, Alexr. Parker, 1784-6, Charles Wilkins as early as 1788 or 1790, and Charles Humphreys Esq., John W. Hunt from 1794, John Brand 1800, & Robert & Alexr. Frazer from 1800. Wm. Macbean from 1794-6, Rev. Adam Rankin from 1784, Willm. Morton, Esqr. from about 1786. Col. Thomas Hart from about 1790 and his sons Thos. Hart Jr. & Capt. Nathl. S. Hart, and the venerable John Bradford editor of the Kentucky Gazette & his son Danl. Bradford, Esq.

These were all citizens of intelligence and activity with many others that might be named who could have answered any enquiries for any matters of fact that would be interesting to the Traveller.--The Professors in College, as I recollect, were of opinion that Ashe's book which in 1808 or 1810 was to be seen in the Lexington Library was most probably written in a garrett in London, by a professed writer. Mr. Dennie, the Editor of the Port Folio says the Reviewer of Ashe's fictitious Travels in America has ably vindicated an injured and defamed country, and fully exposed all the absurdities of a deliberate romancer. He refers also to his misrepresentation of the morals and manners of the Eastern states, of his speaking of the banditti of the South, and of his assertion that Wildcats are always on the watch here to devour men &c. There has already been given a larger space to the "Ancient Catacomb" (Port Folio 1809 p. 360) and its wonders than such a wild fiction was entitled to, and I shall pass on to the enumeration of many of the early settlers of Lexington and vicinity in which, I shall confine myself to matters of fact within my knowledge.

It will be remembered that at the first Offices opened in Kentucky Land granted and sold to settlers at the legal rate of Forty pounds Virginia money per thousand acres--

Col. John Campbell for whom the County of Campbell was named by the Legislature of Kentucky emigrated from the North of Ireland to the United States in the year 1773, possessed of a herculian form and of distinguished enterprise and personal bravery. Was stationed as the Virginia or United States Col. at Pittsburgh Pa. in the year 1775. Sent powder and ammunition to Genl. George Rogers Clark by skiff or small boat to Louisville in the Spring of 1778, just in time for his expedition, in which he captured Vincennes and secured Indiana and the Western Territory to Va. & the U. States. He possessed and owned large and very valuable tracts of land in Kentucky & Ohio either as an officer or by purchase. He bought his large Tract upon which his relations the Beards settled after his death in the year 1775 of a Virga. Col. at 50 Pounds Virga. money per 1000 acres. This first I had from my venerable friend Col. Abm. Bowman in 1835 a few years before his death. Col. Campbell came to settle in Kentucky in 1789, resided a part of his time on his land at Louisville & part of it on his farm near Lexington where he died in the year 1799. He was a member from Jefferson County of the Convention which formed the first Constitution of Kentucky and was chosen Senator from that county in the New legislature. He possessed a herculean form and strong intellect but rough in his manners though much esteemed wherever known. On one of his perilous descents down the Ohio he was captured by the Indians had a narrow escape, sold at Detroit and soon returned to Pittsburgh (of this see other M.S. Memor. p. 7--marginal note) My father & mother knew him well and esteemed him highly. He passed his last days in an old log house near the Spring & not far from the spot where I erected my residence in 1839-40, the land having been bought by me of the widow of Wm. Beard (& Col. Henry Beard) & other heirs in 1838-9. Marginal note on page 8--

Note--An incident is known in connexion with Col. Campbell's captivity by the Indians (told me by my father) on his march with them through Ohio they strapped a large Demijohn to his back, it became almost insupportable, and he told their leader if he did not take it off he would smash it to pieces against a tree. They soon relieved him of the burden.


Col. Abraham Bowman, see page 101.

Col. James Trotter emigrated to Lexn. & vicinity from Augusta County, Virginia in 1781 or 1782. His farm about 400 acres and residence, 1 mile from Lexington on Tate's creek Road. He embarked in the Mercantile business in his own house on Main Street--the lot bot. of the Trustees of the Presbn. Church in 1792 on Ground rent & the building erected agreeable to specifications and one door from the square of Cheapside--He early became identified with the town and state and their best interests--was an esteemed magistrate quite early, a Member from Fayette County of at least two of the State Conventions held May and August 1785 at Danville looking to a separation of the State from Virginia, and repeatedly by the vote of his fellow citizens a Senator year 1800 and Representative to the state Legislature years 1792 & 1822. He was an officer in the ill-fated expedition--

of Col. Harmar against the Indians in the month of October 1790, (and was for a number of years a Trustee of Transylvania University)

He commenced the Mercantile business in the year 1793 and carried it until Decemr. 1797. (One of his advertisements of his merchandise 1795 may be seen in "Stewart's Kentucky Herald" framed at Lexington Library 1874:) then retiring from it and establishing as his successors in it his sons Saml. & George, who carried on the business in Lexington from that time with energy and success until the death of George Trotter, Jr. in the year 1815. Saml. carrying on a large business afterwards alone until his death in 1833. Saml. had acquired a knowledge of the business under the excellent man and merchant Charles Wilkins before joining his father.--

The Wholesale business of Saml. & Geo. Trotter was for a series of years immense nothing had equalled it in amount or consequence before. The firm commenced business in Lexington December 1797.--Mr. Hawkins who was for a part of the time one of the Clerks and Agents says their sales amounted to sixty thousand dollars per month for some length of time together.

They were large owners of the Lexington White Lead factory, and for some years during and after the War of 1812. Their firm was dissolved by the death of Geo. Trotter in 1815. A division of property took place between S. Trotter and the Executors of his brother in the year ____ Saml. Trotter carried on largely the Manufacture of Gun-Powder, on his farm 2 miles west of Lexington. They erected many brick buildings, store houses and dwellings and held a large and valuable real estate in Lexington. His marriage & family

Peter January, Senr. from Pennsylvania was an early settler and the owner of town lots soon after they were laid out in the year 1781. I think it probable he opened a store before the arrival of Genl. Wilkinson in 1784. As first settlers lots were supplied to Ephriam January, James January & Peter January, believed to be brothers. Ephriam afterwards of Jessamine Co. and father of Andrew M. January of Maysville. P. Jany. Sr. He carried on the Mercantile business with his son Thomas. Peter January and Son their advertisements are in Kentucky Gazette in Augt. 1787, but have no doubt they were earlier. Mr. January's brick residence two stories is said to be one of the first brick buildings erected in Lexington, on the lot now owned by B. Gratz esqr. and some distance in the rear of his dwelling. (His son Thomas resided in the house for many years after his father's death & owned a number of out lots). It was probably erected in 1788 certainly before the year 1790. Thos. January was an active business man, first a Merchant and afterwards a Manufacturer of Rope & bagging, part of the time a Justice of the Peace and a prominent Citizen in all matters concerning the welfare of the City. In the year 1793 Thos. January represented the County in the State Legislature. He was public spirited and benevolent. He was one of the promoters of the Lunatic Asylum. Mr. January had a large & interesting family. His first hemp house was on S.E. Corner of his first residence lot N.W. corner 2d and Mill & the Rope walk from it to or near 3d. Street, all on Mill street; his second--

Rope walk and bagging factory was erected and carried on the front of Main Cross Street, north of Second west side now Broadway to Third Street He done a very large and profitable business for many years. His large and elegant residence was erected on a large lot of his on 2d Street running back to 3d. the same lately owned and improved by G.W. Sutton & Mr. Bissicks now by Thos. Bradley the cost of which I have no doubt added to large losses though commission merchants in the sales of his manufacture were the means of his entire failure. Mr. January had a good selection of books in his library among which was a copy of Dobson's Encyclopedia. His brother, P. January, Jr. after carrying on business on his own account (firm Peter January Jr. & Co. 1795) was unsuccessful and for some time posted my father's books, and opened a new ledger for him in the year 1804. Jas. B. January was a good and punctual collecting lawyer, he married the eldest daughter of Capt. Nathl. Ashby & a sister of Dr. Mauzy Q. but they had no family. They erected near City limits near Russell's Road a neat cottage residence after bought by Dr. Dudley & altered & improved by him & now owned by Metcalfe.

Among the earliest and most esteemed customers & friends of my father was Col. Abraham Buford, whose name appears on my father's books as early as 1790. He was very successful in the location and purchase of his lands principally in Scott County where he resided. He early displayed a love for fine horses and racing and kept it up to a late period of his life. He was born in 1749 and died in 1833.

Col. John Todd one of the most distinguished among the early emigrants and public men of Kentucky and his brothers Levi and Robert Todd were from the state of Pennsylvania. After being educated by his uncle Rev. John Todd of Virginia he studied law and removed to Fincastle where he commenced to practice, but lured by the description of the fertility of its soil given by Boone and others he first came to Kentucky in 1775 and joined Col. Henderson's party and formed one of the convention of legislators assembled at Boonesborough in May 1775 who formed the Colony of Transylvania the result of Henderson's purchase a land-office was immediately opened and Col. Todd entered some lands in his office returned to Virginia and in 1776 came to the place where Lexington now stands and in immediate vicinity improved two places each by certificate of settlement and pre-emption of fourteen hundred acres adjoining tracts one for himself the other for his friend John May who left Virginia in his company. His brothers Levi and Robert Todd made their entries in the same vicinity not long after. Col. Todd was one of five Justices first appointed for the District of Harrodsburgh in the Spring of 1777 and his brother Levi Todd appointed Clerk of the County Court at--

its first session at the same time. He was one of two of the first Burgesses elected to represent the District in the Virginia legislature the same year, and under act of the Virginia legislature passed in 1777 by which that part of the Virginia conquered by Genl. George Rogers Clark and all other of her territory was erected into the county of Illinois of which John Todd was appointed Col. commandant and County Lieutenant with all the civil powers of Governor. He had been one of Genl. Clark's companions in this important enterprise, and he was engaged in the duties of this office as a Commander of a Regiment of Volunteers in 1778 and 1779 but was sent as a Delegate of the County of Kentucky in the Spring of 1780 to the Legislature of Virginia, and is known at the time to have been a principal means of having the Act of the Virginia Legislature passed which secured the means of the establishment of Transylvania Seminary. On this absence to Virginia he married Miss Hawkins and removed with his family to the Fort recently erected in Lexington. His daughter Mary Todd Owen--who is the widow of James Russell Esq. having lost an only minor son became the second wife of our late estimable citizen Robert Wickliffe, Esq.--was born in the Fort: For consistent piety and active charity and benevolence she will ever be remembered by all who knew her. The lot and ground upon which the Lunatic asylum is erected I understood were given by her for its establishment. Her memory is fragrant of many virtues.

Col. Todd having command of the Fort at Lexn. during the attack on Bryant's Station by 5 or 6 hundred Indians under the command of Simon Girty 14th August 1782, went to their relief, with a party of fifty men (16 mounted & 31 on foot) six of whom were killed by an ambush on Indians as they approached the Fort--the defenders of which only numbered 42 before the reinforcements from Lexn. on 15th. addition[al] numbers with Cols. Trigg, Boone, Harlan, McGary & Levi Todd assembled on 18th. at Bryant's Station. The whole number Officers and men one hundred and eighty two of which Col. Todd was the commander pursued the Indians to the Blue Licks overtaking the enemy the whole party met with the memorable and bloody defeat--among whom many heroic spirits, about one third of the number officers and men were killed--among whom was the lamented Commander (*See note in margin. * Note--"The news of this grievous disaster went like a dagger, to the hearts of the people of Kentucky. The loss in numerical strength alone was most severely felt at the time when the Stations were in such frequent danger: but the death of such men as Todd and Trigg and Harlan was universally lamented as a great public calamity. Col. Todd had acquired deserved distinction among the settlers for his intelligence and public spirit. If he had lived he would undoubtedly have taken rank with the most distinguished men of his time.") Along with the early leaders of Kentucky, looking forward to the future he sought to redeem these rich regions of the west from the--

savage and to plant on this virgin soil an intelligent and prosperous community of freeman, to this end he consecrated his best powers and to this end heroically laid down his life. The Fort at Bryant's station contained about 40 cabins placed in paralel (sic) lines--that of Lexington about the same connected in each instance by strong palisades.--On the retreat from this bloody battle Col. then Capt. Patterson being wounded, lame and dismounted was saved by the heroic conduct of one Reynolds, who, dismounting gave his own horse to Col. Patterson by which he was enabled to escape--though subsequently captured by some indians, escaped miraculously with his own life. This disinterested and noble action of young Reynolds was afterwards suitably rewarded by the present from Col. Patterson of 200 acres first rate land as a token of his gratitude.

I remember Col. Patterson well, his son Francis was a schoolmate when I was very small, and saw a large and respectable delegation of Indians encamped in his spacious lawn in their tents and liberally entertained by him a short time before his removal I think in 1804. His residence was rented for several years by Saml. Price Sr., who boarded a number of the grown students of the University, Genl. Wm. Russell, Mr. Daniel Weisiger of Frankfort & my fellow student Judge Geoe Shannon were sons-in-law of Mr. Price--

Col. Patterson's Sale of his landed estate here to Lewis Sanders & Richd. Higgins was made I think in the year 1812 at One hundred dollars per acre. They laid out a Street, Merino Street, which extended as far as my father's farm in the year 1814, lots at public sale brought most of them even a mile from town three to four hundred dollars per acre, and all paid for. I bought 19 acres of these lots of Dr. Yandell at the cost to him of 100$ pr acre in the year 1837, these lots had been bought at Sanders & Higgins's sale (1814) by John Hull and others at 3 to 400$ per acre. Rev. James Welsh first Minister of the Presb. Church who kept a private school on high Street adjoining the lot of Mr. Edward West which I attended about the year 1802-3, was married to a daughter of Col. Patterson, and our esteemed fellow citizen John Steele father of Andrew to another.

James Masterson's residence in the Fort was an old log house on Main street the lot including another house was situated West of Mill rather more than half way to Main Cross street or Broadway where are at present the houses of Joseph Miller a tin shop next and to it the store of Mr. Michal on the N.E. side of Main. He was a genuine Nimrod, and worthy co-adventurer of Danl. Boone. I have scarcely ever seen him so long as he lived without having on his buckskin leggins, and his munition case under his arm, and rifle on his shoulder--he continued his love for the chase for game to the last year of his life. He owned other valuable lots from the Trustees of the Town as settler. He had removed from town to his farm of one hundred acres part of the farm of Col. John Todd bought for the sum of sixty pounds or $200 in the year 1790 from Genl. James Wilkinson, Col. Thomas Marshall and John Coburn Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of Virginia for adjusting the accounts of Col. John Todd decd, situated within a mile of Lexington and extending to the farm of Robert Megowan within the limits of town. Here he resided with his family from before the beginning of this century to his death. One of the lots of Jas. Masterson was bot. by Saml. Trotter 1805 on which he built his residence on corner of High & Mill street.

The Block House & Fort was erected by Col. Patterson, John Maxwell, J. Masterson, the McConnells, & Lindsays & others on 1st of April 1779. The House probably occupied the corner or near it, where my father had his store, S.W. corner of Mill & Main Sts. and the first line from it was to the house of Jas. Masterson, on N.E. side Main street more than half way from Mill to Main cross. st. thence I suppose it crossed the street to about where Henry Marshall's tavern stood one lot West of the public property, on S. Side main st, about 200 feet from the beginning corner, and, from this lot of Marshall's crossing south of the Public Spring which was included in the Fort, over to the first lot, but south of the Block House. The Public Spring was about 50 or 60 feet south of Main St. on the lot of the house now owned by Dr. John Scott and one lot below the lot now occupied by Milward's furniture store--My father's lot 66 feet front had on it as I recollect in 1803-4 at least 4 good framed log houses, three in front & one back there was a spring & springhouse in my father's lot on west side about midway of the lot. The Public spring a large fountain of water was well walled round with Stone by the Trustees of the Town, and the lot to the width of at least 20 feet was left open to the Main street, for the use of Citizens. I suppose there were less than forty cabins in the fort. The lot adjoining my father's corner was the old

frame tavern house kept by Mr. Stephen Collin in early times, subsequently owned by Cornelius Coyle, where he resided and kept his Taylor's shop, this lot was 33 feet front making the distance to the Public Spring about 100 feet from Mill St. Coyle's lot was bought by my uncle Robt. A. Gatewood, & a 3 story Store & dwelling erected by him in 1807 or 8 with a 2 story brick house at Water street; and the members sold to Milward & Shaw through me, in the year ____ at $18,000 -- The discipline about the Fort is however said never to have been rigid: nor was the fortifications very strictly kept in order. See the account of Alexr. McConnel's heroic adventure with five indians &c. It is probable there were never over 100 persons in the fort all told at one time--up to 1783. Often did the family of Col. James Trotter from their farm on Tate's Creek Road within one or two miles from the fort hear the drum beat the alarm in Lexington of the approach of indians, so for years they must have been compelled to be on the alert. I have the belief that Col. Trotter did not settle here till about 1782. In a field near the Fort says Col. Boone one of the settlers was killed, and as the indian ran to scalp him he was himself shot from the fort and fell dead upon his enemy. Rev. Dr. Bishop in his Outline of the History of the Church in the State of Kentucky says "in 1782 an Indian was killed not many steps from the spot where one of the churches now stands. A white man was killed by the Indians about the same time on an opposite part of the town. And these were the last deeds of the kind which were done on that soil. The head of the Indian continued on a pole for at least one year after. p. 152--

"From a Note in Butler's History of Ky.--Lexington consisted at this time (1779) of three rows of houses or cabins, the outer two rows constituted a portion of the Walls of the Stockade, extended from the corner of the city known by the name of Leavy's corner to James Masterson's house on Main street. The intervals between the houses were stockaded; the outlet a puncheon door with a bar to secure it. A Block house commanded the public spring, and a common field included the site of the present court house." During the continuance of the Fort in Lexington in the month of June 1783 the quiet of schoolmaster John McKinney was invaded by an attack on him in his schoolhouse just before opening the--

school by a fierce wildcat, the interesting particulars of which are given from his own lips to the editor of the Western Review in the year 1820: the schoolhouse stood I have heard him say on the public square very near the enclosure of the fort. Of the ladies who heard his cries and ran to his rescue from milking their cows, I have some knowledge, Mrs. Collins, wife of Stephen Collins the tavern keeper, and Mrs. Masterson, the latter I knew well for many years. The valuable salve made by her from an Indian recipe was extensively known and much sought after through this part of the State. McKinney though injured was successful in pressing the cat to death against a school desk, while the animals teeth were fastened in his body. I have seen McKinney, on a visit to my father in law S. Trotter, who was an old acquaintance. Major John Morrison from Harrodsburgh came to the Fort in the autumn of 1779 and settled in Lexington. It is said that Mrs. Morrison was the first female who lived in this place, and that her son Capt. John Morrison was the first child born in the Fort. He was an esteemed officer from our vicinity in the War of 1812, and was killed at Dudley's defeat. In this fort while the Indians continued troublesome a much esteemed and venerable citizen of Lexington Mr. Joseph Ficklin postmaster for a number of years passed his early youth, as he informed me. During the first two years of the settlement the inhabitants subsisted chiefly on Buffalo and Venison, without salt or bread. The first salt used in the place was brought by John Masterson; from a considerable distance below Louisville.--

In the account of Lexington in McCabe's directory it is said the first tavern was opened in Lexington in the year 1785 by James Bray on Main street a door or two below Broadway on the north side, probably in the old red frame house with porch occupied in after years by Geo. Adams Jr. the hatter.

This statement is no doubt correct, and probably furnished by Mr. Danl. Bradford. I do not remember to have heard this tavern spoken of by any one. The fact seemed to have faded from existence and no other memorial of this early immigrant. In this early period the town's growth, retarded by the Indian troubles, it must have been a very great accommodation to the citizens of Lexington, then probably not exceeding five hundred in number, and to the travelling emigrant to enjoy such an important convenience. The father of John Kizer Sr. & grandfather of Col. John Keiser kept tavern very early in an old two story log house S.W. corner of High street & Broadway probably near about the same time of Mr. Bray, who by notice to his customers in the Ky. Gazette to settle their dues with his friend Capt. Andw. Johnson returned to Virginia in the year 1787.--the speedy increase of population in a very few years gave

employment to other taverns and boarding houses. Among the most esteemed of these may be numbered that of Robert Megowan, who came here about 1787-8, father of Capt. Stewart M. who commanded a company in the War of 1812-15; and of David Megowan an active and highly esteemed citizen and carpenter and builder for a number of years and part of the time a Trustee with whom I have served, and of James, a Cabinet maker, and Robert who was a merchant, partner of Jas. Coleman--Coleman & Megowan 1812-13, and of Joseph, & Thomas B. Megowan for a number of years Jailor in Lexington and has yet some activity though now 1874 in the 78th year of his age. Mrs. Megowan was a sister of Esqs. John & Robt. Parker. My father soon after coming to Lexington and Capt. John Postlethwait were among his boarders. His boarding house or tavern was in a house of his own a framed log building between Upper street and Mulberry (or Limestone) street on the S.W. side occupied a number of years by Essex the book binder now by the large 3 story building owned by Thomas Bradley. Capt. Thos. Young's Tavern like Mr. Brent's tavern was kept on Upper Street opposite the E. side of Court House this was in full operation in the years 1787-90. Capt. Tho. Young's Tavern 1790--in same street.

John McNair's Tavern, sign of the Buffalo, was situated on Main street nearly opposite the Court House, an old house yet standing in 1803-4 as I recollect; it was kept from about 1790 to at least 1803 or 4 and its scite is replaced by the large 3 story dwelling house and Store erected by James Maccoun, now owned by the heirs of John W. Hunt. Henry Marshall's tavern from about 1790 was situated on the S. side of Main street one lot below the Public property, then occupied by John Bradford and his Gazette Office. Mr. Marshall was a Trustee of the 1st Presbn. church and esteemed as a citizen. He had a grown son who died of dissipated habits. I remember the tavern and some of its occupants in the year 1803-4. Stephen Collins one of the first lot holders was among the early tavern keepers. I think before Marshall. His house and lot was on next lot below my father's. He commenced probably as early as 1787. He was with his family in the fort 1781 or 2.--Mr. McNair moved to his farm on Tate's creek road, 2 miles from town, and had an amiable and interesting family. His son Robt. McNair a highly esteemed young man of business removed to New Orleans 1814 or 15 had there a respectable business and high standing. He was an influential and esteemed elder in the Presbyterian church, a daughter of John McNair a handsome and agreeable lady was married to George W. Morton Esq. Deputy Sheriff of Fayette Co.--

Capt. John Postlethwait's Tavern
S.E. corner of Main & Mulberry was well kept by him for a number of years from the early part of this century and was esteemed the first tavern in Kentucky, the resort of the best company in Lexington and the travelling public. He was succeeded by Joshua Wilson & afterwards by Sanford Keen, and his widow keeping up its general reputation. Postlethwait's very cheerful and agreeable manners gained him many friends. He married a daughter of Genl. Scott, and had an agreeable family well known and esteemed in this community. Postlethwait was in the mercantile business in Lexington, in partnership with his brother Samuel from about 1790 to 1800. Saml. was a very handsome and agreeable man and an accomplished merchant. He removed to Natchez Mi was successful in business there married a young lady of beauty and wealth and had an amiable family. A daughter after was married Rev. Dr. Potts presbyterian minister of New York John Postlethwait was the 1st cashier of the Kentucky Insurance Bank in Lexington. He was highly esteemed as a citizen.

Patterson Bain built a Hotel of some size in a lot of his N.W. corner of Broadway and Short Street. Its first occupant was a Benjn. Lanphear an Eastern man who kept an excellent house, and shared the reputable custom, he was succeeded by Benj. Ayres, also an Eastern man, subsequently by Col. John Keiser & others under various names, Dudley House, Broadway Hotel, &c.-- A new building has recently been erected on this corner and the Post-office established in it (by Joseph Woolfolk present owner of the property). The Kentucky Hotel established in about the year 1803 in a 3 story house on short Street between Market and Upper. It was kept by Cuthbert Banks, by Robt. Bradley, afterwards by Wm. Satterwhite, and a short time by Wm. T. Banton. This hotel had a good custom for a few years but was wholly discontinued as a tavern soon after Satterwhite's time. The 1st National Bank is in the same spot. John Keiser (father of Col. John K.) kept tavern a few years on the N.W. corner of Market & Short Streets, in an old white frame house where the Northern Bank now stands. John Bradford came to the vicinity of Lexington in the year 1785, settled on Cane Run on the farm now owned by Alexr. Brand, and in conjunction with his brother Fielding Bradford established the Kentucky Gazette, the first number was published on a sheet of demi paper the second on a half sheet of the same size; but owing to the difficulty of procuring paper, it was soon after reduced to a half sheet foolscap, and thus published for several months. Fielding ceased to be a partner 31 May 1788 removing to Scott County. Mr. Bradford continued the paper in his own name until 1st April 1802 when he conveyed the establishment to his son Daniel Bradford, who continued to publish it for a number of years. Besides publishing the Ky. Gazette the first newspaper printed in Kentucky Mr. Bradford published the first Almanacs printed in the State 1788 and continued the publication for a number of years. Mr. Bradford was a conspicuous and valuable citizen of Lexington for many years. He was an active Trustee of the town, and the Chairman of its board. He was magistrate, and Justice of the Peace, for a considerable length of time, and always manifested an intelligent zeal for the best interests of the community. See Collins 276. His sons five number were James M. and Benj. F.

Bradford who removed to the state of Tennessee and Danl. who pursued his business as printer in Lexington, and as a highly esteemed citizen and Magistrate for a number of years made Lexn. his permanent residence. He married the eldest daughter of Genl. Wm. Russell a truly excellent woman, and had an amiable family. Charles Bradford at one time a partner with Danl. and Fielding Bradford Jr. who for some years kept the printing office and book -store but never married. The daughters Mrs. Barbee & _______ I never knew, but Diana I knew very well, she married Mr. Wm. Hart and removed with her husband to Henderson or Paducah. _____ Danl. Bradford opened a Commission and Auction Store connecting with a brokerage or investing of Money in Notes for those who applied to him for this object in the year 1812 and for some years after. His sales of property were immense for some years during a period of great inflation of property. Many acres of land were laid out and sold at enormous prices in out lots in different directions. His commissions from these sources must for some years have been very handsome. Genl. James Wilkinson came to Lexington with a store said by some to be the second store brought to the place in the month of February 1874--his name has some notoriety in our state and national annals. He came not eighteen months after the bloody battle of Blue licks, distinguished for his talents, accomplishments and address, he early took a lead not only in matters of commercial enterprise, then new, but also in our public concerns, which were every day gaining new importance and consequence. He commenced with spirit the trade in Tobacco for the Spanish market of New Orleans; and in the speculation in Land and other things and when my father met him there in the summer of 1790 having descended the river with a small cargo of produce found he had ingratiated him self in the favour of the Spanish Governor Miro--having as believed an engagement to supply Tobacco to the Spanish government. My father sold his Tobacco to Wilkinson at N. Orleans. In general at that time restrictions were enforced against the trade of the River. He noticed also Wilkinson's deportment at the Catholic church, conforming to the manner of its members, and after the service was over asked my father how he had done, or behaved during the service, and was quite gratified to hear my father's very favorable opinion--knowing him to be a catholic. Another anecdote illustrating his wonderful address even in small matters came to his knowledge. A friend living in the neighborhood of Lexington had loaned Wilkinson money, which, on making a special call at his house to ask its return --he was so graciously received by him--having him to dine, &c.--that in place of urging its return he was before he left the house induced to increase the loan.

In the State Convention which met at Danville August 1785 he was one of the delegates from Fayette County, and acted a conspicuous part on that occasion, and prepared an Address to the parent commonwealth, appealing to their magnanimity showing the necessity and importance of the separation of Kentucky. He was conspicuous for the part he took in the Convention of 1788 in which were assembled many of the leading men of Kentucky. As Chairman of the Committee he wrote an address to the Congress of the United States, and Mr. Innes an address to the General Assembly of Virginia in both of which stress was laid on the necessity and importance of a free navigation of the Mississippi. He was appointed Lieut. Col. under Genl. Charles Scott in an expedition against the Indians in 1791.

He had a long official career as a public commander - in much of which the Western States were particularly concerned, and as a Brigadier General closed his life on the Northern frontier in the War of 1812. To vindicate his public course, which had been the occasion of much comment and obloquy, he published soon after the war several large volumes of Memoirs.

Fayette county beside Genl. Wilkinson and Col. James Trotter sent to these State Conventions the following individuals, some of whom have been distinguished: Judge John Coburn, Col. Saml. McDowell, Levi Todd, Robert Todd, Judge Caleb Wallace, Judges Muter & Sebastian, Benjn. Logan, Harry Innes, Christopher Greenup afterwards one of the early governors of the Commonwealth, Col. James Garrard also twice elected Governor of the State, Col. Robert Patterson, Edwd. Payne and others.

Capt. John Fowler, an early immigrant from Virginia, and largely interested in Land was an active and distinguished citizen of Lexington for many years. He was jointly with the hon. Humphrey Marshall the Kentucky Members of the Virginia Convention of 1788 which ratified the present Constitution of the United States, and represented for several years this District in the Congress of the United States about the beginning of this Century 1797 to 1807. He was ultimately unsuccessful in his Land speculations. Besides his town residence he owned a small farm a mile from Lexington on the S. side of the Winchester road called "Fowler's Garden" now occupied by Mr. T.M. Scott who has on it an Ice pond where were occasionally some large gatherings of the people. One of Mr. Clay's great Speeches was delivered there to a large assemblage of Citizens. The Garden was handsomely cultivated & Strawberries & Raspberries served to visitors in the Season by a valuable old Servant Tom & his family for a number of years. Capt. Fowler acted as Postmaster for some years say 1815 to 1820. His lady was an amiable and hospitable member of our society, and a distant relative of my mother. She died some years before him. Capt. Fowler died in 1840 in the 85th year of his age. He was an intimate friend of my father's, who lent him a considerable sum (securing it by a Deed to the Irish Station farm near Millersburgh, sold to Wm. B. Graves, though with defective title the amount was paid in full). He named his youngest son after him.

Judge John Coburn
a native of Philada. came to Lexington and opened a store with a partner in business Gordon & Coburn in the year 1784 and soon became highly esteemed useful and influential as a citizen. He was early elected a Trustee of the Town and filled that office for several years. He was elected from this County in the following year 1785, a member of the State Convention which met at Danville. In 1794 he removed to Maysville still carrying on the mercantile business in company with Dr. Basil Duke. In 1796 he was appointed a Commissioner in company with Robert Johnson to run and settle the boundary line between Virginia and Kentucky. He was appointed by Mr. Jefferson, Judge of the Orleans Territory, and held his Courts in St. Louis which office he resigned in 1809. He is said by his appeals addressed to congress to have been instrumental in procuring the grant of 1000 acres land to Daniel Boone for whom he had the warmest friendship. The name of Wm. Leavy deserves a prominent place among the Merchants of Lexington being 43 years in the Mercantile business from 1788 to 1831 without failure in business or any very heavy losses and at the termination of an honorable career left an handsome estate without embarrassment to his wife and children.

Willm. Leavy, a native of the county of Longford, Ireland, feeling a disgust at the injustice of the laws against the Catholics, of which he was one, seized the opportunity which offered itself to him of accompanying his cousin Patrick Turnan to the U.S. in the year 1775 in the twentieth year of is life, landing at New Castle near Philadelphia. He determined, as Sutler, to accompany the Pennsylvania Line to which he was particularly solicited by its Officers in the Revolutionary War, and at its expiration after five years in the service he lost nearly all of his large nominal earnings by depreciation of the Continental Money. Remaining for a few years in the County of Philadelphia and in the town of Carlisle, Pa. following the business to which he had applied himself before leaving home, that of a Wheelwright -- he was induced by his friend Mr. John Duncan of Carlisle to assist him in a Store he was establishing in Lexington and he came with him for this object in the fall of 1787 or 1788 -- On reaching Lexington he placed in the hands of Thomas Bodley who at that time was selling Goods for Patrick McCullough a small adventure of his own to sell for him, that he would not have his attention directed in any way from the business of his employer -- having rented out a house and lot which he had acquired in Carlisle. With Mr. Duncan and with John Duncan and Andrew Holmes he remained as Salesman and agent for a year or two and then bought out Mr. Dun-

can's Stock of Goods, his friend George Teagarden becoming his partner this partnership continuing about two years he becoming the owner of the Store. In the year 1793 he bought of Christopher Greenup (deed completed in 1802) his town lot S.W. corner Main & Mill Streets 66 feet on Main Street running to Water Street or the town commons as it was called. Before the purchase this lot had been rented of Col. Greenup from 1788 or 9.--Beside town lot S.E. corner Water & Mill St., and, out lot 14 acres on E. 3d. or Winchester St., corner of Dewees St. W.L. he made purchase of John Crittenden 324 1/2 & H. Marshall 23 1/2 -- 350 acres of land in the year 1796 in Woodford Co. within 2 miles of Versailles, of 600 acres of land in Ohio (sold after to General Jas. Taylor) and 1000 acres on Highland Creek, K. of his friend Andw. holmes. Besides this accumulation of property and the erection of six or seven brick houses, stores, dwellings &c. on his lots at an expense of no less than Sixteen thousand dollars, he bought his farm of 285 acres near Lexington in 1801 of the Honl. John Brown (part of Alexr. Mc.Connell's settlement and pre-emption) and in 1815 became a purchaser of a partnership or share in the Lexington White Lead Manf. Co. at a cost of $6,000. He took his brother in law Robt. A. Gatewood, into partnership, year 1806, and made for him that year six thousand dollars. Wm. Leavy died in 1831 in the 76 year of his age, having been over 43 years in business in Lexington, and on the same spot. He gave undivided and unremitted attention to his Retail store in Lexington, combining only occasionally the selling by Wholesale. He was a well known and popular merchant. It seemed to me that the whole county of Jessamine dealt with him. The most considerable diversion from his regular business he made was when as W. Leavy & Son in conjunction with our friend John P. Schutzell, bought from Mr. John Brand the whole year's manufacture of Bagging in the year 1818, when J.B. went to Europe made payable monthly as it was delivered. -- The Article was consigned to Huntsville Alaba. & sold for us yielding from the heavy expenses, of Waggonage by land little or no profit.--

He made it a rule not to become Security or endorser in his whole course of business, having made this determination from having been compelled to pay a debt in Pennsylva. for a man for whom he had become security. Yet he lost several friends in Lexn. To my knowledge several considerable sums by loan of money, that he had on hand--to John Jordan in 1806 or 7 and to James & Dvid Maccoun, and to Lewis Sanders Merchants who failed in business at different periods up to the year 1817 or from whom no part of these loans were ever paid. Owing nothing at his death and leaving his whole property unencumbered.

Elijah W. Craig a successful Merchant for some years in Lexington was a clerk with Wm. Leavy 1798 at the moderate sum of _____ dollars per month. Wm. Cook a successful merchant of Lancaster was his clerk 1808-1810. To the erection of a new Catholic Church he was much the largest contributor in the year 1810-11. He was one of six or eight individuals by contributions of 10 pounds each who bought and gave Transylvania University the lot upon which the college was erected (near 3d. street bur fronting Second). I suppose either in 1788 or 1793 the Lot bound by 2d. &3d. street & Mill & Market Street.--This first brick College was the one where I went, and it seemed to be an old building when I first entered its walls to school in 1803--My father was a Trustee of the University for some years 1809 to 1815 and subsequently, and a Director of the Kentucky Insurance Co. Bank and of the United States Bank. I became a Director of this Bank for some years before its close, and subsequently of the Northern Bank from its formation in 1835 till 1842; he took me into partnership in 1817, continuing till his death in 1831. (His marriage and family see page ___).

George Tegarden, from Mercersburgh Pennsylvania, came to Lexington in 1786 or 1787, and was a partner of Patrick McCullough. Tegarden & McCullough advertised their goods in the Kentucky Gazette in the summer of 1787. Tegarden's separate store after his partnerships were dissolved was in his own house next door to the corner of Mill, east of Mill and on the S. side of Main St. He had as one of his clerks Thos. C. Howard, who subsequently became a well known and wealthy merchant of Richmond, Ky. Geo. Tegarden was a good humored and companionable man full of anecdote, but not distinguished for business properties or talents. Mr. T. owned a handsome farm of 300 acres 1 mile to 2 from town having an entrance on each side from the Georgetown and Frankfort roads, subsequently sold by his son Wm. H. to Thomas E. Boswell, then to David A. Sayre, & now by Thomas Bradley. He also left his store house in Lexington on Main Street one door above Mill St. & other property & money, he resided on his farm for some years before his decease. Dr. Wm. H. Tegarden his only son, who studied medicine with Dr. Elisha Warfield and attended a course of lectures in Philadelphia, married Miss Margaret Gatewood, and soon after commenced business in Lexington in partnership with his cousin Jacob Shyrock--subsequently removing to a farm he had bought near Hopkinsville, and renewed business in that place with the Shyrocks--removing after some years to the State of Mississippi, with his family, made his residence in Mississippi City, and after the loss of his wife there resides part of his time in the city of New Orleans. The Dr. and Mrs. Tegarden had 3 children, 2 daughters and a son, George.

Patrick McCullough a Native of Ireland was a early merchant in Lexington I think before his partnership with Geo. Tegarden probably came in 1784 or 5. Lewis Sanders who became after wards a most active

merchant and manufacturer was a leading clerk with Mr. McCullough and as was believed received as a present from Mr. McCullough a handsome property in business lots upon which he built his large 3 story buildings considerable amount of the Estate left by him was heired by relative who came from Ireland to receive its proceeds not very long after his death. McCullough died about the beginning of the century not later than 1803.

Transcribed July 2001 by pb

(To be continued).

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