Revolutionary War Pension Application and Related Documents

Submitted by Laura L. Horton (Martin)

From the National Archives records:

Case # 23621
State of Kentucky
City of Lexington

On this 14th day of March 1833 personally appeared before me Mayor of the said city, JAMES MARTIN, well known, who is a resident in Jessamine County on the line of Fayette and Jessamine, the county line (running?) through his farm, aged 74 years last request who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declarstion in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he enlisted in the Army of the United States in the year 1779 with ROBIN RIGHT, JAMES MONTGOMERY, and CAPT. PAYTON- CAPT. PAYTON made up his company and left me in Virginia doing garrison duty at Williamsburg and Norfolk. The next year I was ordered out (?) Red Rose to the South. I commanded by GENERAL GATES in the lead. ABRAM BUFORD’S reg’t in CAPT. EWEL’S company until GEN’L. GREEN succeeded GEN’L. GATES- I remained in BUFORD’S reg’t. until the battle at Guilford C.H. then (?) MAJOR HILL WHIOLEY (?)- After the said battle the army retreated nine miles to P. PANKINS iron works then the British retreated and GEN’L GREEN followed them to RAMSEY’S Mill on deep river- LORD CORNWALLIS retreated toward (?) Creek until he came to the stage road Virginia and took that as was supposed- then GEN’L GREEN discharged the militia at RAMSEY’S MILL and marched on to Camden S.C. (illegible) to the east and (illegible) days commanding and the British then attacked GEN’L GREEN at a surprise in consequence of our deserters as we thought- after a (?) attack we had to retreat towards 96- then I fell in COL. SAMUEL HAWES reg’t.- CAPT. FRANK C--- (illegible) company. I remained with him until we got to 96- COL. HAWES resigned at 96 in consequence of bad health- then I was (? Illegible). I remained at 96 till the battle of the Eutaw Springs when GEN’L. GREEN gave orders for CAPT’S. command to march all the troops where their times were out from the round O in South Carolina to Virginia and there discharged them- On the way CAPT. Command discharged me supposing my time was out. I then stated to the officers that I had enlisted for three years on driving the (illegible). I did not know exactly which as I was in frolic at the time and they told me my time was not out and that I had better go and join the army again, which I did and (remained?) there till the fall of 1783 when I was in COL. S—(illegible) reg’t. and CAPT. WILLIAMS company and I was discharged by CAPT. WILLIAMS. I believe I have no recollection of ever drawing anything from government for my services but once I have but a (illegible?) impression of drawing at all- I left my father’s house in 1784. I never lived there since. This affiant left with his father in Albermarle County, VA where he lived, and where I first enlisted- all my papers including my discharge, a due bill or (illegible). I think showing there was due me from the government about $130.00- I have been living in Kentucky about 47 years- I was in all the Indian campaigns almost. I never received but two flesh wounds- I was in (illegible) WILLIAMS and (illegible) and WAYNE’S campaigns against the Indians- when I returned to my father’s house last April- I can’t find nothing-he was dead- his property scattered and I couldn’t find nothing of his affairs or my papers-

I hereby relinquish any claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the amount which I am entitled to land or money in lieu of it. I want it (illegible) which I presume will be sufficient- and I declare my name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state.

Sworn to (illegible) on the day and year aforesaid-


And the said Mayor do hereby declare that JAMES MARTIN who has signed the above is a respectable (illegible) man in my opinion is that he served as he states-


I, HARRY I. BRADLEY clerk of the Mayor’s Court for the City of Lexington being a court record do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceeding in the matter of the application of JAMES MARTIN for his pension.

In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Lexington this 14th day of March 1833.

(signed) H. I BRADLEY

next document:

Know all men by these presents that I, JOHN WALLACE, sole Executor of JAMES MARTIN deceased, late of Jessamine county and the state of Kentucky and who in his lifetime was a pensioner of the United States on the Kentucky Roll at he rate of eighty dollars per annum as of 7th June 1832.

(signed): JOHN WALLACE Executor

10th day of March 1853.


(extracts from other Depositions which are of genealogical value):

JAMES MARTIN died May 11, 1848; leaving no widow, but surviving children:



Letter from MRS. E.S. DEWEY; 519 West 12th Street; Tulsa, OK dated 10-25-1923:

"Commissioner of Pensions

Dear Sir:

I have this record of JAMES MARTIN a Revolutionary Soldier. Can you give me his official record from files at Washington?

Would like to join the D.A.R. sometime and would need the necessary knowledge to do so.

JAMES MARTIN was a Revolutionary soldier for seven years. Born in Albermarle county, Virginia. Son of THOMAS MARTIN who came to America when England subdued Ireland.

JAMES MARTIN was in several battles, one Eutaw Springs. Member of Washington’s Company. Was married twice- first time married a MISS YOUNG- second marriage to MISS MILLER. Think MISS YOUNG’S name was JUDITH- perhaps LETITIA. She was from Jessamine County Kentucky- near Lexington.

JAMES MARTIN was only sixteen years old when he went in to the Revolutionary War.

Please see what information you can give me and oblige.

Cordially Yours,


Submitted by Laura Martin