Free Persons of Color in
Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, 1859

Source: Williams' Lexington [Kentucky] Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I - 1859-60, Compiled by C.S. Williams, Lexington [Kentucky]: Hitchcock &  Searles, 1859.

Abreviations | Names A-C | D-G | H-K | L-M | N-R | S-T | U-Z

Allen Eliza, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Amlet Mary, Ayres al. b High and Main
Anderson John, weaver, s s 3d b Broadway and Jefferson
Auston Robt., cigars, notions &c. s s Short b Mill and Broadway h s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson 
Auston Sarah, n s High b Mill and Upper 
Bell, Susan, s s Short b Walnut and Back
Berry Eve, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Bibbs Nathan, livery stable, w s Mulberry b Pine and High
Blackburn Jupiter, lab., w s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Brambridge Oliver, wks J.P. Clark's
Braxton, Rev. Frederick, s w c Back and Short
Breckinridge Jane, e s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
Breckinridge Philip, w s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
Brekinridge Wilshire, s w c Spring and Pine
Brence Candes, e s Jefferson, b 2d and 3d
Brice Henry, s s Main b Lower and Cox
Britton Henry H., Barber Shop, Basement of Broadway Hotel, cor Broadway and Short, h w s Mill b 2d and 3d
Brown Abbie, e s Upper b High and Maxwell 
Brown Albert, w s Jefferson b Short and 2d 
Brown Danl., w s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Brown Milly, s w c 3d and Upper
Brown Stephen, n w s Mill and Bolivar
Brown Thomas, n s 3d opp Jefferson
Bryant Andrew, boots and shoes, e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Buckner Chas., cooper shop, e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Buford Ann, w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Buford James, bk. layer, w s Mill b Short and Church
Butler Rebecca, bds w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Butler Sally, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Caldwell Betsey, w s Mulberry n of 7th
Campbell Parmelia, n s 3d b Todd and K.C.R.R.
Chinn Louisa, laundress, w s Mill b Short and Church 
Chinn Wm., w s Upper b Pine and Cedar 
Clark J.P., Barber, w s Mulberry b Main and Short
Clark Robt., cooper, h s s Church b Upper and Mulberry
Clarke John, barber, s s 2d b Upper and Mulberry
Colder Mary A., w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Collier John, whitewasher, s s Water b Mill and Upper

Dandreth Margaret, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Davis Jas., bk. layer, w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Davis John, horse trainer, w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Douglass Lydia, e s Jefferson b 2d and 3d
Ellis Maria, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Ellis Sarah, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Evans Margaret, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Farrow Betsey, nurse s s Short b Walnut and Back
Fisher D., barber, n e c Main and Broadway, h s s Short b Georgetown Pike and C. & L.R.R. Depot
Fisher D. jr., barber, s s Short b Georgetown Pike and C. & L.R.R. Depot
Fisher Mrs. Mary, s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Foster Mary, w s Todd b 3d and 4th
Francis Mary, s s High b Broadway and Mill
Francis Patience, w s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Gest Sarah, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
Gibbons Harriet, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
Gilliss Elizabeth, s s Short b Mulberry and Walnut
Grant Jane, w s Upper b Church and 2d
Grason E., carp. n s High b Mill and Upper
Grason Henry, h w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Graves Tecumseh, e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Green Malinda, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper

Harris Eliza J., Ayres alley b Main and High
Harris Phillis, n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Henderson Banks, w s Broadway b Vine and High
Ingles David, cartman, n e c Lower and Maxwell
Jackson Peter, lab. h w s spring b Pine and Bolivar
Jackson Thos., barber wks H.H. Britton's
Jenkins Chas., n s Main b Spring and Jefferson
Jenkins Esther, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Jesse Dover, Barber Shop. s s Water b Mill and Upper, res L. & L. Passenger Depot Building
Johnson Thos. shoe mkr. e s Broadway b Main and Water
Jones Lucy, n w c Mechanic and Upper

Lee Isaac, (L. & Tandy) s s Short b Mulberry and Walnut
Lee James C., barber, bds J.P. Clark's
Lee Nancy, h s s Short b Walnut and Mulberry
Lee & Tandy, (Isaac L. & Geo. T.) confec. s s Water b Mill and Upper
Lewis Nancy, n s 3d opp Jefferson
Lewis S., flour and feed store, s s Vine b Mill and Upper
Lewis Sally, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Lilly James, wagoner, h s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Logan Mary, e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Loomis Lucy, n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
McGee Rose, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
McMillen John B., e s Upper b Main and Short
Magee Jefferson, painter, n e c Mill and Bolivar
Marshall Margaret, s e c Upper and 4th
Mason Edward, carder, wks Thomson & Van Dalsen's
Mason Gabriel, s e c Upper and 3d
Mason M.M. boots and shoes, e s Mulberry b Short and Barr
Medock G., e s Broadway b Vine and High
Merchant Alfred, n s 3d opp Jefferson
Meshon Susan, e s Lower b High and Maxwell
Miller Ambrozilla, n s Main b Spring and Jefferson
Mitchell Kitty, s s Maxwell b Spring and Lower
Moore Jane C., n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Morton Mary, e s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
Mosby Alfred, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d

Nelson Maria, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Nuther Mrs. C., n s Main b Broadway and Spring
Obey Elizabeth, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill*
Oldham, Samuel A., Barber Shop, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Oldham Samuel C., barber, n w c High and Mulberry
Parker Chas., wks James Schooley's
Parker Geo., huckster, s s Short b Walnut and Back
Patterson Henry, w s Walnut b Barr and Constitution
Payne Harriet, milliner, w s Mill b Short and Church
Payne I., bds s e c Broadway and Maxwell
Pee Parker, shoemkr., s s Main b Broadway and Spring
Perry Geo., n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Perry Prissa, c Bolivar and Upper
Porter Joseph, lab. wks R. Loud's
Price Harriet, s e c Broadway and Maxwell
Richardson Francis, Ayres alley b Main and High
Robinson Ferdinand, mattress mkr. h e s Mulberry b Main and High
Robinson Isaac, shoe mkr. s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
Robinson Robert, whitewasher, h w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Rogers Philip, h n e c Upper and Cedar
Ross Lucretia, n s 2d Broadway and Mill

Sanders Jane, n s 2d b Broadway and Mill
Scott James H., barber, H.H. Britton's
Scroggins Geo., livery stable, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry h e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Scroggins, Leana, e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Scroggins Louisa, s s Short b Georgetown and Payne
Seals Dennis, n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Seely Sanders, h e s Lower b Maxwell and Pine
Sinclair Benj., s w c Market and 3d
Singleton Campbell, s s High b Broadway and Mill
Slaughter H., e s Upper b Main and Short
Slaughter Thos., hostler, w s Mulberry n of 7th
Smith Beverly, brick mkr. s s Short b Walnut and Back
Smith John, Barber Shop, e s Mill b Main and Water, h e s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Smith Robt., w s Upper b Cedar and Bolivar
Spencer Moses, second hand store, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Stevenson Lucy, w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Stuben Abaline, h s w c Spring and Short
Tandy John, white washer, h s s Maxwell b Spring and Lower
Tandy Geo. (Leo & T.) h w s Mulberry b Vine and Hill
Taskell Nathan, n s High b Mill and Upper
Taylor John H., (John H. & Wm. L.T.) n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Taylor John H. & Wm. L., Livery and Sale Stable, s s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Taylor Louisa, w s Upper b 2d and Mechanic 
Taylor Matilda, w s Walnut b Barr and Constitution 
Taylor Robt. S., Barber Shop, s w c Main and Mulberry, h n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Taylor Saml., s s Mill nr Upper
Taylor Wm., confec. w s Mulberry b Main and Short 
Taylor Wm. L., (John H. & Wm. L.T.) w s Upper b Church and 2d 
Thomas Jane, e s Broadway b Main and Water 
Thomas Moses, boots and shoes, s s Short b Broadway and Mill 
Thomas Sarah, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry 
Tillman Betsey, n s Main e of Back
Tolbert Hampton, baker, h w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Tolliver L., lab. Ayres alley, b Main and High
Trimble Elvira, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Tucker Mrs. Phoebe, h s e c Upper and 3d
Turner James, plasterer, w s Mill b High and Maxwell

Underwood Spencer, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Wakes Kate, h s s Church b Upper and Mulberry
Washington Hannah, w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell 
Washington Henry, s s Short b Spring and Jefferson 
Washington Jane, w s Mulberry b Main and Short 
Weaver Joseph, carp. h s s Church b Upper and Mulberry
Wheeler Frank, s e c Upper and 4th
Whitaker Margaret, h n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Whitaker Sarah, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
White Jackson, h e s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
Wilkinson Elijah, n e c Mill and Bolivar
Williams Abraham, barber, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
Williams John, bds e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Williams Maria, e s Broadway b Main and Water
Wilson P., n s Church b Market and Upper
Wilson Zachariah, w s Upper b Mechanic and 3d


al - alley or allopath ec - eclectic
atty - attorney eng - engineer
b - between ex - exchange
bar k - bar keeper h - house
bds - boards ho - homoepathic
b h - boarding house lab - laborer
bk - book or brick manuf - manuf'ry or manuf'er
b k - book keeper mer - merchant
bldr - builder mkr - maker
bldg - building n - north
bo - botanic not pub - notary public
c - corner nr - near
cab mkr - cabinet maker                opp - opposite
carp - carpenter prov - provision
clk - clerk res - residence
cof h - coffee house s - south and side
com - commission w - west
confec - confectioner wh - wholesale
e - east

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