1859-60 City Directory, Lexington, Kentucky
Residents U through Z

Source: Williams' Lexington [Kentucky] Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I - 1859-60, Compiled by C.S. Williams, Lexington [Kentucky]: Hitchcock &  Searles, 1859.


al - alley or allopath ec - eclectic
atty - attorney eng - engineer
b - between ex - exchange
bar k - bar keeper h - house
bds - boards ho - homoepathic
b h - boarding house lab - laborer
bk - book or brick manuf - manuf'ry or manuf'er
b k - book keeper mer - merchant
bldr - builder mkr - maker
bldg - building n - north
bo - botanic not pub - notary public
c - corner nr - near
cab mkr - cabinet maker                opp - opposite
carp - carpenter prov - provision
clk - clerk res - residence
cof h - coffee house s - south and side
com - commission w - west
confec - confectioner wh - wholesale
e - east * - Colored Persons


Uldrich ______, shoemkr. bds Solomon Rice's
Underwood Mrs, Laura, w s Spring b Maxwell and Pine
     Veterinary Surgeon, n s Short b Mulberry and Walnut, h n s Main b Spring and Lower
*Underwood Spencer, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Underwood Thos., lab. w s Spring b Maxwell and Pine
Utting Geo., carp. e s Upper b 2d and Mechanic
     (Hulett & U.) e s Upper b 2d and Mechanic
Utz Sampson, cooper, n s Main b Georgetown and Payne
Vanaken Archibald, stone mason, s e c Cox and Main
Van Dalsen Wm., (Thompson & Van D.) bds Megowan's Hotel
Vandegrift Andrew J., patentee and manuf. of smut machines, s s Short b Broadway and Jefferson, bds Fayette House
Vandegrift Chas., miller, bds Fayette House
Van Geisen Cornelius, supt. R.C. Morgan's woolen factory, s s Main b Lower and Cox
Van Pelt Mrs. Jane, b.h. n e c Church and Mill
Van Pelt Joseph, printer, e s Mill b High and Maxwell
Van Pelt Joseph H., clk. e s Mill b High and Maxwell
Van Pelt Sanford B., clk. bds Wm. Van Pelt's
     Family Grocery and Produce Dealer, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry, h w s Mulberry b Maxwell and Pine
Van Pelt Wm. Sen., bds s w c Mulberry and Maxwell
Varble Geo. W., bds w s Mill b Maxwell and Pine
Varble John, carp, s s High b Spring and Lower
Varble Mrs. Nancy, s s High b Spring and Lower
Vaughan Miss Frances, bds John McCann's
Vaughan Geo. W., machinist, h s s Main b lower and Cox
Vaughan Richard, bds John McCann's
Vaughan Wm. Preston, bar k. Megowan's Hotel
Venable Geo. C., harness mkr., n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Vertner Daniel, n e c 2d and Market
Vetz Geo., baker, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Victor Wm. B., atty. s s Barr b Mulberry and Walnut
Virdon M., clk. bds w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Virtue Henry, clk. s w c Broadway and Vine
Virtue Henry, porter, n s 3d 1st door e of Todd
Voohies Charles H., student, e s Broadway b Church and 2d
Voohies Geo. T., student, e s Broadway b Church and 2d
Voohies Wm. Jr., student, e s Broadway b Church and 2d
Voohies Wm. Sen., e s Broadway b Church and 2d
Voss Chas., baker, bds Wm. Scott's
Wade Chas. S., overseer, n e c 4th and Mulberry
Wagner Frederick C., (Arms. & W.) bds n s High b Mill and Upper
*Wakes Kate, h s s Church b Upper and Mulberry
   Scale Manufactory, Mechanics Alley b Short and 2d and Broadway and Jefferson, h w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Walden Miss Josephine, s e c Mill and Cedar
Walker Mrs. Elizabeth, s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Wall Henry, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Wallace Miss L., bds D. McCullough's
Wallace Mrs. Matilda, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Waller Mrs. Catherine, s e c Rose and High
Waller Wm., s e c Rose and Harrison
     Attorney at Law, s e c Rose and High
Walls Mrs. Mary, grocery, n e c Spring and Water
Walls Wm., bar k. w s Mulberry b Main and Short
Walton Lewis N., b.k. bds Frederick Montmollin Jr.
Ward Addison, overseer, h n s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Ward John, n s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Ward Mrs. Rhoda V., bds R.H. Thompson's
Wardel Mrs. Elizabeth, h w s Upper b Maxwell and Pine
Warfield Elisha, on road that intersects with Bryant's Station Road, n end of Mulberry
Warfield Lloyd, reg. phys. office e s Mill b Main and Short, h n e c 5th and Mulberry
Warfield Lloyd jr., n e c 5th and Mulberry
Warfield Mrs. Nancy, s e c 5th and Mulberry
Warfield Thomas B., planter, w s Broadway b 2d and 3d
Warner Derrick, (W. & Standeford), n w c High and Rose
Warner John, harness mkr. wks J. Besore's
      (Derrick W. & David W.S.) Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Nails, &c. w s  Cheapside b Main and Short, 
     opp Court House
Warnock Mrs. Almeda, fancy goods, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Warnock John, cc. phys. n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Warren Miss Kate, bds s w c Mill and Cedar
Warren S.L., traveling agent Wheeler & Wilson's sewing machs. s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
*Washington Hannah, w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
*Washington Henry, s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
*Washington Jane, w s Mulberry b Main and Short
Wasson Joseph, w s Broadway s of Bolivar
     Attorney at Law, n s Short b Upper and Mulberry, h n s Short b Walnut and Back
Watkins, Hunt & Co. (Wm. W, Wilson H., John H. Cooper & B.J. Adams), pork packers, e s Mill 
     b Short and Main
Watkins Miss Eliza, bds T. Lewinski's
Waters Patrick, bds s w c Spring and Main
Waters Thomas H. n s Short b Walnut and Back
Watkins Wm. (W., Hunt & Co.) res Louisville
*Weaver Joseph, carp. h s s Church b Upper and Mulberry
Weaver Miss Mary, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Weaver Thomas, boots and shoes, e s Broadway b Main and Short, h s s 3d b Walnut and Back
Webb Mrs. Catherine, s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
Webb Mrs. Elizabeth, millinery store and dress making, s s Main b Broadway and Spring
Webb Hugh L., printer, s s High b Spring and Lower
Webb Isaac, bds J. Keiser's
Webb Mrs. Margaret, s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Webb Mrs. Nancy s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Webb Thos., plasterer, s s Main b Broadway and Spring
Webster Andrew J., s s 3d b Broadway and Jefferson
Webster Mrs. Elizabeth, s s 3d b Broadway and Jefferson
Webster Joel, sheep skin and morocco dresser, s s Vine b Mill and Broadway, h s w c Georgetown and Short
Webster, L.G., bds Phoenix Hotel
Webster Mrs. Mary, bds s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Webster Stephen L., overseer, s s 3d b Broadway and Jefferson
Weddle Geo., flour mill and millwright, e s Walnut b Short and Constitution, h w s Mulberry b Short and 2d
Weigart Geo., bk. layer, s s Short b Georgetown and Payne
Weigert Geo., blksmith, bds s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Weisley Alex., lab. n s 3d b Todd and K.C.R.R.
Weitzel Jerome, bds s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Weitzel Louis, baker, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Welch James, lab. h n w c Church and Upper
Welch Mrs. Mary, s s 3d b Walnut and Back
Wellman Henry H., R.R. conductor, bds Broadway Hotel
Wells James, fireman, bds Mrs. H. Rogers'
     Lottery Agent and Boarding House, s w c High and Mulberry
Went Geo., carriage mkr. n e c Uper and Maxwell
Werner Adam, painter, bds C.W. Foushee's
Werthheimer Moritz, clk. s w c Main and Mulberry
     Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper, opp Court House
     Clothing Store, w s Mulberry b Main and Water, h s s Constitution 2d door from Walnut
West Rev. ________, bds s e c Upper and Church
West John, grocery s w c Mulberry and 3d, h e s Mulberry 2d door s of 3d
   s e c Mill and Short, James Baird, Manager
Whalan Mrs. Mary, w s Upper b Cedar and Bolivar
     Buisness Agent Kentucky Statesman Printing Co., n s Main 2 door e of Mulberry, h n s Constitution b Walnut and Back
*Wheeler Frank, s e c Upper and 4th
Wheeler Leonard, n s Short b Market and Upper
     Agent Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Wherry Wm., cab. mkr. bds s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
*Whitaker Margaret, h n s Water b Broadway and Mill
*Whitaker Sarah, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
White Geo. W. (T.W.W. & Bro.) bds Broadway Hotel
White H.G. clk. bds Postlethwaite House
*White Jackson, h e s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
White Jacob, bar k. Broadway Hotel, h s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
White James M., harness mkr. e s Mulberry b Constitution and 3d
White John, shoe mkr. e s Walnut b 3d  and Constitution
White Joseph, e s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
White Miss Julia, bds Ayres alley b Main and High
     (Thos. W. & Geo. W.) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, s w c Main and Mill
White Thos., plumber, bds Wm. Adams'
White Thos. B., currier, bds Postlethwaite House
White Thos. W., wagon mkr. h e s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
White Thos. W. (T.W.W. & Bro.) bds s s Main w of Broadway
White W.F. & Co., slave dealers, s s Short b Broadway and Spring
White Mrs. Wm., e s Mill b High and Maxwell
Whitney Miss Emily, w s Merino b Pine and R.R.
Whitney Mrs. Cerilda, w s Merino b Pine and R.R.
Whitney John W., reg. phys. office w s Mulberry b Main and Short, bds Postlethwaite House
Whitney Wm. W., bds Postlethwaite House
Whitt John C., s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Whitt Mrs. Mary E., s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Whittelsey Wm. M., civil engineer, h s e c Market and 3d
Wickliffe Chas. H., dep. city marshall, s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
     Editor and Proprietor Lexington Observer and Reporter, office e s Uper b Main and Short, (Jordan's Row) 
     h s s 3d b Walnut and Mulberry
Wickliffe Miss Elizabeth, bds M.L. Keith's
Wickliffe Miss Fanny, bds M.L. Keith's
Wickliffe Robt., h n w c Jefferson and 2d
Wiehl Daniel, bds n e c Mulberry and Constitution
Wilgus G.D., bk. layer, h s w c 4th and Broadway
     (John B.W. & Patrick C. Hartnett), Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
     41 Main b Mill and Broadway
     (J.B.W. & Co.) n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
*Wilkinson Elijah, n e c Mill and Bolivar
     n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Confectioneries, Fruits and Maltby's Oyster Depot, s s Main 3d door w of Phoenix Hotel, b Upper and 
     Mulberry h n s Main b Mulberry and Main
*Williams Abraham, barber, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
Williams Benj., confec. bds Wm. Scott's
     Carpet Store, Paper Hangings, Window Shades &c. n s Main b Broadway and Mill, 
     bds w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
Williams Caleb, shoemkr. w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Williams Caleb, shoemkr. s s Constitution e of Walnut
Williams Edward, painter n s High b Mill and Upper
Williams John, butcher, s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
*Williams John, bds e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Williams John D., carpet mer. n s Main b Broadway and Mill h w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
*Williams Maria, e s Broadway b Main and Water
Williams Marshall, carp. w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Williams Mrs. Rachel, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Williams W., fruit store, e s Broadway b Main and Short
Williams Wm., painter n s Short b Broadway and Mill, bds W.W. Graves'
Williams Wm. M., painter, bds W.W. Graves
Williamson Elisha, carder, s s Short b Georgetown and Payne
Williamson Lucius M., carder, s s Short b Georgetown Pike and C. & L.R.R.
Willis John A., clk. n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Wilson Mrs. Eliza, family grocery, e s Broadway b Main and Short
Wilson Henry M., carp. s w c 7th and Mulberry
Wilson J.J., dentist, n s Short b Upper and Market
Wilson James, cab mkr. s w c 7th and Mulberry
Wilson John, cab mkr. bds J.H. Hunter's
Wilson John S. (Lanckart, Mentelle & Co.)
     Drugs, Paints, Glass, Oils, &c., w s Cheapside b Main and Short, h e s Upper b Church and 2d
Wilson Joseph H., carp. and builder, shop n w c Main and Jefferson, rooms n s Short b Broadway and Mill
*Wilson P., n s Church b Market and Upper
Wilson Robt., marble cutter, wks M. Pruden's
     Manufacturer and Dealer in Guns, Pistols, &c., w s Mill b Main and Short
Wilson Mrs. Wm., w s Georgetown Road b Short and 2d
*Wilson Zachariah, w s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
     "Place Exchange," w s Mulberry b Main and Short, h w s Mulberry b Short and Church
Wingate Joseph, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Winslow Hallett M., s e c Mill and Pine
Winston Wm., baggage master, K.C.R.R. bds Broadway Hotel
Wolf David F., brewery, n w c 5th and Upper
     Proprietor K.C.R.R. Omnibus Line, office s s Short opp Broadway Hotel
Wolverton Wm. R., clk. bds s s Short opp Broadway Hotel
Wood ______, n s Constitution e of Walnut
Wood Benj. C., n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Wood Edward B., carp. s w c Pine and Upper
Wood James M., n w c Short and Jefferson
Wood Thos., carp. builder, &c., s s Water b Mill and Upper, h s w c Pine and Upper
Wood Thos. jr., bds s w c Upper and Pine
Wood Walter S., dentist, e s Upper b Main and Short
Wood Wm. G., carp. s w c Pine and Upper
Wood Wm. H., shoemkr. n s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Woodhouse Mrs. Margaret, bds s s Main b Broadway & Spring
     Wood and Coal Yard, s s Main b Broadway and Spring
Woodrow James, cab mkr. bds Mrs. H. Thwait's
Woodruff James B. (Thos. Bradley & Co.) e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Woodruff Jesse, post master, office n s Short b Broadway and Mill, h e s Mulberry b 2d and Barr
Woodruff Jonathan, butcher, n s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Woods Miss Harriet, s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Woods Mrs. Mary T., s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Woolf Hyman, agt. M. Levy & Co. n s Main, Higgins' Block
Woolley Mrs. A.K., h s w c 2d and Market
Woolley B. Howard, bds Robt. Wickliffe's
Woolley Chas. H., b.k. bds n w c High and Mill
Woolly Vertner, bds w c Market and 2d
     Woolen Manufactory, s w c Mill and Vine, h n w c Mill and High
     Attorney at Law, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry, h s w c 2d and Market
Woolums Wm. H., conductor, bds Wm. Sinclair's
Wormsley John, engineer, bds n e c Broadway and Main
Worsham David, carp. w s Main nr R.R.
Worsham Enoch B., carp. e s Spring b Maxwell and Pine
Worsham Fountain, lab. w s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
Worsham Richard, bds W.S. Worsham's
     (Wm. S.W. & Thos. S.) Carpenters and Builders, Mechanics alley b Short and 2d and Broadway and Jefferson
Worsham Wm. S., (W. & Shomate) s e c Pine and Spring
Wright Geo., clk. n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Wright Miss H., bds James Colelazer's
Wright Miss Helen M., teacher, Jackson Seminary
Wright Jeremiah, clk. bds Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
Wright Jeremiah B., b.k. bds w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Wright Miss Martha, alley b Main and High opp Water
Wyatt James F., clk. bds s w c Mill and Maxwell
Yates James M., (Laudeman, Y. & Co.) bds J. Keiser's
Yates Matthew, foreman Gas Works, h s s Main b Spring and Lower
     (Frederick Y. & Geo. O.Y.) Watches Jewelry, Silverware, &c., s e c Upper and Main
Yeiser Frederick, (F.Y. & Co.) bds e s Upper b Short & Church
Yeiser Geo. O. (F.Y. & Co.) res Eddyville, Iron. Co.
Yeiser Phillip, jeweler bds s e c Upper and Church
      Leather, Hides & Oil, s w c Main and Broadway, h w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Hemp Bagging Manufactory, e s Georgetown Road b 3d and 4th, h s s 4th opp Lunatic Asylum
Young American Cornet Band, e s Mill b Main and Short, Will A. Stivers, leader
Young B.F., gunsmith, n e c Upper and Main, bds s s High b Spring and Locust
Young Chas., clk. bds Wm. McCracken's
     (Richard B.Y. & Jefferson C.) Tanners & Curriers, Leather, Hides and Oil, e s Mulberry b Main and Short
     (Sharp & Y.)  s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
Young Edward, cab mkr.. bds s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Young Edwin, cab mkr. bds n e c Church and Mil
Young Miss Jennie, bds R.C. Lawless'
Young John C., bk. mason, e s Broadway s of Bolivar
Young L. Perry, atty. at law, office Court House Square, over County Clerk's Office, h s e c High and Lower
     Leather Merchant, h n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Young Mrs. Sarah, h s s 2d b Buckeye and Jefferson
     (David L.Z., John W.A. & Butler F.Thompson) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, &c.
     w s Upper b Main and Water, Norton's Bldg.
Zimmerman David L., (Z., Appleton & Co.) s s High e of Rose
Zimmerman Thomas, printer, w s Harrison e of Rose

transcribed October 2002 by pb

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