1859-60 City Directory, Lexington, Kentucky
Residents L through M

Source: Williams' Lexington [Kentucky] Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I - 1859-60, Compiled by C.S. Williams, Lexington [Kentucky]: Hitchcock &  Searles, 1859.


al - alley or allopath ec - eclectic
atty - attorney eng - engineer
b - between ex - exchange
bar k - bar keeper h - house
bds - boards ho - homoepathic
b h - boarding house lab - laborer
bk - book or brick manuf - manuf'ry or manuf'er
b k - book keeper mer - merchant
bldr - builder mkr - maker
bldg - building n - north
bo - botanic not pub - notary public
c - corner nr - near
cab mkr - cabinet maker                opp - opposite
carp - carpenter prov - provision
clk - clerk res - residence
cof h - coffee house s - south and side
com - commission w - west
confec - confectioner wh - wholesale
e - east * - Colored Persons
Lackens John R., cab. mkr. e s Upper b Church and 2d
Lafon Vincent, student, bds n w c Upper and Short
Lamb Chas., finisher, wks Patterson & Erd's
Lancaster Abraham B., clk. 25 Main b Mill and Upper
Lancaster Geo., clk. O.A. Reynolds'
(Henry & Wm. H.L.) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 8 Norton's Building, w s Upper b Main and Water
(H.L. & Son), Carpenter and Builder, n s High b Broadway and Mill, h s w c Mill and Maxwell
  Wholesale and Retail Boots and Shoes, 25 Main b Mill and Upper, h s w c Mill and 3d
 Lancaster Wm. Horace, (H.L. & Son), bds s w c Mill and Maxwell
Landis Geo., baker, wks Wm. Scott's
Lannum Isaiah, e s Broadway b Pine and Cedar
Lannum Mrs. Patsey, e s Broadway b Pine and Cedar
Larkin John, lab. w s Broadway b Main and Water
Lanckart George, machinist, n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Lanckart Mrs. Mary J., s s Short b Broadway and Spring
Jos. L., Waldemar M. & John S. Wilson), Iron Foundry and Machine Shop, s e c Short and Spring
Lanckart Joseph, (L. Mentelle & Co.) bds Hudson Huelett's
Lange C.W., varnisher, s s Main b Spring and Jefferson
Lanphier Wm., grocery, n w c Church and Upper
  Physician and Perfumery Manuf. n s Short b Broadway and Mill, h w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
Lauck Edward S., clk. bds s s Main b Walnut and Mulberry
Laudeman David D. (J.H.L. & Bro.) n s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
  (James H. & David D.) Hemp Bagging Manuf. n s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Laudeman James H. (J.H..L. & Bro.) n s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
  (James H.L., James M.Y. & David D. Laudeman), Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Liquors, Paints, 
     Oils, and Commission Merchants, n e c Mulberry and Short
Lavin, Dominick J., shoe mkr., bds s s Main c Ayres al.
Lavin Joseph, shoe mkr., bds. Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Lavin Luke, n s Main b Walnut and Back
Lawell Andrew, rooms s e c Mill and Church
Lawes Lucellus, coach trimmer, n s 3d e of Walnut
Lawless Richard C., s w c 5th and Broadway
Lawrence Hiram, trader, n w c Upper and Bolivar
Lawrence Mrs. Ann, s w c Upper and Maxwell
Lawrence James M., blksmith shop, e s Mulberry b Short and Barr, h  s s 3d b Mulberry and Lawrence
Leads J.L., cab. mkr. bds Solomon Rice's
*Lee Isaac, (L. & Tandy) s s Short b Mulberry and Walnut
LEE J.W. & CO.
  (John W.L. & Benj. F. Hardesty) Bakery and Confectionery, 10 Main b Mill and Cheapside
*Lee James C., barber, bds J.P. Clark's
Lee John W., (J.W.L. & Co.) n s Main b Mill and Cheapside
Lee Mrs. Mary, n w c Main and K.C.R.R.
*Lee Nancy, h s s Short b Walnut and Mulberry
Lee Samuel, bds e s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Lee Samuel, baker, wks J.W. Lee & Co.'s
*Lee & Tandy, (Isaac L. & Geo. T.) confec. s s Water b Mill and Upper
Leech Michael, clk. bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Leeds John C., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
Legeay E., teacher of French, bds J.W. Dudley's
Legrand Abner, bds Thomas H. Gilliss'
Lendel Julius, prof. of music, bds J.W. Dudley's
Leonard Hugh, Adams Ex. messenger, bds W.W. Graves'
Leonard Patrick, baggage master, bds W.W. Graves'
Letcher Benj., clk bds s w c Broadway and High
Letcher Geo. R., s w c Mill and High
Letcher Samuel M., reg. phys., n s Short b Broadway and Mill, h s w c Mill and High
Levy M. & Co. (Mark. L., Louis Levenson & Gabriel Lillenthal), clothing, n s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Levin Thos., confec. wks J.W. Lee's & Co.'s
Secretary Lexington Gas Light & Coke Co. h n s Main op. Gas Works
Lewis Chas., blksmith, bds G.W. Morgan's
Lewis Edward, tinner, n s Main 3d door e of Mulberry
Lewis Mrs. Ellen, dress making, n s Main 3d door e of Mulberry
Lewis John A., carp. and builder, n e c Short and Jefferson, h w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
*Lewis Nancy, n s 3d opp Jefferson
*Lewis S., flour and feed store, s s Vine b Mill and Upper
*Lewis Sally, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
  Dealer in Loveless' Patent Gas Generator, s s Short b Broadway and Mill, h w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
Lexington and Louisville Railroad Passenger Depot, c Mill and Water, H. Rees, ticket agt
Lexington Cemetery, w end of Main, Chas. Ball, sexton
s s Main b Spring and Lower, Alex. Jeffrey, President; T. Lewinski, Secretary
  e s Upper b Main and Short, Jordan's Row, W. Payne, Librarian
  Freight Depot, s w c Vine and Lower, Hiram Rees, Freight Agent
Weekly and Semi-Weekly, e s Upper b Main and Short, Jordan Row, D.C. Wickliffe, Editor and Proprietor
Lexington Orphan Asylum, n s 3d w of Broadway, Mrs. Eliza Beach, Matron
Lloyd Valentine, blksmith, n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Lloyd Wm. H., carp., h s e c Jefferson and 3d
Lightner John J., cab mkr., e s Mulberry b Constitution and 3d
Lilly Evan, bk. layer and b. h. e s Broadway b 2d and 3d
*Lilly James, wagoner, h s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Littiker ________, butcher, s s Frankfort Road  w of Cox
Little Mrs. Elizabeth, n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Lindner Thos., cab mkr., n s Short b Georgetown and K.C.R.R.
Lisbe Rufus, bds Broadway Hotel
Locke Mrs. Catherine, n e c Spring and Water
Lockhart Henry, horse and mule dealer, h e s Mulberry b 4th and 5th
Lockhart Wm. H., student, e s Mulberry b 4th and 5th
Lockwood F., engineer, bds n s Main b Georgetown and Payne
  Agent Shelby College Lottery, office w s Mulberry b Main and Short
Loecher Andrew J. (A.J.L. & Co.) bds Phoenix Hotel
Loevenhart Henry, clk. n s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Loevenhart Solomon, agt jewelry, &c., n s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Logan Miss, bds John Keiser's
Loge James, n s High b Spring and Lower
*Logan Mary, e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Logue Francis, tinner, bds w s Broadway b Main and Water
Logue Patrick, turner, wks J.F. Miller's
Logwood Mrs. Susan P., s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Logwood Thos. S., clk. bds s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Long Mrs. Ann, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Long Edward, carp., e s Upper b 2d and Mechanic
Logan Miss Harriet, w s Upper b Maxwell and Pine
Long Mrs. Margaret, e s Upper b 2d and Mechanic
Long Robt., grocer, s w c Mill and Church
  Wholesale and Retail Grocer, s w c Short and Cheapside, h w s Mill b Short and Church
Longan Mrs. Ann, w s Upper b Maxwell and Pine
Longert Philip S., b.k. Bassett & Emmal's, bds e s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Lonney Hugh, family grocery, e s Broadway b Vine and high h n e c Broadway and High
Lonney Wm., mer. bds e s Broadway s of Bolivar
Lonney Wm. W., n w c Mill and Water, bds John C. Young's
*Loomis Lucy, n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Loud David A., clk. s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Loud Geo. W., clk., s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Loud Richard, woolen manuf., n s Water e of Mulberry, h s Main b Mulberry and Rose e of alley
Lowman Mrs. Mary, n s High b Broadway and Mill
Lowry Miss Basilla, n e c Spring and Pine
Lowry Chas. F. (Charles F.L. & Bro.) bds Broadway Hotel
(Chas. F.L. & Jas. H.L.) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper
Lowry Miss Huldah, n e c Spring and Pine
Lowry James H., (Chas. F.L. & Bro.) Jessamine Co.
Lowry Leander L., saddler, bds A.C. Berry's
Lowry Miss Mary, n e c Spring and Pine
Lowry Miss Rebecca, n e c Spring and Pine
Lowry Wm., clk. bds Wm. Campbell's
Lundy ______, harness mkr., bds W.W. Graves'
Lundy Z., harness mkr., bds John Besore's
Lusby Wm. H., city marshall, s s Main b Lower and Cox
Luther A., cutter, bds John Keiser's
Luther Henry, cutter, R.D. Mahone's bds J. Keiser's
Luxon Wm., coal mer. w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Lyle James, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Lyon Wm. L., blksmith, bds w s Broadway b Main and Water
Lyons James, n s Water b Upper and Mulberry
Lyons Thos., wagon mkr., w s Broadway b Main and Water
Lyons Wm., blksmith, w s Broadway b Main and Water
McAllister Mrs. Sarah, s s Main nr Mulberry
McAuliffe Michael, tailor, wks Matheny and Adams'
McCabe Bernard, gas fitter, n s 4th e of Mulberry
McCabe John, gas fitter, n s 4th e of Mulberry
McCabe Thos. F., clk., Allen, Plunkett & Co.'s, bds w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
McCafferty Edward, blksmith, n s Water b Upper and Mulberry
McCaffrey Mrs. Ellen, seamstress, n w c Short and Mill
McCaffrey Morris, clk M. Levy & Co.'s, n e c Short and Mill
McCalliffe Michael, tailor, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
McCallister Patrick, s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
McCann  _____, cooper, bds n e c Upper and High
McCann Jas., n s High b Lower and Locust
McCann John, city engineer, n s L. and L. R. R. w of Freight Depot
McCann John, cooper, bds n e c High and Upper
McCann Patrick, lab., bds Postlethwaite House
McCann Miss Mary, bds Jas. McCann's
McCarten John, billard keeper, Broadway Hotel
McCarthy C., clk. bds Postlethwaite House
McCarthy Chas. clk., s w c Main and Mill, bds s s Vine b Mill and Upper
McCarthy Timothy, n s Frankfort Road w of Cox
McCarton Miss Ann J., w s Broadway b Short and 2d
McCarton John, billiard keeper, bds w s Broadway b Short and 2d
McCarty Jeremiah, stone mason, n s Short b Georgetown and K.C.R.R.
McCarty John, cab. mkr., wks Patterson & Erd's
McCarty Michael, watchman, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
McCarty Patrick, gardener, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
McCauley John, s s Maxwell b Mulberry and Rose
McCaw John, n s Barr b Mulberry and Walnut
McCaw Thomas, n s Barr b Mulberry and Walnut
McChesney Wm., carriage mer. w s Upper b High and Maxwell
McChesney Wm., clk. Galpin & Simpson's, w s Upper b High and Maxwell
McChesney Wm. S., freight agt. w s Georgetown Road b Short and 2d
McClung Mrs. C.M., n w c Mill and 2d
McComas Josiah G., tailor, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
McConnell Anthony, clk. s s Main b Lower and Locust
McConnell Henry, bds Solomon Rice's
Mcconnell John, cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
McCormick James, tanner, s e c Main and Lower
McCourt John, blksmith, bds G.W. Morgan's
McCoy Alex., farmer, n end of Broadway
McCoy James, bar k. s w c Mulberry and Vine
McCoy Miss Nancy, e s Upper b 3rd and 4th
McCoy Thos., carp. s s Short b Broadway and Spring
McCracken John, gardener, n s Winchester Road e of Episcopal Cemetery
     Livery Stable, e s Mulbery opp. Water, h w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
McCullough Davis, mustard manuf. h n s High b Mill and Upper
McCullough James, cooper, wks Sampson Oot's
McCullough James, lab. bds s w c Main and Spring
     Mustard Manufactory, s s Vine b Mill and Upper, h n s High b Mill and Upper
McDaniel, Alex., harness mkr. s w c 4th and Mulberry
McDannel J.C., upholsterer, res at Fair Grounds
McDannold Thos. J., Adams' Express messenger, bds Broadway Hotel
McDowell Edward C., law student, s e c Market and 2d
McDowell John L., s e c 2d and Market
      Merchant Tailor, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry, bds w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
McFaddin ________, engraver, bds P. Harkin's
McFaddin Anthony, n e c Mulberry and 7th
McFadden James, boots and shoes, w s Mulberry b Main and Water
McFadden Neal, marble cutter, bds. P. Harkin's
McFarland John, upholsterer, wks Patterson & Erd's, bds e s Mulberry b Main and Short
*McGee Rose, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
McGilaway John, shoe mkr. bds Mrs. Sarah Holmes'
McGlanchey Niel, peddler, n s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
McGlore Robt., lab n s Water b Mulberry and Upper
McGoldrich Mrs. Nancy, w s Mill b High and Maxwell
McGuire Thos., (Friel & McG.) res Cincinnati
McIlroy Garrett T., blksmith, bds I.N. Sheppard's
McIlroy Wm., blksmith, bds I.N. Sheppard's
McKinney Hugh, lab. bds n s Water b Mulberry and Upper
McKinney Jas., lab. bds n s Water b Mulberry and Upper
McKee Mrs. Jane, w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
McKee Philip, attendant, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
McLaughlin Miss Eliza, bds n e c Mulberry and Constitution
McLaughlin James, bar k. bds James Scully's
McLaughlin Jas., bar k. w s Mulberry b Main and Water
McLaughlin Lewis W., teller Tilford & Barclay's, bds Phoenix Hotel
          Pastor St. Peter's Church, res w s Walnut b Constitution and 3d
McMains Mrs. Anna C., mantua mkr. s s Main b Broadway and Spring
McMann Mrs. Rose, grocery, e Mulberry and Cedar, h s s High b Broadway and Mill
McMarow Mary, cook Eastern Lunatic Asylum
McMeekin Samuel, n w c Mill and Cedar
McMeekin Wm., butcher, n w c Mill and Cedar
McMeekin Wm., watchman, w s Mill b High and Maxwell
McMeekin Wm. S., carriage mkr. n w c Mill and Cedar
McMichael Dickson G., clk. bds e s Broadway b High and Pine
McMichael Joshua, (R. McM. & Bro.) e s Broadway b High and Pine
McMichael R., mer. bds n e c Broadway and Main
McMichael R. & Bro. (Robert & Joshua), dry goods, 2 Main b Broadway and Mill opp Odd Fellows Hall
McMichael Robt., (R. McM. & Bro.) e s Broadway b High and Pine
*McMillen John B., e s Upper b Main and Short
McMurtry David, carp. s e c Short and Jefferson
McMurtry John, carp. and bldr. e s Harrodsburg Pike b Corp. Line and Toll Gate
McMurtry Joseph, clk. bds Postlethwaite House
McNarmare B., harness mkr. bds B.F. Edge's
McNemar John B., saddles, bds n s High b Upper and Mulberry
McNeil John W., clk. 25 Main b Mill and Upper
McNeimar ______, saddles, bds n e c Upper and High
McTaggart John, lab. n s high b Broadway and Spring
McWain Mrs. Nancy, e s Upper b Maxwell and Cedar
Mahon W., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's, h s s 2d b Upper and Mulberry
Macalester Edward, s e c Mulberry and Constitution
Mack John, tailor, wks Matheny & Adams'
Macke John, tailor, n s Main b Jefferson and Georgetown
Maccoun P.T., clk. w s Upper b High and Maxwell
*Magee Jefferson, painter, n e c Mill and Bolivar
Maglone Robt., lab. w s Broadway b Main and Water
     Millinery Store, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Maguire Philip F., wh. and ret. grocer, s e c Broadway and Short
Maher Daniel, grocer, w s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Mahony Robert, boots and shoes, n s Main b Upper and Mulberry, h n s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
      Merchant Tailor, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry, h e s Rose b Main and High
Maighen Thos., stone cutter, w s Cox b Main and R.R.
Maigins Peter, cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
Major Mrs. Lucinda, bds s e c Lower and Vine
Maloy Robt., cab. mkr. bds I.N. Sheppard's
Malloy J., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's 
Mann Isaac, (M. & Straus) res Cincinnati
Mann Mrs. Mary A., s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Mann & Straus (Isaac M. & David S.) clothing, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Marable Mrs. Georgiana, bds n w c Market and Short
March James, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Marks C., fringe weaver, bds n e c Upper and High
Marrs Wm. R., artist, s w c Main and Mulberry, bds s w c Upper and Vine
Marah Mrs. Catharine, s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
Marsh Mrs. Melinda, e s Upper b 3d and 4th
Marsh Miss Nancy, bds n s Short b Georgetown and K.C. R.R.
March Richard, foreman Lex. Observer and Reporter office, h s s High b Spring and Lower
March Theo. C., clk. H. Shaw & Co's, bds s s Short b Jefferson and Spring
Marsh Thos., carder, n s Short b Georgetown and K.C.R.R.
*Marshall Margaret, s e c Upper and 4th
Marshall Silas, slave dealer, n s Main b Walnut and Back
Martin Barnett, teamster, n s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Martin Gabriel, teamster, w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Martin Mallory, w s Upper b Cedar and Bolivar
Masner James S., policeman, n e c 4th and Mulberry
Maso Albert G., carp. n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Mason Alonso H., n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
*Mason Edward, carder, wks Thomson & Van Dalsen's
*Mason Gabriel, s e c Upper and 3d
*Mason M.M. boots and shoes, e s Mulberry b Short and Barr
Mason Wm., watchman, e s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Masters John G., clk. s s Main b Mill and Upper, bds Broadway Hotel
      (Wm. T.M. & Richard M.A.) Merchant Tailors, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Matheny Wm. T., (M. & Adams) bds Phoenix Hotel
        Attorney at Law, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry, bds n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Matthews Rev. John T., D.D., n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Matthias Miss Eliza, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
May Geo., carder, e s Rose b Main and High
        Family Grocer, s w c Maxwell and Broadway
Maydwell A. jr., clk. s e c Upper and Vine
        Family Grocery and Produce Dealer, s e c Upper and Vine
Mayfield Mrs. Mary, n w c Spring and High
Mayfield Miss Sarah L., n w c Spring and High
Mayfield Wm. P., clk. bds n w c Spring and High
*Medock G., e s Broadway b Vine and High
Meglone Mrs. Maria H., b.h. n e c Upper and High
Meglone Whitney, gunsmith, bds n e c Upper and High
        Thomas B. Megowan, Proprietor, n s Short b Mulberry and Upper
Proprietor Megowan's Hotel, n s Short b Mulberry and Upper   
Mehan Eliza, e s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Melhaupt Fred, shoe mkr. bds John R. Henesey's
Meinop Frederick, cigar mkr. bds n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Melone Wm., grocer e s Mulberry opp Vine
Mentelle Waldemar, (Lanckart M. & Co.) res opp Ashland
*Merchant Alfred, n s 3d opp Jefferson
Merchant Elisha, coach painter, bds w s Upper b Church and Lower
Merrell David G., farmer, e s Upper b Cedar and Bolivar
Merrell Jonathan, lab. s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
*Meshon Susan, e s Lower b High and Maxwell
Messick Rev. Brinkley M., s w c Versailles Road and Merino
Messick Charlton T., clk. s w c Merino and Versailles Road
Metcalf Geo., wagoner, w s Broadway b Pine and Bolivar
Metcalf Henry C., bds n s Main b Walnut and Back
Pianos, Melodeons, Sheet Music, & c. s w c Main and Mulberry (up stairs)
Meyer S.N. cigar and tobacco store, n s Main b Mulberry and Upper, bds s s High b Upper and Mulberry
Teller Northern Bank of Kentucky bds Phoenix Hotel
Milbourn J.D. carp. and builder, Main b Broadway and Spring h n s Main b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
*Miller Ambrozilla, n s Main b Spring and Jefferson
Miller Andrew, coppersmith, s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Miller Frederick, cab mkr. w s Upper b Maxwell and Pine
Miller Geo. F., cab mkr. wks Patterson and Erd's
Miller J.E., fam. grocery, s s Vine b Mill and Upper
Miller John S., watches, jewelry, & c. s s Vine b Mill and Upper h s w c Broadway and Short
      Hardware, Stoves, &c. s s Main b Broadway and Mill, h e s Broadway b Maxwell and Vine
Miller Joseph, tinner, w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Miller Joseph E., clk. bds s w c Broadway and Short
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron work and Pump Manufacturer, n s Main b Broadway and Mill, h s w c Upper and Maxwell
Miller Joseph P., clk. bds Upper b High and Maxwell
Miller Lewis, baker, bds Wm. Scott's
Miller Michael, n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Miller Mrs. Sarah, bds Philip Kidd's
Merchant Tailor, No. 2 Norton's Bldg. w s Upper b Main and Water, h e s Rose b Main and High
Miller Miss Melinda, bds s w c Broadway and Short
Miller Thomas, tailor, bds e s Rose b Main and High
Miller Wm., tailor, bds e s Rose b Main and High
Milligan Joseph, turner, s s 3d b Walnut and Back
Milton Bushrod T., clk. s s Main b Lower and Cox
Milton Miss C., teacher, bds B. Milton's
Milward Chas., cab mkr. s s High b Spring and Lower
Milward Joseph, (M. & Son) s s Hill b Spring and Locust
Milward Joseph sen., cab mkr. s s High b Spring and Lower
Milward Joseph U., (M. & Son) c Spring and Main
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Manufacturer, n e c Mill and Water, h n w c Spring and Mill
Milward Leving P., tinner, bds n w c Spring and Main
(Joseph & Joseph U.) Cabinet Ware Manufacturers and Undertakers, s s Main b Broadway and Mill
     (Milton L.M. & Wm. T.A.) Stoves,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Warm Air Furnaces, &c., 
     e s Upper b Main and Water
Mitchell Miss Elizabeth, bds Ayres al b Main and High
Mitchell James, bds John Keiser's
Mirchell John M., tinner, w s Mulberry b Pine and Cedar
*Mitchell Kitty, s s Maxwell b Spring and Lower
Mitchell Milton L., (M. & Adams), s c w Mulberry and Pine
Mitchell Thos. D. clk. bds John Keiser's
Monaghan Wm., family grocery, s w c Mulberry and 2d
Monks Napoleon D. Tailor, bds e s Lower b Maxwell and Pine
Monks Thos., agt. cof. h. n s Water b Upper and Mulberry
Monroe Thos. B., sec. and treas., Eastern Lunatic Asylum
     Attorney at Law, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry, bds n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Montague Elijah, watchman, w s Lower b Maxwell and Pine
Montague Lewis F., mail agent, n e c Short and Georgetown Road
Montague Thos., watchman, e s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
Montgomery Wm., bds n w c Walnut and Barr
Flour Manufacturer, (Union Mills), s w c Vine and Broadway, h s s High b Mill and Upper
Montmolllin Frederick, sen., office s s Main b Mulberry and Rose h n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Montmollin Wm. R. Jr. clk., bds Frederick Montmullin Jr.
Moody Archibald, n s High b Upper and Mulberry
     Cigars, Tobacco, Game, Fruits and Variety Store, s s Short b Mill and Cheapside, h w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Moore Harrison, grocery, s s Main, opp. Georgetown road
Moore Harvey, e s Todd b 3d and 4th
Moore James, stone mason, n s Versailles Road w of Locust
*Moore Jane C., n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
Moore Mrs. Melinda, s s Bolivar b Mill and R.R.
Moore Moses, stone mason, w s Merino b Pine and R.R.
Morah F.X., wagon mkr. bds I.N. Sheppard's
Morgan Calvin C.,  (John H. & C.C.M.) n w c 2d and Mill
Morgan Charlton H., n w c Mill and 2d
Morgan Geo. W., blksmith, e s Mulberry b Main and High, h s s High b Mulberry and Rose
     Boarding House, e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Morgan John H., bagging manuf. bds s w c Mill and 2d
Morgan John H., (John H. & C.C.M.) s w c 2d and Mill
Morgan John H. & C.C., hemp bagging manuf. n s Main b Georgetown Pike and Payne
Morgan Mrs. Lucy, bds n e c High and Locust
Morgan Nicholas, blksmith shop, s s Short b Spring and Jefferson, h e s Jefferson b Short and 2d
     Jeans and Linsey Manufactory, s w c Locust and Main h n w c 2d and Mill
Morgan Richard C., woolen manuf. h n w c Mill and 2d
Morris Buckner S., atty at law, n s 4th opp. Walnut
Morris James R., clk. s e c Upper and Maxwell
Morris Saml., machinist, n e c High and Spring
Morris Saml. T.,  foreman, wks s e c Spring and Short
Morris Wm., clk. bds s e c Upper and Maxwell
Morris Wm. H., clk. s e c Upper and Maxwell
Mortimore Dr. D., bds Broadway Hotel
Morton City School, No. 1, s e c Short and Walnut, George Sprague, principal
Morton David K., bds w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Morton Miss G., n e c Walnut and Constitution
     Drugs, Paints, Oils, &c. s s Main b Upper and Mulberry, h w s Mulberry b Hill and Maxwell
Morton John K., homopathic phys. n s High b Mulberry and Rose
*Morton Mary, e s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
Morrison Mrs. Elizabeth E., bds J.B. Wilgus'
     Rector of Christ's church, (Protestant Episcopal) h n e c Market and Mechanic
Morrison Moses, w s Harrodsburg Pike b Corp. Line and Toll Gate
*Mosby Alfred, w s Mulberry b Mechanic  and 3d
Mullen Edward, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Proprietor City Hotel and Family Grocery, s w c Mulberry and Vine, h e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Munoz Julian, prof. of vocal music, bds w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
Murphy Adam, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Murphy Dennis, lab. w s Broadway b Main and Water
Murphy Felix G., (Blackwell, M. & Ferguson)
Murphy James, lab. bds w s Broadway b Main and Water
Murphy Jeremiah, livery stable, e s Mulberry b Main and High
Murphy John, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Murphy John, shoemkr, bds n w c Church and Upper
Murphy John W., marble cutter, bds Postlethwaite House
Murphy John W., clk. bds Postlethwaite House
Murphy Mrs. Mary, e s Lower b Maxwell and Pine
Murphy Patrick, brakesman, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Murphy Wm. H., (J.M. Elliott & Co.) bds Phoenix Hotel
Murrain Daniel H., clk. s s Main b Mill and Upper, bds H.B. Payne's
Murray Neal, lab. w s Cox b Main and R.R.
Murray Patrick, lab. e s Spring b Main and Water
Murray Mrs. Rachel, w s Upper b Church and 2d
Myers A., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
Myers Augustus H., cab. mkr. s s Short b Georgetown and Payne
Myers J.W., painter, bds H.A. Saxton's
Myers John, clk. Zimmerman, Appleton & Co.'s
Myers John, painter, bds s s Spring b Maxwell and Cedar
Myers John, pump mkr. h s e c Spring and Maxwell
Myers S.N., cigar mer. bds P. Harkin's
Mylott Andrew E., b.k. n s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut

transcribed October 2002 by pb

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