1859-60 City Directory, Lexington, Kentucky
D through G

Source: Williams' Lexington [Kentucky] Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I - 1859-60, Compiled by C.S. Williams, Lexington [Kentucky]: Hitchcock &  Searles, 1859.


al - alley or allopath ec - eclectic
atty - attorney eng - engineer
b - between ex - exchange
bar k - bar keeper h - house
bds - boards ho - homoepathic
b h - boarding house lab - laborer
bk - book or brick manuf - manuf'ry or manuf'er
b k - book keeper mer - merchant
bldr - builder mkr - maker
bldg - building n - north
bo - botanic not pub - notary public
c - corner nr - near
cab mkr - cabinet maker                opp - opposite
carp - carpenter prov - provision
clk - clerk res - residence
cof h - coffee house s - south and side
com - commission w - west
confec - confectioner wh - wholesale
e - east * - Colored Persons
Daily Mrs. Catharine, s w c Lower and Main
Dalenbus Henry, ice dealer, n e c Maxwell and Upper
Daniel D., s e c Broadway and Bolivar
Daniel Henry C., h s e c Broadway and Bolivar
Daniel Pleasant, grocery, h s e c Broadway and Bolivar
*Dandreth Margaret, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Dandy Rev. Wm. C., w s of Broadway s of Bolivar
Regular Physician, n s Short b Broadway and Mill, h n s Short b Jefferson and Broadway
Darrow John, silver plater, bds Mrs. Jane Van Pelt's
Daugherty Michael, tailor, wks R. McElhinney's, bds Curd House
Daugherty Wm., tailor, bds Postlethwaite House
Davenport Mrs. Henrietta, bds. Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
Davenport Wm., shoe mkr. n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Davidson Jas. T., clk. Northern Bank of Kentucky, s w c Market and Church
Davis E.,  s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Davis Elisha, lab. w s Broadway b Main and Water
Davis Mrs. Eliza, bds Lloyd Prather's
Davis Miss Elizabeth, bds G.W. Stone's
Davis Geo., stone mason, w s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Davis Hiram H., coach trimmer, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
*Davis Jas., bk. layer, w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
*Davis John, horse trainer, w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Davis John, livery stable, s e c Mill and Vine, h s s Maxwell b Broadway and Spring
Day Mrs. Sarah, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Day Wm. P., butcher, e s Upper b 3d and 4th
DeGaris Mrs. Cora, s w c Mill and Cedar
Delaney Geo., bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Delaney John, lab. w s Cox b Main and R.R.
Delaney Jas., lab. n s Water b Broadway and Spring
DeLong Orlando W., clk. h s s Main w of Georgetown
Delph G.W., cof. h w s Mill b Main and Short
Denneon Hannah, servt. at A.D. Hale's
       Family Grocery and Produce Dealer, s.s. Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Dennis John W., clk. s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Dennis Patrick, shoe mkr. bds s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Denny Patrick, bds. Solomon Rice's
Denny Mrs. Sally n s Frankfort Road w of Cox
DeRoode Miss Eugenia, music teacher, Jackson Seminary
        Regular Phys. office w s Mill b Church and Short, h n e c Jefferson and 2d
Desha John R., regular phys. n w c Upper and High
Desmond Joanna, cook, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Devereux John, clk., bds s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Devlin Mrs. Frances, n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Devlin Thos., attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Dewees F., n s Main c of Back opp Rose
Diamond Augustus, bds. n w c Bolivar and Upper
Diamond Richard, well driller, n w c Bolivar and Upper
Didlake Geo. W., attorney, bds. Broadway Hotel
        Proprietor Broadway Hotel, n w c Broadway and Short
Dick John, gardner for J.L. Barclay
Dietrich Frederick, shoe mkr. bds. s s vine b Upper and Mulberry
Dilts John, tanner, bds. Solomon Rice's
Dinberg Thos., cab mkr. s s Short b Georgetown and K.C.R.R.
Ditchley John, fireman, bds Mrs. H. Rogers'
Dodge Asa, car. mkr. bds Thos. J. Satten's
Doherty Michael, blksmith, e s Spring b Main and Water
Dolan Miss Mary, bds Mrs. Mary Cloud's
Dollman ______, carver, wks Patterson & Erd's
Dollman Wm., varnisher, n s High b Mill and Upper
Donelon John, harness mkr. bds Solomon Rice's
Donohue Jas., grocery, s e c Rose and Mulberry
Donnelly Jas., painter, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Donelly John, dray, bds Danl. Henry's
Doolin Leroy, coach painter, w s Upper b Maxwell & Pine
Douglass Elias, car. mkr. bds Peter S. Rule's
*Douglass Lydia, e s Jefferson b 2d and 3d
Dowd Margaret, waiter, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Dowd Martin, lab. s w c Spring and Main
       (Wm. W.D., Maslin S.D. & Wm. A.G.) Com. &  For'd. Merchs. and Dealers in Grain, Produce, Coal and
        Agricultural Implements, office s w c Water and Broadway
        Grain Dealer, s w c Broadway and Water, h s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Dowden Maslin S., (D. Bro. & Gunn) bds. s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
Dowden Wm. W., (D. Bro. &  Gunn) bds e s Broadway b 2d and 3d
        (Saml. D. & Wm. F.) Family Grocery, Grain Produce and Flour Store, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Downing Mrs. Sarah, n w c Mechanic and Mulberry
Downing Saml., (D. & Featherston) res 3 miles Nicholasville Road
Downing Stark T., carp. w s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
Doyle John, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Doyle John, lab. s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Dozier Geo. H., marble cutter, n w c Mulberry and Pine
(Holland & D.) n w c Mulberry and Pine
Drake Abraham S., School, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose h n s Short b Walnut and Back
Regular Physician, office w s Mill b Short and Church, h w s Georgetown b Short and 2d
Drake Mrs. Hannah, bds n s Short b Walnut and Back
Drake Simeon B., b.k. Patterson & Erd's e s Harrison e of Rose
        Dentist, e s Upper b Main and Short, bds H.B. Payne's
Driscoll, John, lab. w s Broadway b Main and Water
Duboe Madame, teacher of French, n e c Short and Mill
Dudley Abraham, w s Mulberry b Church and 2d
Dudley Dr. Benj. W., n end of Broadway
(D. & Skillman), Regular Physician, n w c Church and Mill
Dudley James, deputy sheriff, e s Upper 1 door s of Short
Dudley John, carp. wks Shryock & Jones'
Dudley John J., rooms e s Upper 1 door s of Short
Dudley John W., b.h. s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
(Ethelbert L.D. & Henry M.S.) Regular Physicians, n w c Church and Mill
Dudley T.P., assistant physician, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Dudley Wm. A., (Buckner & D.) n e end of Broadway
Duffy John, fireman, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Dukemineer Mrs. Catharine, s s Main opp Cemetery
Duncanson Edward S. jr., dep. clk. Circuit Court, n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Duncanson Edward S. sen., b.k. Branch Bank of Kentucky, n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Duniven Michael, lab. w s Cox b Main and R.R.
Dunlap Henry, n s Main b Broadway and Spring
Dunlap S., shoe mkr. e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Dunlop James, printer, Kentucky Statesman office, h s s 5th c of Mulberry
Dunn Benjamin, harness mkr. e s Walnut b Constitution and 3d
Dunn James B., (Chenault & Co.) n s Frankfort Road, 2d h w of K.C.R.R.
Dunning Miss Cornelia H., bds Dr. L. Herr's
Dunree Allen, stone mason, n s Bolivar b Mill and Upper
Dunseith Robert, tailor, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Dupuy Mrs. Lucy, bds Samuel G. Heendon's
Durnberger Thos., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
Dutton Wm. D., coach painter, bds. J.M. Lawrence's
Eagle Edward, bds John Keiser's
Eagle Robt., tailor, s s Short b Mulberry and Upper
n s 4th b Georgetown Pike and K.C.R.R.   W.S. Chipley, Superintendent
Eastman, Miss Adeline, teacher Jackson Seminary
Eastham Lewelen T., clk. bds e s Harrison c of Rose
        Agent Shelby College Lottery, w s Mill b Main and Short, h e s Harrison c of Rose
Eaton Miss Attie, n w c Main and K.C.R.R.
Eaton Mrs. Mary, n w c Main and K.C.R.R.
Eblin Mrs. Prudence, s s 2d b Broadway and Mill
Eden Asa, bk. layer, w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Edge Benj. F., saddles &c., n s Main b Mill and Broadway h n w c Main and Locust
        Wholesale and Retail Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, n s Main b Upper and Mulberry,
        bds Megowan's Hotel
Edge Mrs. Mary, bds s e c Main and Locust
Edge Philip P., saddles &c., n s Main b Mulberry and Upper, h n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Edger Mrs. Rebecca, s w c Rose and Main
Edmond Alex., dray, s e c Pine and Lower
Edrington B.J., bds s s Main b Broadway and Spring
Egan James, tailor, bds Fayette House
        Commission and Forwarding, Merchants and Produce Brokers, Odd Fellows Hall Building,
        s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Elbert, J.L. (J.L.E. & Co.) w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Elder Miss Mary, bds. Z. Gibbon's
Elder Miss Victoria, bds Z. Gibbon's
Ambrotypes, Photographs, &c., n s Main b Mill and Cheapside, h n s Main b Walnut and Back
Elliott A.S., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
(James M.E. & Wm. H. Murphy) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper,
        opp Court House
Elliott James, carp. bds Robt. Burns'
Elliott James M. (J.M.E. & Co..) s e c High and Upper
*Ellis Maria,  s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Ellis Mrs. Mary L.W., w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Ellis Moses P., bds Frederick Montmullin's, sen. n s High b Mulberry and Rose
*Ellis Sarah, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Carpenter and Builder, s w c Mulberry and Church, h n s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Ely Benj. F., coach mkr. e s Upper b 3d and 4th
Ely Charles, carriage painter, wks J. Keiser's
Ely Wm. R., coach mkr. bds e s Upper b 3d and 4th
Emmal Wm. B., (Bassett & E.) s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Ennis John W., clk. Zimmerman, Appleton & Co.'s
Episcopal Cemetery, n s 3d e of Walnut
Erd X., carver, wks Patterson & Erd's
Erd Francis J., (Patterson & E.) n s Main w of Jefferson
Erd James X., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
Erwin Mrs. Mary, n s High b Lower and Locust
Evan John, lab. w s K.C.R.R., opp Short
Evans John, foreman G.A. Bowyer's, s s 3d b Walnut and Back
*Evans Margaret, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Fagin Mrs. Emma, bds R.C. Lawless'
Fairhead Arthur, butcher, bds Wm. McMeekin's
Farrell Mrs., w s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Farrell Miss Elizabeth, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Farrell Miss Mary, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
*Farrow Betsey, nurse s s Short b Walnut and Back
Farley Wm., carp. bds s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Faught Lemuel, harness mkr. bds. Wm. Mahon's
Faught Miss Martha, milliner, bds Mrs. E. Webb's
Faulconer Mrs. Harriet, w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Fawcett Peter, gardener, n s High b Mulberry and Rose
        B.C. Blincoe, Proprietor, n w c Mulberry and Short
Featherston Wm. (Downing & F.) bds. Maglone's n e c Upper and High
Feeny Patrick, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Feeny Thomas W., harness mkr. wks Tingle & Quinn's
Ferguson Miss Ann, bds C.D. Carr's
        (John M. F., E.B. & John W. Berkley), Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper, opp Court House
Ferguson Geo., (Blackwell, Murphy & F.)
Ferguson John M., (F., Bell & Co.) bds s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Ficklin Joseph, w s Mill b Short and Church
Fields Miss Catherine, alley b Main and High, opp Water
Fields Mrs. Sabina, w s Harrodsburg Pike b Corp. Line and Toll Gate
Fingleton Miss Catharine, w s Walnut b Constitution and 3d
Finley John, grocery, n w c Mulberry and Main, h n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Fishback Mrs. Susan H.S., e s Broadway b Church and 2d
*Fisher D., barber, n e c Main and Broadway, h s s Short b Georgetown Pike and C. & L.R.R. Depot
*Fisher D. jr., barber, s s Short b Georgetown Pike and C. & L.R.R. Depot
        Tailoring Dying and Scouring, e s Broadway b Main and Short
*Fisher Mrs. Mary, s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Fisk Philip, tobacconist, bds Solomon Rice's
Fisse Joseph, clk. bds H.A. Wessel's
Fitch Cornelius R., clk. bds Mary B. Reed's
Fitch Frank, (Geo. W. Norton & F.) bds w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Fitzgerald Michael E., marble cutter, n s 4th e of Mulberry
Fitzgerald Patrick, stone cutter, s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Fugers Mrs. E., millinery store, s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Flagg Thomas, clk. bds J.H. Baker's
Flanagan Frank G., (Rogers & F.) w end of 2d
Flanagan Terence, clk. s e c Broadway and Main
        Wood and Coal Yard, s s Short b Mulberry and Upper
Flanelly Thomas, stone cutter, s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Fleming Mrs. Susan, n w c Walnut and Constitution
Flinn Richard, brakesman, bds Mrs. H. Roger's
Flinn Thomas, shoe mkr. bds Mrs. McAllister's
Fogle Mrs. Nancy, h s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Ford Mrs. Eliza, bds David Hulett's
        President Transylvania University High School, n w c 3d  and Upper
Ford Thomas, weaver, s e c Lower and Main
Fordman Mrs. Chloe, e s Mill b High and Maxwell
*Foster Mary, w s Todd b 3d and 4th
Fothergill Geo. W., carp. bds Thos. Shomate's
Fothergill Wm., carp. bds. Thos. Shomate's
Fouke John, student at E.S. Duncanson's
        House Painter, Paper Hanger, Grainer, &c., s s Water b Mill and Upper, h s w c Broadway and Pine
        House Painter, Paper Hanger, &c., s s Water b Mill and Upper, h w s Broadway b Maxwell and Pine
Fox Dr. H.T., n s Main b Walnut and Back
        Boots and Shoes, n s Main b Upper and Mulberry
*Francis Mary, s s High b Broadway and Mill
*Francis Patience, w s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Frank W., medical student, bds J.H. Landeman's
Franklin John, cartman, n s 3d b Todd and K.C.R.R.
Frazer Jeremiah T., mer tailor, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Frazer Jerome P., clk. Geo. C. Bain's bds w s Broadway b 2d and Short
Frazer John, clk. bds E. Lilly's
Frazer Miss Margaret, bds Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
        Merchant, Tailor and Clothing Store, n s Main b Broadway and Mill, h w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Frazer Thomas M., clk. J.B. Morton's bds Phoenix Hotel
Frazer Miss Virginia, bds Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
Frazer Wm. clk. n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Friel James, tailor, n w c 7th and Mulberry
Friel & McGuire, (Patrick F. & Thomas McG.) tailors and clothiers, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Friel Patrick, (F. & McGuire), bds Broadway Hotel
Frost J.C., w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Frost John M., tailor, bds w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Fry _______ , musician, bds J. Keiser's
Fudger Wm. N., shoe mkr. h s Main b Broadway and Mill
Fulton Wm F., clk., J.M. Elliott & Co.'s, rooms Higgins Blk
Gaines Madison, farmer, h w s Upper b High and Maxwell
        (Wm. R.G. & Wm. S.) Carriage Manufactory, e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Galpin Wm. R. (G. & Simpson), e s Mulberry b Main and Short
        Ambrotypes, Photographs, &c. s s Main b Mill and Upper, opp Court House, bds n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Gardiner Joseph T., cab. mkr. e s Walnut b Constitution and 3d
Garland Peter, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Garland Richard, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Garner E.C., jeweler, bds. John Keiser's
Garret Elizabeth, e s Broadway b Short and Church
Garrett Samuel W., carp. bds John Henesey's
Gartlin James, blksmith, n e c Mill and High, h n s High b Mill and Upper
Gaugh Mrs. Ann E., w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Geers Charles, carp., e s Upper b 3d and 4th
Geers Charles, printer, Lex. Observer and Reporter, bds D.C. Wickliffe's
Geers James, carp., e s Mill b Maxwell and Pine
Geers Robt., grocer, s e c Broadway and Vine, h e s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Geoghan Miss Frances, s w c Lower and Main
Geoghan Samuel, s w c Lower and Main
George Joseph, blksmith and wagon mkr. e s Mulberry b  Short and Barr, h e s Mulberry b Barr and 3d
George M., lab. e s Broadway b Cedar and Bolivar
George Mrs. Rebecca L., millinery, n s Main b Walnut and Back
Gerry John, lab. bds w s Broadway b Main and Water
*Gest Sarah, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
Gibbany James, machinist, wks Jacob Stahel's
Gibbany James R., painter, h n s Main b Jefferson and Georgetown
Gibbany Mrs. Julia A., n s Main b Jefferson and Georgetown
Gibbons Benj. G., grocer, n s Constitution b Walnut and Back
*Gibbons Harriet, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
Gibbons Richard, Clk. bds Mrs. Sarah Smith's
Gibbons Richard J., clk. W.J. Hanly & Co.'s
        Book Bindery and Magistrate, office e s Upper b Main and Water, h w s Mulberry b Church and 2d
Gibson _____ , cooper, bds n e c Upper and High
Gibson Charles, tailor, e s Broadway b Main and Short
Gibson James, cooper, bds Peter Johnson's
Gilbert John jr., grocery, w s Cox b Main and R.R.
Gildroy Patrick, bds James Scully's
Gill Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Smith Eliott's
Gilligan Michael, engineer, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Gilligan Edward, engineer, bds Mrs. McAllister's
*Gilliss Elizabeth, s s Short b Mulberry and Walnut
        (Thomas H.G. & Charles H.H.) Hardware, Iron, Guns, Pistols, Boots and Shoes, w s Cheapside b Main and Short
Gilliss Thomas H., (G. & Harney), n s 6th w of Broadway
Gillroy Patrick, bds e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Gilmore John L., b.k. Adams Ex. Co. bds Jas. A. Harper's
Gilreath Thomas J., agt. Ky. Stage Co. n w c 2d and Mulberry
Gilroy Barney, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Goekel Mrs. Margaret, dress mkr. n s High b Broadway and Mill
Goldschmith Geo. A., clk. s w c Mulberry and Main
Goldschmith Rudolph, clk. Mann & Strauss', bds n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Goodall Armitage, miller, n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Goodloe Mrs. Catherine, bds Sayre Female Institute
        Importer of China, Glass and Queesnware, &c. s e c Mill and Main, h n s Main e of Back
Goodloe Speed S., (Allen & G.) n s Main e of Back
Goodloe Wm. C., student, n s Main e of Back
Goodman Wm., harness mkr. bds A.B. Berry's
Goodwin John, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Gormley Patrick, grocery, e s Mulberry opp Market House
Gortney James T., machinist, s s Short b Georgetown and Payne
Gould James, watchman, Phoenix Hotel
Graham John, packer, opp Lunatic Asylum
Graising _____ , watch mkr. bds John Keiser's
Grant George, gardener, n s 4th b Broadway and Georgetown Pike
*Grant Jane, w s Upper b Church and 2d
Grant Thomas, s e c Mill and 2d
*Grason E., carp. n s High b Mill and Upper
*Grason Henry, h w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Gratz Benj., w s Mill b 2d and 3d
Graves _______ , carp. w s Spring b Maxwell and Pine
Graves Benj. F., (G. & Hansbro) Com. of Deeds, office n s Short b Upper and Mulberry, h e s Mulberry b Constitution and Barr
Graves Mrs. Catharine, bds A.D. Kent's
        (Geo. W. & Leslie C.) Livery and Sale Stable, s s Short b Broadway and Spring, opp Broadway Hotel
Graves Geo. W., (G.W. & L.C.G.) bds Broadway Hotel
        (Benj. F.G. & John C.H.) Attorneys at Law and Land Agents, n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Graves Harvey C., clk. bds Dr. John P. Henry's
Graves James, brakesman, bds Mrs. H. Rogers'
Graves James M., clk. bds W.W. Graves'
Graves Joseph, brakesman, bds Mrs. H. Rogers'
Graves Leslie C., (G.W. & L.C.G.) bds Broadway Hotel
*Graves Tecumseh, e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Graves Wm. W., (Wm. W.G. & Son), b. h. n s Short b Broadway and Mill
Graves W.W. & Son, (W.W. & Leslie C.) livery stable, n s Short b Broadway and Mill
Gray Henry, carp. s s Water b Mill and Upper, h e s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
Green John H., clk. s w c Main and Mill, bds John Keiser's
*Green Malinda, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Green John H., bds John Keiser's
Greener Joseph, tailor, h w s Mulberry opp Constitution
Greenbow Miss Sarah, house kpr. Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
Gregory _____ , engineer, bds Mrs. H. Rogers'
Greiner Joseph, tailor, h w s Mulberry opp Constitution
Gribbin John, lab. h n w c Payne and Main
Gribbin Miss Mary, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Grimes Mrs. Jane,  s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Grimes Wm. H., cab. ware manuf. s s Water b Mill and Upper, bds w s Broadway b Short and Main
        Cashier Agricultural Bank, n e c Church and Broadway
Grinstead Miss Julia, n e c Church and Broadway
Grinstead Robert, n e c Broadway and Church
Grooms Mrs. E., w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Grooms James, e s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Gross Joseph R., sheriff Fayette Co. office Court House Yard, res 5 miles on Winchester Pike
        No. 4 Higgins Block, n s Main b Upper and Mulberry, C.T. Barber, Agent
Gunn John, bds. E. Lilly's
Gunn Wm. A. (Dowden Bro. & G.) bds Wm. C. Dandy's

transcribed April 2002 by pb

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