1859-60 City Directory, Lexington, Kentucky
Residents A through C

Source: Williams' Lexington [Kentucky] Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I - 1859-60, Compiled by C.S. Williams, Lexington [Kentucky]: Hitchcock &  Searles, 1859.


al - alley or allopath ec - eclectic
atty - attorney eng - engineer
b - between ex - exchange
bar k - bar keeper h - house
bds - boards ho - homoepathic
b h - boarding house lab - laborer
bk - book or brick manuf - manuf'ry or manuf'er
b k - book keeper mer - merchant
bldr - builder mkr - maker
bldg - building n - north
bo - botanic not pub - notary public
c - corner nr - near
cab mkr - cabinet maker                opp - opposite
carp - carpenter prov - provision
clk - clerk res - residence
cof h - coffee house s - south and side
com - commission w - west
confec - confectioner wh - wholesale
e - east * - Colored Persons
Ackman Wm., blk. smith, bds N. Morgan's
Adams B.J., (Watkins, Hunt & Co.) res Louisville
Adams David T., bds Broadway Hotel
ss Main b Broadway and Mill, James A. Harper, Agt.
Adams Richard M., (Matheny & A.) bds s s Mulberry b Cedar and Bolivar
Regular physician, office s w c Church and Mill, res e s Market b 2d and Mechanic
Adams Thomas, marble cutter, e s Spring b Maxwell and High
        Plumber, Steam Fitter, and Pump Manuf. No. 16 Main b Mill and Broadway, h n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Adams Wm. T. (Mitchell & A.) w s Mulberry b Pine and Love
Aitkin Miss Jane, bds Wm. Campbell's
Akin Mrs. Elizabeth, n s Main b Spring and Jefferson
Akin Geo., carder, bds n s Main b Spring and Jefferson
Alexander John W., (John W.A. & Co.), bds J.H. Baker's
        China, Glass and Queensware, n s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Alexander Wm., harness maker, wks J. Besore's
Alkins, L.C. grocery, s s Main b Ayres al. and Rose
Allan H.G., pastor St. Peters R.C. Church, h w s Walnut b Constitution and 3d
Allen Bryan H., (A. & Goodloe), bds John G. Allen's
*Allen Eliza, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
        (Bryan H.A. & Speed S.G.) Attorneys at Law, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Allen John G., (A. Plunkett & Co.) s w c Lower and High
Allen Mrs. Mary, e s Walnut opp Barr
        (Jno. G.A., Wm. F.P., Wm. W. Boyd & Benj. W. Couchman)
          Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper
Allen Thomas N., dep. clk. Fayette Circuit Court, rooms Higgins' Blk. n e c Main and Upper
*Amlet Mary, Ayres al. b High and Main
Anderson Clarence, clk J.B. Morton's, bds n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Anderson Miss Elizabeth, bds G.W. Brands'
*Anderson John, weaver, s s 3d b Broadway and Jefferson
Anderson Miss Mary, teacher, bds Jesse Woodruff's
Anderson Richard T., clk bds J. H. Baker's
Andrews Wm., stone cutter, n w c Mill and Maxwell
Appleton John W., (Zimmerman, A. & Co.) bds Mrs. C. Webb's
Appleton John W., dry goods mer. bds Mrs. Catharine Webb's
Arms ____, shoe mkr. bds. P. Harkins'
Arms Horace C., (A. & Wagner), n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Arms & Wagner, (Horace C.A. & Frederick C.W.), ladies shoe store n s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Atchison Hamilton, bds Mrs. C.F. Payne's
Atchison Jesse L. clk. bds Mrs. C.F. Payne's
Ater Wm. W., farmer, s s L. & L. R. R.  opp Cemetery
Atkins Mrs. Margaret, bds n w c Georgetown Road and Short
Austin Wm. shoe mkr, bds P. Harkins'
*Auston Robt., cigars, notions &c. s s Short b Mill and Broadway h s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
*Auston Sarah, n s High b Mill and Upper
Awbrey John E., s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Awbrey Richard J., clk. John H. Werts', res 2 miles on Winchester Pike
Awbrey Wm., carp. bds n e c Main and Jefferson
        Regular Physician, res and office s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Babb Augustus, clk. bds City Hotel
Babb Augustus, clk. bds s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Babb John M, grocer, n s Water b Upper and Mulberry, h s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Babbott Ross, fireman, bds Mrs. S. McAllister's
Babcock Dennis, nursery, 1/2 mile on Versailles Pike, h s s Main b Broadway and Spring
        Black Smith, Plow and Wagon Manuf. n s Main b Broadway and Spring
Bacchus Lucian, jeweler, bds n e c Upper and High
Badders Mrs. Martha, s s 3d b Broadway and Jefferson
Baily Wm., engineer, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
        (Geo. C.B. & Wm. M. Smith,) proprietors of Bains & Co's. Express, n s Main 2d door w of Mill
        n s Main 2d door w of Mill
        Commission and Ford Mer. and dealer in Grain, Produce and Agricultural Implements, n s Main 2d door w of Mill,
        h s w c Upper and Mechanic
Bain Miss Julia L., n e c Uper and 2d
Bain Mrs. Maria Louisa, s w c Mechanic and Upper
Bain Wm. E. n e c Upper and 2d
        Manager Western Union Telegraph, office s e c Mill and Short, h e s Mulberry b 4th and 5th
Baird Mrs. Mary A., e s Mulberry b 4th and 5th
Baird Wm., messenger, Telegraph office, bds e s Mulberry b 4th and 5th
Baker Geo. W., lab. L. & L. R.R. and Versailles Road
Baker Jacob, confec., w s Mulberry b Short and Church
Baker Jesse H., lumber yard, n e c Barr and Mulberry, h w s Mulberry 2d house n of Church
Baker John W., cab. maker, bds. Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Baker Mrs. Nancy, al. b. Main and High, opp. Market
Baker, Mrs. Rachel, w s Cox b L. & L. R. R. and Versailles Road
Baker Miss Patience, al. b Main and High opposite Water
Baker Wm. w s Cox b L. & L. R. R. and Versailles Road
Ballard Thomas D., s w c Upper and Main, bds w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
        n s Short b Upper and Market opp Court House, Henry Bell, Pres., H.B. Hill, cash.
Bannan B., cooper, wks Sampson Oot's
        Agt. Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co., 4 Higgins' Blk n s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Barber, Miss Emma, bds n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Barbous Lewis, teacher, bds e s Harrison c of Rose
Barclay Jas. M., h s s Main e of Rose
Barclay John L., (Tilford & B.), s e c Rose and Maxwell
Barker John, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Barker Moses, s e c Lower and Vine
Barnett Asa B., tailor, w s Mill b Maxwell and Pine
Barnett Mrs. Elizabeth, w s Mill b Maxwell and Pine
Barr Samuel P., bds G.B. Hale's
Barrigan Michael, blksmith, bds s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Barrett Lucius S., w s Broadway b. Short and 2d
        (Squire B. & Wm. B.E.) Wh. and Retail Dealers in Boots and Shoes, s s Main b Mill and Upper
Bascom Mrs. Henry, w s Broadway s of Bolivar on Corp. Line
Bassett Squire, (B. & Emmal(, e s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Bates Mrs. Jane, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Battell B., tailor, wks Matheny & Adams
Baxter B.A., tailor, e s Mill b Main and Water, h e s Broadway b Maxwell and Pine
Baxter German, farmer, w s Mulberry b Pine and Cedar
Baxter German, tailor, w s Broadway b Pine and R.R.
Baxter, Reuben, marble cutter, w s Mulberry b Maxell and Pine
Baxter Wm., marble cutter, w s Mulberry b Maxwell and Pine
        Carriage Manuf., s s Short b Mulberry and Walnut, h n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
        Millinery, Store n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Beach Mrs. Eliza, matron Lexington Orphan Asylum, n s 3d w of Broadway
Bealert Burt T., n e c Mulberry and Constitution
Bean Chas. Y., clk., Bank of Kentucky, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Beard Mrs. Joseph, e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Beard Miss Kate, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Beard Lowery J., at O.P. Beard's
Beard Miss Martha, e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Beard Oliver P., livery and sale stable and prop., L. & L. omnibus line, s e c Mulberry and Short, h s s Barr bet 
        Mulberry and Walnut
Beatty Wm., attendant, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Beck Jas B. (Breckinridge & B.) res one-half mile on Nicholasville Pike
Bell Chas., sexton, Lexington Cemetery, west end of Main
Bell David, regular phys., e s Upper b Main and Water, h w s Spring b High and Maxwell
Bell David, al phys, s w c Broadway and High
        Wholesale Dry Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper, h n s Main e of Back
Bell John, confec. wks J.W. Lee & Co's
Bell Mrs. Sarah, bds. John Lewiske's
*Bell, Susan, s s Short b Walnut and Back
Bell Thos. M., (H.M. Curd & Co.) bds Mrs. Abraham T. Skillman's c 2d and Upper
Bell Walter C., clk., 41 Main b Broadway and Mill
Bell Wm. E., (Ferguson, B. & Co.) n s Short b Walnut and Rose
Bennett Miss Mary A., bds Solomon Rice's
Bentley James, scale mkr., bds C.W. Wailey's
Benton Miss Jennie, al b Main and High opp Water
Berberick Valentine, tailor, wks R.D. Mahone's, bds e s Mulberry opp Short
Berkley John W. (Ferguson, Bell & Co.) bds. Phoenix Hotel
        Manuf. and Dealer in Saddles, Harness &c. e s Mulberry b Main and Short h s e c Walnut and 2d
Berry Alfred C., saddler, h s e c Walnut and 3d
*Berry Eve, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Berry Saml., s s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut
Berry Thos., saddler, bds A.C. Berry's
Berry Thos. H., bds. Broadway Hotel
        Saddler, Harness, &c. e s Mulberry b Main and Short, h s s 3d b Walnut and Mulberry
Best John M., clk., J.W. Hanly & Co's., bds. Broadway Hotel
*Bibbs Nathan, livery stable, w s Mulberry b Pine and High
Biggerstaff C.D., clk, bds Postlethwaite House
Biggerstaff David C., clk., Gilliss & Harney's
Biggs Joseph, tailor, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Birch Miss Mary, mantua mkr., h n w c Short and Mill
Bircheal Harrison, cooper, wks Sampson Oots'
Bishop Purnell, saddlery and coach hardware, n s Main b Broadway and Mill, h s s High b Spring and Lower
Bishop Robt. C., s s High b Spring and Lower
Bishoprick Wm., tailor, bds Fayette House
        Attorney at Law, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry, bds s e c Church and Market
*Blackburn Jupiter, lab., w s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Blackwell, A. (B. Murphy & Ferguson)
Blackwell, Murphy & Ferguson (A.B., Felix G.M. & Geo. F.) slave dealers, office w s Broadway b Front and 2d
Blair, David B., n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
        Proprietor Fayette House, n w c Mulberry and Short
Blincoe Benj. W., med. student, bds Fayette House
Boardman Horace B. (Harty & B.) n e c Broadway and High
        Books and Stationery, Fancy Articles, &c., s s Mail b Mill and upper, opp Court House,
           h e s Market b Church and Second
Bohite John, carp., n s Constitution, c of Walnut
Boles Wm., teacher, bds Cornelius Van Giesen's
        Principal Harrison Public School, No. 2, bds. C. Van Giesen's
Bolien Wm. H., carp., e s Broadway b Pine and Cedar
Bolling David, w s Cox b L. & L. R.R. and Versailles Road
Bolling Wade, lab., w s Cox b L. & L. R.R. and Versailles Road
Boohite John, wagon mkr., wks Geo. W. Babcock's
Booker Harriett, s s Short b Walnut and Back
Bookfield Augustus, marble cutter, wks. M. Penden's
Boston Benj. L., dry goods and boarding house, n e c Main and Broadway
        Attorney at Law, office Court House, bds J.T. Frazier's
Bosworth Edward, clk., bds n s Main b Broadway and Spring
Bosworth Wm. E., clk., J. Reidy & Co's
Bowie James W., carp. bds. Asa Eden's
Bowland Owen, grocery, n e c Water and Broadway
Bowlin, Wm., carp., wks. Schrock & Jones'
Bowne Henry A., (Steves & B.) bds. J. Keiser's
         Merchant Tailor, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry, h e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Boyd Henry W., clk., s w c Short and Cheapside
Boyd Robt., farmer, opp junction of Georgetown Pike and Henry's Mill Road
Boyd Wm. W., (Allen Plunkett & Co.), w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Boyer Ezra, stone mason, n e c Pine and Broadway
Boyle John, lab., s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
           (Thos. B. & Jas. B. Woodruff), Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware, Guns, Pistols, &c.,
            s s Main, b Upper and Mulberry
Bradley Jas., foreman, bds. Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Bradley Thos., (T.B. & Co.) res tea garden farm
Bragg, Mrs. Gracy, w s Spring bet Maxell and Vine
*Brambridge Oliver, wks J.P. Clark's
            n s Short b Upper and Market, opp Court House. Henry Bell, President, H.B. Hill, sen. cashier
Brand, Miss Eliza M., s e c Mulberry and Constitution
         s w c 5th and Mulberry
Brand Miss Lilly, s e c Mulberry and Constitution
        Pastor 2d Presbyterian Church, office s e c Church and Mill, bds Broadway Hotel
Brannon Bernard, lab., h n s Main c of Back
Brasha John, grocery, e s Walnut b Short and Constitution
*Braxton, Rev. Frederick, s w c Back and Short
         (John C.B. & Jas. B.B.) Attorneys at Law, n s Short b Upper and Market)
*Breckinridge Jane, e s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
         (B. & Breck), Broadway Hotel
*Breckinridge Philip, w s Spring b Pine and Bolivar
        (Robt. J. & Wm. C.P.B.) Attorneys at Law, n s Short b Upper and Market, opp Court House
Breckinridge Robt. J., (R.J. & W.C. P. B.) n s Barr b Mulberry and Walnut
Breckinridge Wm. C.P. (R.J. & W.C.P.B.) n s Short b Upper and Market
*Brekinridge Wilshire, s w c Spring and Pine
Breman Richard, shoe shop, w s Broadway b Main and Water
*Brence Candes, e s Jefferson, b 2d and 3d
Brennan Ernest, deputy county clk., bds n e c Constitution and Walnut
Brennen Miss Mary M., n e c Walnut and Constituion
Brennan Abbie, laundress, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
* Brice Henry, s s Main b Lower and Cox
Bright Dr. J.W. bds Broadway Hotel
Brisco Jas., baker, wks. J.W. Lee & Co's
Briscoe Geo., baker, wks. Jas. Schooley's
        Barber Shop, Basement of Broadway Hotel, cor Broadway and Short, h w s Mill b 2d and 3d
        R.J. Didlake, Proprietor, n w c Broadway and Short
Brodie, F.W., clk. bds Phoenix Hotel
Bronson Mrs. Susan, bds. Mrs. Nancy McGoldrick's
Brookfield Augustus B., stone cutter, w s Broadway b Pine and Bolivar
         Locksmith and Bell Hanger, n s Short b Broadway and Mill
Brower, C.F., piano tuner, office, C.S. Bodley's, h e s Mill b High and Maxwell
Brown, ____ ____, brakesman, bds. Mrs. H. Rogers'
*Brown Abbie, e s Upper b High and Maxwell
*Brown Albert, w s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Brown Caleb, painter and mattress mkr., s s Water b Mill and Upper, h e s Upper b 2d and 3d
*Brown Danl., w s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Brown Edgar A., clk., C.S. Bodley's, n s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Brown, Mrs. Eliza S., s e c Upper and Short
Brown, Mrs. Hannah, e s Broadway b 2d and 3d
        Clothing and Furnishing Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper, opp Court House, h e s Walnut opp Barr
*Brown Milly, s w c 3d and Upper
*Brown Stephen, n w s Mill and Bolivar
*Brown Thomas, n s 3d opp Jefferson
Brown Thos. V., teacher, e s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Brownell J.F.S., coal dealer, office at G.C. Bain's
Brownell Miss Maria, bds. Leslie Combs'
Browning Mrs. Emeline, n s Main b Broadway and Spring
Browning Marcus E., clk., Northern Bank of Kentucky, res 2 miles on Georgetown pike
Browning Mrs. Mary, s s 2d b Upper and Mulberry
Bruce Benj. G., (Hunter & B.), w s Mill b Church and 2d
        Regular Physician, office w s Mill b Short and Church, h e s Mill b Church and 2d
Bruce Mrs. Margaret, h s w c Mill and 2d
        County Clerk of Fayette County, office of Court House, h n w c 3d and Broadway
Bruce Wm. W., hemp manuf. n w c Mulberry and 7th
        Family Grocery, n w c Jefferson and Main
        (Jas. M.B. & Geo. W. Babcock, Boiler Mending, Setting up Machinery, Repairing Engines, &c.,
          n s Main b Broadway and Spring
Brutton Chas. H., drug clk., e s Mulberry b 4th and 5th
Bryan Jas., bds s w c 2d & Mulberry
Bryan John I., (Sanders & B.), n s 3d b Jefferson and Georgetown pike
*Bryant Andrew, boots and shoes, e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Bryant Miss Martha, s s Cedar b Mulberry and Upper
Bryant Miss Sallie, e s Upper b Church and 2d
Bryant Wm. D., clk. n w c Water and Mulberry
Bryson Chas., peddler, bds. City Hotel
Buchanan Robt., clk John Carty's, n w c Mill and Water
Buck Jas., shoe mkr., bds. Solomon Rice's
*Buckner Chas., cooper shop, e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Buckner Rev. E. P., pastor M.E. Church, south, h w s Mill b High and Maxwell
        (Richard A.B. & Wm. A.D., Attorneys at Law, e s Upper b Main and Short (Jordan's Row)
Buckner Richard A., (B. & Dudley) bds Broadway Hotel
*Buford Ann, w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
*Buford James, bk. layer, w s Mill b Short and Church
Bullock Mrs. Maria L., s e c 5th and Mulberry
        Attorney at Law & Commissioner in Chancery, office n w c Short and Upper, h w s Rose s of Winslow
Burbank Davis, (J. Reidy & Co.), s e c 2d and Jefferson
Burbridge V., tailor, e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Burchel Harrison, cooper, s s Main opp Cemetery
Burchell Miss Maria, millinery, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
        Marble Yard, w s Broadway b Short and 2d, h n s High b Mill and Upper
       Agent for Andrews' Portable Self-Generating Gas Lamp, s s Main 2d door w of Mill,
         h w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Burnett Benjamin L., watch mkr., w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Burns, Christopher, stone cutter, n s Short b Mulberry and Walnut
Burns Miss Mary, bds Ayres al b Main and High
Burns Robt., blksmith, shop e s Mulberry b Main and High
Burns Wm., carp., e s Mulberry b Main and High
Burns Wm., confec., J.W. Lee's & Co's
Burnsides John, (Chenault & Co.) res. Lancaster P.O. Garrard County
Burton, Mrs. Elizabeth, e s Spring b Short and Main
Bush, Frederick, carp and bldr., s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Bush J.M., regular phys. office, w s Mill b Short and Church
Bush Wm., carp., s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Butler, Alex., (Parrish & B.), bds. w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Butler Jas. C., w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
*Butler Rebecca, bds w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
*Butler Sally, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Buzard, Mrs. Nancy, n s High b Lower and Locust
Byle Bridget, laundress, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Byrne John, silver plater, shop s e c Mulberry and Barr, h w s Back 1st door n of Short
Caden ______, n s 7th e of Mulberry
Cain Mrs. Mary, e s Todd b 3d and 4th
Caldwell Andrew, flour mill, e s Spring b Vine and high, h n s High b Broadway and Spring
*Caldwell Betsey, w s Mulberry n of 7th
CALVERT T.G., Watch Maker and Spectacle Manuf. s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Campbell Alex. C. clk. bds O. A. Reynold's
CAMPBELL J.D., Plasterer, Ayres al b Main and High, h s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Campbell Jas. H., b.k. J.M. Elliott & Co's, rooms Higgins' Block, n e c Upper and Main
CAMPBELL & KRAUSS, (Wm. C. & Jacob K.) Importers and Dealers in Carpets, Wall Paper, Curtains, &c., and 
        Piano Store, n e c Market and Short
*Campbell Parmelia, n s 3d b Todd and K.C.R.R.
Campbell Wm., carpet merch. res Fair Ground
Campbell Wm. (C. & Krauss) w s Broadway b 2d and 3d
Candy Theo. painter, bds Evan's house
Canfield, Mrs. Margaret, sheep skin tannery, s w c Lower and Main
Cannon Chas. F., clk. Ferguson, Bell & Co's, n w c Short and Upper
Cannon John W., boots and shoes, s w c Short and Mill, h n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Carey Miss Bridget, attendant, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Carpenter Miss Amanda, bds n e c Mill and Pine
Carpenter Napoleon B., n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
CARR CHAS D., County Judge and Atty at Law, office Court House, h s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Carr J.M., painter, wks. C.W. Foushee's
Carr James A., painter, e s Jefferson b 2d and 3d
Carr John, bds Mrs. Hannah Thwait's
Carr John H. n e c Broadway and Main
Carr Thos. D., deputy sheriff, bds s s Short b Mulberry and Upper
Carroll ________, bds P. Harkin's
Carroll John W., carriage maker, bds. Chas. Connover's
Carroll Kate, e s Broadway, b High and Maxwell
Carroll Patrick, stone cutter, bds Mrs. H. Thwaits'
Carroll S., loom boss, wks R.C. Morgan's
Carter L., finisher, wks Patterson & Erds'
Carter Landon, cabinet finisher, bds Mrs. Sarah Holmes
Carter Miss Rebecca H., w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
Carter Wm., h n s High b Broadway and Mill
CARTY & BOARDMAN, (Wm. F.C. & Horace B.B.) Wh. and Ret. Grocery, Liquors, Flour &c., n w c Water and Mulberry
CARTY JOHN, Wholesale Grocer and Com. Merch. n w c Water and Mill h n e c Mulberry and High
Carty Miss Rebecca, bds Wm. Carty's
Carty William F., (C. & Boardman), n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Cashman ______,   marble cutter, bds Posthethwaite House
Cassell John, (Shropsire & C.), w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Castin Lewis, student, bds Solomon Rice's
Caulfield Mrs. M.T., sheep skin tannery, s w c Lower and Main
Caulfield P.P., confec. w s Mulberry b Main and Short
Caywood Dudley, baggage master, bds Megowan's Hotel
Cersey Geo., carp., wks Shryock & Jones'
Chadwick John, b.k. bds s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Chasteen Wm. C., carp., e s Lower b High and Maxwell
Cheatham, Mrs. Matilda G., bds Thomas G. Randall's
Chenault Waller, (C. & Co.), res White Hall, post office, Madison Co.
      (Waller C., John Burnsides & James B. Dunn), Kentucky Central Pork House, s w c 
        Louisville and Lex. & K.C. R.R.
Chevis David, painter, bds. N. Cropper's
Chevis Miss Melissa, w s Upper b Maxwell and Pine
Chevis Samuel L., driver, Adams Ex. Co. bds Wm. McMeekin's
Childs Mrs. Sarah C., bds e s Mill b Short and Church
Chiles Alamanzo, billiard saloon, Phoenix Hotel
Chiles J.G., propr., Phoenix Hotel, s e c Mulberry and Main
Chiles Marcellus, clk., Phoenix Hotel
Chiles Narcissus S,. clk. Phoenix Hotel
Boarding House, n w c Short and Upper    
Chinn Addison B., clk. J.M. Elliott & Co.'s, rooms e s Upper b Main and Water
Chinn Jos. G. reg. phys. office e s Upper b Main and Water, h w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
*Chinn Louisa, laundress, w s Mill b Short and Church
*Chinn Wm., w s Upper b Pine and Cedar
         Drug Clerk, J.S. Wilson's, rooms s e c Mill and Short
      Superintendent Eastern Lunatic Asylum, n s 4th b Georgetown Pike and K.C.R.R.
Chisham Wm., bds Mrs. Sarah Smith's
Chrisman Henry, e s Harrison e of Rose
Chrisman Jefferson, (Young & C.) e s Harrison s e of Rose
Christian Miss Elizabeth, bds J. Keiser's
Christie Wm., porter, Northern Bank of Kentucky, bds s w c 2d and Upper
    Fayette Exchange Saloon, w s Mill b Main and Short, bds e s Upper b 2d and Church
Church Andrew J., clk. Broadway Hotel
Church Wm., clk. Broadway Hotel
Dennis Mulligan, Proprietor, s w c Mulberry and Vine
Clansey Miss Ann, milliner, bds n s Main nr Mulberry
Clark Augustus, (E.C. & Son), bds s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
       (Enoch & Augustus C.) Carriage Manuf. e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Clark Enoch, (E.C. & Son), s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Barber, w s Mulberry b Main and Short
Clark James, grocery, n w c Water and Broadway
*Clark Robt., cooper, h s s Church b Upper and Mulberry
Clark Geo. R., plasterer, bds Edward Hoagland's
*Clarke John, barber,  s s 2d b Upper and Mulberry
Clarke Joseph, clk., Allen Plunkett & Co.'s. bds n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Cleary John R., trader, s s Main opp. Jefferson
Clemmon Henry, clk., bds Solomon Rice's
Clifford John, h w s Locust b High and Vine
Climes Hiram, grocery, n e c K.C.R.R. and 3d, h c 3d and Georgetown Road
Clines Wm., c 3d and Georgetown Road
Cloud Mrs. Mary, millinery store, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Clugston Mrs. Jane, bds Ann A. Gaugh's
Coach Wm., blksmith, bds w s Broadway b Main and Short
Cochran John jr., clk. bds n s High b Mulberry and Rose
       General Insurance Agent, n s Main b Mill and Cheapside, h n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Deputy sheriff, office Court House Yard, h w end of 6th
Coggshell John B. carp. e s Broadway s of Bolivar
        Regular Physician, office w s Mill b Short and Church, h n e c Jefferson and 2d
Cognill Mrs. Julia, e s Mulberry opp Mechanic
Colelazer James, e s Mill b Maxwell and Pine
Colelaser Miss Maria, e s Upper b Mechanic and 3d
Colelaser Mrs. Malvina, grocery s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
*Colder Mary A., w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Collier Frank K., clk. J.W. Hanly & Co's
*Collier John, whitewasher, s s Water b Mill and Upper
Collier Mrs. Sarah A., bds S.T. Downing's
Coleman Daniel, blksmith, w s Broadway b Water and Main
Collin A., n e c Upper and Maxwell
Collini Cornelius, lab. s s 4th opp Lunatic Asylum
Collons M., slave dealer, n e c Upper and Pine
Collons Mrs. Sallie, n e c Upper and Pine
Colwell A.B., slave dealer, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
       President K.C.R.R. and Attorney at Law, office and res. s s Main b Mulberry and Walnut (Babel)
Conley Patrick, lab. bds. Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Connell James II., tinner, wks Thompson & Creighton's
Connell, James U., tinner, bds Wm. Sinclair's
Connor S., lab h e s Spring b Main and Water
Conover Charles, lumber mer., n s Main b Spring and Jefferson
Cook Isaac, grocer n w c Upper and Water, h n s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Cook James, n s Main e of Back
Cook John, shoe mkr. bds. Solomon Rice's
Cook Mrs. Margaret, w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Cook Miss Mary, bds Wm. Carty's
Cook Peyton, carp., bds w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Cook Richard, n s Main e of Back
       Book-keeper Northern Bank Kentucky, res Broadway b Maxwell and Pine
Coons Henry, harness mkr, n e c Spring and Main
Cooper Mrs. Eliza, bds J. Bohite's
Cooper John G., teller, D.S. Sayres & Co.'s bds n s Main b Walnut and Back
Cooper John H., (Watkins, Hunt & Co.) res 8 miles on Georgetown Pike
Cooper Joseph B., clk. n s Main b Walnut and Back
Cooper Spencer, printer, Lexington Observer and Reporter, bds D.C. Wickliffe's
Cooper Wm. B., clk. Bassett & Emmal's, bds n s Main b Mulberry & Walnut
Corbin John T., e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Cornwell John D., fam. grocer, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Conchman Benj. W., (Allen, Plunkett & Co.) bds n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Cox Mrs. Margaret, n s High 2 doors c of Lower
Cox Mrs. Mary B., bds J.B. Wilga'a
Cox Richard, clk, Hunter & Bruce's, bds Broadway Hotel
Coyel Cornelius B., horse trainer, bds e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Coyner Mrs. Mary, w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Craft Wm., horse trainer, bds. Megowan's Hotel
Craig Dudley M., mer. n s Barr b Mulberry and Walnut
Craig Joseph H., teller Agri. Dep. Bank, bds Parker Craig's
Craig Parker, livery stable, n s Short b Mulberry and Upper
Crawly Sanford, n s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Creath Mrs. M.V. bds s w c Mulberry and High
Creighton Geo., tinner bds. n s Main b Walnut and Back
Creighton Geo. W. (Thompson & C.) n s Main b Walnut and Back
Cromwell Robt., student, bds J.H. Landeman's
Cromwell W.D., reg. phys. e s Broadway nr High
Cronan Mrs. Mary, s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Cronley Edward, bds w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Crook Richard, bds B.G. Gibbon's
Crook Mrs. Sarah, bds B.G. Gibbon's
       Carriage Manuf. s s Short b Upper and Mulberry, h w s Mulberry b Church and 2d
Crutchfield Wm., principal Dudley Public School, No. 3, h w s Broadway b Pine and Cedar
Cumming Miss Ann, attendant, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Cumming Miss Kate, asst. matron Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Cummings Wm., harness mkr. bds s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Cunningham Mrs. Rosa, s s 2d b Jefferson and Georgetown
Curd Mrs. E.H., n w c Upper and 2d
       (Henry M.C. & Thos. M. Bell) Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Liquor Dealers, n w c Main and Mill
Curd Henry M., (H.M.C. & Co.) bds Mrs. E.H. Curd's n w c 2d and Upper
Curd Wm. P., bds Megowan's Hotel
Curry Chas., miller bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Curry Francis M., cab mkr. h Mulberry b Church and 2d
Curtis Henry, tailor, bds Jas. Skully's
Cushing Robt. stone cutter, h n s Short b Georgetown and K.C.R.R.

transcribed April 2002 by pb

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