from the
Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky 1838 Directory

Select a number to view the advertisements

1. Wm. Wilson, Merchant Tailor
2. P.G. Smith, paints, oils, varnishes, perfumery
Dr. Hardman, dentist
J. Chew & Co., dry goods
Jas. H. Rice, books and stationary (sic)
3. McLear & O'Connell, grocers and liquor merchants
Jas. March, furniture establishment
4. Robert Long, wholesale & retail grocer, wine, spirit & provision merchant
John Candy, Candy's Tavern
Bacon College, Georgetown
5. Matthew Fife, dentist
Leonard Taylor, confectionary
Francis Weaver, clothing store
6. Female Collegiate Institute, Georgetown, Ky
Mr. Richardson, professor of dancing
T.M. Hickey and W.B. Redd, attorneys at law and barristers
7. Wm. S. Thacker, dyeing establishment
W. Williams. school for boys
8. Thomas Rankin, Western Emporium
H.E. Dimick, cabinet making and upholstering
T.W. Cridland, looking glass and picture frame manufactory
9. Wm. F. Tod, steam hat factory
Flynt & Green, saddle, harness & trunk manufacturers
Doct. Holland, residence moved
10. Thomas Huggins, groceries, wine, spirit and provision store
J.K. & B.F. Graves, silk & fur hat manufacturers
Joseph Beach, saddle, harness & trunk manufactory
11. E.S. Noble, tinning
J.C. Noble, book & job work
Rev. Edw. Winthrop, select class for young ladies
G.W. Stone, Cheapside House
12. Mons. Giron, confectionary and saloon
W.C. Bell, notary public and conveyancer
Orear & Berkley, dry goods
J.K. & B.F. Graves, hat manufacturers
13. Thomas Bradley, blacksmith
James Reilley, clothing merchant
John R. Clary, Lexington Brewery
14. David A. Sayre, exchange office
Franklin Thorpe, clock and watch maker and jeweller
A. McCurdy, silk & fur hat store
J.M. Beach & J.C. Kelsey, saddle, harness & trunk manufactory
15. E.S. Noble, tinning
George W. Norton, druggist
L.B. Smith, counsellor and attorney at law
16. P. Doyle, marble factory
J. Bruen, wool carding factory and foundry

Copyright 2000, Pam Brinegar
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