The Names of The Heads of Families and
Persons Engaged in Business in the
City of Lexington [KY]; Alphabetically Arranged

From the

Directory of the City of Lexington
and County of Fayette
For 1838 & '39
by Julius P. Bolivar Mac Cabe
Lexington: Printed by J.C. Noble, Nos. 6&7, Hunt's Row

Abbreviations Used in this Directory
St. for street, ab above, bw below, bn between, c corner, r residence, op opposite, r s right side, l s left side, * colored persons, E. East. W. West, N. North, S. South.

Names Omitted, Errata


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Adams Mrs., dressmaker, 50 w short st.
Adams Thomas, hatter, r s Jefferson st bn Short & Second st.
Adams Mrs., grocer, 15 and 17 n Mulberry st c e Short st.
Aitken Mrs., r s w Main bn Lower and Jefferson st.
Allen Charles F., tailor, r s Upper bn High and Maxwell st.
Allen John, boards at Crutchfield's, 28 N Mill st.
Allen John G., clerk at Bell's, 19 w Main st.
Allison William, boot and shoe maker, 4 s Upper st., r Ayres Alley.
Alton Mathew, candle maker, 36 n Mulberry st.
Anderson J., grocer, 29 n Mulberry st.
Anderson John, grocer and joiner, r Market st op College Lawn.
Anderson Mary, e High st. ab s Mulberry st.
Andras Miss, teacher of music, boards at Phoenix Hotel
Andrews Benjamin, r s e High, ab Mulberry st.
Asbery Henry, boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Ashton Jacob, l s e High ab s Mulberry st.
Ashton John, l s W High st bw Mulberry st.
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Ashton William, 25 N Main-Cross st. or Broadway
Athey & Lewis, joiners and builders, S Mulberry c High st.
Athey Pressley, (A. & Lewis) l s E High ab. Mulberry st.
Atkinson Benj., house painter, w Short c Mill st., r r s N Mulberry c Fourth st.
Atkinson William H., medical student, boards at Mrs. LeGrand's.
*Austin Robt., cigar maker, 20 N Upper st.


Bailey David, carpenter, N. Mulberry st. bn Sixth and Seventh sts.
Bain Patterson, N. Upper st c Third
Bain William, 54, N. Mill st.
Baker John, medical student, boards at T. Megowan's
Baker John, sexton, 39, N. Main cross or Broadway
Bakes Lewis C., confectioner and coffee house keeper, 30 E. Main st.
Baldwin William, tallow chandler, S. Upper st ab High st.
Ballard C.M., clerk at Todd's, 9 N. Main st., boards at Lexington Hotel
Barnet Mrs., r s S. Mill st ab Maxwell
Barr Mrs., 2 Jordan's Row, N Upper St.
Barry Elizabeth, l s S. Upper st bn High and Maxwell
Barton Mrs., E. second st c N. Upper st.
Baxter Mrs., l s Constitution st bn N. Mulberry and Walnut
Bayles Jesse, brickmaker and builder, l s S. Mill st bn High and Maxwell
Beach Gabriel, coach trimmer, 8 N. Mill st.
Beach Jabez, coach builder, 45 E. Main st.
Beach James, livery stable keeper, l s N Main cross st or Broadway
Beach Joseph, saddle and harness maker, r 43, N. Main cross st, or Broadway.
Beach & Kelsey, saddle harness and trunk manufacturers, 13 E Main st.
Beach J.M. (Beach & Kelsey,) r s N Main cross st or Broadway
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Beach Samuel, commission and provision merchant, 5 & 7, N. Mulberry st.
Beach Mrs. E.R., dressmaker, 7 N. Mulberry st.
Beach Mrs. Mary, milliner, 8 N. Mill st.
Beard Joseph, cabinet maker, boards at T. Megowan's
Beaty Robert, 73 N. Mulberry st.
Bell Henry, dry goods merchant, 19 W. Main st.
Bell Dr. (Letcher & B.), r 1 W. High st.
Bell Mrs. l s N. Mulberry st. bn 3d and 4th sts.
Bell William E., clerk at Kennard and Milton's, boards at W.C. Bell's.
Bell, William C., notary public and conveyancer, 4 S. Upper st., r E. Short st ab Walnut.
Bell William, plane manufacturer, l s W High st bn Main cross and Spring sts.
Bell John, weaver, r s W. Main bn Lower and Jefferson.
*Bell John W., livery stable keeper, 41 W. Water st.
*Bell Jane, seamstress, l s W. Second st bn Jefferson st. and Georgetown rd.
*Bell Thomas, gardner, S. Mulberry st bn High and Maxwell.
Berkley Edward F., agent for the bible, tract and Sunday school depository, 32 W. Short st., r Episcopal seminary
Berkley John, (Orear & B.) boards at Orear's W. High st.
Berton Smith, cabinet maker, boards at Mrs. George Miller's
Berry, (Wier & B.) r E. Third, bn N. Mulberry and Walnut sts.
*Berresford Betty, laundress, 78 E. Main st.
Biggs John, merchant tailer, 24, r 43 E. Main st.
Bishop P., plated-ware store, 28 West Main st.
Black Calvin, botanic physician, 16 N. Mulberry st.
Blanchard Asa, watch maker and jeweller, 18 N. Mill st c Short, r 41 N. Mill st.
Blinco Benjamin C., keeper of Columbus coffee house, 16 E Main st.
Blunt B., grocer, 31 N. Mulberry st.
*Blue Rolley, r s S. Mulberry st bn High and Maxwell
*Blueford Jerry, mason, r s Jefferson st bn Short and Second
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Bobbs Mrs., Seventh st ab N. Mulberry
Bodley Harry I., clerk circuit court, r W. Second near Georgetown road
Boon William, boards at T. Megowan's
Boon John, boards at T. Megowan's
Bowman & Dunn, dry goods merchants, 33 W. Main st.
Bowman William L., clerk at Leavy & Dolan's, boards at Leavy's, 2 S. Mill St.
Bowman John, (Bowman & Dunn) boards at Dr. Chinn's
Bowyer George, draper and tailor, 6 E. Main st.
Boyer Alfred Z., r s W. Short st bn Spring and Jefferson st.
*Brackenridge Wilcher, porter, 76 W. Main st.
Bradford Daniel, justice of the peace and editor of Kentucky Gaz, r 28 E. Main st.
Bradford James B., clerk, boards D. Bradford's
Bradford Thomas T., publisher of Kentucky Gaz.
Bradley James, r s N. Upper st ab Second
Bradley Robert, clerk at Rainey and Ferguson's, boards at 68 E. Main st.
Bradley Thomas, blacksmith and farrier, 32 and 34, r 47 N. Mulberry st.
Bradley Richard, bar keeper at light house
Brand & Macalester manufacturers, E. Fourth st. bn N Upper and N. Mulberry
Brand John (B & Macalester) r Rose Hill, N. Mulberry st c Fifth
Brand Mrs. J., 99 E. Main St.
Brennan John, proprietor of the Phoenix Hotel, 32 E. Main st.
Broderick J.F., clerk at Tilford, Holloway & Co.'s, boards at Patterson Bain's
Brown Alexander, barkeeper at Lexington Hotel
Brown Caleb, painter, 9 N. Main cross st or Broadway
Brown Colby, chair maker, 11 N. Main cross st or Broadway
Brown Henry L., blacksmith, 95 W. Main st. r W. Main op Georgetown road.
Brown James, blacksmith, 26 W. Short, r 29 N. Main cross st or Broadway
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*Brown John, hack driver, Back st c E. Short
*Brown Seely, laundress, W. High st bn Mill and Main cross st or Broadway
Browning & Headley, blacksmiths and plough makers, 56 W Main st.
Browning W.P., (B. & Headley) r 58 W. Main st.
Browning Marcus E., boards Dr. Theobalds'
Bruce Mrs., E. Short st bn Walnut and Back
Bruen Joseph, iron and brass founder and woolen manufcturer Nos. 4,6,8 and 10 Springs st., r White Hall Water st.
Bryant Edwin, editor and publisher of the Lexington Intelligencer, 14 Hunt's Row
Bryant Talbut, boards at March's
Bryson H.W., hatter, at Tod's steam hat factory, Main cross st or Broadway
Buchannan John C., clerk at Levay & Dolan's, boards at Lexington Hotel
Buckner Richard A., attorney and counsellor, 5 E. Short st., boards at Phoenix Hotel
Bunch Mrs., l s Constitution st bn Mulberry st and Walnut
Burrows Nathan, mustard manufacturer, 12 W High st
Bush James M., physician and surgeon, r 4 Jordan's row
Butler, (Porter & B.) l s W. High near Main cross st or Broadway
Buzzard Solomon, agriculturist, E. High st bn Lower and Locust st


CALADONIAN BATHS, Samuel Oldham, 18 E. Main st and 21 E. Water st
Caldwell Andrew, cotton manufacturer, S. Main cross st or Broadway, c High, r W. High bw Main cross
Cadwallader George, tailor, boards at Lawell's W. High st
Calvert Mrs., hat trimmer, r s Jefferson st bn Short and Second
Campbell Archibald, agriculturist, Prospect Lodge, Tates creek road
Campbell John, student at law, boards at Dr. Chinn's
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Campbell William, medical student, boards at Dr. Chinn's
*Campbell Susan, laundress, l s Second, near Jefferson st
Candy John, proprietor of Franklin hotel and livery stables, 17, 19 and 21 N. Upper, c Church st
Carbin Hugh, carter, E Fourth bn N. Mulberry and Walnut sts
Carter John, E. High st ab S. Mulberry
Carter Landin, painter, N. Upper st ab Fourth
*Carter Felicia, laundress, l s W. Main st bn Jefferson st and Georgetown Road
Carty & Cook, wholesale and retail grocers, 16 S. Upper st.
Casey Mrs., dress maker, 7 E. High st.
*Cass Abbee, laundress, S. Mulberry st bn High and Maxwell
Casswell Mrs., M.A., W. High st., c Spring st
Catanach Archibald, joiner and builder, r s S. Mill st bn High and Maxwell
Catherwood Samuel, clerk at rail road office, boards at Tut's
Chamblin George, clerk at Penney's, boards at Clement Smith's
Chamblin Isaac, clerk at Penney's, 5 E. Main st
CHEAPSIDE HOUSE, George W. Stone, 7 Cheapside
Chew James, law student
Chew Joseph & Co., dealers in fancy and staple dry goods, 15 W. Main st
Chew Joseph (J.C. & Co.) r W High st c Spring
Chew William (J.C. & Co.) r at Mrs. Vaughan's S. Upper st.
Chinn Joseph G., physician and surgeon, Cherry Grove, W. High st
Chipley Stephen, brickmaker and builder, 32, N. Main cross st or Broadway
Christy Garland, auction and commission merchant, 1 E. Main st, c Jordan's Row, r 50 N. Mulberry st.
Christy Simeon P., clerk at Higgins, Cochrane & Co.'s, 13 W. Main st
CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, Jordan's Row, 6 N. Upper st
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CITY HOSPITAL AND WORK-HOUSE, Bolivar st, c S. Upper st
CITY SCHOOL, Walnut st, c E. Short st
*Claiborn Edward, ropemaker, W. Short bn Mechanics' Alley and Jefferson st
*Claiborn Solomon, blacksmith, W. Short bn Spring and Jefferson sts
Clark Allen, joiner and builder, Mechanics' Alley, boards at Mrs. Fleming's, Constitution st
Clark Enoch, coach maker, 9 N. Mulberry st, r 20 E. Short
Clark John, bricklayer, Mechanics' Alley, c W. Second
Clark John, joiner, r s N. Upper, bn Second and Third st
Clark Julius, attorney and counsellor, 30 W. Short st, boards at Lexington Hotel
Clark Smith, joiner, boards at Lexington Hotel
*Clark Hannah, laundress, S Upper st, bn High and Maxwell
*Clark Martha F. seamstress, E. Short st bn N. Mulberry and Walnut
Cleary John R., proprietor of the Lexington brewery, r Alta Myra, W. Main st op Jefferson
Cloud Caleb W., (C.W. & R.T.S. Cloud) physicians and surgeons, 14 W. Main st.
Cloud Dr. Caleb W., (C.W. & R.T.S.C.) pastor of St. John's Chapel, 14 West Main st.
Cloud Mrs., fancy milliner, 16 W. Main st
Cloud R.T.S. (C.W. & R.T.S.C.), 14 W. Main st
Cluther William J., bricklayer and mason, boards at Reilley's tavern, 29 E. Water st
Cochran James, (Higgins C. & Co.) 13 W. Main st, boards at Phoenix hotel
Coggshell George, joiner, Maxwell st, c S. Upper st r S. Upper ab Maxwell
Coleman Mrs., 30 N. Main cross st or Broadway
Collins & Timberlake, dry goods merchants, 21 W. Main st.
Collins Thomas, (C & Timberlake), boards at Phoenix Hotel
COLUMBUS COFFEE HOUSE, Benj. C. Blinco, 16 E. Main st
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Combs Gen. Leslie, attorney and counsellor, office 16 W. Short st., r Babel, 50 E. Main st
Combs William, Lower st ab W. High
Conner James E., clerk at Bell's, 19 W. Main st.
Conover James H., saddler, l s W. Second bn Mechanics' Alley and Jefferson st
Cook William, shoemaker, r s S. Upper st bn High and Maxwell sts
Cooney James, clerk at J. M'Cauley's, boards at Lexington Hotel
Coons J.B., medical student, boards at Dr. Chinn's
Coons Samuel, medical student, boards at Dr. Chinn's
Cooper Ephraim E., clerk at Higgins, Cochran & Co.'s, 13 W. Main st.
Cordray Mrs., r s S. Mill's st bn High and Maxwell
Cornwall John (Montmollin & C.), r 33 Main st
Cornwall William, clerk in Lexington fire, life and marine insurance company, r 33 W. Main st
Cotton Randolph, clerk at Bishop's, W. Main st
Coyle Mrs., Jordans Row, 2 N. Upper st
Craig & Harbin, livery stable keepers, 17 E Short st
Craig Dudley, 87 E. Main st
Craig Elijah, r s of E Main st ab Back
Craig Parker (C & Harbin) 11 E. Short st
Craven Elisha, carpenter, l s W. Main st bn Jefferson st and Georgetown road
Cridland Thomas W., looking glass and picture frame manufacturers 48 W. Short st, r 85 W. Main st
Crittenden E.P., civil engineer, Jordan's Row, 14 N Upper st
Crittenden Mrs. Mary, Jordan's Row, 14 N Upper st
Crittenden Mrs. Nancy, 36 N Upper st
Crittenden Parker, r Jordan's Row, 14 N Upper st
*Cromwell Robert, Church st bn N Upper and Mulberry st
Cross Professor James C., physician and surgeon, 14 W Short st, boards at Lexington Hotel
Crutcher George, joiner, r s S Main Cross st or Broadway bn Water and High st
Crutchfield B.F., wholesale grocer, commission and forwarding merchant, 10 W Main st c N Mill st, r 28 N Mill st
Culberson Stuart F., medical student, boards at Chipley's
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Curd & Hunt, woolen manufacturers, 21 W. Water st
Curd Mrs., W. Second st c N Upper st


DALLAM Major William, 66 Market st.
Daniel Henry, attorney and councellor, 3 E. Short st.
Davidson Revd. Robert, l s Constitution st bn N Mulbery and Walnut
Davis J.E., Judge of the City court, 8 Jordans Row N Upper st, r 73 E Main st.
Davies Mrs., l s S. Mill st bn High and Maxwell
Davis William, boards at Mrs. Davis's, l s S. Mill st bn High and Maxwell
Dawson John D., teacher, 105 E. Main st.
Day Mrs., 49 N Main cross st or Broadway
Dearborn S.L., clerk at Chew's, 11 W. Main st.
Delaney J. Francis, clerk at Montmollin and Cornwall's, boards at Searle's
Devers James, boarding house, 9 W Water st.
Dewees & Grant, tobacco and oil manufacturers, Mechanics ally, offices 3 Cheapside
Dewees Farmer (D & Grant), Teller in the Northern Bank, r White Cottage, E Main st.
Dimmick Horace E., cabinet maker and upholsterer, 6 (Jordan's Row) N Upper st.
Dolan Thomas, (Leavy & D) boards at Lexington Hotel
Donahoe B., boards Phoenix Hotel
Donogh O.H., printer, boards at Randolph's, 18 W. Main st.
Downey Mrs. S., Main Cross st ab High
Downing Marcus, horse dealer, r 93 E Main st.
Doyle P., marble factory, r S E Second st, c Upper st.
Dunham Col. Josiah, r S Upper st bn High and Maxwell.
Drake D.S., agent for the estate of A.S. Drake, 26 E Main st.
Dudley Dr. Benjamin W., professor of medicine in the Transylvania University, office 34, r 45 N Mill st.
Dudley John, book-keeper, r at Crutchfield's, 28 N Mill st.
Dunlop Mrs., 8 st ab Mulberry
Dunlop James, boards at Mrs. Dunlop's
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Dunn Joseph, carpenter, l s W Main st bw Georgetown road.
Dwyer Andrew, bar-keeper, at the Phoenix Hotel.


Easley George, silversmith, boards at Asa Blanchards.
Eblin Mrs., 21 W Short st.
Edge Benjamin, saddler, boards at Searle's.
Edge Phillip P. (Searles & E.) boards at Searle's.
Elder William, stage proprietor, 77 W. Main st.
Elliott James, clerk at Chews, 15 W. Main st.
Elliott Jas., wagon-maker, W Main st op Georgetown road.
Elliott Smith, wheelright, 22 and 28 N. Upper st.
Ellis Moses, Constable, boards at Patterson Bain's.
Ellis, coach-maker, r s Constitution ab Walnut st.
EPISCOPAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, r s W Second st bn Broadway and Jefferson.
Erwin James, planter Woodland.
Erwin Mrs., tailoress, r s W High st bn Spring and Lower.
Ewing E., boards at Phoenix Hotel.


FERGUSON James, (Rainey & F.), boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Ficklin Joseph, Post Master, 26 W Short, r 7 Mill st.
Fife Matthew, Dentist, 18 N Upper, boards at W.C. Bell's
Fig John, Hatter, E. High near S. Mulberry st.
Finnell N.L., proprietor of the Observer & Reporter, 4 N Mulberry st, r 25 N Main-Cross or Broadway
Finnell John W., clerk at Observer & Reporter office, boards at N.L. Finnell's.
Finnell L.N., printer, Observer and Reporter office, r E Main st ab Back st.
Fischer John, tailor, 10 S Upper st.
Fishback Rev. James, 30 N Main-Cross st. or Broadway
Fitch Samuel, civil engineer, 69 E. Main st.
Fitzpatrick P., morocco dresser at Geohegan's, 119 W. Main st.
Fitzpatrick S., manufacturer of janes, 92 E. Main st.
Fleming A., medical student, boards at Mrs. Fleming's
Fleming James, 65 N Mill st op the College Lawn
Fleming Robt., boot and shoe maker, 8 Cheapside.
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Fleming Mrs., l s Constitution st bn N Mulberry & Walnut.
Flynn Denis N., hatter at Tod's steam hat factory
Flynt & Greene, saddle, harness and trunk manufactures, 53 W Main st.
Flynt Martin D., (F. & Green) r 53 W Main st.
Fogle William E., hatter, at Tod's steam hat factory.
Forbes & Grooms, temperance house, 9 W. Short st.
Forbes Capt. John W., coffee house, 11 W Short st., r 53 W. Short st.
Ford Benjamin, brickmaker and layer, l s W Short bn Jefferson st and Georgetown road.
Ford Caleb, bricklayer, l s W Short bw Jefferson st.
Ford Jackson, 1 Comb's Square.
Ford Mrs., dress maker, 1 Comb's Square.
Forman Wm. B., boards at T. Magowan's.
Forward Alfred W., cabinet maker, boards at T. Magowan's.
Fowler Capt. John, Ayer's al. c E Water st.
Fox J.P., medical student, boards at Chipley's, Broadway.
Franklin Henry, constable, 81 N. Mulberry st.
FRANKLIN HOUSE, John Candy, N Upper c Church st.
Frazer & Soister, drapers and tailors, 20 E Main st.
Frazer Jerry, (F. & Soister) 53 N Main-Cross st or Broadway
Frazer Joseph Z., clerk at Penny's, 5 E. Main st.
Frazer Mrs. Nancy, Cedar Grove, S Mulberry ab Theresa st.
Frazer Miss, W High st bn S Upper and Mill st.
Frazer Oliver, portrait painter, 12 E. Main st.
Frazer Robt. Sen., boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Frazer Robt. Jun., watch maker and jeweler, 2 E Main st., r Cedar Grove.
Frost John M., tailor, 9 N Mill st.
Fry H.G., barkeeper at Phoenix Hotel.
Fulwiller John P., clerk in post office, boards at 17 N Mill st.


GAINES F.P., at Morrison's, 27 W Main st, boards at Mrs. Jouett's
Gale Josiah, principal of City School, r s W Short st bn
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Spring and Jefferson st.
Gardner Joseph, cabinet maker, l s N Mulberry bn Third and Fourth st.
Gardner chair maker, boards at T. Magowan's
Garner Eli, silversmith at Blanchard's
Garnet William H., blacksmith and livery stable keeper, 31 W Water st, r 46 W. Short st.
Gatewood John W., medical student, 37 W. Main st.
Gatewood Henry, clerk at Dr. Trotter's apothecary shop.
Gatewood Mrs. 37 W Main st.
Geoghegan Mrs., morocco manufacturer, 119 W Main st c Lower st.
George Joseph, grocer, 22 E Main st, r 25 N Mulberry st.
Geter Hugh, cabinet maker and carver, 45 N Main-Cross st. or Broadway
Gibbons Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 22 1/2 E Main st., r High st. above Ayers al.
Gibney Alexander, plasterer, r s Constitution st bn N Mulberry and Walnut st.
Gibney Carson, medical student, boards at Gibney's.
Gibson A., tailor, at Huey & Jones'.
Gibson Tobias, plasterer, 42 Market st.
Gibson Charles, tailor, E High st st ab Ayers al.
Gilmore Andrew, tailor, Jordan's Row, 4 N. Upper st.
Gilroy, Burnard, coffee house, 2 E Water st.
Gilbert Mrs., 4 S Main-Cross st or Broadway
Giron Mathew, confectioner and cordial distiller, Lexington Saloon, 11 and 13 North Mill st.
*Goin John S., hairdresser, mediteranean baths, 24 E Main st.
Gordon John, hemp manufacturer, N Mulberry c Fourth st.
Gough Francis, clerk at Hunter, Hale & Harper's, 23 W Main st., boards at Mrs. Crittenden's.
Gough Michael, joiner and builder, Mechanic's alley, r 51 N Main-Cross st. or Broadway.
Gough Perry, carpenter, boards at M. Gough's.
Gough Percival, tailor, r 76 E Main st.
Grant & Wilson: chemist and druggist, 3 Cheapside.
Grant Mrs., school mistress, 83 W Main st.
Grant Thomas, (G. & Wilson and Dewes & G.), r N Mill st.
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Gratz Benjamin, 63N Mill st., op College lawn.
Graves J.K. & B.F., hat manufacturers, 11 S Upper st.
Graves Mrs., 72 W Main st.
Graves William O., barkeeper at Lexington Hotel.
Gray Moses, S Mill st ab Maxwell st.
Gray Robert, tobacco manufacturer, l s W High st ab. Ayres alley.
Gray Thomas, auction and commission merchant, 1 Hunt's Row, op the market house, r 55 W Short st.
Green David D. (Flynt & G.), r 125 E Main st.
Green Hiram, hatter at Tod's steam hat factory, r 15 W Water st.
Green Thomas, laborer, Steam Mill st., c Maxwell.
Grice Daniel, carpenter, l s W Second st. near Jefferson st.
Griffing William L., clerk at Kennard & Milton's, boards at Milton's, 111 E Main st.
Grinstead Robert, bricklayer, l d Jefferson st bn Short and Second.
Grinsted James M., Clerk in Northern Bank Ky.
Grooms John, hatter, 1 W Water st.
Guckian William, coffee-house keeper, 4 Hunt's Row.
Guerin Henry, saddler, boards at Searle's.


HALE G.B. (Hunter Hale & Harper), r 32 N Upper st.
Hale, Abraham, at Hunter Hale and Harper's, 23 W. Main st.
Hall Augustus, plasterer, 72 E Main st.
Hall Dr. B.F., pastor of the Christian church, r W High bn Spring and Locust sts
Hall John, clerk at James', 12 W Main st
Haller Benjamin, r s W Short st ab Jefferson st
Hally Hillary, horse trader, r s Jefferson st bn Short and Second
Hamilton Robert, rope and bagging manufacturer, Broadway ab Fifth st.
Hamilton James, rope and bagging manufacturer, r W Second st bn Main cross or Broadway and Jefferson
Hammond C.T., hatter at Tod's steam hat factory
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Hampton John, livery stable keeper, 14 N Mulberry st
Hampton Jesse, physician and surgeon, 45 E Main st, boards at Lexington Hotel
Hannah James, book keeper at Crutchfield's, boards at 28 N Mulberry st
Hansbro Hamlet, watch maker and jeweller, 7 Main st, r Constitution st c Walnut
Hensly James, tailor, 95 E Main st
Happy Josevius, r s Constitution st ab Walnut
Harbin John, (Graig & H) 87 N Mulberry st
Harper T F (Hunter Hale & H), boards at the Phoenix hotel
Hardman William, surgeon, dentist, Jordans Row, 12 N Upper st
Harney Elzey, Brick layer, l s W Short st ab Jefferson
Harper Mrs., boarding house, 48 E Main st
Harrington Augustus, collector, S Mulberry st ab High
Harris Edward, shoe maker, W Short bw Spring st
Harrison James, blacksmith, E High bw S Upper and Mulberry st
Harrison Mrs. E., boarding house, 13 E Main st c Back
Harrison William, grocer, Back st near E Main
Hart P., sculpturer, 42 W Short st
Harrison Thos. J., machinist, Locust st. bn Water and High
Hawkins Augustus F., clerk in northern bank, E High st c Ayres' alley
Hawkins Thomas W., clerk in the branch bank, r s Short st bn Spring and Jefferson
*Hawkins Lawson, grocer and confectioner, 17 E Main st
Hawkins Mrs., r s S Upper st bn High and Maxwell
Hays Alexander T., printer, boards at Randolph's, 18 W Main st
Heddington Nicholas, [Layton & H.] W. Short c Georgetown road
Henry John, grocer, 69 and 71 N Mulberry st
Henry Miss, Lower st ab High
Hervey Joseph H., W Second st c Jefferson
Hervey William R., attorney and counsellor, Babylon, 16 W Short st, r W second c Jefferson st
Hewett John M., patent truss and suspender manufacturer, 7 N Mill st
Hickey & Redd, attornies and counsellors, 8 E Main st
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Hickey Judge T.M., (Hickey & Redd) Coolavin, Sixth st
Higbey J., bricklayer, r s S Mulberry near Theresa st
Higbey Peter, Church st bn N Mulberry and Walnut
Higgins Cochran & Co., dry goods merchants, 13 W Main st
Higgins Joel, Higgins Mansion, r s E High st ab S Mulberry
Higgins Richard, 2 and 4 E High st c S Upper
Higgins W.K., (H. Cochran & Co.) r 13 W Main st
Hill Mrs., 38 N Upper st
Hilton John S., Lexington confectionary, 12 E Main st.
Hogan Eli, mason, old Masonic Lodge, E Short st
Holland Robert, physician and surgeon, 3 E Main st, r Jordan's Row 2 N Upper st
Holman Rev. Mr., E Third st op Walnut
Holmes John, joiner and builder, 60 N Mulberry st.
Holmes William, overseer, W High st ab Lower
*Holmes John, laborer, N Upper st st ab Fourth
Hostetter Jacob, butcher, Locust st c W High
Hostetter John, saddler at Searles & Edg.'s
Hovey, _______, proprietor of the railroad coffee house, 13 Hunt's Row
How Edward, waggon maker, 93 N Mulberry st c Third
Huey & Jones, merchant tailors, 31 E Main st.
Huey W (H. & Jones) r 62 E Main st
Huggins Thomas, wholesale and retail grocer, 29 W Main st c S Mill st, r W High st c Mill st
Hullet Richard, tailor, E High st ab Ayres' alley
Hunt F.K., attorney & counsellor, boards at J.W. Hunt's.
Hunt John W., President of the Insurance Co., 12 W Second st.
Hunt Mrs., r s N Mulberry st bn Fourth and Fifth
Hunt Thomas, rope and bagging manufacturer, boards at Major Tilford's, Broadway
Hunter J.J., (H. Hale & Harper) boards at Mrs. Bruce's
Hutchinson Mrs., l s W Second st bn Mill and Main-Cross st or Broadway
Huston Mrs., 13 E Main st
Huston Robert, saddle, harness and trunk maker, 21 E Main st
Hyde John, hatter at Tod's steam hat factory

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Ingles Henry B., dry goods merchant, 35 W Main st.
Ingles John, joiner, S Upper st ab Maxwell.
Ingles William T., at H.B. Ingles', 35 W Main st--boards at Searles'.
Iucho William, professor of music, 22 Market st.
*Jackson Eliza, laundress, Church st. bn Mulberry & Market
*Jackson Sally A., shoe Binder, E Short st bn N Mulberry and Walnut
*Jackson Willis, gardner, E Short bn Walnut and Back st.
*Jackson Robt., white washer, rear of 6 Jordan's Row.
James Otto, dealer in china, glass and queensware, 12 W Main st.
James S.D., clerk, boards at O. James'.
Jarvis Mrs. Susan, fancy store, 14 N Mill st.
Johnson Edward P., stage proprietor, Johnson Grove, 56 N Mulberry st.
Johnson Henry, Johnson Hall, Tate's Creek Road
Johnson, Joel, Castle Haggin, Main-Cross st. or Broadway near Sixth st.
Johnson John B., saddle and harness maker, 29 E Main st, r 113 E Main st.
Johnson Dr. Leroy, boards at Mather's, 53 E Main st.
Johnson P.T., medical student, boards at Mather's.
Johnson M.C., attorney and counsellor at law, 7 W Short st, boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Johnson Mrs., l s S Upper bn High and Maxwell st.
*Johnson Lizy, laundress, l s S Upper bn High & Maxwell st.
Jones Alfred, tailor, W High st c Spring st.
Jones John, sign-painter, 53 E Main st.
*Jones John, painter, Fourth c N Upper st.
Jones Lorenzo, joiner, l s W Second st bw Mechanic's alley
Jouett Mrs., boarding-house, 46 E Main st.


KEEN Oliver, livery stable keeper, 38 W Short st
Keiser Benjamin, bank messenger, S Main-Cross st or Broadway ab High st
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Keiser Col. John, proprietor of the Lexington Hotel, 19 Broadway or N Main-Cross st
Keiser John, 23 W Water st
*Keiser Betsy, laundress, E Second st near N Mulberry
*Keiser Nathan, mason, W Second bn Mechanics' alley and Jefferson st
*Keller Lucy, laundress, W High st c Main-Cross st or Broadway
Kenchella Christopher, tailor, r s E High st ab Mulberry
Kenley John, tanner, 2 S Main-Cross st or Broadway
Kennard & Milton, dry goods merchants, 4 W Main st
Kennard John jun. (K. & Milton) r 53 E Main st
Kennard John, merchant, 37 N Mill st
Kennet James, merchant, 17 W Main st, r l s W Short bw Jefferson st
Kenney William R., clerk at Higgins, Cochran & Co.'s, 13 W Main st
*Kenney Mary, weaver, 45 W Water st
Kezee Jerry, tailor at Huey & Jones', 31 E Main st
Kidd James, W High st bw Mill st
King George W., hatter, at Tod's steam hat factory
King James, tin smith, 72 W Main st
King Robert, carpenter, l s W Short st bw Spring st
Kirkpatrick Mrs. Susan, tailoress r s Jefferson st bn Short and Second
Kirtley Jeremiah, l s E High ab Mulberry st
Kitson David, weaver, E Fourth st bn N Mulberry and Walnut
Krickel Francis, tavern keeper, W High st c Main-Cross st or Broadway
Krusor James, city watchman, 1 Combs' square


LAND Richard C., hatter, boards at Mrs. March's
*Langham Phillis, laundress, S Mulberry bn High and Maxwell
Layton and Heddington, grocers and lumber merchants, 13 E Short st
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Layton Thomas K., brickmaker and layer, r s Constitution st bn N Mulberry and Walnut
Lawell Andrew, book-keeper at Bruen's iron works, r W High bn Spring and Lower sts
Lawell Mrs., boarding house, W High st bn Spring and Lower
Leavy & Dolan, dry goods merchants, 31 W Main st
Leavy William A., (L. & Dolan) r 2 S Mill st.
LeGrand A., accountant, Jordan's Row, 8 N Upper st r N Upper st c Third
Letcher & Bell, physicians and surgeons, 7 S Upper st
Lewis Fielding, laborer Ayers' alley
Lewis John, 34 and 36 West Short st
Lewis Robert, plasterer, rear of W Short st bn Spring and Jefferson sts
Lewis W., gunsmith, S Upper st
LEXINGTON ATHAENEUM, Jordan's Row, 12 N Upper st
LEXINGTON BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, J.C. Noble proprietor, 6 and 7 Hunt's Row, Water st.
LEXINGTON BREWERY, W Main st op Jefferson st
LEXINGTON HOTEL, John Kieser, 19 N Main-Cross st or Broadway
LEXINGTON SALOON, Mons. Giron, 11 and 13 N Mill st
LIGHT HOUSE, L.G. Postlethwaite, 17 E Main st.
Lister William, wool manufacturer, 14 W High st
Litter John, shoemaker, Rose st.
Lockhart & Downing, livery stable keepers, 18 N Mulberry st
Lockhart ___ (Lockhart & Downing) r 10 W High st
Lockwood John, brush manufacturers, Jordan's Row 8 N Upper st
Logan Archibald, tanner, 61 and 63 W Main st
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Logue James, teacher, W High, c Spring st
Logwood Thomas, coach maker, 95 E Main st
Loman Thomas, tailor, 1 Broadway
Long Adam, carpenter, r s S Mill st., bn High and Maxwell
Long Robert, wholesale and retail grocer, 16, r 29 N Mill st
Long Samuel, joiner, N Mulberry st. ab Second
Long William, Nicholasville Road
Loney Hugh, grocer, S. Main Cross, c W Water
Lonkard Joseph, machinist, W Main st., c Georgetown road
Lowrey John, 39 W Short st.
Luxton William, joiner, E Short st. bn N Mulberry and Walnut


MCADAM Joseph, horse dealer, r s S Mill st near Maxwell
McCabe Julius P.B., publisher, r E High st.
McCalla Genl. John, attorney & counsellor, and U.S. Marshal, 70 E. Main st.
McCartney Mrs., 2 Combs Square
McCarty Mrs., seamstress, E Fourth, bn N Mulberry, and Walnut
McCauley John, bagging manufacturer and wholesale grocer, 8 W Main st., r Paradise Russel Road
McCauley Miss, school mistress, r s W Short, bn Spring and Jefferson
McConathy H., agent for opposition stages, Constitution st.
McConnell Mrs., 1 Broadway
McCoy James H., printer, boards at A.Z. Boyer's
McCracken Thos., joiner and builder, 53 N Mulberry st.
McCracken John, agriculturist, Winchester road, near limits of the city.
McCracken John, barkeeper at Cheapside House, boards at Lexington Hotel.
McCollough Samuel D., Female Academy, 18 Market st., r 12 W High st.
McCurdy A., hat manufacturer, 5 E Main st.
McCurdy W., hatter, boards at Candy's
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McIlroy Thomas, grocer, 20 E Water st
McKee George R., attorney & counsellor and editor of the observer & reporter, 7 S Upper st., boards at Lex. Hotel
McKee William, civil engineer, 30 E Main st., boards at Mrs. Jouett's.
McKenzie John, coffee house, 5 N Mill st., r S Mill st. bn High and Maxwell.
McKinney James G., Mayor of Lexington, office 6 N Upper st., Pine Grove, E High st.
McKinney Mrs., Walnut Grove, city limits, Nicholasvlle Turnpike
McLaughlin John H., hatter at Tod's steam hat factory
McLear & O'Connell, wholesale and retail grocers and spirit merchants, 40 W Main st. c Broadway
M'Lear Col. Francis (M'L & O'Connell) Justice of Peace, r old Frankfort road
McMahon Rev'd Edward, rector of St. Peter's Church, r Walnut st., ab Constitution st.
McMeighan Samuel, machinist, 61 W. Short st, r W Main st bn Lower and Jefferson
McMeighan William, cotton spinner, W High st.
McMurtry John, architect and builder, 57 N Main Cross st. or Broadway
Macalester E., (Brand & M.) 62 N Mulberry street c Constitution street
Magee Carter, rope maker, l s W second street, bn Mechanics Alley and Jefferson st
Mcguire John, coffee house, 23 S Mulberry st. op the Market
Maguire Harvey, carpenter, boards at Jesse Bayles'
March James, cabinet maker, warehouse, 27 N Mulberry st, r 14 Market st.
Markey Mrs., 51 W. Short street.
Marsh Mrs., boarding house, 87 W. Main st. c Spring st.
Marshall Dr. Samuel, President of Transylvania University, r University building
Massie W.W., clerk at Ingles', 35 W Main st
Mash _____, chair maker, 41 Broadway
Masterson James, agriculturist, city limits, E Main st
Mathers James G., upholsterer, 33 E Main st
Mayes Hon. Daniel, Judge of the circuit court, E High st.
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Maydwell Alexander, city bakery, 3 W Water st
MAYOR'S OFFICE, 6 Jordan's Row, N Upper st
Medcalf Mrs., boarding house, 5 Water st
MEDITERRANEAN BATHS, John S. Goin, 25 E Main st.
Megowan David, Belfast Place, E Main st.
Megowan G.F., grocer and provision dealer, 2 and 3 Hunt's Row, boards at Belfast Place, E Main st
Megowan James P., city clerk and deputy clerk of the circuit court, boards at T. Megowan's
Megowan Joseph R., clerk in office circuit court, boards at T. Megowan's
Megowan Thomas B., keeper of county prison, 19 E Short st.
Megowan Stewart, agriculturalist, near Belfast place, E Main
Messick Charlton T., grocer and provision dealer, 11 and 12 Hunt's Row
Miller Joseph F., copper, tin and sheet-iron manufacturer, 32 W Main street
Miller Michael, grocer and provision dealer, 27 E Water st.
Miller Isaac, (Redd & M.) upper end of E Main street
Miller Mrs. E.F., tailoress, r s Jefferson bn Short and 2nd
Miller Mrs. George, r S Upper st. c E Water street
Miller Samuel B., book-keeper at Huggins'.
Milligan Mrs., l s N Mulberry bn Third and Fourth sts.
Milton John, clerk in the northern bank, 13 Market street
Milton William E. (Kennard & M.) r 111 E Main st
Mitchell Dr. Thomas D., 11 W Main st.
Mitchell Milton, tin and sheet-iron smith, 13 S Upper st.
Mitchell John, clerk at Scott & Holloway's, boards at Dr. Mitchell's
Milward Joseph, cabinet maker, 73 and 75 E Main st.
Moffat Mrs., seamstress, E. Fourth st.
Montague Thomas, carpenter, l s W Second st.
Montmollin & Cornwall, wholesale grocers, commission and forwarding merchants, 20 W Main st.
Montmollin Frederick, (M. & Cornwall) r W High st.
Moore Alexander, book binder and stationer, 19 E main st., r 58 Market st.
Moore Alexander, agent, boards at Phoenix Hotel
Moore _____, Professor in Transylvania University, r E Fifth st., c N Upper st.
Moore William, carpenter, W Main st. bw Georgetown road.
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Moreland Alexander, hatter at Tod's steam hat factory.
Morgan George, blacksmith, l s E High st.
Morrison Richard, rope and bagging manufacturer, E Fifth st. near Upper
Morrison John G., dry goods merchant, 27 W Main st.
Morrison Moses, grocer and provision merchant, 5 Cheapside
Morrison James R., clerk at Morrison's Cheapside
Morrison Mrs., 4 W Short st.
Muir Richard, E. High st., ab Ayres' alley
Mulligan Dennis, surveyor, boards at Reilley's tavern.
Mullay Mrs., Walnut st. ab Constitution st.
Mullay William, printer, Walnut st.
Mullins Charles, clerk at Kennet's, r Short bw Jefferson
Mummey Thomas W. clerk at Kennard and Milton's, boards at Kennard's
Murphy Jerry, city marshall, boards at Candy's tavern
Murphy Patrick, gardner, old Frankfort road.
Myers John, pump maker, l s S Upper st.


NEAL J.H., medical student, 16 N Mulbery st.
Neal Mrs., dress maker, r s W Short bn Spring and Jefferson
Nelson Charles C., clerk at Rainey & Ferguson, 25 W Main st, boards at Rainey's, 68 E Main st.
Nelson Thomas, merchant, 85 E Main st.
Nene Patrick, barkeeper at Maguire's coffee house 23 S Mulbery st.
Newman S.T., medical student, boards at Kennards, N Mill st.
Newberry William H., coach-spring and iron rail maker, r s Mechanics all.
Nichols Robert J., coach maker, E Main street
Noble Elijah, secretary insurance company, Main street.
Noble E.S., sheet-iron and tin-ware manufacturer, 6 & 7 Hunt's Row, boards at T. Megowan's
Noble John C., Book & Job Printer, second story of 6 & 7, Hunt's Row
Noble Thomas H., bagging and rope manufacturer, Third st
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Noel Rev'd. Silas, Pastor Baptist Church W Third st.
Norton George W., chemist and druggist, 1 W Main street, c S Upper street
Norton John, Norton Cottage, E High street, c S Mulberry
Norton George, accountant, boards at G.W. Norton's


O'Connell Phillip (McLear & O'C.) 40 W Main st.
ODD FELLOW's HALL, 6 N Mill st.
Oldhan, Todd & Co., cotton manufacturers, 4 W Main st.
*Oldham Samuel, fashionable hairdresser, Caladonian Baths 18 E Main st r S Mulberry st., bn High and Maxwell sts.
*Oliver Edward, boot and shoe maker, 4 E Water st.
O'Meara James, tavern keeper, 25 S Mulberry st op Market House.
O'Meara William, 25 S Mulberry st op Market House
Orear & Berkley, fancy and staple dry goods merchants, 37 W Main st.
Orear Thomas C. (O. & Berkley) W High st c Main-Cross st or Broadway.
Owens Richard, boot and shoe maker, 35 E Main st.


Palmer Coleman, clerk at Wheeler's, boards at Mrs. Gatewood's.
Parker Mrs. Mary, 60 Market st.
Parker Mrs., r s W short, bn Spring and Jefferson sts.
Parker Mrs. r s W Second st, bn Mill and Main-Cross sts.
Parker Oswald W., carpenter, W. Main st. op Georgetown road.
Patrick Mrs. 8 S Main-Cross st ab High sts.
Patterson J., shoemaker, Rose st c Tate's Creek Road
Payne Daniel M., attorney and counsellor, 9 W Short st, r W Main st below Georgetown road.
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Payne Orlando F., rope and bagging manufacturer, r Hawthorn, N Mulberry st c Seventh.
Payne William, bookkeeper at Huggins, W Main st.
Payton Joseph, wool carder and fuller, 113 and 117 W Main st., c Lower st.
Paulding Dr., 1 E High st.
Peck, John, S Mill st c Maxwell st.
Peck Dr. Henry, Fairmount, W High c Lower st.
Peel James, superintendent of city Hospital and Workhouse and clerk of market, Bolivar c S Upper st.
Peel Samuel, tavern keeper, 26 E Water st.
*Pee Parker, boot and shoe maker, 23 W Short st.
Peggs William H., clerk at Bowman & Dunn's, 33 W Main st.
Penny James, dry goods merchant, 5 W Main st.
Penny John H., general stage agent and superintent of the Phoenix Hotel, 32 E Main st.
Perry William, stage agent, boards at the Lexington Hotel
*Perry George, grocer, 12 E Water st, r High near Upper
Peter Robt., professor of chemistry in Transylvania University, and Chemist & Druggist, 1 E Short st.
Pittit William G., confectioner, 15 W Water st.
Petty Mrs. S., Spring st c W High st.
Pierson Thornton, confectioner, 62 Market st.
Pig Lewis, carpenter, S Main-Cross st or Broadway ab High
Pilcher Benjamin, harness maker, r s S Upper st, near Maxwell st.
Pindell Thomas H., Clerk in Branch Bank Ky.
Pindell Richard, attorney and counsellor, 5 E Short st, r Carlilse place, Richmond Road
Pinkard & Ashton, tanners and couriers, 67 W Main st.
Pinkard Thomas B., physician and surgeon, 20 N Main-Cross st or Broadway, r 52 W Short st.
Pinkney C.E., physician and surgeon, 77 W Main st.
Piper, Jacob, shoemaker, Ayres alley bn Water and High st.
PHOENIX HOTEL, John Brennan proprietor, 32 E Main st.
Plunket William F., clerk at B.W. & H.B. Todd's, r 3 Comb's Square
Poindexter Governor, W Sixth st, bw N Main-Cross st or Broadway
Poindexter W. & Son, watchmakers and jewellers, 34 W Main st, r S Mill bn High and Maxwell sts.
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Popple, Lewis, tailor, boards at Lexington Hotel
Porter & Butler, hardware merchants, 2 W. Main st, c Cheapside
Porter Norman, (P. & Butler) boards at Lexington Hotel.
Postlethwaite Capt. G.L., proprietor of the Light House, 17 E. Main st, r l s Constitution st near Mulberry
POST OFFICE, 28 W. Short st.
Powell Thomas W., cabinet makers, 131 E. Main st.
Power M. [late of England], boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Pritchartt William H., clerk, 15 N. Mulberry st.
Probert Mrs., 1 N Main-Cross st or Broadway
Pulley William, bricklayer l s W Short st bw Spring.
Putnam Joseph, machine card manufacturer, 22 W Main st, r W High st c Lower st.


RAINEY & FERGUSON, dry goods merchants, 25 W Main st.
Rainey Thomas, grocer and livery stable keeper, r s W Main street.
Rainey William H., (R. & Furgusson) r 68 E Main st.
Randall L. C. & Co., wholesale and retail grocers, 15 S Upper st c Water st.
Randall Larkin C., (L.C.R. & Co.) r 65 E Main st.
Randall Mrs., 95 E Main st.
Randall Thos. (L.C. Randall & Co.) r 95 E Main st.
Randolph John, boarding house, 18 W Main st.
Rankin Thomas, merchant tailor, 14 E Main st, r N Upper st, c Church st.
Ratel William, professor of music, boards at Lawell's, W High st.
Reed Isaac, boot and shoe maker, 51 W Main st.
Redd & Miller, rope and bagging manufacturer, 135 E Main st.
Redd W.B. [Hickey & R.] 8 E Main st.
Redd Samuel, [R. & Miller] upper end of E Main st.
Redfield N., 26 N Main-Cross st or Broadway
Rees John, cabinet maker, r s W Short st bn Jefferson and Georgetown road.
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Reid Charles, r 35 W Water st.
Reid Gabriel, boards at Boyer's, W Short st.
Reilley James, clothing merchant and tavern keeper, 29 and 31 E Water st.
Reynolds Jeremiah, grocer, 5 N Main Cross st, or Broadway
Ryner Christopher, laborer, E Short st bn Walnut and Back
Rhodes N.C., E Sixth st near Main-Cross st, or Broadway
Rhoton Benjamin, physician and surgeon, 3 N Mulberry st, r S Mill ab Maxwell st.
Rice James, book-seller and stationer and dealer in music and musical instruments, 3 E Main st, boards at the Lexington Hotel.
Rice William, joiner and builder, 101 E Main st.
Richards R., r s W Short bn Jefferson and Georgetown road.
Richardson George P. professor of dancing and teacher in general, 49 N. Mulberry st.
Richardson J.C., physician and surgeon, S Upper st ab Water, boards at Lexington Hotel.
Richardson Lewis, r s S Upper bn High and Maxwell.
Roberts Francis H., factory manager, E Fourth bn N Upper and Mulberry.
Roberts Mrs., boards at the Franklin House.
Robbins James, book keeper, boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Robbins Mrs., Ayres Alley ab Water st.
Robinson & Johnson, attornies and counsellors, 7 E Short st.
Robinson Hon. George, Chief Justice of Kentucky, Rokeby Hall, W. High st, c S Mill st.
Robbins Bijah, Clerk at Swift's.
Robinson Mrs., seamstress, r s Jefferson st bn Short and Second sts.
Robinson S., boards at Randolph's.
Rodes James C., clerk of county court, r 55 E Main st.
Rodes Waller, deputy clerk couunty court.
Rogers Thomas H., coach maker, Rose st.
Ross Mrs., 61 N Mulberry St.
Ross Thomas, joiner and builder, 4 Comb's Square.
*Ross Lucy, laundress, 49 W Water st.
Royal James, woolen manufacturer and boarding house keeper, 3 and 5 E High st.
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Royster W., clerk at Bell's, 19 W Main st.
Ruckle Henry, coach builder, 35 N Main-Cross st or Broadway, r W Main st. bn Jefferson and Georgetown road.
Russell John, carpenter, r s S Mill st, bn High and Maxwell.
Rutherford Benjamin, gunsmith, l s S Upper st, bn High and Maxwell.


Satterwhite Thomas P., physician and surgeon, 5 S Upper st., r 2 W High st.
Sayre David, exchange broker, 24 W Short street.
Sayre Emilius K., attorney and counsellor, Jordan's Row, 16 N Upper st., boards at Lexington Hotel.
Sayre Lewis A., clerk at D.A. Sayre's, 24 W Short st.
Sayre Sarah, dress maker, S Mulberry st., c Maxwell.
Schoolfield Stephen, chair maker, boards at Candy's tavern.
Schoolley James, grocer and baker, N Main Cross street or Broadway.
Scott & Holloway, dry goods merchants, 11 W M st.
Scott Isaac, (S. & Holloway) r 11 W Main st.
Scott Joseph, physician and surgeon, S Mulberry, bn Maxwell and Theresa sts.
Scott Matthew T., cashier of the Northern Bank Kentucky, 1 Market st.
Scott Miss, tailoress, 77 N Mulberry st.
Scott, Moses, civil engineer, 30 E Main st., boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Scott Peter, clerk at the Rail Road Office, boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Scrugham Joseph, book-keeper, 37 W Water st.
Scrugham Joseph, l s W Second st. bn Mill and Broadway.
Scrugham Joseph, printer, boards at J. Scrugham's.
Scully James, tailor, boards at A. Lawell's, W High st.
*Seal Dennis, livery stable, 14 E Water st., r 9 E High st.
Searles & Edge, saddle, harness and trunk makers, 24 W Main st.
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Searles John,, (S. & Edge) r 52 W Main st.
Self William, tallow chandler, N Upper st, c Fourth.
Seely Rev. Lyman W., Librarian Lexington Library, r 44 N. Mulberry st.
Shackelford T.O., clerk at Higgins, Cochran & Co.'s store, 13 W Main st.
Shackelford George, clerk at Henry Bell's, 19 W Main st.
Sharp Joseph, grocer, 25 E Water st. Sharp Waller, & Marshall, grocers, 33 E Water st., and proprietors, Tremont coffee house, 18 S Mulberry st.
Shaw John R., blacksmith, 30 N Mulberry st.
Shaw N & H, hat manufacturers, 36 W Main st., boards at Mrs. Marsh's
Sheely George A., clerk at Kennet's, 17 W Main st.
Shiddle John, baker, r s S Main Cross st. or Broadway
Shields Mary, grocer, l s W Main st., bn Lower and Jefferson sts.
Shy Samuel, attorney and counsellor, 4 Market st., r 37 E Main st.
Skillman A.T., bookseller and stationer, 4 E Main st., r 41 N Mulberry st.
Skillman Mrs. Thomas, 91 E Main st.
Sloan Robt., deputy-sheriff, l s Constitution street.
Smith Rt. Rev. B.B., bishop of the episcopal diocese of Ky., Episcopal Seminary, W Second st.
Smith Clement, 55 N Mill st.
*Smith Harvey, barber, 17 E Water st., r S Mulberry.
Smith Larkin B., attorney and counsellor, 3 Upper st., boards Phoenix Hotel
Smith Mrs., boarding house, Jordan's Row, 2 N Upper st.
Smith Thomas, Jordan's Row, 10 N Upper st
Smith P.G., sign and ornamental painter, 48 W Short st
Soister George, saddler, boards at Searles'.
Soister John (Frazer & S.) merchant tailor, r M. Gough's
Sommers William B., Justice of Peace, 2 Market st.
Spencer E.R., soap manufacturer, S Main Cross st.
Sprake Isaac, wollen manufacturer, 92 and 94 E Main st.
Sprinkle Mrs., dress maker, 67 N Mulberry st.
Spurr William P., clerk at Higgins, Cochran & Co's.
Stephens, Winslow & Co., hardware and iron merchant, 6 W Main st.
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Stephens Alvan, (S. Winslow & Co.) r 23 N Mill st.
Stephens Edwin, clerk at Stephens, Winslow & Co.'s.
Stephens Luther, [S. Winslow & Co's.] r 23 Market st.
Smith Silas, gunsmith, r s E High st, above Mulberry
Stafford Mrs., 111 W Main st.
Stevens John, laborer, E. Fourth st., bn Mulberry and Walnut.
Stevenson William L., boot and shoe maker, 15 N Mill st., r s W High st bn Mill and Broadway.
Stone George W., proprietor of Cheapside House, 7 Cheapside, boards at Dr. Hardman's, Jordan Row.
Streeter, Alexander S., lottery broker, 9 E Main st.
*Steuban Barron, barber and hair dresser, 44 W Short st.
Sutton J.T., merchant tailor, 15 E Main st.
Swift Stephen, wholesale and retail grocer, 4 Cheapside, r 97 E Main st.
Swift William, manufacturer, 46 N Mill st.


TAFT Willard F., hatter at Tod's steam hat factory
Tandy Edward, boarding house, 95 E Main st
*Tandy Mary, laundress, l s W Short st bw Spring st
Tankersly Daniel, carpenter, l s Jefferson bn Short and Second sts.
Tankersly Fountain, pedlar, l s W Second bn Mechanics' alley and Jefferson st
Tankersly Miss, dress maker, l s W Second st bw Jefferson st.
*Tanner William, shoemaker, E Short st bn Walnut and Bank sts
Tarlton Dr., (late of Mobile), boards at Lexington hotel
Taylor Hugh W., hatter at Tod's steam hat factory
Taylor Leonard, confectioner, 49 W Main st.
Taylor Mrs., 4 S Main Cross st or Broadway
*Taylor John, hack driver, 9 E Short st
*Taylor William, painter, E Short st bn Walnut and Back
TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Forbes & Grooms, 9 W Short street
Thacker William S., silk and woollen dyer, 69 W Main st
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Theobald Samuel, physician and surgeon, 66 E Main st
Thomas Barrack G, blacksmith, and livery-stable keeper, S Mulberry st opposite Market house, r l s E High ab Mulberry
Thompson Col. George C., 35 N Mill st.
Thompson Mrs., 107 E Main st.
Thompson Nelson, wagon-maker, E High st ab Ayres' alley
Thompson William, repairer of piano fortes, 18 N Upper st., boards at Randolph's
Thorpe Franklin, watch and clock maker, jeweller and engraver--27 E Main st.
Thwaits Capt. Macey, carpenter and builder, 57 W Short street
Tibbats Thomas, 12 W Short st.
*Tibbs & Scott, barbers, 19 Water st
*Tibbs Benjamin, grocer and fruiter, 21 E Water st
Tilford, Holloway & Co., merchants, 21 W Main st
Tilford James, merchant, 4 Market st
Tilford John, president of the northern bank, r 38 N Main Cross st or Broadway
Tilford John B., merchant, r 24 Market st
Tillou Mrs., milliner, 10 N Mulberry st
Tilton Peter, 47, N Main Cross st or Broadway
Timberlake Henry, merchant, r 14, Jordan'w Row, N Upper st
Timberlake Wm. II, wholesale and retail grocer, 16, 17, & 18 Hunt's Row, r 97 N Mulberry st.
Tindor Thomas, joiner, Rose st
Tingle David, 10, E Water st
Tod William F., steam hat factory, 38 W Main street c Broadway
Todd B.W. & H.B., dry goods merchants, 9 W Main street
Todd B.W., (B.W. & H.B.T.), boards at Lexington Hotel
Todd H.B., (B.W. & H.B.T.) principal female seminary, Tate's creek road
Todd R.B., clerk at Todd's, 9 W Main st, boards Lexington Hotel
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Todd Robert (Oldham T. & Co.) r l s W Main street c Locust
Toll Jonathan, wool spinner, 16 W High st
TREMONT COFFEE HOUSE, W. & M. Sharp, 18 S Mulberry st
Trotter George, boards at Phoenix Hotel
Trotter Samuel C., physician, surgeon and apothecary, 6 Cheapside
Trumbull John, waggoner, 18, r 13 Main Cross street or Boradway
Trumbull J.W., grocer, 36 W Short c Broadway, r 13 Main Cross st or Broadway
*Tucker Matthew, grocer, N Upper st. c Fourth
*Tucker Hannah, confectioner and dealer in fancy goods, 14 S Upper st.
Turner John, waggoner, S Main Cross st or Broadway ab High
Turner John, boards at Lexington Hotel
Turner Nathaniel L., 43, N. Mulberry st
Tut Benjamin, r s W High st bn Mill and Broadway
Tuttle Mrs., 8 S Main-Cross st or Broadway
Twyman Robert B.J., printer, at Noble's, r constitution st near Walnut
Twyman G.B., overseer at J. Hamilton's rope walk, boards at J. Hamilton's


UTTINGER Jacob, joiner, 90 E Main st.
VANPELT, Sanford B., boot and shoe store, 9 S Upper st.
Vanpelt Smith, comb maker, 15 N Mill st, r W High st bn Mill and Broadway
Vanpelt William, comb maker, 9 S Upper st.
Vanpelt William Jr., grocer, 8 E Water st.
Vaughan Sarah, tailoress, S Mulberry bn High and Maxwell st.
Vaughan Mrs., r s Sough Upper bn High and Maxwell st.
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Verbryke & Co., printers and publishers of the Independent Press, 34 W Short st.
Verbryke Mrs., 27 N Main Cross st or Broadway
Verbryke Mrs., l s W Second bn Mechanics alley and Jefferson st.
Verdon Mrs., r s S Mill near Maxwell st.
Vertner, W Second c Market st.


WADDLE S., weaver, 3 Spring st
Wainscott Joseph, carpenter, W Main st c Jefferson st.
Wainscott M.B., carpenter, boards at Cogshell's.
Wallace George N., clerk at Bell's, 19 W Main st.
Waller W. S., cashier of the Branch bank of Kentucky, r 8 W Short st
Walling Henry, boot and shoe maker, 6 S Upper st, r W High st bn S Spring and Upper.
Warfield Elisha Jun., Thorn Hill, r s N Mulberry st c Fifth
Warfield Lloyd, physician and surgeon, 23 W Main st r W High st bn Spring and Lower
*Warfield Samuel, r s Mechanics alley near Short st.
Ward Rev. John, young ladies seminary, 52 N Mill st.
Warner Alfred, manufacturer, r s S Upper bn High and Maxwell.
Warner James D., pumpmaker, Rose st.
Wash James, lumber merchant, Second st op Mechanics alley
Waters Thomas H., rope and baging manufacturer, Locust Grove, E. Short st.
Watt Henry, rope manufacturer, W High st c Locust.
Watts Thornton, laborer, r s Jefferson bn Short and Second.
Weaver Francis, merchant tailor, 10 E Main st.
Weaver Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 6 S Main-Cross or Broadway
Webb Mrs., 65 N Mulberry st.
Weigart Mrs., boot and shoe trimmer, Ayre's alley ab Water.
Weir & Berry, rope manufacturers, r s N Mulberry bn Third and Fourth st.
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Welch John, clerk at Tilford, Holloway & Co.'s, boards at {not listed}
*Wells Preston, barber, 50 W Short st.
*Wells Erasmus, joiner, 6 W High st.
West Frederick, stage contractor, l s E High st ab Mulberry
West William, livery stable keeper, boards at T Megowan's.
Wheeler Leonard, dealer in hatter's furs and trimming, 22 W Main st, boards at Phoenix Hotel.
Wheelock, Mrs. Sarah, 55 N Main-Cross st or Broadway.
White Elisha, livery stable keeper, 20 N Mulberry st.
White Jacob, boot and shoe maker, 88 E Main st.
White Mrs., r s W Second st bn Mill and Main-Cross st.
Whitney W.W., physician and surgeon, 39 E Main st.
Wickliffe Charles H., 28 N Main-Cross st or Broadway
Wickliffe Robert Sr., Wickliffe House, W Second st.
Wickliffe Robert N., attorney and councellor, 3 E Short st, r r s South Upper bn High and Maxwell
Wickliffe Robert Jr. (Wolley & W.) attorney and councellor, office 14 W Short st, r Wickliffe House.
Wickliffe Daniel C., attorney and counsellor, boards at R.N. Wickliffe's
Wilgus Mrs., cart proprietor, r s W Short st bn Spring and Jefferson st.
Williams Caleb, boot and shoe maker, 39 W Water st.
Williams George, Clerk at Rice's book store, boards at Boyer's.
Williams Z., merchant, r 33 N Mulberry st.
*Williams, Edward, joiner, 6 W High st.
Wilmot John L, clerk at Orear & Burkley's, boards at Orear's.
Wilson James, gilt frame manufacturer, 19 W Short st.
Wilson J., silver plater, 13 N Mulberry st.
Wilson John S. [Grant & W.], boards at Dewee's White Cot-
Wilson Richard, E High st ab Ayre's alley.
Wilson William, merchant tailor, 2 cheapside, r 74 N Mulberry st.
Winne Hezekiah, student resident at Crutchfield's, 28 N Mill st.
Winne Mrs., 12 N Mulberry st.
Wingate Joseph, hatter, 89 N Mulberry st.
Wingate Mrs., 91 N Mulberry st, c Third.
Winter Dr., 18 N Upper st c Short.
Winslow ______, [W. & Stephens], r S Mill st ab Maxwell st
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Winthrop Rev. Edward A.M., professor of sacred literature in the Episcopal Seminary, r Episcopal house, W Second st.
Wirt John, city collector, r s Constitution bn N Mulberry and Walnut
Wiseman William, manufacturer, r s N Mulberry bn Fourth and Fifth st, r E Fourth bn Mulberry and Walnut
Wood Lewis K., at Grant & Wilson, boards at Grant's, 56 N Mill st.
Wood James, boot and shoe maker, 26 W Main st.
Woods Mathew T., joiner, Church st bn N Upper and Mulberry st
Wooley & Wickliffe, attorney and counsellors, 14 Short st.
Wooley A.K. [W. & Wickliffe,] r 44 Market st.
Wooley John, wool manufacturer, 11 and 13 Water st.
Woolverton S., hackney-coach proprietor, 16 E short st, r 8 N Mulberry st.
Wren Mrs. Jane, tailoress, 75 N Mulberry st.
Wykhart David, shoue maker, W Short st c Georgetown road.


YEISER E.P., wholesale and retail leather store, 60 and 62, r 78 W Main st
Young Charles, turner, 86 E Main st
Young Leaven, boot and shoe maker, 30, r 64 W Main st
Young Perry, W High st c Lower
Zimmerman John F., printer, r 28 Market st
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Too late for insertion in the foregoing, and removals ascertained to have taken place since the work went to press.

Ater William W., rope and bagging manufacturer, Aterville rail-road, near the city limits.
Boswell Thomas E., manufacturer, r s Georgetown road ab Second st.
Brand Mrs. Amelia, 97 N Mulberry st.
Brand Richard, at W.H. Timberlake's, boards at 97 N Mulberry st.
Broom Mrs., mattrass maker, W. Water st. bn N Mill st and Broadway
*Buckner Charles, cooper, S Upper st ab Col. Dunham's.
Caradine Wm. R., law student, boards at Rokeby Hall.
Collins Jonathan, carpenter, W Water st bn N Mill st and Broadway.
Dunn Joseph, W Main st. c Frankfort road.
Ewing Mrs., r s W Main st. bw Georgetown road.
Finlay John, r s W Main st bw Georgetown road.
Geter B., carpenter, Georgetown road ab Second st.
Grooms Elijah H., agriculturist, r s W Main st, bw Georgetown road.
Hamilton Robert B., rope and bagging manufacturer, N Main Cross st or Broadway ab Second.
Hardin M.L., printer, boards at Candy's.
Hickman Edwin C., clerk at the Intelligencer Office, and Superintendent of Teachers' Intelligence Office, room 12, W Short st.
Jackson G.T., barkeeper at Reiley's, 29 E Water st.
Kincaid Robert, machinist, old Frankfort road.
McGrorty Alexander S., clerk at McLear & O'Connell's, 40 W Main st.
McMillan Wm., tinsmith, Georgetown Road
Marsh Richard, printer, Intelligencer Office.
*Mason, Micajah, shoemaker, W. Water st bn N Mill and Broadway
Merchant Thomas M., joiner, old Frankfort road.
Newton A.O., Secretary of L.F.L. and M. Insurance Co.
Noble Elijah, r N Main Cross st or Broadway
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Smith Usher, laborer, old Frankfort road.
Trotter Samuel C., wholesale & retail grocer, 5 Cheapside.
Townsend Henry, saddler, Georgetown road, near 2d. st.
Williams W., teacher of the male Academy, 52 N. Mill st.
Wymer Samuel, gardner, Georgetown road ab Second st.


In the letter L, for Lewis J. &c. read
Lewis John T., physician and surgeon, 34 and 36 W Short st.
In letters I and J, for Ingles H.B. and Ingles W.T. read
Ingels Henry B. and Ingels William T.
In letter B, for Biggs James, read Biggs Joseph.

List prepared by Pam Brinegar, June 1999

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