In presenting this work, to the public, the first of the kind ever attempted in Lexington, the Publisher begs to remark, that he has been induced to the undertaking, by the solicitations of many respectable citizens, generally interested in the diffusion of useful information.

The Directories published for New York, Philadelphia, and other Eastern Cities, contain little more than a mere list of inhabitants, while that which is now respectfully presented, contains an account of the past and present condition of this city, with an alphabetical list of its citizens, their professions, trades and places of residence; a list of municipal officers, and every necessary information relative to the arrival and departure of the Stages and Rail Road Cars; the business of the public offices; the nature and officers of the various institutions and associations; the churches of all denominations, with the names of their ministers and officers and the time of service in each; an alphabetical list of the members of the Legal and Medical professions; the officers of the Federal and State Governments; a list of the Judges of the Circuit Courts; the Clerks of the Circuit and County Courts, and the Commonwealth Attornies, with the different terms of the Circuit and County Courts of the State; and an alphabetical list of the land-holders in the County of Fayette, with such other useful and general information as the accuracy and object of a Directory require.

To obtain such information no labour has been avoided nor expence spared, and the publisher has endeavoured to render the Directory of Lexington and County of Fayette, not only a work of local interest, but of general utility.

The rapid improvement of Lexington, and the increase of its trade and manufactures, demand a correct Directory for the guidance of the resident citizen, the commercial visitor, the inquiring traveller and the man of fortune and taste.

The advantageous position of Lexington for the manufacture of domestic products, and the well known enterprize and intelligence of its inhabitants, render it the most important inland place in the West, while the natural beauty of the surrounding country and the salubrity of its atmosphere are a source of fashionable attractions during the summer season.

To the commercial and fashionable world, therefore, such a work is necessary to promote convenience, convey information and disseminate an accurate knowledge of the state of society, the trading interest, and the natural and manufacturing resources of Lexington and its delightful environs.

From the Charleston, Louisville and Cincinnati Rail Road the most beneficial results may be expected, by affording facilities for the transportation of the manufactures and produce of this country to the Southern market; and the consequent increase of trade will naturally enhance the value of this publication and render it more useful to the public.

Numerous transcriptions, imperfect or mistaken answers to inquiries may have occasioned some trifling inaccurac[i]es.

The frequent transitions of the weather, during the past season, too, maybe adduced as furnishing powerful obstacles, by impeding or retarding the usual facilities of intercourse and information. If, not withstanding these causes, however, the work should be found tolerably correct, the compiler indulges in the hope that he will meet that encouragement to which he trusts he is entitled for honest endeavors to promote the public welfare. In this hope, he commits the book to the world, certain that every means by which information is conveyed or commercial knowledge promoted and established, will be appreciated, and a work which aims at these points, will be patronized by a liberal and enlightened public.

To the editors of the Intelligencer, Observer & Reporter and Gazette and other gentlemen who have furnished information respecting the work, or kindly encouraged the undertaking, he begs leave to tender his warmest acknowledgements.