Separation from Bed and Board
Advertised in early
Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky Newspapers


Whereas my wife SARAH GARTON and myself have, by mutual consent agreed to separate, for diverse causes known to us; this is therefore to forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debt she shall contract after the date hereof. URIAH GARTON
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 24 May 1788


Whereas my wife MARY CALLAHAM has without any reasonable cause eloped from my bed and board I do hereby forewarn all persons from harbouring or having any dealings with her, as I intend to prosecute that may harbour her and shall not pay any debts of her contracting. DAVID CALLAHAM
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 30 March 1793


Whereas my wife MARTHA CURREY has eloped from me without a just cause and refuses to return; I hereby forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date. And any person harboring her after this may depend on being dealt with according to the utmost rigour of the law. ROBERT CURREY
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 18 May 1793


Whereas LEAH my wife did six years and nearly four months ago elope from my bed and board, and went off with a JAMES SKAGGS, and as I am informed said Skaggs has now brought her back to this county: There are therefore to forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. MESHECH CARTER
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 26 October 1793


The public are hereby informed, that my wife AGNES THOMPSON, hath made an elopement from my house and bed, without any just cause, I therefore forewarn all persons from trading or dealing with her, as I don't intend paying any of her contracts. MATTHEW THOMPSON. April 23, 1794.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 02 May 1794


Whereas my wife, REBECCA HARRISON, during my absence to the settlement last fall, proved incontinent to my bed, and is now removed from my house: This is hereby to forewarn all persons whatsoever from crediting her any thing on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. ROBERT HARRISON
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 14 June 1794 (see also 31 May 1794)


Notice is hereby given, That whereas my wife ELIZABETH DAVIS, has, without any just cause eloped from my bed and board; and as this is the second time, I do hereby forewarn all persons whatsoever, from crediting her any thing on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. PETER. C. DAVIS, Georgetown July 23, 1794.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 26 July 1794


Whereas my wife ELEANOR JOHNSON, has eloped from my bed and board, without any just cause; I hereby forewarn all persons from harbouring her or crediting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting after this date. JAMES JOHNSON, Lexington, July 25, 1794.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 26 July 1794


Whereas my wife RACHEL BELL, (during my service in the United States Army) hath without any just cause absconded herself from my bed and board, these are therefore to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debt of her contracting. JOHN BELL
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 18 October 1794


Whereas my wife HANNAH PARKS has eloped from my bed and board, therefore I forewarn all persons from crediting her anything on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. ROBERT PARKS
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 15 December 1794


This is to forewarn all persons from crediting my wife RACHEL PHILIPS, on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting after that date. JEREMIAH PHILIPS
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 20 December 1794


Whereas my wife ELIZABETH hath eloped from my bed and board without any just cause and refuses to return to me; this is to forewarn all persons not to trust her on my account, for I will pay no debts of her contracting after the date hereof. WILLIAM THOMAS
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 03 January 1795


Whereas my wife EURETH has eloped from my bed and bord without any just cause, and is now running up and down the country; this is to forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay anything on her account after the date hereof. PHILLIP DURBIN
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 21 February 1795


Whereas my wife CATHERINE DOYLE, has eloped from my bed and board: This is therefore to forewarn all persons from harboring or crediting her on my account as I am determined not to pay any debts contracted by her after this date. MORGAN DOYLE
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 16 May 1795


Whereas my wife CATHARINE WOODBURN hath eloped from my bed and board; this is therefore to forewarn all persons from harboring or crediting her on my account as I am determined not to pay any debts she contracts from the date hereof. ROBERT WOODBURN
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 30 May 1795


As PHEBE LIDWELL, my wife has, (without any just cause) eloped from my bed and board—this is to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I shall not pay any debts of her contracting. GEORGE LIDWELL. Scott county.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 20 June 1795


Whereas my wife, MARY, has absconded from my bed and board without any just provocation – I do hereby forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. And I do also forewarn all persons from harboring her, as they shall answer it at their peril. GILBERT HUESTED.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 04 July 1795


Whereas my wife, SARAH JOHNSTON, has eloped from my bed and board without any just cause—this is therefore to forewarn all persons from harboring her, or crediting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. JOHN JOHNSTON.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 04 July 1795


As MARY WILLIAMS has eloped from my bed, and is no more under my jurisdiction, this is to caution any person from crediting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. WILLIAM WILLIAMS.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 04 July 1795


Whereas my wife MARY SMITH hath left her bed and board without any lawful reason, I hereby forewarn all persons from dealing with her for any thing on my account, as I will not pay any such contract by her made from and after the present day. DAVID SMITH
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 08 August 1795


All persons are cautioned against crediting my wife ELIZABETH NALL on my account, as I will not pay any debts she may contract after this date hereof. MARTIN NALL
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 11 August 1795


I hereby forewarn all persons from crediting my wife MARY ALLCORN as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date. ROBERT ALLCORN.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 10 October 1795


Whereas my wife MARY HILIEN, has left my bed and board without any just cause and refuses to return to me; therefore I forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date. JAMES HILIEN.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 21 October, 1795


Notice. I am induced by the imprudent conduct of my wife RACHEL FORD, to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts she may contract after this date. JOHN FORD
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 31 October 1795


By the imprudent conduct of my wife, I am induced to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. AMOS GUSTIN
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 02 January 1796

Will be sold or rented on Monday, the first day of February, next, a lot lying on Mulberry street in Lexington, on which is a framed House better than fifty feet front. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold to the highest bidder, all my household furniture, a set of wheel wright’s tools, with some live stock. A credit of twelve months will be given if the house is sold, for half the purchase money, on the purchaser giving bond with approved security. AMOS GUSTIN
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 02 January 1796

The House and Lot Advertised in Saturday’s Gazette will not be sold in the manner therein mentioned but is now to be disposed of by private sale, the Lot lies on Mulberry street in Lexington, it is a framed house, with four good rooms and a fire place in each room; a convenient work shop, smoke house and stable, together with a well of excellent water. Terms may be known by applying to the subscriber on the premises. AMOS GUSTIN
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 16 January 1796


This day my wife SARAH JOHNSTON eloped from my bed and board without any provocation – therefore this is to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting. I keep an open house for her to return. JOHN JOHNSTON
Source: Kentucky Gazette 09 January 1796 (see also 04 July 1795)


Whereas my wife ESTHER MULLEN has eloped from me, I hereby forewarn all persons from dealing with, or crediting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting from this date. JAMES MULLEN
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 12 March 1792


Whereas HANNAH LOUT, my wife, has eloped from my bed and board, without any just cause- these are therefore to forewarn all persons from crediting her (the said Hannah) on my account, as I am determined to discharge none of her debts nor be accountable for none of her contracts. DANIEL LOUT, June 19, 1796 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 23 July 1796 


Whereas my wife SARAH hath eloped from my bed and board, without any just cause, & solemnly swears that she will not live with me- this is to forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account; for I will pay no debts of her contracting after the date hereof. Witness my hand, this seventeenth day of August, 1796. DAVID ATHERTON Nelson County 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 30 September 1796 


All persons are hereby forewarned from crediting my wife MARY ANN CHANEY, as I will not pay debts of her contracting after this date. EDMUND CHANEY September 7, 1796 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 10 September 1796  

October 30, 1796
This day I do acknowledge that I was wrong and am now sorry that I put my wife MARYANN in the public papers, by taking the advice of other people; and I do acknowledge to give her free privilege, as is due to a wife from this date forward. Given under my hand the day and year written above. EDMUND CHANEY His X mark. 
Witness: Andrew Duntin 
              John Lochridge 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 19 November 1796  


NOTICE is hereby given, that a petition will be presented to the next General Assembly, for a divorce from JOHN OWENS my husband, who has absconded from this state for upwards of seven years, and has since married another woman. REBECCA OWENS. September 20.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 24 September 1796 


As my wife SALLY has eloped from my bed and board without any just cause- this is to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. I also forewarn all persons from harboring her at their peril. BENJAMIN NEELY, September 21. 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 24 September 1796


Whereas my wife MARY hath eloped from my bed and board- these are to forewarn all persons from dealing with, or crediting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debt of her contracting from the date hereof. Witness my hand, this seventh day of September, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six. SAMUEL MILLER Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 24 September 1796 


Whereas my wife CATHARINE WELLS has made an elopement from my bed and board without any reasonable cause, and has also got into her possession a bond of performance from John Cockey Owens, for one hundred and sixty acres of land—which bond with other effects she means to put to some use not to my advantage—these are therefore to warn and forbid any person or persons from trading, dealing or in any wise bargaining with the said Catharine, or in any wise crediting her for any sum or sums of money or property, as I am determined not to pay or fulfil any of her contracts whatsoever. JAMES WELLS. September 17, 1796
N.B. She likewise took three of my children with her, which I forbid any person or persons from entertaining, harboring or concealing at their peril, as I shall prosecute such, as the law in that case provides and directs. 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 01 October 1796  

Whereas my husband, JAMES WELLS, has tho’t proper to advertise me for an elopement, which I never made—I think myself under the necessity of giving the public a true statement of the matter, which I am able to prove to their satisfaction. It is well known, that my elopement was by his own consent and free will, and the cries of three small children, for something to eat, which I could not bear to hear. He has not provided victuals nor cloathing for his family this five years past; and had it not been for my near connexions, we might have starved.—At the time he advertised me, I went, by his consent, to my sister’s and took my children with me, purely to supply the present need and stop the cry for bread, and returned home again before I knew anything of the matter. So much out of character has his conduct been, that its beneath any of the human species but those of his own character. He says that I have a bond for 160 acres of land; all the lands, and negroes and property, that he has was mine, part of which he has sold, and spent the money to no advantage to himself or family. CATHARINE WELLS. October 13, 1796. 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 29 October 1796. 


Whereas, my wife MARY COLL (sic) has eloped from my bed and board—this is therefore to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. I also forewarn all persons from harboring or entertaining her or the children, as I shall put the law in force against all offenders. RICHARD COLE. His X Mark
October 10, 1796 Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 26 November 1796 


MARY CARROL, my supposed Wife, has left me, this is to caution the public, not to credit her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. EDM. PURSELL. Nov. 27, 1796 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 10 December 1796 


Whereas my wife, NANCY GRAVES, has eloped from my bed and board without any just cause, this is therefore to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting. EDMUND GRAVES.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 25 January 1797 


WHEREAS, my wife ANN MURPHY, eloped from my bed the 20th of January, and is now living in Paris, Bourbon county, and taken with her all my property, this is to forewarn all persons from trading with her for said property, or in any manner crediting her on my account, as I will not pay any debt or debts of her contracting. JOHN MURPHY. Bourbon county, Feb. 8, 1797. 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 8 February 1797  

NOTICE, That, whereas I saw in the Kentucky Gazette of the 8th of February last, a piece signed John Murphy, forwarning all persons from crediting me, Ann Murphy his wife (as he calls me), and likewise forbidding all persons from dealing with me for any property that is in my hands, which he says is his, the most of which property was purchased with my estate, all which was not, I am willing to give up to said Murphy—and I now likewise (though unfortunately for me to have it to do) inform the public that I never was lawfully married to said Murphey (sic), which he appeared and declared in open court, in Paris, Bourbon county, and had proof to testify the same, and, I do hereby forewarn all persons from dealing with said Murphey for any of the property now in my possession, as they expect me to answer for it at their peril, and I hereby forewarn the executors of my father’s estate from letting said Murphey have any part of what yet may remain due to me. ANN BOYCE 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 11 March 1797 


Whereas MARY my wife has through the advice of some malicious person, without just cause left her bed and board, this is to forewarn all persons from trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. ABRAHAM VANMATRE. Harrison, March 14.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 15 March 1797 


Whereas a separation between my wife MARTHA VANMATRE and myself hath taken place, all persons are hereby cautioned against crediting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after the date hereof. ISAAC VANMATRE. Hardin county, March 31, 1797 
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 05 April 1797 


Notice, All persons that deals with my wife loses the debt, for I will not pay. This is to forewarn all persons from dealing with or harboring, DIDMA, my wife, as she is eloped from my bed and board without any lawful reason, and I am determined to prosecute any persons harboring her after this 3d of July 1791. LEVI MERRITT. She formerly went by the name of Todd.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 12 July 1797  


Whereas my wife CATHERINE DAVIS, has eloped from my bed and board without any just cause—these are therefore to forewarn any person from dealing with her on my account as I am determined not to pay any debt of her contracting. CHARLES DAVIS.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 02 August 1797


As my wife JUDY has eloped from me without any just cause, the public will take notice, that I will pay no debts contracted by her after this date. WM. STAFFORD.
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 26 August 1797


Whereas I am about to remove to Shelby county, my wife MARY PREWITT refusing to go with me, I caution all persons crediting her on my account as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. MICHAEL PREWITT.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 27 September 1797


The Commonwealth of Kentucky. To the Sheriff of Fayette county, Greetings: Whereas REBECCA GREEN, at the last session of the general assembly of this commonwealth did obtain an act entitled ‘an act concerning the marriage of Rebecca Green’ in which it is in substance provided, that if the said Rebecca shall adduce such proofs to the court of Quarter Sessions for the county of Fayette as that thereupon a jury, to be empaneled in the said court, shall find that JOHN GREEN husband of the said Rebecca, hath treated the said Rebecca inhumanely, deserted her for five years, or hath refused to live with her, and to contribute anything to her support: that in such case the marriage between the said Rebecca and the said John, shall be totally dissolved. And whereas the said Rebecca hath applied to me for a Capias ad respondendum in conformity to said act, you are hereby commanded to take the said John Green, if he be found in your bailliwick, and him safely keep, so that you have his body before the justices of our said court of quarter sessions, on the second Monday in this present month, to answer the said Rebecca Green of the plea aforesaid: and have then there this writ. Witness, Levi Todd, clerk of our said court, this 15th day of March, 1798 and sixth year of the commonwealth.  LEVI TODD.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 27 March 1798

Lexington District, State of Kentucky, Sct., William Denham, Complainant, against Robert Johnson, John Craig, John Green, Thomas Thompson and James Fisher, Defendants.
IN CHANCERY. The defendant JOHN GREEN having failed to enter his appearance agreeable to law and the rule of this court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that he is not an inhabitant of this commonwealth, on the motion of the complainant by his counsel, it is ordered that the defendant appear here on the third day of our next July term and answer the complainants bill: that a copy of this order be inserted in the Kentucky Gazette or Herald for two months successively, another posted at the door of the court-house of Fayette County and that this order be published some Sunday immediately after divine service, at the door of the Presbyterian meeting house in Lexington. Teste  THOMAS BODLEY  C.D.C.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 04 April 1798


TAKE NOTICE. Some considerable time ago I informed the public that my wife Catherine, had without any just cause left me, and cautioned any person crediting her. I did hope, in consequence thereof, she would have returned to her duty, but finding my advertisement has not had that effect, am induced again to caution any and every person not to credit her; and also to forbid all and every person or persons from harboring, maintaining, employing or assisting her, as I am fully determined to take all the advantages the laws of my country will afford me against any who shall do so after the publication of this notice. TURNER RICHARDSON, Franklin County.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 15 August 1798


Whereas my wife JUDITH VANLANDINGHAM hath left my lodgings and separated from me, I do hereby forewarn any person from dealing with her in my name, as I am determined to pay none of her debts, nor answer any of her calls in that respect. GEORGE VANLANDINGHAM
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 12 September 1798


PUBLIC NOTICE. Whereas my wife DOROTHY M’CALLEN hath eloped on the 16th of August last from my bed and board, without any just cause known to me, and is now running at large: These are therefore to forewarn all and every person from crediting her on my account, as I am determined to fulfil no contract made by her, subsequent to the date of this notice. I also forewarn all and every person or persons from harboring, employing or maintaining her, as I am fully determined to take all advantages of the laws of my country will afford me, against any person or persons who shall presume to do so after this notice.  JOHN M'CASTLEN.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 24 October 1798


Whereas my wife, MILLY FISHER, hath eloped from my bed and board without any just cause, this is hereby to forewarn all persons whatever from crediting her any thing on my account as I will not pay any debts of her contracting. CALEB FISHER.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 28 November 1798 


Whereas some unhappy dispute has arisen between me and my wife SARAH, which has caused a separation to take place between us, and as we have mutually agreed to live separate, and as I have given her, of my own estate for her support, I do hereby forewarn all persons from having any dealings with her, as I do not intend to pay any of her contracts.  WM. LANSDALE.
Source: Kentucky Gazette, 28 November 1798


To the public. This is to notify the public that my wife ISABELLA MERRILL has left my bed and board without any just cause provocation.  This is therefore to forewarn all persons from harbouring or trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting.  WM. S. MERRILL
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 10 August 1833


Caution. Whereas my wife ELIZABETH GREENING (formerly Elizabeth GOSS) having left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I hereby forewarn all persons from trading with or harboring her, as I am determined not to pay any of her contracts after this date.  JAS. GREENING
Source: The Kentucky Gazette, 10 August 1833


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