Lexington (Fayette County KY) Directory,
Taken for Charless' Almanack, For 1806

[Lexington contains 104 Brick, 10 Stone, & 187 Frame and log Houses, a Court-house, Jail, Market-house, and four places for public worship; an handsome Lodge for Free Masons; an Insurance Office; the Transylvania University-this seminary has five Professors, and is governed by a board of trustees; a public Library, containing several hundred volumes of the most valuable books, stands on a corner of the public square. Messrs. Todd and Jones, two ingenious mechanics, have erected machinery for carding, roving and spinning cotton-Mr. Todd's contains 288 spindles-Mr. Jones' 144. Extensive works are now erecting by Mr. Todd, for carding and spinning hemp, by machinery. Mr. Hunt's Duck manufactory keeps 40 or 50 hands employed.]


Main Street
Anthony Blest, Inn keeper
Neriah Barnes, Inn keeper
______ Dalton, Taylor
Benjamin Futhy, Blacksmith
Wm. Palmateer, Stone-Quarrier
J.R. Shaw, Ditto
James Loney, Stone-Mason
Thomas Loney, Post & rail maker
Raney Bell
Solomon Buzzard, Butcher
John Haggart, Post & rail maker
George Coons, Brewer
Joseph Beatty, Stone-Mason
Wm. J. Duty, School-Master
James Teague, Foreman tanner for Wm. Morton
John Morton, Sheriff
William Shellers, Shoe-maker
Samuel Calvert, Hatter
Leaven Young, Shoe-maker
Mrs. Hargy
John Cocke, Baker
R.W. Downing, Physician
Joseph Charless, Printer and Bookseller
William Essex, Bookbinder
John Adams, Hatter
George Adams, Hatter
Jacob Keiser, Butcher
William Huston, Saddler
George Norton, Nailer
Christopher Smedley, Taylor
Patterson Bain, Hatter
Thomas Anderson, Printer
Isaac Holmes, Chair-maker
John M. Boggs, Taylor
Fishel & Gallatin, Copper & Tin-Smiths
Michael Schaag, Physician
D. White, Millener
Mrs. Parker
Lewis Saunders, Merchant
James Weir, Merchant
Mrs. Barton, Millener
Hart & Bartlet, Merchants
Samuel Downing, Merchant
J. M'Coun & Tilford, Merchants
George Anderson, Merchant
E. Yeizer, Tanner & Currier
Mrs. Clark
Henry Marshall, Inn keeper
Daniel Bradford, Printer
John Bradford
S.D.J. Calais, Sr. & Co., Tobacconist
Christopher Coyle, Taylor
J. Biddle, Grocer
Wm. Leavy, Merchant
Brown & Warfield, Physicians
Samuel & George Trotter, Merchants
Julia Logan, Milliner
E.W. Craig, Merchant
C. Williams, Shoe-maker
R, Miller, Merchant
G. Trotter, Merchant
John Cross, Baker
F. Hice, Toyman
John Downing, Inn keeper
Thomas Wallace, Merchant
Joseph Hudson, Merchant
Alexander Parker, Merchant
Charles Wilkins, Merchant
John Jordan, Jun., Shipping Merchant
Brooks & Crysdale, Merchants
Wm. Satterwhite, Inn keeper
Robert Frazer, Silversmith
Wm. Morton, Director of the Kentucky Insurance Company
Alexander Frazer, Silversmith
Wm. Tyree, Taylor
L. Lindle, Baker
Wm. Edwards, Inn keeeper
James Boyd, D. Post-master
L.L. Holmes, Taylor
Thomas Whitney, Cabinet-Maker
Isaac Reid, Shoe-maker
M. Rule, Stone-mason
________ Tracy, Stocking-weaver
Wm. Patrick, Physician
P.J. Roberts, Tobacconist
Benamin Stout, Saddler
C. Keizer, Blacksmith
J. Wilson, Inn keeper
John Martin
John Postletwait, Cashier of the Bank
Jacob Laudaman, Tobacconist
Mrs. Holmes
Mr. Beck, Portrait-painter
John Anderson, Carpenter
Maddox Fisher, Brick-layer
Benjamin Wexell, Taylor
______ Bishop, Teacher
Benjamin Parish, Cabinet-maker
Samuel Ayres, Silversmith
Henry Marquit, Tanner & Currier
______ Dunn, Plaisterer
Ebenezer Sharp, Teacher
Rev. Adam Rankin
Mrs. Lake
Andrew Biggs, Shoe-maker
Wm. Dorsey, Cooper
Benj. Lloyd, Cooper
John Fisher, Brick-maker
______ Grant, Painter and glazier
Samuel Vanpelt, Pump maker
George Newman, Labourer
John Wyatt, Coach-maker
John Hymer, Blacksmith
Mrs. M'Gowan
Wm. Fisher, Bricklayer
Thomas Fisher, Bricklayer

Main Cross Street
Thomas January
John Arthur
John Stout, Coach maker
Thomas Ocheltree
Joseph Day, Bricklayer
John Eades, Blacksmith
John Loman, Rope-maker
Robert Chipley, Shoe-maker
George Doxen, Shoe-maker
Peter Crouse, Blacksmith
Matthew Elder, Bricklayer
John Elder, Bricklayer
Mrs. Starkes
Richard Ashton, Coach-maker
Mrs. Reynolds, Schoolmistress
Matthias Schryock, House-carpenter
Nathaniel Morrison, House-Carpenter
Robert Holmes, Chair-maker
Hugh Crawford, Shoemaker & blue dyer
James Goodman, Stocking-weaver
Nathaniel Lowery, Hatter
Hiram Shaw, Hatter
James Lemon, Taylor
David Logan, Umbrella & chip bonnet manufacturer
Aaron Woodruff, Shoe-maker
James Rose, Shoemaker
Wm. Porter, Tanner and Currier
Francis Kriggle, Saddler
George Shindlebower, Barber
Jacob Boshart, Skin-dresser
Frederick Shevil, Cooper
George A. Weber, Baker

Mill Street
Thomas Hart, Jun, Merchant
Henry Clay, Attorney at Law
Sam. Wilkinson, Whitesmith
Thomas Hart, Sen.
Mary Findley, Seamstress
Porter Clay, Cabinet-maker
George Trotter, Jun., Merchant
Mentelle & Downing, Painters
Mordecai Harris, Shop-keeper
Jacob Clair, Saddler
Elijah Oliver, Shoe-maker

Water Street
J. Condon, Tailor
John Jones, Cotton-spinner
William Todd, Cotton-spinner
John Williams, Cotton-spinner
George Young, Shoe-maker
______ Fleming, Shoe-maker
______ Hanson, Carpenter

High Street
Robert Price, Boarding house
Joseph Hostutter, Butcher
Robert Bell, Weaver
John Hamilton, Rope-maker
John Hull, Butcher
Thomas Vaughan, Blacksmith
Elisha Gordon, Tanner
Peter January
Adam Wigart, Carpenter
David Woodruff, Shoe-maker
Charles Vigus, Shoe-maker
William Douds, Well-digger
David Herring, Breeches-maker
Hezekiah Bradley, Blacksmith
Adam Hutts
John Tompkins, Merchant
John Stilfield, Wagon-maker
George Weary, House-joiner
Benedict Van Pradelles
Samuel Dewees, Cooper
John Caldwell, Wheelwright
Archibald M'Cullough, Blacksmith
John Fisher, Shop-joiner
William T. Banton
George Brownlee, Reed-maker
Melchor Myers, Butcher
George Young, Jun., Shoe-maker
John Jones, Cotton-spinner
Godfrey Bender, Tobacconist
Edward West, Silversmith
Elisha Allen, Tailor
Lawson M'Cullough, Tailor
David Dodge, Rope-maker
John Leiby, Brick-maker
Robert Campbell, Potter
George Sowerbright
David Williams, Schoolmaster
Thomas Bodley, Circuit clerk
Robert M'Cormack, Shoe-maker
Archibald Campbell
Asa Farra, Post & rail maker
Ebenezer Farra
Henry Lonkard, Carpenter

Mulberry Street
William Bobbs, Brickmaker
George Adams
______ Hawkins, Labourer
David Stout, House-carpenter
Robert Grinstead, Bricklayer
______ Monks, Nailer
John Sprinkle, Bricklayer
Fielding L. Turner, Attorney at Law
Sam'l. Beel, Labourer
John Downing, House-carpenter
Simon Hicky, Blacksmith
Allen Davis, Bricklayer
James Wilson, Carpenter
James Shohoney, Carpenter
Patrick Gullion
Martha Johnston, Schoolmistress
Mrs. Nicholas
______ Wilson, Cabinet-maker
______ Ruths, Inn keeper
Jeremiah Murphy, Inn keeper
Warner Hawkins, Stone-mason
William Smith, Hatter
William Nash, Saddler
Thomas Reid, Tinner
Wm. Reid, Chair-maker
Mrs. Kelly
Mrs. Barr
George Sowerbright, Labourer


Short Street
James Eades
Mrs. Parker
William Bartlow
John T. Miller, Coppersmith
Oliver Keene
James Morrison
Chester Shaw, Inn keeper
Mrs. Wilson
John Pope, Attorney at Law
James Fishback, Physician
John Kizer, Inn keeper
Andrew M'Calla, Apothecary
Thomas Tibbats, Baker
Robert Bradley, Inn keeper
George Staley
John Jones, Inn keeper
John P. Wagnon, Inn keeper
Nathaniel Prentiss, Jailer
James Blythe, Teacher
Buckner Thruston, Attorney at Law
______ Warfield, Physician
John Brown, Nailer
James January, Attorney at Law
Mrs. M'Daniel, Seamstress
Henry Colehouse, Nailer
Robert Russel, Stone-cutter
Joseph Wingate, Blacksmith
William Emmens
John Sloan, Tallow chandler
Peter Paul, Stone-cutter

Officers of Government
Governor or Chief Magistrate for the Commonwealth of
    Kentucky, Christopher Greenup
Lieutenant Governor, John Caldwell
Secretary of State, John Rowan
Attorney General, James Blair
Auditor of Public Accounts, George Madison
Treasurer of State, John Logan
Register of the Land Office, John Adair
George Muter, Chief Justice of Kentucky
Benjamin Sebastian, Caleb Wallace, Thomas Todd,
    Judges of the court of Appeals
John Coburn, Benjamin Howard, Samuel McDowell,
    Stephen Ormsby, James G. Hunter, John Allen,
    Cary L. Clarke, Circuit Judges
Harry Innes, Judge of the Federal Court
    for the District of Kentucky

        pb, June 1999