Capt. A.D.
Powell, a druggist of Irvine, Ky., was born in Estill County, November 22, 1825. His
father, John B. Powell, a native of Virginia, was a blacksmith by trade and a farmer by
occupation. He was an early settler of Estill County, Ky., where he lived the remainder of
his life, and died in Irvine in 1864. He was a son of Ambrose Powell, also a native of
Virginia, who removed to Estill County, Ky. John B. Powell married Miss Nancy Daniel,
daughter of Beverly Daniel, of Estill County. They were the parents of three daughters and
four sons, viz: Marion F., Frances M., Ansil D., Elizabeth, Newton(deceased), James H. and
Sarah. Ansil D. Powell grew up on the farm, receiving his education in the common schools.
He was engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1840, when he moved to Irvine and worked at
the blacksmith's trade until 1847. In the latter year he entered the Mexican War as Second
Lieutenant of the Third Kentucky Infantry, Company F, and served until peace was restored,
when he returned to Irvine, Ky., and again engaged in blacksmithing until 1861, at which
time he joined the Federal army as Captain of Company B, Eighteenth Kentucky Infantry,
commanded by Col. Sidney M. Barnes, serving three years. Capt. Powell then returned to his
home in Irvine, and engaged in the drug business, which he has followed ever since. In
November, 1850, he married Miss Jensie Witt, a daughter of Silas Witt, of Estill County.
Nine children were born to their union, six of whom are living, viz: Mary E., Ansil D.,
Lizzie W., Eddie B., Herbert and Montie H. Mr. Powell is a Republican in politics and is a
member of the F. & A. M. fraternity.
"Biographical Sketches from Kentucky
Genealogy and Biography" W. H. Perrin 1887 Volume #2
Published in "The Eagle" in 1890:
A.D. Powell & Son-Pure Drugs & Medicine. Family Groceries. Main Street Irvine,
Kentucky. Finest and Purest Whiskey, wines, bottle and keg. Beer, cigars and Tobacco.
Prices as low as any house in Estill, and all goods guaranteed. |