March 23, 1858
Originally submitted to the ECHGS newsletter by Ed Puckett and used here with their permission
The plaintiffs Willis Hisle, Statutory Guardian for Edith Hisle, Mary Hisle, Simpson Hisle and Frances Hisle, infants under the age of 21 years, and B.T. Crouch, Statutory Guardian for Benjamin Webber an infant under the age of 21 years, and said infants by their said Statutory Guardian respectively state that on the 22nd. day of February 1856 one Jones Webber so departed this life in Estill County, and left the defendant Sarah Webber his wife and widow, and the infant plaintiffs and the following defendants his heirs at law: to-wit: William Webb and his wife Edith Webb, formerly Edith Webber; John Finnell and his wife Susan Finnell, former Susan Webber; hezekiah Bowman and his wife Elizabeth Bowman, formerly Elizabeth Webber, Sanford Webber, Jones Webber Jr.; Isaac Baker and his wife Naoma Baker, formerly Naoma Webber; Fountain Finnell and his wife Polly Finnell, formerly Polly Webber. (The five latter are now residents of the State of kentucky) Phillip Webber who is dead and left the following as his only heirs at law: to-wit: Augustin Webber, William Webber, Manerva Wood, formerly Manerva Webber who intermarried with the defendant James Wood, Absolam Webber, Edith Webber, Jones Webber, Martha Webber and Thomas Webber, the four latter are infants under the age of 21 years.
The plaintiff Willis Hisle states that he intermarried with Sarilda Webber, one of the children of said Jones Webber deceased, and that she is dead and left the following children and heirs at law: to-wit: Edith Hisle, mary Hisle, Simpson Hisle, and Frances Hisle. that each of said children are infants under the age of 21 years. He was appointed their statutory guardian and has taken the oath and given bond for the faithful performances of his duties.
The plaintiff B.G. Crouch states that one Simpson Webber was also a child and heir of said Jones Webber deceased, and that said Simpson Webber departed this life and left the infant plaintiff Benjamin Webber, his only child and heir at law, and that at the? term of the Oldham county Court this plaintiff was duly appointed statutory guardian for said Benjamin Webber. The plaintiff further state the said Jones Webber Sr. deceased at the time of his death was the owner in fee simple and in the possession of about ? acres of land in Estill County on the waters of the Kentucky River, whereupon the said Webber resided at the time of his death, which tract of land is worth about $2,000 and as said Webber had ten children or representatives, each child's part is worth about $200. They state that the defendant Sarah Webber, the widow of said decedent, is entitled to dower in said tract of land, that the same has never been assigned or allotted to her. that it is to the interest of the widow and the heirs that her dower in said land should be allotted to her, and for the purpose of effecting said allotment, and that a summons issued against all the defendants to this petition and that the court appointed commissioners for that purpose according to the provisions of the law in such cases.
John M. Price
Attorney for Plaintiff
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