The following article was taken from the book "Be It Remembered", a collection of the court orders & minutes of the Estill County Court (1808 - 1858), compiled by Norwood Thorpe
Claimant | Services | Amount |
John Witt | making coffin for widow Mansfield | $ 6.00 |
John Witt | making coffin for widow Newman | $ 4.00 |
Sams & Witt | for burial of Zach Sarerus' daughter | $11.00 |
A.E. Harris | for burial of Martha Wade's boy | $ 3.10 |
J.E. Burgher | for burial of William Dickerson, a pauper | $10.86 |
J.E. Burgher | for burial of Edward Scott, a pauper | $ 8.83 |
James W. Prather | for burial of Sam Scrivner's children | $ 6.00 |
M.P. Scott | medical service for Sally Pluerman, a pauper | $ 6.00 |
M.P. Scott | medical service for George Gray | $ 5.00 |
M.P. Scott | medical service for Sid Park | $ 6.00 |
Garland Witt | making coffin and box for James Weathers | $ 7.00 |
William Tyra | making coffin for Frank Robins | $ 7.00 |
Elyah King | making coffin for Mrs. Pitchers | $ 5.25 |
Elyah King | making coffin for Wilda Wighly's child | $ 3.00 |
Thomas McDowell | for keeping Isabel Wiseman for 3 months | $12.00 |
Thomas McDowell | for keeping Isabel Wiseman for 12 months | $70.00 |
William D. Howard | for burial of Edward Willis | $ 2.47 |
William D. Howard | for burial of Hugh S. Robertson | $ 5.43 |
Nat Cockrill | jail guard 6 days | $12.00 |
James Darill | jail guard 6 days | $12.00 |
Eugene Busby | jail guard 6 days | $12.00 |
J.T. Henderson | burial of William McIntosh's child | $ 2.15 |
J.T. Henderson | burial of R. Whisman | $ 3.85 |
J.T. Henderson | burial of Miss Bryant | $ 1.00 |
Elyah King | making coffin and box for George Wade's son | $ 6.00 |
John Shuffelbarger | jail guard 6 days | $12.00 |
William & Quinn | for burial of a pauper | $ 1.82 |
D.B. Rawlins | for burial of E.C. Collins | $12.38 |
William Tipton | for keeping Jerry Ballard for 1 year | $25.00 |
Elyah King | making coffin for J. Lester's wife | $ 7.00 |
Harrison Kidwell | 5 coffins for Sam Scrivner's children | $30.50 |
B.W. Sale | burial of James Dugan | $12.50 |
William Cox | coffin and box for John Fry's daughter | $ 7.00 |
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