This article was originally written by Bobby Rose in the early 1970's.
Submitted by Norwood Thorpe
Hargett is located on Highway #89, about 7 miles east of Irvine. About75 years ago, there was a general store run by Cleveland Sams (now at the intersection of Highways #89 and #82) and in it was the Post Office called Sam's Post Office. About 100 yards or more northwest of the store was the railroad stop called Harg (In honor of Harg Allen) to which they moved the post office and changed it's name to Harg. Later it was moved back to the original site at the crossroads. While the federal man was there setting up things, a little boy came in the store. When asked what his name was, he said, "Hargett Withers", so the federal man said "This post office will be named for you, Hargett." With some people this has been shortened to Harg (probably since that was originally the name of the station.)
The first post office at Hargett was established September 23, 1915, with Edith Patrick as postmaster. Other postmasters were: Herbert B. McIntosh, Harry Witt, Hickman Patrick, and Mrs. Mary T. Patrick who served until the post office was discontinued effective September 30, 1943. Hargett residents were to get mail from Irvine.
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