This article was originally written by Bobby Rose in the early 1970's.
Submitted by Norwood Thorpe
The Estill Springs, half a mile from Irvine, have been celebrated as a watering place and have claim to historic interest that dates by the days of early exploration of Kentucky. The view from the top of Sweet Lick Knob, at the foot of which the white sulphur water gushed out as clear as crystal, is one of the grandest and most romantic known. A large spring house has covered the springs and offered a place of recreation for people interested in obtaining the white sulphur water, famous through the many years for it's health and coolness. Later a large hotel was built, probably in the 1830's, and the area became a well known resort which was visited many times by Henry Clay of Lexington, Major Curtis F. Burnham of Richmond and many other notable Kentuckians, as well as persons from other states.
The first record of the Springs is said to have been written by a Frenchman who, with a party of Indians, marched from what is now the present city of Detroit to the location of Mobile, Alabama. This explorer mentioned it in his journal. The next record is said to have been made by the McAfee party which camped one night on a route of march from the fort at Harrodsburg to Virginia. It is said that Daniel Boon and his companions often stopped at the Springs during their explorations of this area of Kentucky. This Springs property is noted for the large oak and ask trees, many considered to be at least 300 years old, some of which are still standing.
The original Springs tract remained the property of Green Clay of Madison County until his death. The property was then sold by Green Clay's two sons, S.B. and B.J. Clay to Isaac Mize. The property has had several owners down through the years and is now in the possession of heirs of Mrs. David Andrew (Lena) Wallace. Mrs. Wallace purchased the Springs property after the hotel burned December 14, 1924, and constructed a colonial brick home where she lived until her death on November 20, 1956.
During the later years in which the hotel and springs were used as a resort, the property was owned by Harvey Riddell, a lawyer, son of the imminent Judge Robert Riddell of Irvine and a brother of Judge Hugh Riddell, also of Irvine. Elliott Riddell, another son of Judge Robert Riddell and his wife, the former Laura Embry, were proprietors of the resort, highly popular under their care. It is said that people came from miles around to attend the parties and dances held in the large ballroom of the Estill Springs Hotel and was always patronized by very high class people. Many love matches were made here.
Estill Springs was the scene of many important happenings. The famed "Old Infantry Volunteers" of the Eighth Regiment was organized there by Colonel Sidney M. Barnes, September 14, 1861, while Colonel Barnes owned the property. Many interesting references to early Civil War happenings at or near Estill Springs have been made.
A Reunion of Morgan's (General John H. Morgan) Men was held at Estill Springs, August 20-22, 1924. Mr. J.B. White, who attended the reunion was the father of Mr. Lena Wallace. Mrs. Margaret White, sister of Mrs. Lena Wallace, presently resides in the original home.
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