Submitted by Barbara Ingram & Maggie Edwards
Taken from File Box containing Birth and Death Records in
County Court Clerkâs office, Estill County Courthouse. Copied by Ruth T. Horn.
All spelling and phrasing are as they appear on the originals.
Name | Sex | Date | Father | Mother |
Abney, Nancy | Female | 30 May | John Abney - Estill Co. | Mary Adams - Estill Co. |
Abney, Permela | Female | 10 May | Gipson Abney - Estill Co. | Virgina Walters |
Adams, Ovin | Male | 15 Nov | Feldon Adams - Clark Co. | Sarah Ann Roberson - Clark Co. |
Baker, Elizabeth | Female | 13 Aug | John Santford Baker - Clark Co. | Sarah Braningburg - Clark Co. |
Ballard, Milly | Female | 11 May | Auguston Ballard - Estill Co. | Amands Hatton - Bath Co. |
Barnes, Marlon | Male | 28 Oct | Delany Barnes - Estill Co. | Mary Jane Wiseman - Estill Co. |
Bush, Martian Silvester | Male | 05 Dec | Anderson Bush - Indiana | Syntha Ann Young - Estill Co. |
Cannon, George | Male | 06 Jun | Banks Cannon - Clark Co. | Susan Mountz - Clark Co. |
Combs, Arky Dial | Female | 11 Jul | Wildy Mark Combs - Clark Co. | Suannann Adams - Clark Co. |
Fiedler, Haarvy | Male | 10 Jan | W. M. Fielder - Estill Co. | Elizabeth Burgess - Madison Co. |
Frazer, George Washington | Male | 10 Apr | John Frazer - Clark Co. | Sarah Ann Hoskins - Jessamine Co. |
Ginter, Richard S. | Male | 04 Apr | Samuel Ginter - Bath Co. | Mareah Sturde - Bath Co. |
King, Lucinda Thomas | Female | 10 May | Robert King - Estill Co. | Sarah Ann Adams - Estill Co. |
Macknahan, Sarah Ann | Female | 13 May | Paterick Macknahan - Estill Co. | Adedine Douglas - Estill Co. |
Madison, Sarah | Female | 01 Sep | John Vaughn - Estill Co. | Ann Sturde(?) - Montgomery Co. |
McKinny, Elizabeth | Female | 28 Feb | David R. McKinny - Estill Co. | Luann Mae King - Estill Co. |
Muril, Ann Elizabeth | Female | 23 Dec | Nickolas Muril - Estill Co. | Martha Snoden - Clark Co. |
Pucket, Allen | Male | 09 Aug | James Pucket - Estill Co. | Jane Abney - Estill Co. |
Senters, David | Male | 25 Nov | James Senters | Sally Ann Abney - Madison Co. |
Shinfessle, Ann Jessa | Female | 31 Aug | Ausustus Shinfessle - Pennsylvania | Sarah Vaughn - Estill Co. |
Tipton, George Willis | Male | 25 Apr | Samuel Tipton - Estill Co. | Mary Ann Carmichael - Estill Co. |
Unknown, William (Black) | Male | 06 Jan | Sarah Cobb - Owner | Susanna |
Unnamed (Black) | Male | 28 Mar | Danral Lilears | Clersa |
Unnamed | Female | 27 May | Woodford Pigg - Clark Co. | Elizabeth Gy - Clark Co. |
Unnamed | Male | 14 Feb | Jefferson Shows - Montgomery Co. | Jane Spring - Estill Co. |
Unnamed | Female | 04 Aug | Robert Wooley - Estill Co. | Perlina Ballard - Estill Co. |
Unnamed | Male | 14 Oct | Jessy Wosley - Clark Co. | Sally Curchfield - Clark Co. |
Wallace, Jane Elizabeth | Female | 21 Oct | John Wallace | Eliza Jane MacKiney - Estill Co. |
Waters, Virgina | Female | 25 Sep | Samuel Walters - Estill Co. | Eliza Jane Puckett |
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