Marriages Preformed 1913-1938
Rev. Robert S. Richardson
Special Thanks to Marty K. Hodge of Marion, Ky.
Submitted by: Wanda Ainsworth, granddaughter of Rev. R. S. Richardson
To email Wanda

Rev. Robert Skillman Richardson
Rev. Robert "Skillman" Richardson, was born on August 9, 1875,
in Livingston County, KY, near the City of Salem. He was the fifth of 11
children born to William Noah Richardson and his wife, Penelope Elizabeth
(Johnson) Richardson. He died on January 6, 1966, at the Crittenden County
Hospital, Marion, Crittenden County, KY, at 90 years, and almost five months
old of natural causes. He had cancer of the prostate and surgery some years
earlier but had survived that disease. He was buried next to his wife at
Parker Cemetery, Cedar Grove Community, Livingston County, Ky.
He married LuEllar Hardin on April 29, 1896, in Livingston County, KY, near
the City of Salem. She was born on March 16, 1871, in Livingston County,
KY. and died on March 2, 1949, in the Crittenden County Hospital, Marion,
Crittenden County, KY, of a cerebral hemorrhage at almost 78 years old.
Rev. Robert "Skillman" Richardson, was illiterate until he attended school
in 1903 with his six-year old son, Flaveress "Flay" Arlen Richardson, to
learn how to read and write. He was illiterate due to his having to drop
out of school at 15 years old to work and support his mother and younger
siblings after his father died at 46 years old.
He attended school in preparation of his "Calling" to become a minister,
which he successfully accomplished on September 27, 1914, when he became a
certified Deacon in the Methodist Episcopal Church (South), of Louisville,
KY, at the age of 39 years.
Rev. Robert "Skillman" Richardson served many churches in the Louisville
Conference area during his lifetime as a Methodist Circuit-Rider. His first
pastorate was at the Cedar Grove Methodist Church in Livingston County, KY,
near Salem, where he was raised. Other churches served were: Sardis, Shady
Grove, Rosebud, Mt. Zion, Blackford, and Hills Chapel - all in Kentucky. He
also "guested" to give sermons at the Freedom Baptist General Church in
Freedom, KY, Crittenden County, KY, and at other churches during Revival