Piney Fork Cemetery
Page 4

Isarel Cannon
July 25, 1795 - Sept. 20, 1837

John Clinton
Oct. 28, 1795 - Oct. 5, 1849
(Son of James & Ann (Armstrong) Clinton)
Sarah Shelby Clinton
1800 - 1855

James Clinton
Aug. 11, 1761 - March 2, 1847
born New London Twp. Chester Co., Pa.
Rev. War Veteran
md Ann Armstrong
See Letter on RW service

William Lowery
April 7, 1804 - Sept. 20, 1836
(Md. Elizabeth Ordway)

George Green
Jan. 9, 1792 - Aug. 2, 1880
(Son of Conrad Crayne changed)

A marker showing the original site of the first one room
log church and school built at the turn of the 19th century

Esther C. (Calhoun) (Love) Asher
Wife of W. R. (William Robert) Asher
(Dau of William Carter Love & Esther (Calhoun) Love)
d. April 18, 1868
age 73 yrs 2 mos 22 das

Nancy M. (Asher) Lemon
June 4, 1823 - Sept. 6, 1858
(Dau. of Wm. Robert & Nancy Calhoun (Love) Asher)
(Wife of Eli Lemen)

Piney Fork Cemetery Photos Page 5