Last updated 03/29/2025 04:33:54
These selected abstracts were contributed by
Brenda Joyce Jerome, CGRS email
Western Kentucky Journal and Book List
These deeds were taken from original source records.
Bk A, pg 22 21 Dec 1841
John LAMB of Livingston County, KY conveys to John ROURKE of
Livingston County, the undivided half of one tract on Caney Branch
of Tradewater River, patented in the name of Jno. LAMB ... adj.
CASEY's military survey corner, NEWCOM's corner, Robert WILSON's
corner ... with privileges of excavating the lands of Wm. NEWCOM
equal with the other undivided half of the last named survey, for
sum of $2000. /s/ John Lamb.
Bk A, pg 23 1 Feb 1842
John LAMB of Livingston County, KY conveys to Jno. ROURKE for
$4000, the undivided half of a certain tract of land containing
300 acres, adj. Wm. ADAMSON, Madison LAMB, Hermogine BROWN, Thos.
WILSON, Ira NUNN, Jos. HUGHES and Vincent B. SIMPSON. /s/ John
Bk A, pg 220 16 Feb 1844
Henry L. CARTWRIGHT of Caldwell County, KY conveys to Martin
WILLIAMS of Critttenden County, for sum of $222, 100 acres on
waters of Woolf Creek, adjoining SHELTON's 1200 acre military
survey. /s/ Henry L. CARTWRIGHT, Mary (X) CARTWRIGHT.
Bk A, pg 240 1 May 1844
Wm. LAMB conveys to John LAMB, both of Crittenden County, for sum
of $50, 115 acres on Tradewater, adjoining Robert WILSON. /s/
William LAMB. Wit: Jeremiah LUCUS, Jeremiah WILSON.
Bk A, pg 560 6 Apr 1842
Between John E WILSON and wf Nancy (late FRANKS), Charles A. CHANDLER
and wf Sarry (late FRANKS), and R.C.W. FRANKS of the first part and
James D. FRANKS, Wm. M. FRANKS, John M. FRANKS, and Jesse B. FRANKS,
all of Crittenden County ... whereas John FRANKS dec'd, father of
sd. Nancym, Sarry, R.C.W., James D., Wm. M., John M. and Jesse B.,
died seized and possessed of a small estate consisting of a tract
of land containing about 115 acres on Crooked Creek, bounded by
Gabriel BUTLER's line on the east, John WRIGHT's on the south,
Robert HILLHOUSE's on the west and John E. WILSON's on the north,
also other property, to wit, about 30 hogs, 5 cattle, 5 sheep,
sorrel mare about 7 yrs old and her colt, 2 beds, stead & bedding,
1 crib of corn supposed to contain about 200 bushels, lot of bacon,
farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture & whereas Juda
FRANKS, late relict of John FRANKS, departed this life ... parties
of the first part, for love and affection and $1, convey above
property to parties of the second part. /s/ Charles A. Chandler,
Sarry Chandler, R.C.W. Franks.
Bk A, pg 331 13 Mar 1845
Solomon WEAVER and wf Elizabeth of Caldwell County, KY and George
W. GUESS and wf Margaret convey to Joshua FRANKS of Crittenden
County, 97 acres on waters of Piney Fork of Tradewater for sum of
$200. /s/ Solomon (X) Weaver, Elizabeth (X) Weaver, G.W. Guess,
Margaret (X) Guess.
Bk B, pg 445 12 Jan 1850
Jeremiah WILSON conveys to Timothy TAYLOR, for sum of $6.57, 2 acres
and 100 poles on the Ohio River, beginning at a hickory in Robt.
WILSON's old line and last corner of sd. TAYLOR's land that was
conveyed to him by sd. Jere. WILSON. /s/ Jeremiah Wilson.
Bk B, pg 507 3 Apr 1850
Levi J. CRABTREE conveys to Adam W. CRAWFORD, for sum of $80, 40
acres on Tradewater, adj. Robert WILSON's old line, Peter CASEY's
military line, John LAMB's corner ... to a stake corner of a
"peace" of land John LAMB deeded to Jeremiah WILSON.
Bk B, pg 522 27 Mar 1850
Jeremiah WILSON conveys to Levi J. CRABTREE, for sum of $80,
40 acres on Tradewater, adj. R. WILSON's old line, Peter CASEY's
military corner, John LAMB's corner. /s/ Jeremiah Wilson. Wit:
James HULL, Geo. P. WILSON. [Note same land as in B/507]
Bk B, pg 752, 27 May 1851
Charles LIZENBEE conveys to T.F. CRABTREE, for sum of $35, 44
acres on Hurricane Creek.
Bk C, pg 222 21 Mar 1853
Laura HICKERSON and husband Elisha J. convey to Isaac CRABTREE
for sum of $150, 2 tracts of land on Hurricane Creek containing
200 acres.
Bk C, pg 481 22 Dec 1853
James E. TAYLOR and wf Mary A convey to James M. LAMB, 160 acres
near the Tradewater for the sum of $350. /s/ James E. Taylor.
Bk D, pg 221 29 Sep 1855
Elihu RILEY and wf Sarah convey to Casey VAUGHN of Sumner County,
TN, for sum of $250, land on Claylick Creek [no acreage given].
/s/ Elihu (X) Riley, Sarah (X) Ann Riley.
Bk D, pg 314 3 Jan 1854
Reuben RILEY and wf Susan and Elihu RILEY and wf Sarah convey to
Amos GREEN, for sum of $210, 42 1/2 acres on waters of Claylick
Creek. /s/ Reubin RILEY, Elihu (X) RILEY, Susan (X) RILEY. [Sarah
did not sign]
Bk D, pg 413 7 Mar 1856
William DOUGHTY and wf Elizabeth convey to Thomas RILEY, for sum
of $510, 187 acres on Coffield's fork of Deerk Creek.
Bk D, pg 624 10 Nov 1856
L.J. CRABTREE conveys to Mary CRABTREE, Rachel Ann CRABTREE
and John Adam CRABTREE (heirs of Timothy CRABTREE, 36 acres
on Hurricane Creek, for sum of [blank]. /s/ L.J. Crabtree, Frances
(X) Crabtree.
Bk F, pg 203 6 Jan 1860
John W. LAMB conveys to Geo. A. LAMB for sum of $800, all his
undivided interest in the land now unsold of the landed estate
of John LAMB dec'd. /s/ John W. Lamb, Sarah A. Lamb.
Bk F, pg 214 15 Dec 1859
Mary M. LAMB conveys to Geo. W. LAMB, for sum of $500, all her
right and title and interst in lands and landed estate of John
LAMB dec'd. /s/ Mary M. Lamb. Wit: James M. LAMB, Saml. B. LAMB.
Bk G, pg 169 18 Jan 1864
Martin WILLIAMS conveys to R.M. WILLIAMS, both of Crittenden
County, for natural love and affection Martin hath toward his son,
R.M. WILLIAMS and $1, 200 acres on waters of Tradewater. /s/
Martin Williams.
Bk G, pg 170 18 Jan 1864
Martin WILLIAMS conveys to James M. WILLIAMS, both of Crittenden
County, for natural love and affection he hath toward his son
James M. WILLIAMS and $1, 200 acres on waters of Tradewater. /s/
Martin Williams.
Bk G, pg 171 18 Jan 1864
Martin WILLIAMS conveys to Thomas G. WILLIAMS, both of Crittenden
County, for natural love and affection he hath for his son, Thomas
G. WILLIAMS and $1, 200 acres on waters of Tradewater River,
adjoining R.M. WILLIAMS. /s/ Martin Williams.
Bk G, pg 580 11 Apr 1865
Timothy TAYLOR and wf Evaline lease to Wm. J. MILLER and Wm.
CLEARVILLE, for sum of $1 for 40 years, all coal, oil,
petroleum, naptha, sale & minerals on and under the farm upon
which TAYLOR now resides on the waters of Ohio River and Camp
Creek, adjoining the farms of G.P. WILSON ... containing 180
acres as evidenced by deed from Jeremiah WILSON to TAYLOR and
also a patent from the Commonwealth of KY for 80 acres, making
a total of 180 acres.
Bk I, pg 66 26 Aug 1867
Sarah Ann LAMB, widow of John W. LAMB dec'd, conveys to Daniel
A. FLANARY, for sum of $1, all her right, title and dower to land
in Weston. /s/ Sarah Ann (X) Lamb.
Bk I, pg 583 20 Feb 1868
L.J. CRABTREE conveys to E.B. FRANKLIN, for sum of $500, 80 acres
on Ohio River, adjoining PHILLIPS line. Rec. 1 Jul 1869.
Bk J, pg 50 24 Jun 1869
Martin WILLIAMS conveys to Harriet D. TOWERY, both of Crittenden
County, for natural love & affection for his daughter & $1,
200 acres on waters of Tradewater. /s/ Martin Williams.
Bk J, pg 51 24 Jun 1869
Martin WILLIAMS conveys to the bodily heirs of Mary M. EASLEY,
all of Crittenden County, for natural love & affections for the
heirs and $1, 100 acres on waters of Tradewater. /s/ Martin
Bk J, pg 52 24 Jun 1869
Martin WILLIAMS conveys to the bodiy heirs of Mary M. EASLEY,
for natural love & affections for the heirs & $1, 100 acres on
waters of Woolf Creek, adjoining SHELTON's 1200 acre military
survey. /s/ Martin Williams.
Bk J, pg 53 23 Jun 1869
Martin WILLIAMS conveys to William L. WILLIAMS, both of Crittenden
County, for natural love and affection for his son William L and
$1, 100 acres on waters of Tradewater. /s/ Martin Williams.
Bk L, pg 341 19 May 1873
John E. HARMON conveys to Enoch STONE, both of Crittenden County,
for sum of $1000 ($526 in cash and $474 due later) for 100 acres
of land on Caney fork of Hurricane Creek.
Bk M, pg 163 25 Nov 1874
Timothy TAYLOR conveys to Peter STONE, for sum of $72, 12 acres
on Camp Creek. /s/ Timothy Taylor.
Bk M, pg 255 25 Apr 1874
Mary DILLARD and John Adam CRABTREE of Gallatin County, IL and
Rachel Ann WALKER and husband Moses of Crittenden County, heirs
of Franklin CRABTREE, convey to Wm. WILLIAMS, for sum of $200,
44 acres on Hurricane Creek.
Bk N, pg 311 28 Feb 1871
Timothy TAYLOR conveys to Charles WILSON, for sum of $186.50, 31
acres on headwaters of Camp Creek, being part of an orginial
survey, corner to J.R. and Wm. CAIN's survey and Peter STONE's
corner. /s/ Timothy TAYLOR. Wit: J.W. FRANKLIN
Bk B, pg 5 27 Nov 1846
J.D. BOYD of Crittenden County conveys to John D. McCONNELL
of Caldwell County, $40 for a tract of land in the counties
of Caldwell and Crittenden on the waters of the Piney fork
of Tradewater, it being a part of a tract of land containing
400 acres purchased by J.D. BOYD of Edmund J. WATKINS,
Commissioner for DRENNAN heirs. /s/ John D. BOYD, Elizabeth
(X her mark) BOYD. Wit: John GIBSON, Samuel F. CRIDER.
Bk B, pg 229 24 Oct 1848
Edward KEMP conveys to Samuel SPENCE 100 acres on Tradewater
adjoining LOVE's line for sum of $200. /s/ Edward KEMP,
Esther (X her mark) KEMP.
Bk B, pg 610 5 Nov 1850
Edward KEMP and wf Easter [sic] convey to Samuel A. DRENING
[DRENNAN?] 100 acres on waters of Piney Creek, adjoining, GRAY,
MAXFIELD, SMITH and PERKINS' old survey. /s/ Edward KEMP,
Easter (X her mark) KEMP.
Bk B, pg 889 14 Aug 1851
Trustees of Marion convey to J.W. RUTHERFORD of Crittenden
County, for consideration of an order from John S. GILLIAM,
proprietor of sd. town, to and in favor of Wm. H. ROCHESTER
for lots $28 and 30 in sd. town of Marion, order assigned
Bk B, pg 964 7 Feb 1852
John McDOWELL and wf Permelia and Joseph McDOWELL and wf
Mary, all of Crittenden County, convey to Samuel F. CRIDER
of Crittenden County, $225 for their interest in a tract of
land on the waters of Piney Fork of Tradewater containing 300
acres, being the farm belonging to Samuel CRIDER de'cd, which
descended to them by inheritance, the sd. John McDOWELL also
conveying the interest he purchased of Elisabeth BOYD. /s/
John McDOWELL, Permelia McDOWELL, Joseph McDOWELL, Mary (X
her mark) McDOWELL. Wit: Coleman BROWN, Wm. B. McCONNELL,
James (X his mark) GIBBS.
Bk C, pg 21 4 Sep 1852
Wm. H. CRIDER of Johnson County, IL conveys to John McDOWELL
of Caldwell County, KY, $250 for all his right, title and
interest in 4 negro slaves belonging to the estate of Samuel
CRIDER dec'd, to wit, Henry, about age 30; Mary, about age
22; Juda Casandra, age 3; and Martha Ann, age about 4 months.
/s/ William H. CRIDER.
Bk C, pg 262, 22 Jan 1853
Joseph McDOWELL and Mary McDOWELL convey to D.A. BUTLER, all of
Crittenden County, $200 for one equal eighth part of the
following negro slaves, woman named Mary, about age 22; Henry,
about age 35, Judy Cassandra, aged about 4 yrs and Martha, about
age 1 year together with one equal eighth part of the future
increase of sd. slaves, formerly belonging to Saml. CRIDER
dec'd and descended to his heirs and Mary McDOWELL being one
of the heirs. /s/ Joseph McDOWELL, Mary (X her mark) McDOWELL.
Bk C, pg 280 18 Aug 1853
David KIMSEY and wf Elizabeth convey to David BOURLAND 105
acres on Crooked Creek, being same land conveyed by M.F. DUNN
to KIMSEY, for sum of $620. /s/ David (X his mark) KIMSEY,
Elizabeth (X her mark) KIMSEY.
Bk C, pg 433 28 Dec 1851
Mattison F. DUNN and wf Lucinda convey to David KIMSEY 105 acres
on Crooked Creek, being same land conveyd to Wm. S. STINSON and
wf Mariah to A.F. HUGHEY and being same land DUNN now lives on,
for sum of $620. Wit: A.J. McCLUSKEY. /s/ M.F. (X) DUNN, L.F.
Bk C, pg 475 11 Mar 1854
Edward KEMP conveys to Joseph McDOWELL 200 acres on waters of
Piney fork of Tradewater for sum of $300. /s/ Edward KEMP.
Bk C, pg 485 27 Jun 1854
William SHELBY of Henderson County, KY conveys to Dempsey F.
KEMP of Crittenden County 100 acres on waters of Pini [sic]
adjoining Andrew N. SHELBY for sum of $150.
Bk D, pg 432 6 Aug 1856
Dempsey F. KEMP and wf Rachel convey to Wm. S. KEMP 47 acres
on waters of Piney Creek adjoining ASHER's corner in JOYCE's
line for sum of $100. /s/ Dempsey (X his mark) KEMP, Rachel S.
(X her mark) KEMP.
Bk D, pg 521 9 Mar 1857
Chesley NUNN and Wm. D. NEWCOM, executors of Wm. NEWCOM Sr dec'd,
convey to Stephen RUTHERFORD, for $1705, 216 acres on Tradewater
adjoining D. NEWCOM's corner, being same land on which Wm.
NEWCOM lived up to the time of his death, sd. land having been
devised by Wm. NEWCOM Sr to be sold by his executors ... and sold
this date at public auction to RUTHERFORD. /s/ Chesley NUNN,
Bk E, pg 54 1 Apr 1857
W.M. ASHER of Union County, KY conveys to William S. KEMP 52
acres on waters of Piney Fork of Tradewater, adjoining J.P.
JOYCE for sum of $230.
Bk E, pg 210 9 Jan 1858
Stephen RUTHERFORD and wf Amanda F., late Amanda F. SWANSEY,
convey to Isaac N. CONGER, for $125, their undivided interest
in the estate of John SWANSEY dec'd, being same land on which
Elizabeth SWANSEY now lives. /s/ Stephen RUTHERFORD, Amanda F.
Bk J. pg 155 25 Nov 1869
T.M. BUTLER conveys to Martin KEMP 40 acres on waters of Piney
fork of Tradewater adjoining the south bank of little Piney for
sum of $90.
Bk J, pg 566 11 Nov 1870
James P. JOYCE and wf Matilda convey to Wm. S. KEMP 70 acres on
waters of Wolf Creek adjoining N. HORNING for sum of $695.
Bk W, pg 230 21 Sep 1888
Joseph C. PERRYMAN and wf E.V. of Marion convey to A.J. PICKENS
lot #10 in Marion for sum of $550 ($180.50 in hand and one note
exeucted to R.W. WILSON for $60 for balance of purchase money
due him on this property and one note to J.C. PERRYMAN for
$302.50, both notes due 1 Nov 1888)
Bk W, pg 255 2 Nov 1888
Wm. H. BROWN conveys to Joseph C. PERRYMAN a parcel of land
known as the PATTERSON survey (containing 100 acres), beginning
at an elm near the Woolf den for the sum of $900 ($300 in cash
and 3 promissory notes).
Bk 2, pg 65 1 Jun 1892
J.C. PERRMAN and wf E.V. of Lyon County, KY convey to Robert C.
MONTGOMERY of Crittenden County all that survey known as the
PATTERSON survey on the waters of Clay Lick Creek for sum of
$730.30, being the purchase money, interest and costs due by
PERRYMAN to F.W. KIRK and others on the land, which sd.
purchase money has been sued on in Crittenden Circuit Court.
Bk 9, pg 627 22 Feb 1901
Thos. J. PERRYMAN and wf Anne E. of Crittenden County convey
to Martha E. ARFLACK, also of Crittenden County, 104 acres
on the waters of Hoods Creek adj. the public road, W.E.
WILCOX's corner, and Ira and Asa Lee NUNN's survey for sum
of $800.
Brenda Joyce Jerome, CGRS
page by peggy gilkey