Quillens and Crums Pictures

Boyd County, Ky.


Train Yard. Fred Quillen is the one circled. He was a brakeman for C & O. He died in 1943.



The Wise Crum family. This picture was taken early 1900’s in front of their log house. I think it was somewhere around Bolt’s Fork, or Lawrence county. The family tradition is that it was the cabin moved to Ashland as the Maguffy Log School. My grandfather was born in that cabin. Front row: Wise Crum, Maggie Klaiber Crum, Everett Crum Back row: Henry Crum, and Delbert Crum (my grandfather)



Calvary Episcopal Church, Ashland, KY Don’t know if it is a choir, or first Communion. My grandmother told me it the latter. Front row, Francis Quillen and Virginia Quillen, last two on right. Ca 1913?



The C & O shops or yard, the year is sometime in late 30’s early 40’s I have most of the men’s names. My great grandfather Fred Quillen is the one circled, third from the left. The others are (not sure of the order)Les Apple, Sam Griffith, ?Brobeck, Paul White, John Griffith, Ben Thomas, Bob Dawson, Grover Cleveland, Arthur Tackett, John Sammons, Sam Hammonds, Jim Barbie, Milt Elkins. My grandmother wrote on the back of the picture, but she did not specify what order they were in. Also, it looks as if it were printed backwards.



The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 1917. Fred Quillen is 4th from the right second row from bottom.



It is either the Rebekeh Lodge or the Three Links, or some auxiliary to the Railroad Trainmen. Not sure. Carrie Quillen (Fred’s wife) is first on top row, Daughter Virginia Crum is third from left middle row and daughter Francis Justice is bottom row third from left.



All of the photos have been 

submitted by Pam Wolfe 

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This page last updated

June, 2004