This magnificent structure, the largest and best appointed west of
the mountains, for the smelting of iron with bituminous coal, was fired on
the 27th of August, and the blast put on the 30th at 9 A. M.  The first cast
was made Tuesday, the 31st - eight tons.  The burden has not been put on
fully, and after four days run 20 tons in 24 hours is realized of good dark
grey mill iron.  We gave a description of this furnace several weeks since,
but will repeat that the stack is 60 feet high with 15 feet 1 1/2 inches
bosh, and uses Player's celebrated hot-blast - 3 stoves.  At present but one
stove is in use.  She has four batteries of boilers, each separate from the
other, so that any one, two or three may be used at the same time.  At
present but two are used, leaving two for change.  The hoisting apparatus
and water pumps all work well, as does the engine and doctor.  The
construction of the whole has been under the personal supervision of Mr. J.
E. Montgomery, of Youngstown, Ohio, who certainly has cause to feel proud of
so grand a structure.
The furnace starts out with the best of prospects, and has already
from 10,000 to 12,000 tons of ores on hand, mostly from the adjacent hills.
The Ashland coal (bituminous) only is used, and works to a charm, making a
bountiful supply of gas for the boilers and hot-blast.
So soon as the furnace gets fully under way Mr. Benj. Griffith will
have full charge of the founder's department.  Mr. Douglas I. Putnam is the
general manager; Frank Coles, Esq., clerk; Casper Castner first, and Wm.
Nicholson second engineers; head keepers Wm. Kessinger and John Stewart.
It is expected that she will, under full burden, average 40 tons per
day.  The furnace is the property of the Ashland Railroad & Coal Company,
and will soon have a large rolling mill and nail works added.
Ironton Journal, Wednesday, September 8, 1869


Transcribed by Jean Griesan