& Research

for Boone County,Kentucky
The Boone County Historic
Preservation Review Board
has released a book called:
Historic Structures of Boone County, Kentucky.
This book showcases 192 of Boone County's historic properties and celebrates
the County's built environment, which dates back to the late 18th Century.
The book is both a catalog of historic sites and an introduction to
the architecture, history and development of Boone County and its localities.
It is a contemporary account of Boone County history and a tool to enhance
the experience and understanding of Boone County's architectural heritage.
The book was written primarily by Margo Warminski, with contributions
from Donald E. Clare and Matthew E. Becher, and includes a foreword
by Former Boone County Judge/Executive Bruce Ferguson.
Historic Structures of Boone County, Kentucky
is available only through the Boone County Planning Commission (2995
Washington Street, Burlington, KY 41005; 859-334-2196) and
can be ordered by mail. Only 1,000 copies were printed of the
128-page, glossy covered, 8.5 x 11-inch book, .
Boone County Historic Preservation Review Board
2995 Washington Street
Burlington, KY 41005
by Roseann Reinemuth Hogan
Kentucky Genealogical Research
by George K. Schweitzer
Kentucky BlueGrass Roots
by the Kentucky Genealogical Society
you would like to see something listed here or would like to volunteer
your resource services please let
me know
for Boone County, Kentucky
would like to apologize to all our researchers who have written to say
that some of the lookup emails are no longer valid. Unfortunately, folks
volunteer in good faith and then change their email addresses and do
not notify me. I have removed all of the lookups that have become invalid.
Perhaps in the future these people will let me know their new email
addresses and we can add them back on.
Lookups for 1911 - 1980 Births, contact Robin FAMILYABC@aol.com
Kentucky GenLookups
A Directory
of Genealogy Volunteers
Willing to trade information. Many surnames. Have Files on Bagby's
and Goerler's back to 1500's.
link will take you to Stephen W. Worrel's site. It is a pay site.
I will do free lookups from the KY Birth, Death & Marriage
Records Index CD. For more extensive Northern KY research, and for decorative
family tree charts, my fee is $10.00 per hour plus expenses.
Jan Lester
"Genealogy by Jan"
I am a full time, Independent
Researcher that works in the National Archives, Washington, DC on
a daily basis, and would like to be of assistance to anyone who would
like to obtain photocopies of documents pertaining to their family
history - original sources such as U.S. Censuses, Passenger
Ship Lists and Military Records (Military Pensions, compiled Service
Records, and more).
Michael O. Anderson
Independent Researcher at the National Archives
Member - Military Order of the Stars and Bars
Member - Sons of Confederate Veterans (S.C.V.)
Member - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (S.U.V.C.W.)
Member - Association of Professional Genealogists (A.P.G.)
(this is a pay site)
I'm a volunteer for Genie Angels & RAOGK for Boone & Kenton
Please visit my genealogy
website and on my "Fee
Service" page, I can be hired as well!
Will do lookups for FREE for Boone County, Kentucky and Switzerland
County, Indiana. I have several cemetery listings for Switzerland
County, Indiana.