Martin Button
Transcribed from a microfilm copy on-line by Jim L. Wilson of Kentucky Probate Records 1727-1990,
Barren County Will Records 1828-1856, Vol 3, pp 391-394 and
Family Search (images 213 of 249).
Accessed 28 July 2014
Contributed by Jim Wilson
I Martin Button of the County of Barren being afflicted and weak of body but sound mind and disposing memory calling to mind the uncertainity of human life do hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form following
After my decease I desire that all my just debts be paid
2nd I have given to my daughter Jane Bush one horse saddle and bridle valued at seventy five dollars - a cow & calf valued at ten dollars - one cherry press valued at twenty five dollars - one bed and furniture vauled at twenty five dollars one negro woman Elener valued at three hundred dollars also Elener's five children to wit Thornton a boy valued at eight hundred dollars Hardon a boy valued at four hundred dollars also Joseph a boy valued at four hundred dollars and two girls Amandy & Mary the two valued at eight hundred dollars to her her heirs and assigns forever $ 2835
3dly I have given to my daughter Elizabeth Wheeler one horse saddle & bridle valued at seventy five dollars one cow & calf valued at ten dollars one cherry press valued at
twenty five dollars one bed & furniture valued at twenty five dollars one Negro boy Bob valued at eight hundred dollars and one Negro womean Harriet with her several children
She and all her increase valued at thirteen hundred dollars - To her her heirs and assigns forever $ 2235
4ly I have given to my daughter Virgan Mosby one horse saddle & bridle valued at seventy five dollars one cow & calf valued at ten dollars one cherry press valued at twenty five dollars one bed and furniture valued at twenty five dollars one Negro woman Sarah and her four children valued at fourteen hundred dollars and one girl Susan valued at six hundred dollars -to her her heirs and assigns forever $ 2135
5thly I have given to my daughter Sarah M Bush one horse saddle & bridle valued at seventy five dollars one cow & calf valued at ten dollars one cherry press valued at twenty five dollars one bed and furniture valued at twenty five dollars one Negro boy Charles and girl Anna the two valued at fourteen hundred dollars and one boy Calap valued at six hundred to her her heirs and assigns $ 2135
6thly I have given to my son Martin Button one horse saddle & bridle valued at seventy five dollars one cow and calf valued at ten dollars one cherry press valued at twenty five
dollars one bed & furniture valued at twenty five dollars one Negro boy John valued at eight hundred dollars and one boy Moses valued at three hundred dollars one Negro
man Henry valued at six hundred dollars I give also to my son Martin Button one hundred and fifty acres of land the boundry to be laid off so as to include the place where he now lives valued at six dollars per acre to him his hers & assigns forever $
7thly I have given to my son Boanerges Button one horse saddle & bridle valued at seventy five dollars one bed and furniture valued at twenty five dollars one Negro boy
George valued at eight hundred dollars and one boy Mark valued at four hundred dollars also a Negro woman Mary and her youngest child valued at three hundred dollars I also give to my son Boanerges Button one hundred and fifty acres of land to be laid off so as to include the premises where he now lives valued at six dollars per acre to him and his heirs and assigns forever $ 2500
8thly I have gien to my son Thomas W Button one horse saddle & birdle valued at seventy five dollars one negro boy Daniel valued at eight hundred dollars I give to my son Thomas four other Negros to wit Rice a man & Harriet with her two children a boy Huston and a girl a suckling child the four valued at twelve hundred dollars to him his heirs & assigns forever $2075 760/$ 2835
9thly I have given to my daughter Maria Louisa Button one horse saddle and bridle valued at seventy five dollars one Negro woman Caroline and her two children valued at
eight hundred dollars and one boy Ben valued at five hundred dollars also one girl Clara calued at four hundred dollars to her her heris & assigns forever $ 1875 1000/ $2875
10thly I give to my grandson Octavus Whitney one Negro woman Betty and her two children valued at eight hundred dollars I give him also two other boys Charles and Sam
the two valued at twelve hundred Further more I give to my grandson Octavus Whitney one girl Charlot valued at five hundred dollars all this I give him should he live and arrive
to the of twenty one years and provided that Octavus should not live to arrive to the age
of twenty one years the same which I have given to him to be equally divided among my
several children herein before mentioned or named $ 2000 500/$ 2500
11 In addition to what I have given to my daughter Elizabeth Wheeler I give to her also one Negro boy Frank valued at five hundred dollars making in all $ 2735 to her her heirs
and assigns forever $ 2735
In addition to what I have given to my daughter Sarah M Bush I give to her also one Negro girl Lucy valued at three hundred dollars to her her heirs and assigns forever making all $ 2435
13th In addition to what I have given to my daughter Virgan Mosby I give to also a Negro boy Jordan valued at three hundred dollars to her her heirs and assigns forever making in all $ 2435
14th When the protion of land which I have given & aforesd mentioned to my son Boanerges & Martin Button to wit one hundred and fifty acres to each of them has bin laid off or surveyed
15th The remaining portion supposed to be near four hundred acres and valued at twenty two hundred and sixty dollars and it being the protion of land whereon I now live and the same I give to my two children Thomas W Button and Maria Louisa Button jointly as follows - Being indebted to my son Thomas W Button to the amount of five hundred dollars to be paid in the fore mention tract of land and in addition to what I have given to him I also give to him seven hundred and sixty dollars interest in my said land and the five hundred paid in land making his joint interest as entire interest twelve hundred and sixty dollars and Mariah Louisa Button's interest in said land valued at one thousand dollars I give to them jointy in the fore named proportions to them and their heirs & assigns forever I have given to them as four hundred acres more or less
17th All the remainder of my estate both real and personal of what nature or kind soever it may be so divided among my several children herein before mentioned or named that
each & everyone shall have an equal share of the aggregate amount of my entire estate provided that if any shall have received more than an equal share of such aggregate
amount he or they shall not be required to refund the same which I have given to them their heirs and assigns forever
And lastly I do hereby constitute & appoint my sons Thomas W Button & Martin Button executor of this my last will and testament here by revoking all other former wills or
testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 1st day of January in year of our lord 1854
Martin Button {Seal}
Acknowledges as awa for the last will & testament of the above named Martin Button in the presence of us -
John J Curd Carlton J Radford James Thompson Jr
Barren County Sct January term 1854 the following writing perporting to be the last will and testament of Martin Button decd was produced in court and proven in due form of
law by the oaths of Carlton T Radford & Jno J Curd was of the subscribing witnesses thereto whereupon the same was ordered to be recorded as the true last will &
testament of said Martin Button decd
Att Travis Cockrill CBCC