Barren County Obituaries

T.G. Yancy

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

"DEATH OF MR. T. G. YANCY. News has been received of the death, December 18th, in Newman, Cala, of Mr. T. G. Yancey, aged seventy-seven years. His wife and four children survive him. He was a native of Barren county and was reared and educated at Glasgow, where his numerous friends will be shocked to hear of his death. He was the brother of the late Mr. John Yancy formerly of this place, but who died in Louisville several years ago.

"Mr. Yancy ranked high in the Knight Templar Lodge and for years achieved success as a lumber dealer in California. Mr. Yancy left about forty years ago."

Glasgow Times, Tuesday, 29 Dec 1914.

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