Barren County Obituaries

Jewell Preston White

Submitted by Sandi Gorin. She notes:
"I have no connection, no further information and am not seeking additional information."

Name: Jewell Preston White
Residence: Beattyville, KY
Died: Thursday, 16 September 1999, age 93.
Former Glasgow, KY native
Son of: William E. and Ethel Darter White
Widower of: Hattie Mae Fentress White
Retired co-owner of Dorris and White Oil Supply and Lee Country Oil Company
Member of Beattyville Christian Church - deacon.
Sisters: Clara Eaton of Utica, MI and Louise Thomas of Indianapolis, IN.
Brother: Paul White, Silver Springs, MD
Services: Newman Funeral Chapel, Sunday, 19 Sept 1999, burial Riverview Cemetery in Beatyville.

Glasgow Daily Times, Tuesday, 21 Sept 1999, p. 2

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